2007-09-06 Thread looney crazy
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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Thought for the day

2007-09-06 Thread PoEtEsS
Speak Sweetly
A bitter tongue makes life bitter, a sweet tongue makes life better.



"Silence is my Life...Silence is my World...Silence is my Beautiful BOON"

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] A Thought

2007-09-06 Thread PoEtEsS
If you are holding onto emotions carried over from yesterday, last week, a 
month ago --etc, then you cannot be completely open to the present. That is a 
shame. Because your true learning, growth, and break through revelations come 
in the present moment. 


"Silence is my Life...Silence is my World...Silence is my Beautiful BOON"

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] MUSHY - Your TIME is Up Says the CRUSADER

2007-09-06 Thread AB
“Your TEMPORARY Ally Accreditation is Withdrawn Forthwith. You Have Done Our 
DIRTY Work to Our Satisfaction Although Lately We Were Not Satisfied With Your 
RAMBLINGS. It is Time to Move On. We Will Get Either Benny or Nawaz to Do the 
Balance Dirty Work for Us. So Long My ‘FRIEND’. God BLESS America.” - GWB
  Musharraf - Beginning of the End?
  By M Ilyas Khan 
  BBC News, Karachi
  The Pakistan Supreme Court's decision to allow exiled former Prime Minister 
Nawaz Sharif to return to the country leaves Gen Pervez Musharraf between a 
rock and a hard place. 
  On the one hand, there is a new grouping of opposition parties, the APDM, 
determined to throw the military ruler out of power by street protests and 
through the courts. 
  On the other, there is the PPP, the largest political party in the country, 
which says it is willing to work with him - but only as a civilian president 
under an overhauled parliamentary system in which the prime minister dominates. 
  Many say this is exactly the situation that Gen Musharraf was trying to 
prevent when he "suspended" the country's top judge in March. But unexpectedly 
for most observers, Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry decided to fight 
back, and started a process of mass mobilisation that now threatens to rip 
through the army-led political set-up in the country. 
  Bitter rivals 
  In July, the Supreme Court restored Justice Chaudhry, greatly embarrassing 
the government. Now, as some observers put it, it has helped "resurrect" Gen 
Musharraf's bitterest rival. Nawaz Sharif sacked Gen Musharraf as army chief in 
October 1999, and ordered an aircraft carrying him and more than 200 other 
passengers back from Sri Lanka to be prevented from landing at Karachi airport. 
  The military reacted by staging a coup, deposed Mr Sharif and charged him 
with endangering the lives of the passengers in what came to be known as the 
"hijacking case". He was sentenced to life in prison. In 2000, Gen Musharraf 
pardoned him and sent him into exile in Saudi Arabia for 10 years under a 
controversial deal whose details are still not fully known. 
  But last month Mr Sharif approached the Supreme Court, pleading his right 
under the constitution to return to the country. It agreed. 
  Counter strategy 
  Just as pro-Sharif activists celebrated outside the Supreme Court in 
Islamabad, Gen Musharraf was chairing a meeting of top aides in nearby 
President House to discuss the emerging scenario. 
  Analysts say one option the government may exercise to contain Mr Sharif is 
to arrest him as he enters the country. Corruption cases have been reopened 
against Mr Sharif and his family. Government lawyers have also indicated that 
his conviction in the "hijacking" case may be "revived". Independent legal 
experts say the higher courts are unlikely to agree because the conviction 
ended with a presidential pardon, as provided for in the constitution. 
  In the corruption cases, experts say, the government can only hope to confine 
Mr Sharif for a limited period of time as he could well be granted bail. So the 
prospects for Gen Musharraf are not encouraging. 
  Fierce agitation 
  His term as president comes to an end in November, after which he will need 
to be re-elected by parliament in order to continue in office. The term of 
parliament itself runs out in October, and national elections will have to be 
held before that to elect a new parliament. Gen Musharraf wants to be 
re-elected from the current parliament in which his loyalists have a majority, 
and also wants to remain army chief. His plans are not likely to stand the test 
of law. 
  In addition, opposition groups united under the newly-formed APDM alliance 
are threatening street protests if Gen Musharraf tries to have himself 
re-elected. Analysts expect this campaign to grow even fiercer when Mr Sharif, 
who heads the largest party in the alliance, is personally present in the 
country to lead it. 
  His return is also likely to spark defections from the pro-Musharraf wing of 
the Pakistan Muslim League, which contains former supporters of Mr Sharif who 
the military persuaded to defect after he went into exile. 
  Lame-duck president 
  The only other option left for Gen Musharraf, say analysts, is to strike a 
deal with another former Prime Minister, Benazir Bhutto, whose PPP has stayed 
out of the APDM.  But even then, Thursday's court ruling has left Gen Musharraf 
with fewer bargaining chips against Ms Bhutto than he had earlier. 
  He has been delaying the implementation of a "deal" that Ms Bhutto claims she 
clinched with the government following year-long negotiations. In recent 
interviews, she has indicated broad contours of the deal that include legal 
re-adjustments to abolish a two-term limit on prime ministerial candidates, 
re-balancing of powers between the presidency and the parliam

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] the month of Ramadhan

2007-09-06 Thread ***hajikhan***
It is related by Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) 
  that the Messenger of Allah (sallallaho alaihi wa sallam) said 
  "When the month of Ramadhan comes, 
  the Gates of Heaven are thrown open 
  and the Gates of Hell are shut, 
  and the devils are put behind bars" 
  In another report, the "Gates of Mercy" 
  are mentioned in place of the "Gates of Heaven". 
  [Bukhari and Muslim]

Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] can you trust a Muslim?

2007-09-06 Thread linda young
 Thankyou for the information. I asked because i am now spending alot of my 
time with my Muslim friends but i have seen some deceipt and have felt 
uncomfortable with it. Those involved tried to tell me the Qur'an allowed 
deceipt if it was for a good cause, but i have seen people get hurt badly by 
it. How can that be good?

Hi there Linda,
  The Prophetic teaching is that 'He who deceives us is not of us'. In another 
saying the Messenger Muhammed Peace & Blessings of God be upon him says that a 
Muslim can not lie!
  There are times when 'lying' is permissible - such as in warfare - or when 
the lives of people are at stake etc (i.e. bank robbery, the robber starts 
shooting -and asks you where are the bank tellers hiding - you do not go and 
tell them - as they kill them etc).
  Muslims are urged to be truthful people. This needs to be inculcated at a 
young age in the children, as trying to teach manners to people who have not 
had the oportunity is quite difficult.
  Lying, deception cheating, stealing etc are all sins, and punishable in the 
hereafter, or even in this world by the law.
  Another instance where 'lying' is permissible is to make up between two 
friends/ married couples etc. 
  But in generality, a Muslim is meant to be someone whom others are safe from 
their hands (any form of harm that is - whether deception, abuse, being cheated 
or hit etc).
  The ideals are exceptional -and it is up to the devotees to do their best to 
fulfill the comandments.
  May God make it easy for us all to follow this beautiful way of life. Amin
  Wassalaamu 'ala manit taba'al Huda
  Abu Khadijah

Hi, i hope this is ok but i'd like to ask the group a question. I was 
wondering what Islam says about deceipt and lies? Are Muslims required to be 
truthful or are there instances when it's 'ok' to lie? I'm studing Islam at the 
moment and am interested in views on this subject.
  Thanks for your help, Linda

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 For ideas on reducing your carbon footprint visit Yahoo! For Good this month.

Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Re: Christian Missionaries Go From East to West to CATCH Fish

2007-09-06 Thread leon adrianto
Aren't they clever. What about the Muslim missionary, where are they?

  Christian Missionaries are now taking advantage of vulnerability of 
the poor and illiterate people in Iraq and Afghanistan. They are 
trying to convert poor and illiterate people in the guise of "aid 
worker"! So, the power monger imperialists and Christian Missionaries 
are going hand in hand!

--- In, "Shahid" wrote:
> eGroup For Muslims Around The WorldChristian Missionaries Go From 
East to West to CATCH Fish
> BEWARE of Christian Missionaries
> "When the Missionaries Came to Africa They Had the Bible & We Had 
the Land. They Said "Let Us Pray." We Closed Our Eyes. When We Opened 
Them We Had the Bible & They Had the Land."
> - Bishop Desmond Tutu
> Further Fervor: Missionaries Go From East to West
> --

> August 3, 2007; Page W11
> The recent kidnapping of South Korean Christians in Afghanistan 
highlights an overlooked fact: Asian missionaries are everywhere, and 
today they're often found in some of the world's most dangerous 
hotspots. Nowhere has this hit home harder than in South Korea, where 
the Afghan incident has triggered widespread soul searching.
> On July 19, 23 South Korean aid workers were kidnapped in the 
central Ghazni province by Taliban militants. The pastor, Bae Hyung-
kyu, was shot dead on July 25; five days later, 29-year-old Shim Sung-
min was killed and dumped on a roadside. As I write this, the rest of 
the group is still in Taliban custody.
> Although only about 30% of South Korea's 49 million citizens are 
Christian, the country is second only to the U.S. in the number of 
missionaries it sends abroad. As of last year, 16,600 Korean 
missionaries were stationed in 173 countries.
> The people taken hostage in Afghanistan were on a popular kind of 
tour in which church groups go on short, nonevangelical aid trips. 
Mostly in their 20s and 30s, all of the hostages were members of the 
Saemmul Community Church, a Presbyterian congregation in Bundang, a 
suburb of Seoul. Many were English teachers or medical professionals. 
Over a 10-day period, the group was scheduled to be in northern 
Afghanistan, then travel to Kandahar, to organize "medical activities 
and activities for children," according to Kim Hyung-suk, president 
of the Korean Foundation for World Aid, which organized the trip.
> The Koreans were seized at gunpoint while riding a bus on the 
highway from Kabul to Kandahar. Their captors have demanded the 
release of 23 Taliban prisoners in exchange for the hostages, but the 
Afghan government has refused.
> Missionaries in Asia have long faced violence. A hundred years ago, 
American and European Christians streamed into the region to convert 
the Chinese and Koreans. During the Boxer Rebellion (1899-1901) in 
China, foreign missionaries were targeted and in many cases killed. 
But they kept coming because Asia houses some of the world's largest 
non-Christian populations. Today, Christians in Asia number 350 
million, up from about 20 million in 1900, according to statistics 
from the Center for the Study of Global Christianity. And as 
Christianity flourishes, more and more believers -- often Asian -- 
begin to heed Jesus' instruction to his disciples to spread their 
faith across the world.
> The presence of South Korean Christian aid workers is one of the 
most visible examples of the trend toward "majority world" 
missionaries-those hailing from continents other than Europe and 
North America. South Korea, for example, sent only 93 missionaries 
abroad in 1979, but by 2000 there were over 8,000 and this number 
doubled by 2006.
> South Korea's fervor is unique in that it's a relatively new 
Christian nation. The example set by the missionaries (mostly 
American and British) who came to work in Korea is still a recent 
memory. Like its neighbors China and Japan, the Korean peninsula was 
traditionally influenced by Buddhism and Confucianism. A small number 
of Catholic missionaries came in the late 18th century; their 
Protestant counterparts arrived about 100 years later. But it wasn't 
until the 1960s that the number of Christians began to increase 
dramatically. The traumas of the Japanese occupation (1910-45) and 
the Korean War (1950-53) had left the country reeling, and some see 
Christianity's growth as a response to those difficult times.
> Although about half of Korean missionaries go to other East Asian 
countries, a growing number settle in places like Jordan, Turkey and 
Syria. Korean missionaries were present in Iraq until the 2004 
beheading of a Korean translator there. The flow of majority-world 
missionaries goes from west to east as well: One underground church 
in China is run by a missionary who felt called to go ther

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Gulfnews: American imams to be trained in the UAE

2007-09-06 Thread Curtis Sharif
ASA for further information, Contact Brother 
Khalid Abu Bakr Ahmad at [EMAIL PROTECTED] .
  Click here: Gulfnews: American imams to be trained in the UAE 

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Palestinians Prefer Pro-West Govt - CRUSADER & NAZIsrael the Victors

2007-09-06 Thread AB
Democratization of the Muslim World
  “When We Say That We Want the Muslim World to Embrace Demo-CRAZY – What We 
Want to See is the INSTALLTION of Govts Which Will Implement OUR Agenda in 
Those Countries. If Any Democratically Elected Govt in the Muslim World Tries 
to Implement Its OWN Agenda It Will Be Branded as a TERRORIST STATE & Its Neck 
SQUEEZED to Such An Extent That Either It SUFFOCATES To Death OR Accepts OUR 
Agenda So that It Can BREATHE Freely.” – The WESTERN World
  Palestinians Prefer Pro-West Govt
Mohammed Mar’i & Agencies§ion=0&article=100368&d=24&m=8&y=2007
  RAMALLAH/JERUSALEM, 24 August 2007 — Palestinians prefer the Western-backed 
government of Salam Fayyad to the sacked Cabinet of Hamas Premier Ismail 
Haniyeh, according to an opinion poll published yesterday. 
  The poll published by the Jerusalem Media and Communications Center (JMCC) 
following Hamas’ control over the Gaza Strip found that a majority of the 
Palestinian public, 46.7 percent, generally believes that the situation in the 
Gaza Strip worsened following Hamas’ takeover of the Gaza Strip, compared with 
27.1 percent who think that the situation has improved. The poll also found 
that respondents blamed Hamas for the deadly internal fighting that preceded 
the takeover, and support early elections, as called for by President Mahmoud 
Abbas. The majority of Gazans, however, feel their security has improved since 
the Hamas rout.
  Fighters from the Islamist Hamas overran security forces loyal to Abbas, 
leader of the secular Fatah party, on June 15. Afterward, the president fired 
the Hamas-led unity Cabinet and appointed Fayyad, a respected economist, to 
head a government of independents, a move not recognized by Hamas.
  When asked to evaluate the performance of the Fayyad and Haniyeh Cabinets, 
46.7 percent said Fayyad’s was better, compared with 24.1 percent who said it 
was worse and 22.8 percent who said they were similar. 
  When asked who was to blame for the deadly factional clashes in Gaza that 
preceded the Hamas takeover, 43.5 percent said Hamas, 28.4 percent chose Fatah 
and 17.5 said both. The breakdown for respondents in the Gaza Strip was little 
different from the territories as a whole with 40.7 percent, 30.9 percent and 
17.7 percent respectively.
  When asked to describe the situation in Gaza after the Hamas takeover, 46.7 
percent said it was worse, compared with 27.1 percent who said it was better, 
and 21.1 percent who said it had not changed. In Gaza, the figures were 45.2 
percent, 34.1 percent and 20 percent, respectively.
  Meanwhile, Hamas supremo Khaled Meshaal said efforts to end the bitter feud 
with Abbas were deadlocked because of Israeli and US meddling, and insisted his 
men would stay in control of Gaza. And he warned in an interview with AFP that 
despite renewed efforts to forge peace between Israel and the Palestinians, 
resistance remained the only option for Hamas, whose charter calls for the 
destruction of the Jewish state.
  “Mediation efforts are at an impasse because they (Abbas’ Fatah faction) have 
shut all the doors and rejected Palestinian and other Arab mediation, including 
initiatives by some Fatah officials,” Meshaal told Agence France Presse in 
Amman in a telephone interview from Syria. “Israeli and American interference 
is responsible for blocking the reconciliation,” he said. Meshaal said: “We 
have not taken Gaza in order to give it back to them... We have defended our 
legitimacy against ‘warlords’ who were preparing a coup with the help of the 
Americans and the Israelis.”
  Abbas Makes Election Law Changes
  Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has announced changes in the 
election law which could boost his Fatah party against rivals Hamas. Under the 
new law, Palestinians will vote solely for party lists, while voting by 
district will be eliminated. 
  Hamas, which took control of the Gaza Strip after fighting with Fatah in 
June, described the move as illegal. Mr Abbas revealed the changes as he met EU 
foreign policy chief Javier Solana in the West Bank city of Ramallah. Mr Solana 
is having talks with Palestinian and Israeli leaders to help prepare for an 
international Middle East peace conference planned for later this year. 
  Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, who is special envoy for the Middle East 
peace sponsoring group known as the Quartet, is expected in the region later on 
  'No right' 
  Palestinian officials said the decree on election law had already been signed 
and would be published later in the day. 
  The decree also requires all election candidates to recognise the 
Fatah-dominated Palestine Liberation Organisation as the "sole, legitimate 
representative" of the Palestinian people, a position not accepted by Hamas. 
  Hamas condemned Mr Abbas' move. "The presid

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Companions of the Prophet Muhammad. Who were they and why are they so important?

2007-09-06 Thread Shahid Khan
* *

* *

* *

*Companions of the Prophet Muhammad. Who were they and why are they so
important? *

MENTION is often made of the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be
upon him). Just who were they and why are they so important?

A Companion is anyone, man or woman, who met the Prophet (pbuh) - whether
for a short or long period - and who died while still Muslim. Many of the
Companions were relatives, wives, servants, or close friends of the Prophet.
The details of the Prophet's life - including his words, deeds, and
reactions to events - have been handed down to us through the Companions.
These accounts form the collection of Hadiths from which we derive the
Sunnah, which is the second basis of Islamic law after the Qur'an.

The Companions, men and women, are exemplars of faith. The earliest Muslims
suffered terrible torments at the hands of the Quraish, the ruling tribe of
Makkah. Those who emigrated from Makkah left behind their homes and
families, even all their worldly possessions, to follow the call of Islam.

Many of them were fearless. One of them ('Ali Bin Abi Talib) was willing to
take the place of the Prophet (pbuh) in his bed when the Quraish were
planning to assassinate Muhammad (pbuh) in his sleep. Another, a woman
(Nusaybah Bint Ka'b), protected the Prophet in the Battle of Uhud. Many
others fought fearlessly in the battles to defend their faith.

The Companions memorized the verses of the Qur'an as they were revealed, and
those who were lettered wrote the verses down. So many of them devoted
themselves to memorizing the entire Qur'an that when Zayd Bin Thabit was
tasked with compiling one standard copy, he was able to assure there were no
errors in writing by comparing his copy to the memorization of the
Companions. Allah promised to protect His Qur'an, and it was through the
efforts of the great Companions (and their later followers) that He did so.

Reading through the biographies of the Companions, one is struck by their
devotion. Several of them were noted for their ascetic way of life. Others
were noted for their extreme generosity. Still others were noted for their
piety and fear of Allah's wrath - even for sins they had committed before
they embraced Islam, although embracing Islam effaced their sins. Because
some of the Companions were in such close contact with the Prophet (pbuh)
and familiar with his sayings and doings, their opinions on jurisprudence
were often sought and remain recorded in books. Many of the Companions,
including his wife A'ishah, survived the Prophet by several decades and were
able to pass on their knowledge to two or three generations.

Thus we owe a great deal to the Companions of the Prophet, and we honor and
respect them all.

Compiled from various sources.

*Permission is granted to circulate among private individuals and groups, to
post on** *

*Internet sites and to publish** in full text and subject title in
not-to-profit publications.** *

*  *

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Reminding u to read Soorat AlKAHFon Friday

2007-09-06 Thread hossam kiwan
   Reminding u to read Soorat AlKAHF on Friday

نذكركم بقراءة سورة الكهف كل يوم جمعة

وقال صلى الله عليه وسلم : ( من قرأ سورة ( الكهف ) في يوم الجمعة أضاء له من
النور ما بين الجمعتين ) [ صححه الألباني في صحيح الترغيب والترهيب / 736 ] ..

وقال عليه الصلاة والسلام : ( من قرأ سورة ( الكهف ) ليلة الجمعة، أضاء له من
النور ما بينه وبين البيت العتيق ) [ صححه الألباني في صحيح الترغيب والترهيب /
736 ] ..

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] ZAKAT CALCULATOR

2007-09-06 Thread Shahzad Warsi

Download Zakat Calculator Click here

Alhamdulillah, the month of Ramadhan has been bestowed upon us by Allah. ZAKAT 
is one of the five fundamental pillars of Islam, mandatory on all muslims who 
are of eligible wealth. Zakat is due from and payable by a person on his wealth 
(and not his income), which has remained with him/her for one Islamic year.

It is difficult to calculate the completion of one year on each item of wealth, 
because purchase dates may vary. To overcome this difficulty, a practical 
method is to fix a date (e.g. 1st of Ramadhan), compute your total wealth on 
that date and calculate Zakat, thereon.

Download Zakat Calculator Click here

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Bamboo

2007-09-06 Thread Abida Rahmani

  The Bamboo 
   Once upon a time, in the heart of the Western Kingdom, lay a beautiful 
garden. And there, in the cool of the day, the Master of the garden was wont to 
walk. Of all the denizens of the garden, the most beautiful and most beloved 
was gracious and noble bamboo. Year after year, bamboo grew yet more noble and 
gracious, conscious of his Master's love and watchful delight, but modest and 
gentle withal. And often when the wind came to revel in the garden, Bamboo 
would cast aside his grave stateliness, to dance and play right merrily, 
tossing and swaying and leaping and bowing in joyous abandon, leading the Great 
Dance of the garden, Which most delighted the Master's heart. 
  Now, once upon a day, the Master himself drew near to contemplate his Bamboo 
with eyes of curious expectancy. And Bamboo, in a passion of adoration, bowed 
his great head to the ground in loving greeting. The 
  Master spoke: "Bamboo, Bamboo, I would use you." 
   Bamboo flung his head to the sky in utter delight. The day of days had come, 
the day for which he had been made, the day to which he had been growing hour 
by hour, the day in which he would find his completion and his destiny. 
  His voice came low: "Master, I'm ready. Use me as Thou wilt." "Bamboo," – 
The Master's voice was grave --- "I would have to take you and cut you down!" 
   A trembling of great horror shook Bamboo…"Cut …me… down ? Me.. who 
thou, Master, has made the most beautiful in all thy Garden…cut me down! Ah, 
not that. Not that. Use me for the joy, use me for the glory, oh master, but 
cut me not down!" 
  Beloved Bamboo,"—The Master's voice grew graver still—"If I cut you not 
down, I cannot use you." 
  The garden grew still. Wind held his breath. Bamboo slowly bent his proud and 
glorious head. There was a whisper: 
  "Master, if thou cannot use me other than to cut me down.. then do thy will 
and cut". 
  "Bamboo, beloved Bamboo, I would cut your leaves and branches from you also". 
  "Master, spare me. Cut me down and lay my beauty in the dust; but would thou 
also have to take from me, my leaves and branches too?" "Bamboo, if I cut them 
not away, I cannot use you." 
  The Sun hid his face. A listening butterfly glided fearfully away. And Bamboo 
shivered in terrible expectancy, whispering low: "Master, cut away" 
  "Bamboo, Bamboo, I would yet… split you in two and cut out your heart, for 
if I cut not so, I cannot use you." Then Bamboo bowed to the ground: "Master, 
Master… then cut and split." 
   So did the Master of the garden took Bamboo…
and cut him down…and hacked off his branches…and stripped off his 
leaves…and split him in two…and cut out his heart. 
   And lifting him gently, carried him to where there was a spring of fresh 
sparkling water in the midst of his dry fields. Then putting one end of the 
broken Bamboo in the spring and the other end into the water channel in His 
field, the Master laid down gently his beloved Bamboo… And the spring sang 
welcome, and the clear sparkling waters raced joyously down the channel of 
bamboo's torn body into the waiting fields. Then the rice was planted, and the 
days went by, and the shoots grew and the harvest came. 
   In that day Bamboo, once so glorious in his stately beauty, was yet more 
glorious in his brokenness and humility. For in his beauty he was life 
abundant, but in his brokenness he became a channel of abundant life to his 
Master's world. 
  Let`s ponder on our own lives and think how much we can sacrifice for the 
sake of our Master, Allah swt to spread peace and happiness..




  Abida Rahmani
  If all the trees in the world were used to make paper it would not be 
sufficient to write all the blessings provided to us.

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Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] After a Grave Sin

2007-09-06 Thread Orhan Muhammed Al Shareef
Assalaamu 'alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh,
  Akhi since there is no Khalifah or an Islamic Dawlah in place today - where 
on Earth can you carry out this punishment? There is no vigilantiasm in Islam, 
so repentance at present is what's left.
  May Allah subhaanahu wa ta'ala help us all.
  Fi Amanillah
  Abu Khadijah

  We have to live our lives according to the teachings
of the Quran and Sunnah. So when a person commits
theft, his/her hand should be cut off. Same goes for
other punishments prescribed by the sunnah. 
I hear alot of scholars say that when a person commits
a great sin , they should repent. Repentance alone
does not expiate for ones sins. The punishment one
might recieve in this world is nothing like the
punishment in the next. So it would be better to
receive the legal punishment in this world. 

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