The Money Party - The Essence of Our Political Troubles by Michael
Collins<>| Sep
30 2007 - 3:36pm |

Michael Collins <>
"Scoop" Independent News <>
Washington, D.C.

* **The Money Party* is a small group of enterprises and individuals who
have most of the money in this country. They use that money to make more
money. Controlling who gets elected to public office is the key to
*more*money for them and
*less* for us. As 2008 approaches, The Money Party is working hard to
maintain its perfect record.

It is not about Republicans versus Democrats. Right now, the Republicans do
a better job taking money than the Democrats. But The Money Party is an
equal opportunity employer. They have no permanent friends or enemies, just
permanent interests. Democrats are as welcome as Republicans to this
party. It's
all good when you're on *the* *take* *and* *the* *take* *is legal.*

This is not a conspiracy theory. There are no secret societies or sinister
operators. This party is up front and in your face. Just follow the
. One percent of Americans hold 33% of the nation's wealth. The top 10% hold
72% of the total wealth. The bottom 40% of Americans control only
0.3%(three tenths of one percent). And
that was before "pay day loans."

The story is as old as civilization but the stakes have never been higher
than they are right now.

In every campaign for major office, the party passes out money and buys
candidates from both parties. Thanks to the candidates who get elected, this
*pay to play* system remains perfectly legal. Those elected get luxury
trips, sweet jobs for family members, and more campaign contributions for
the next round of elections. What they do is *perfectly* *legal* even though
it looks like bribery.

In return for contributions, the election *winners* come through by fixing
the laws so that The Money Party cleans up. Lower taxes, highly favorable
business regulations, laws that shield their businesses from real
competition all start with the nonstop flow of Money Party funds. Cost is no
object, because in the end it's all paid for with our tax dollars.

The Money Party gets no-bid contracts as well as the ability to lay off
their employees and dump their pension plans just about any time they want. It
doesn't get much better than that. It's welfare for big money and survival
of the fittest for the rest of us.

We are nothing to them.

When the White House and Congress ignore the health care crisis year after
year, why be surprised? They're not in office to serve you. The drug
companies and hospitals had their bid in first.

When our public *servants* fail to get us out of Iraq, don't take it
personally. That will happen when The Money Party says so.

When citizens suffer and starve for days after a hurricane, we're told *they
should have been better prepared.* When levees and bridges collapse, it's *an
act of God*. But when the fat no-bid contracts show up, The Money Party
takes it all.

Unreliable election systems, citizens excluded from the vote on the basis of
race and class, and questionable results don't matter as long as the
*right*candidates get in. We
pretend to vote, they pretend to get elected, but there's no doubt who is in
charge - The Money Party.

It's nothing personal. The party is just doing its job. Why be surprised or
disappointed? It's been happening for centuries. The more some have, the
more they want, the harder they fight to keep it. Spread some around so they
can get even more. It's a rigged game from top to bottom.

*We let this happen*. We can change it. The first step is to name it, and we
just did.

The Irish fought for 800 years to win their independence from the world's
most powerful empire. Generations came and went before the goal even seemed
possible. They never gave up.

Now it's our turn.


Note: This is the first in series of articles on The Money
. Other topics include why we end up with such lousy leaders, why it's so
hard to get rid of them, and how the party manipulates the public debate
with misleading terms and crackpot ideas that seem legitimate. Special
thanks to John Arbuthnot and Jillian Hayroot for their input.

*Permission granted to reproduce in whole or part with a link to the
original article in "Scoop" Independent News and attribution of authorship
to Michael Collins.*

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