The Scientific Miracle - The Existing Universe in the Quran - Part 4
  Copyright © By Dr. Adel Elsaie, Book Title: "History of Truth, The Truth 
about God and Religions"
      The Quran is full of reflections on the heavens. Instead of a continuous 
narration, there are verses scattered all over the entire Book which deal with 
certain aspects of Creation and provide information on the successive events 
marking its development with varying degrees of details. To gain a clear idea 
of how these events are presented, the scattered verses must all be examined 
together. This is quite easy now, since there are dictionaries for all the 
words in the Quran, and one can obtain all the Ayat that deal with a particular 
subject. Again, it is extremely important to keep in mind that the Quran is a 
Divine Book and not a science book. These verses are scattered in many chapters 
to serve the purpose of reflection on the Glory of the Almighty in many places 
and in many times. Occasionally, one listens to the Quran without grasping the 
divine meaning of the verse. When one is ready to receive and feel the meaning 
of a certain Ayah, then this becomes a great
 spiritual experience.
  The Expansion
  Expansion of the universe is one of the most awesome discoveries of the 
twentieth century. The evidences for expansion of the universe are so powerful 
to the extent that it is considered a fact. The discussions of cosmologists are 
focusing now on the mechanism and the factors that affect this expansion. 
  Allah refers to the expanding universe in the following verse:
    Surah 51, Ayah 47 "We have built the firmaments with might and we indeed 
have vast power."
  The above translation does not reflect the actual meaning of the Ayah. Any 
Arab speaking person will translate the above verse as follows:
    "We have built the skies with might and we indeed are expanding (them)"
  The Arabic verb used means continually expanding, and refers to the previous 
noun that is the skies. Other translations of this verb include "width and 
generosity", and "to make them wider." One of the translations called "The 
choice" or in Arabic "Montakhab", stated clearly its meaning that the universe 
is expanding.
  The fact is that Allah described the expansion of the universe in a short 
sentence. Muhammad stated this fact that took humanity ages to discover and 
measure. Who told him that? This fact could not be envisioned in the seventh 
century and authored by an unlettered Arab when he had no previous knowledge 
about cosmology. It must have been a divine inspiration!
  Interstellar Material
  Throughout the Quran, Allah refers to the skies and the earth and what is 
between them:
    Surah 15, Ayah 85 "We created not the heavens, the earth, and all that in 
between them, but for just ends." 
  Surah 50, Ayah 38 "We created the heavens and the earth and all between them 
in six days, nor any sense of weariness touch us."
  What is in between the skies and the earth? The creation of the universe 
occurred by condensing the material of the primary nebula followed by its 
division into fragments that constituted the primary Protogalaxies, the first 
celestial bodies. The latter split up into galaxies, stars and planets. The 
concept of having some form of interstellar material was recently introduced to 
account for the huge missing mass of the universe. Does this interstellar 
material consist of cosmic strings that, if they exist, have tremendously dense 
matter and energy? Does this interstellar material consist of neutrinos or 
black holes? Here we are in the twenty-first century and we just do not know 
what is this ghost matter. Their more scientific name is "interstellar 
material" There is no doubt now that interstellar material exists and it can be 
imagined as bridges of material between or inside galaxies.
  Until recently, no one ever dreamt of a matter of such magnitude and weight 
existed. Yet an unlettered Arab in the seventh century spoke of this very same 
interstellar material. If he were the author of the Quran, how did he come up 
with such a concept that was only discovered recently? And the exact nature of 
this interstellar material is still unknown. These findings should further 
stimulate an attempt to understand and dissect each word of the Quran very 
carefully, thus shedding light on what we still do not know. And God Knows the 


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