The Uzbek regime uses rape in its hidden war against Muslims

July 01, 2003 

Highly disturbing and worrying news has emerged recently from within the 
darkest corners of Uzbekistan. It has transpired that a Muslim sister, living 
in the village of Qaroqchi in Khojaobod was raped. In a shocking and callous 
manoeuvre, two Uzbek state officials raped the sister in full view of her seven 
year old daughter, on May 27. This heinous crime was committed simply because 
her husband, himself arrested on May 25, was a member of Hizb ut Tahrir.

This latest act of cowardice by Karimov and his cronies clearly shows that 
their shame knows no bounds. The increasing paranoia that now dominates his 
inner circles clearly manifested itself in this latest act of spineless cruelty 
and malice. As each day passes, the momentum against his tyrannical rule 
intensifies both domestically and internationally. It is something of which he 
is all too well aware. 

Karimov has repeatedly failed to rise to the intellectual challenge laid down 
before him. By refusing to meet argument with argument, thought with thought 
and doctrine with doctrine he has exposed the complete bankruptcy of his own 
political agenda. Instead, his response has been to mobilise the entire force 
of his brutal state apparatus against those who dare speak against him. He has 
extended them a carte blanche to imprison, torture and even murder any 
political opponent as they please. Despite these draconian measures he has 
repeatedly failed to extinguish the fire of Iman which burns within the da'wah 
carriers. Rather than dishearten them, the brutality of his regime has only 
served to strengthen their resolve.

In a last act of desperation, he has now resorted to extending this silent war 
against Islam and the Muslims to our honourable sisters. This is not the first 
time he has stooped to such levels. Last year his security apparatus arrested 
and tried Musharraf Usmanova - the widow of the martyred Farhad Usmanov. She is 
a mother of six. Earlier this month another Uzbek court sentenced Malika 
Raimova to eight years in jail for her membership of the party - despite her 
being over seven months pregnant. Another three sisters were convicted along 
with her.

Matilda Bogner, the Tashkent representative of Human Rights Watch, said "there 
are reports of female relatives of religious prisoners being raped by police in 
retribution for protesting about torture and treatment in jail." The UN 
rapporteur on torture, Theo van Boven, echoed Bogner's sentiments when he 
concluded that the use of torture in Uzbekistan "is not just incidental, but is 

Allah (SWT) unequivocally warns those who persecute the believers, 

"They had nothing against them, except that they believed in Allah, the 
All-Mighty, Worthy of all Praise! To Whom belongs the dominion of the heavens 
and the earth! And Allah is Witness over everything. Those who persecute the 
believers, men and women, and do not turn in repentance, will have the torment 
of Hell: They will have the punishment of the Burning Fire" [TMQ 85:8-10]

And He (SWT) warns those who continue to transgress, 

"Therefore I have warned you of a Fire blazing fiercely (Hell); None shall 
enter it save the most wretched, Who denies (truth) and turns away. But those 
devoted to Allah shall be removed far from it." [TMQ 92:13-17]

It is incumbent upon Muslims living in the west to protect the honour of their 
brothers and sisters in Uzbekistan. Allah (SWT) says 

"And if they seek your help in the Deen, you must help them" [TMQ 8:72]

The Uzbek interrogators use all forms of pressure, terror and torture on the 
arrested members of Hizb-ut-Tahrir in Uzbekistan, but despite this they are 
afflicted with hopelessness and despair and are seeking help from Turkey, 
Israel and Jordan. The following is a selection of statements by one of the 
inspectors under the authority of Karimov: 

- Those arrested number over 40,000, and we don't sleep day or night in 
pursuing them, but they are like ants. 
- What is strange is that all we ask of them is to reject this group, but they 
refuse, and prefer to go to Jail for periods between 12-20 years instead. All 
of them are young men, including many women in this group. 
- This issue is worrying us and worrying President Karimov personally, who 
inspects each and every leaflet produced by this group. We have met the 
President on numerous occasions, each time he asks us regarding 
(Hizb-ut-Tahrir) and how they are fought in the Arab lands, and how to meet 
with the Jordanian intelligence forces to learn from their experience and take 
their advice on how to fight them. 
- They must be clear that this 'Hizb' will not continue here, and we will be 
hunting them, every step they take, even if this means killing 100,000 of them, 
we will never allow them to stay. 
- Islam Karimov said to us: "I am like a cement pillar; I do not weaken or bend 
before Islam, and I do not care to win the approval of the people of 
Uzbekistan, or to use the policy of niceness with them."

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