Biini Rally in front of a Mosque?
What a Bonus for the Worshippers ...!
Though the Mosque Administration has requested Moslims not to come to their 
Mosque on that day but I'm sure, more than normal crowd is going to show-up to 
watch that Rally. 
My other comments are inserted below. 

  ----- Original Message ----- 

  Mosque in Australia to get police guard for bikini rally

  POLICE have been asked to protect Australia's largest mosque next weekend 
because of concerns that a bikini march staged to coincide with the anniversary 
of the Cronulla riots may get out of control.

  The caretaker of Lakemba Mosque, the Lebanese Muslim Association, says it is 
taking no risks, requesting at least 32 police officers to protect the place of 
worship on Saturday and Sunday.

  Association president Tom Zreik said he met police on several occasions to 
ensure there would be adequate numbers of officers present to defuse problems 
and arrest troublemakers.

  "We are treating this as something that is funny and hilarious but also 
taking precautions," Mr Zreika said of the bikini march. "Some people may see 
this as provocation and the last thing that we want is to see anyone being 

  The organiser, Melbourne grandmother Christine Hawkins, has asked women 
nationally to dress in bikinis and colourful beachwear and rally outside large 
mosques to show their disgust at comments by leading Muslim cleric, Sheik Taj 
el-Din al Hilaly, who likened women to "uncovered meat".

  A white supremacist website has promoted the march. Members of Sydney's 
Muslim community began raising their concerns last week, with hundreds joining 
an internet discussion to find a "peaceful avenue" to protect their mosque.

  Many Muslim women suggested joining the march in their hijabs and burqas to 
voice their outrage at comments made by Senator Bronwyn Bishop and Prime 
Minister John Howard about the way they dress. "We're really asking people not 
to bother coming to the mosque," Mr Zreika said.

  "All this is doing is degrading women and giving men a great excuse to have a 
perv. There are better ways women can express their concerns."In Cronulla 
yesterday members of the Lakembaroos sports club attended a barbecue at North 
Cronulla Surf Club to mark the progress of more than 20 Muslim lifesavers, who 
are training for their bronze medallions.
  "If we didn't have the events of Cronulla last December in the back of our 
minds, we wouldn't even be conscious that the people here were of Lebanese 
background," Community Relations Commission chairman Stepan Kerkyasharian said.
  "They look Australian, they are taking part in an Australian activity and you 
have to ask 'what's the problem?"'

  The training is an initiative of Surf Life Saving Australia.


  Do these people not understand the meaning of civilised behaviour and 

  TURKMAN: Yes they do. Don't you know, Moslim Civilized Behaviour in Pakistan 
is to slaughter the believers of 'the other faiths'?
  Civilized Behaviour is only protesting in whichever way people choose. If you 
don't like it, leave Australia ...! Why the hell are you there in violation of 
Shriyah at the first place? Why don't you admit that Moslim Nations (which are 
made of people like you) have failed to create a better society than Non 
  By protesting in such a manner they are showing the fallacy of freedom which 
allows such behaviour to exist and also showing their moral bankruptcy.

  TURKMAN: Talk about your Religious Bankruptcy? Islam does not permit you to 
emigrate to any land of Non Moslims and you have just for the money. Has Islam 
ever told you to emigrate to Non Moslim Lands because you have messed-up your 
own land so bad that you can't find jobs?

  Do they expect anyone to take them seriously?

  TURKMAN: Do you expect any Australian to take you seriously, the Scum Bags, 
who sacrificed their Culture and Society and Islam for a better living?
   What is more shocking is that the organiser is a grand mother who surely 
should be teaching her children and grand-children how to behave in a civilised 
manner rather than in a way befitting animals.

  TURKMAN: What is more shocking is that actual people, who have rejected 
living in their own Culture and Civilization are objecting to the Civilization 
of Non Moslim people knowingly, who they themselves preferred to spend their 
rest of lives with. Were Australian advertising in your Moslim Country 
guaranteeing practice of your kind of Islam? No. Then, why did you emigrate to 
Australia beside your dreams of a lot better life than the Islamic Hell you 
were living in? Why do you think, laws of a lot more successful country should 
be changed just because of you instead of deporting you back to your hell that 
you refuged from for asking to change their laws? Its stupid for people like 
you to petition, when you couldn't you change your own country's laws to create 
a better society and actually rejected your own countries in practice.  

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