Source:  295793530
  University of St. Thomas hears from a few right-wing Jews and calls it a 

Rumors have been circulating for some time that Archbishop Desmond Tutu was 
banned by the University of St Thomas in Minnesota because of statements he 
made that some consider anti-Semitic. Now it's official: winning the Nobel 
Peace Prize doesn't protect you from charges of anti-Semitism if you criticize 
Israeli human rights practices. Neither, apparently, does being one of the most 
compelling voices for social justice in the world today, or even getting an 
honorary degree from and giving the commencement address at Brandeis. 

Minneapolis/St.Paul's City Pages just reported that members of the St Thomas 
Justice and Peace Studies program were thrilled when Bishop Tutu agreed to 
speak at the University" but administrators did a scientific survey of the Jews 
of Minneapolis, which included querying exactly one spokesperson for 
Minnesota's Jewish Community Relations Council and several rabbis who taught in 
a University program" and concluded that Tutu is bad for the Jews and should 
therefore be barred from campus. 

… in a move that still has faculty members shaking their heads in disbelief, 
St. Thomas administrators--concerned that Tutu's appearance might offend local 
Jews--told organizers that a visit from the archbishop was out of the question. 

"We had heard some things he said that some people judged to be anti-Semitic 
and against Israeli policy," says Doug Hennes, St. Thomas's vice president for 
university and government relations. "We're not saying he's anti-Semitic. But 
he's compared the state of Israel to Hitler and our feeling was that making 
moral equivalencies like that are hurtful to some members of the Jewish 

St. Thomas officials made this inference after Hennes talked to Julie Swiler, a 
spokeswoman for the Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the 
Dakotas. "I told him that I'd run across some statements that were of concern 
to me," says Swiler. "In a 2002 speech in Boston, he made some comments that 
were especially hurtful." 

Just to send the message home, Swiler says: 

"I think there's a consensus in the Jewish community that his words were 
To be clear here, Swiler and the other rabbis have the right to say whatever 
they think, though representing those opinions, as Swiler does, as a Jewish 
consensus, is laughable. 

Ultimately, groups like Minnesota's JCRC, the right wing fringe group Zionist 
Organization of America, and the increasingly embarrassing Anti-Defamation 
League, who have all attacked Tutu for his criticism of Israeli policies, will 
face the consequences of smearing Tutu -- a hero to millions and leader of a 
movement that was known for the massively disproportionate involvement of 
numerous South African Jews. 

But it's the craven behavior of the administrators of St. Thomas that will 
likely be a mark of shame for years to come. While it's understandable, given 
the Church's history of virulent anti-Semitism, that a Catholic institution 
would be extra sensitive about relations with Jews, it's not clear here that 
there was any real pressure to cave in to. Did groups threaten to picket? Who 
knows what administrators were thinking? 

Regardless, the backlash has already begun. Marv Davidov, an adjunct professor 
within the Justice and Peace Studies program said: 

"As a Jew who experienced real anti-Semitism as a child, I'm deeply disturbed 
that a man like Tutu could be labeled anti-Semitic and silenced like this," he 
says. "I deeply resent the Israeli lobby trying to silence any criticism of its 
policy. It does a great disservice to Israel and to all Jews." 

To make matters worse, when Cris Toffolo, the chair of the Justice and Peace 
Studies program told Tutu what happened and warned him of a possible smear 
campaign, she was immediately demoted. 

Davidov again: 

"This is pure bullshit," says Davidov. "As far as fighting for civil rights, I 
consider Tutu to be my brother. And I consider Cris Toffolo to be my sister. 
They're messing with my family here. If Columbia permits a Holocaust denier 
[Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad] to speak at their university, why are 
St. Thomas officials refusing to let Tutu, an apostle of nonviolence, speak at 

"What happened at the University of St. Thomas is not an isolated event," says 
Toffolo. "Until we have an honest debate about U.S. policy related to Israel, 
and about Israeli policy in the Occupied Territories, the spiral of violence 
will continue." 
Why Tutu? Why now? Are his statements anti-Semitic? 

Bishop Tutu is closely associated with Sabeel, a Jerusalem based Christian 
liberation theology organization started by Palestinian Anglican pastor Rev. 
Naim Ateek. Sabeel is "an international peace movement initiated by Palestinian 
Christians in the Holy Land who seek a just peace based on two states-Palestine 
and Israel-as defined by international law and existing United Nations 
resolutions."The group, and founder Naim Ateek in particular, have come under 
considerable attack by mainstream Jewish organizations that see their influence 
on domestic Christian organizations as a threat. 

Sabeel works with local Christian partners to hold conferences in major cities 
across the United States. To the consternation of many, Bishop Tutu will be the 
featured speaker in late October at the Boston Sabeel conference. The 
conference title? "The Apartheid Paradigm in Palestine-Israel:Issues of Justice 
and Equality." 

Members of my group, Jewish Voice for Peace, have spoken at a handful of Sabeel 
conferences, and our Boston chapter is sponsoring a peace walk at the Boston 

As one JVP colleague who participated in several Sabeel conferences told me, 
she believed that Naim Atteek was guilty, at most, at times of being unaware of 
Jewish sensitivities around using certain Christian theological language (in 
fact, she publicly challenged him on this issue), but that he is ultimately 
advocating for a nonviolent resolution that recognizes the humanity and rights 
of both Jews and Palestinians. Of that, she has no doubt. (There are, to be 
sure, plenty of Palestinian sensitivities around language as well, though there 
is little interest among leaders of a variety of faiths in learning what those 
might be.) 

Interestingly, the same can perhaps be said for Bishop Tutu, whose 2002 Sabeel 
speech seems to be the primary evidence offered for the cancellation of his 
talk. It's impossible to convey the spirit of his talk by quoting only bits and 
pieces, so read it. Read the whole thing, especially the part cited by St. 
Thomas' Doug Hennes where he says Tutu compared Israel to Hitler. 

The talk is notable for its philo-Semitism and its equally passionate 
condemnation of Israel's occupation of Palestinian land and people. For anyone 
who has been to the Occupied Territories, let alone lived through it, his words 
of condemnation are impossible to argue with. His language is challenging in 
part because it is imbued with the disappointment of a Christian raised to look 
up to Jews, and the heartache of an anti-apartheid leader who was once buoyed 
by passionate Jewish support. He struggles to make sense of the checkpoints, 
the home demolitions, the land confiscations, done by a state that says it 
represents the very same people. 

What is clear is that he at times uses language loosely without understanding 
how it might hurt or offend us Jews. Does that make him an anti-Semite? Of 
course not. Should he be banned for using a term like "Jewish lobby" that makes 
many of us uncomfortable? Are you kidding? 

Tutu never wavers in expressing his love of and hope for peace and security for 
both peoples. "Peace based on justice," Tutu says, "is possible. We will do all 
we can to assist you to achieve this peace, because it is God's dream, and you 
will be able to live amicably together as sisters and brothers. " 

Action alert: Jewish Voice for Peace is asking people to go here to send a 
message to university officials asking them to let Tutu speak. 

  Polak writes: "   Quote:   
  concluded that Tutu is bad for the Jews and should therefore be barred from 
campus {...} 

and the increasingly embarrassing Anti-Defamation League   
  If US Jews had 1/10th of a brain they would have castrated the ADL as 
something that is going to be worse for the Jews than anything else has ever 

Believe it or not, this cockroach’s games can only end up killing a lot of 
Jews. Remember Polak told you they would. 


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