the eunuch and the devil's mistress
  The World Media started a campaign blaming Hezbollah for 
   " Using their weapons inside the Lebanon"
  Each and every TV report showed us one Jumblatist
  or one Harririst or one Jeajeaiist, 
  saying that standard sentence :
  " They told us their weapons are against Israel only ,
  look now what Hezbollah is doing !! "
  If you watch the different news carefully and variably
  you will notice a great similarity , if not a striking resemblance ,
  in all those persons interviewed choice of words and content.
  Plus the fact that no reporter has found , by chance or not ,
  any pro-Hezbollah person to interview....
  Here , I would like to add my humble opinion and analyses :
  1- all fighters shown on TV did not wear the Hezbollah uniform.
  2- it is well known that AMAL-fighters is the most active group
  3- the SSNP is also second in quantity (and probably first in quality.)
  4- most fighters are hiding they faces , for obvious reasons , 
      a detail that the Hezbollah never does.
  5- Even some Druzes in the mountains are fighting against the Jumblatists.
  6- Even Sunnis in Tripoli are active against other Sunnis.
  7. so far no Christians are involved but, the good news is, that they are 
  8. Hezbollah is only doing 10% of the actual fighting , while collecting 100% 
      of the "blame" from the Western-Media .
  Having said that , 
  I would like to offer my defence and support to Hezbollah
  although I am sure that they need me not :
  When Hezbollah said it will not use it weapons inside Lebanon
  it was assumed that this enemy , who or what ever it is , 
  shall not reside in the Lebanon .
  Willingly or unwillingly , 
  the Lebanese Government support group known as the 14Th February 
  are practically and openly a Puppet to Condolisa Rice ,who in her turn, 
  is a Puppet to Israel , which in its turn a Puppet to Imperialism , 
  which in its turn is a Puppet to Zionism , 
  which is proved to be the Mother of all Evil .
  And finally a bit of political-philosophy:
  where is your enemy is as important as who is your enemy .
  If Zionism shall move to Mars, we shall follow it !! and help the Martians
  there is no place in humanity for racism and colonialism,
  even when it is hiding behind a Walid Jumblat and his sold-clan.
  Raja Chemayel
  a christian grateful to Hezbollah
  14Th. of May 2008
  one Lebanese-Pro-government-shit-head once said :
  "Hezbollah should not scare us ,  with its 10.000 rockets" 
  while at the same time,  the US Marine fleet is on the sea-horizon 
  in front of our Beirut, ready to intervene and to save "democracy" .

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