Bismillah [IslamCity] A list of VIDEO!!!

2008-04-17 Thread Nasrin Akther
bismillah ir rahman ir raheem
asalamualik wa rahma tullahi wabaraka tuhu,

i just gathered these for something i am doing, i thought it would be nice
sharing with you all as well. insha-allah. very beneficial lectures clips
from* PAST seminar, insha-allah don't miss the current one,
that is going on AIAT.*

akram's page
--> --> seek ilm
--> --> shaykh sad - Q&A
--> --> seek ilm
--> --> seek ilm
--> --> an advice
--> --> mufti trans
--> --> mufti trans
--> --> mufti
--> --> shaykh sad - QA!!?
mujab page
-= - UIK - sample lectures - =-
-= UIK - interview of students -



Nasreen As-Thuriayaa As-Salafiyah

New York - Brooklyn

Bismillah [IslamCity] Importance and power of boycott - Dutch Businesses to Sue Wilders

2008-04-17 Thread Shahid
Dutch Businesses to Sue Wilders 

THE HAGUE - Fearing a Muslim boycott, major Dutch businesses are threatening to 
sue far-right lawmaker Geert Wilders over his documentary portraying the Noble 
Qur'an as inciting violence. 

"If they (Muslims) decide to boycott Dutch businesses, it will harm Dutch 
exports," Bernard Wientjes, the chairman of the Dutch employers' organization 
VNO-NCW, told the newspaper Het Financieel Dagblad, reported Agence 
France-Presse (AFP).

"Companies like Shell, Philips and Unilever are easily recognizable as Dutch 

Wilders, the leader of the far-right Freedom Party, released his anti-Qur'an 
film on a video-sharing website on Thursday, March 27.

A Counter Movie Against Wilders'

In Opposition to Anti-Qur'an Film

The film intersperses images of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United 
States and the Madrid train bombings in 2004 with verses from the Qur'an.

The documentary also featured a Danish cartoon of a man said to be Prophet 
Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) with a bomb protruding from his 

"I don't know if Wilders is rich, or well-insured, but in the case of a 
boycott, we would look to see if we could make him bear responsibility," said 

Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard has already threatened legal action against 
the far-right politician for using the cartoon in his film without permission.

Dutch-Moroccan rapper Salah Edin has also vowed to sue Wilders for using his 
picture to portray the killer of Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh over his 
anti-Islam film "Submission".

The anti-Qur'an film has already sparked mounting calls in the Muslim world for 
boycotting Dutch products.

"If Muslims unite, it will be easy to take action," said former Malaysian prime 
minister Mahathir Mohamad. "If we boycott Dutch products, they will have to 
close down their businesses.

"If the world's 1.3 billion Muslims unite and say they won't buy, then it (the 
boycott) will be effective," he said.

Nearly 30 Jordanian newspapers, radio stations and websites have launched a bid 
for boycotting Dutch businesses.

Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende has warned it could be "months" 
before the consequences of the film were known.

Muslims worldwide boycotted Danish products during the 2005 Prophet cartoon 
crisis, causing Danish companies nearly $1.5 million a day in losses.

Denmark's leading dairy company Arla Foods, one of the hardest hit, issued at 
the time a strong condemnation of the cartoon and appealed to Arabs and Muslims 
to end their boycott of its products.

- Forwarded message --

Fitna - Schism (The Bible version of Fitna) 
Fitna the movie (what about the bible) 
Fitna movie Dutch MP Geert Wilder anti-Islam -Video response 
The Bible version of Fitna: 

Bismillah [IslamCity] The Taliban blowback

2008-04-17 Thread Arif Bhuiyan
The Taliban blowback
The US enlisted the help of the mujahideen to fight the Soviet army in 1980s 
Afghanistan. But Pakistan, too, began fostering Islamist extremism. Now, Declan 
Walsh reports, it is suffering the violent consequences.
By Duncan Walsh

Two recent films feature Pakistan's lawless North-West Frontier province. The 
first is Charlie Wilson's War, a glossy Hollywood tale about how a 
cocaine-sniffing, skirt-chasing congressman helped goad the CIA into a massive 
covert war against Soviet-occupied Afghanistan in the 1980s.
In one scene Tom Hanks, who plays Wilson, and Julia Roberts, his flinty 
southern belle, bring a powerful Washington politician named Doc Long to a 
squalid refugee camp near Peshawar in neighbouring Pakistan. Moved by the 
plight of the Afghan refugees, Long promises he will send weapons to fight the 
infidel communists.
"This is good against evil. And I want you to know that America is always going 
to be on the side of the good," the pudgy white man declares to the turbaned 
crowd of Afghan exiles. "Allahu Akbar!" they yell. Long punches the air in 
return. "Allahu Akbar!" he shouts.
The second film is far from glossy; in fact it is a non-fiction production. 
Shot in Mohmand, a tribal area in Pakistan's borderlands near the Afghan 
refugee camps created by that conflict in the 80s, Revenge is a straight-to-DVD 
job. It sells for the equivalent of 40p in the bazaars of Peshawar and its 
budget is evident in the wobbly camerawork and harsh lighting. But the action 
is all too real.
In the climactic scene, a Taliban gang parades six men, accused of theft and 
betrayal, before a crowd of perhaps 5,000 tribesmen. The prisoners are badly 
beaten, naked to the waist and smeared with their own blood. They are shoved 
before the central figure - a man in traditional shalwar kameez and basketball 
boots, brandishing a knife as long as his forearm. Amid much ballyhooing, he 
beheads the prisoners, one by one.
The camera spares no detail. The head-chopping Talib clamps his hand over his 
victims' mouths as he hacks at their necks; fellow fighters clamour to take 
photos with their mobile phones; blood squirts on to the soil. But only one 
sound is audible. "Allahu Akbar!" the crowd cries. "Allahu Akbar!"
The film exemplifies the fundamentalist fury sweeping Pakistan's frontier 
region, a fury that has swelled to alarming proportions. Across the North-West 
Frontier province that abuts Afghanistan, self-proclaimed Taliban forces - a 
hotchpotch of religious diehards, foreign fugitives, angry tribals and village 
thugs - are imposing their influence at gunpoint. Girls' schools have closed, 
movie and music stores have been torched and barbers who dare to shave beards 
have shuttered their pokey little stalls. Perceived enemies are kidnapped or, 
in some cases, beheaded.
Even more worrying, the violence is spilling into other parts of Pakistan. A 
cascade of suicide attacks and bombs have rocked the main cities. Recent 
victims have included a three-star general stalled in traffic, FBI agents at a 
pizza joint and the opposition leader Benazir Bhutto, killed as she left an 
election rally in Rawalpindi.
In one of the largest attacks, a massive car bomb gutted a seven-storey police 
headquarters in Lahore. For days afterwards terrified city residents streamed 
past to gawp at the awesome destruction. "It looks like we've been attacked by 
an enemy country," said Muhammad Umar, a municipal clerk, staring at the 
sagging mess.
The bloodshed has stalled in recent weeks as a new, civilian-led government 
takes control. But few expect the calm to last. Many Pakistanis blame America. 
Since 2001 the Pentagon has given the Pakistani army more than £5bn to fight 
militants in the tribal badlands. But for many Pakistanis this is "America's 
war" - a fight inadvertently started by Charlie Wilson.
Throughout the 80s the US used Islam as a weapon against the Soviet occupiers 
of Afghanistan, funnelling billions of dollars in weapons to the mujahideen 
fighters. The struggle became a cause celebre across the Muslim world, sucking 
in disaffected young men like Osama Bin Laden.
After the Soviet forces crawled home in 1989, Wilson and the CIA largely forgot 
about their jihadi creation until the attack on the World Trade Centre in New 
York in September 2001, when the realisation came painfully late.
Pakistanis make this argument forcefully and frequently (though usually 
omitting to mention that their more respected ally, Saudi Arabia, paid for half 
of the anti-Soviet jihadi budget). But the 80s jihad also spawned a home-grown 
malignancy - one that now poses a powerful threat.
Recognising the jihadis' skill with a Kalashnikov and dedication to God, 
Pakistan's powerful Inter-Services Intelligence agency (ISI) gave them a fresh 
assignment in the 1990s: Kashmir. Led by Afghan veterans, fighters were 
secretly trained, armed and funded by the ISI to fight Indian soldiers in 
Kashmir. The best were lat

Bismillah [IslamCity] Islam, the new Israel

2008-04-17 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Muslims who complain the most over Israel'’s immunity to criticism are the same 
ones who complain the most about Islam’'s lack of immunity. Wrong speech is 
countered by correct speech, not by shutting it up.
  By Hazem Bata, April 14, 2008
And condemnation won't hurt

  A writer once said, "“I disagree with your opinion, but I will defend to the 
death your right to say it."” I agree with this philosophy, even having seen 
Geert Wilder’s film, Fitna. And while I disagree with many of his conclusions 
in the film, as a Muslim secure in my faith, I will defend his right to express 
himself and to be critical of my religion and my fellow Muslims.

There is a sentiment popular among Muslims that Islam should be immune from 
criticism, constructive or otherwise - especially when it comes from 
non-Muslims. This sentiment is often the result of misplaced pride and the fact 
that, currently, Muslims have little else to be proud of. Regardless of the 
reasons, this defensive sentiment still comes as a shock to me. There has never 
been a religion, belief, philosophy, perspective or idea that has been immune 
from criticism. Looking back at history, Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, 
Marxism, capitalism, globalism, communism, socialism and every other "‘ism"’ 
has been subject to scrutiny and public debate. Why should Islam be any 
different? One should already expect that such scrutiny will often come from 
those who do not believe in the ideology they are criticizing (in this case, 
from non-Muslims). Why, then, are Muslims so sensitive to investigation of 
Islam when it comes from non-Muslims (or even other Muslims)?

Nothing is immune from criticism, constructive or otherwise, including Islam. 
All of the prophets, and the messages they conveyed, were subject to every type 
of scrutiny and humiliation (in many cases, far worse than what we are 
experiencing now). However, their response was not to silence and condemn the 
opposition, but to teach it. If we are so concerned about the honor of our 
religion, we should try practicing it in response.

Ironically, the most striking example of this do-not-criticize sentiment in the 
non-Muslim world involves Israel. At least in the United States, Israel has 
achieved a level of sanctity so high that it is beyond reproach. If you 
criticize Israel, rightly or wrongly, you are branded an anti-Semite. No 
politician can dare object to it. No mainstream pundit can openly condemn it. 
Surprisingly, the Muslims who complain the most over Israel'’s immunity to 
criticism are the same ones who complain the most about Islam’'s lack of 

In the last couple minutes of his film, Mr. Wilder concludes that, among other 
things, Islam is intolerant, undermines freedom and seeks to destroy Western 
civilization. Other than his conclusions in the film, there is actually very 
little for a Muslim (or anyone else) to object to. Most of the film consists of 
quotes from the Koran, actual footage of various Muslim clerics and militant 
groups spewing hatred or beheading people, actual photos of Muslims committing 
atrocities, and actual newspaper or magazine headlines highlighting such 
footage and photos. In all honesty, most of the film is closer to being a 
documentary than hate speech.

Where the film fails, however, is that the quotes from the Koran are not given 
any context whatsoever. And admittedly, if one were to interpret such quotes 
literally, and without context, it would be very easy for a non-Muslim (and 
evidently for Muslims too) to conclude that Islam promotes violence. These 
quotes are then overlapped with the footage and photos of Muslims promoting or 
engaging in violence. The insinuation is that such promotion and engagement is 
simply in furtherance of the quoted verses. 

This conclusion, while incorrect, is to be expected. The fact of the matter is 
that there are many Muslims who engage in violence as a form of protest or 
problem-solving, who violate human rights, and who openly hate and call for the 
murder of “kuffar”. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that non-Muslims 
will combine a superficial interpretation of these verses with the atrocities 
committed by some Muslims and conclude that Islam and its followers are 
violent. In fact, I would be surprised if they came to any other conclusion.

I do not fear or condemn non-Muslims scrutinizing Islam. In fact, I encourage 
it. It is only through this process of scrutiny and understanding that one can 
appreciate Islam (or anything else for that matter). What I do condemn, 
however, is an incomplete and biased analysis that fails to interpret holy 
verses in context of the surrounding verses, and in context of the 
circumstances to which they respond, and in context of the greater Koran, and 
in context of the teachings and example of the Prophet.

What is necessary now is an orchestrated, substantive and effective response to 
the film. A response that expla

Bismillah [IslamCity] "The Lies" ultra-short-poem which does not even ryme

2008-04-17 Thread raja chemayel
  the lies brought the invasion
  the invasion brought the occupation
  the occupation brought the colonisation
  the colonisation brought the Oil
  Oil brought power and wealth 
  (to the USA,exclusively)
so what has happened to
the announced ,
 Freedom and Democracy for Iraq ??

  Raja Chemayel
  hopefully not short-sighted
  16Th of April 2008

 Yahoo! for Good helps you make a difference

Bismillah [IslamCity] Sat 19 April, 7:45 PM - Free Introductory class: Learn Quranic, Written and Spoken Arabic

2008-04-17 Thread Urgent


‎ Basic Level (evening classes):  Two Programs



·   One day per week: only Saturdays

·   Two days per week:   Mondays & Wednesdays


  Free Introductory/ Orientation class & Registration for both programs
  Sat 19, April 08, 7:45 PM – 8:45 PM


Teaching Methodology

¯Learn by direct practical usage, we manage to teach this comprehensive 
language ‎avoiding complex grammatical terms and difficult style. ‎

¯Precise Exercises and Audio – Video support 

¯Small groups - individual attention.   

¯Learn even during your job, studies and business. ‎

¯No complicated traditional methods and books. ‎


Objectives & Benefits of Learning the Arabic Language

?‎Ability to understand the Holy Quran without translation, InshaAllah. 

?‎Opens the Arabic Speaking Business and Jobs Markets for ‎you.

?Easily penetration in Arab society, and hence, good PRs. 

?‎Short time, cost-effective, very useful and interesting.‎


Waseem Usman Al-Madani – the Course Coordinator

Profile at a glance:

¨  Graduated from the Islamic University, Madinah Munawwarah, 

¨  Masters in Islamic Studies & Arabic, Karachi University and completing 
Ph.D., program in the Faculty of Arabic, Karachi University.

¨  Teaching the Arabic Language since more then 20 years at various 
renowned academic organizations and private institutes.

¨  Worked more then six years in an Arab Foreign Mission as English-Arabic 

¨  Arabicized many computer programs (softwares).

¨  Translated many Islamic, Technical & Medical Literatures in 
Urdu-English-Arabic (published in both international & national levels).

¨  Developed Arabic Language curriculum for several reputable schools.

¨  Compiler of the Arabic Workbook.


  Go for it!


  ‎ Course Description
 L e v e l s
 C o u r s e   S p a n

  (3 hours/ class)

  for Quranic & Modern Written and Spoken Arabic Language simultaneously
  Basic: *
 60 Hours
 Rs. 12500***
 60 Hours
 Rs. 15000***
 30 Hours
 Rs. 8000***

* for Basic Level: Special Discount of Rs. 1000/= for students & couples.

** Including Arabic workbook & Audio-video backup for listening comprehension

*** Rs. 1000 at registration (adjustable in fee) then the balance at startup


On completion of the Basic Level successfully …

You will be able to communicate ‎with the most frequently used Arabic sentences 
and to understand ‎more then 500 words which are being used in Quran and Modern 
‎spoken Arabic, InshaAllah.‎

Basic Level is also suitable for people going to Gulf countries for ‎job/ 
business and for students seeking admission in the Islamic University, Madinah 


Venues:  ‎

‎1) 57, DMHS, Near Tariq Chowrangi, Shaheed-e-Millat Road, Karachi.‎


‎2) Near Urdu Bazar, M.A. Jinnah Road, Karachi‎


Plz call, we will give you full detail of  location.‎



‎Please Call or SMS your suitable program & email address to Mr. Waseem Usman 
‎on 0301 230 21 31 for further details. ‎


We apologize for any inconvenience that we may have caused.

If possible, please forward this message.

New Programs for the Arabic Classes


Bismillah [IslamCity] Islamic World Calls for Boycott of Dutch Products

2008-04-17 Thread SA PEER MOHAMED
  Islamic World Calls for Boycott of Dutch Products to Protest 
Wilders' Film
  Sarah Abdullah, Arab News
  http://www.arabnews .com/?page= 4§ion=0&article=108927&d=14&m=4&y=2008
  JEDDAH, 14 April 2008 — Following the release of the 15-minute film 
"Fitna," which was launched via the Internet on March 27, created by Dutch MP 
Geert Wilders', Muslim leaders and Islamic scholars have called for the 
immediate boycott of Dutch products worldwide.
  In the movie, Wilders links terrorism with verses of the Qur'an and described 
Islam's holy book as, "fascist literature, which calls on Muslims to perpetrate 
acts of violence." The movie also begins and ends with the infamous cartoon of 
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that was originally published in the 
Danish newspaper Jyllands Posten in 2005 and later in other dailies in other 
  The Jeddah-based Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) Secretary 
General Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu expressed his concerns on the dangerous 
implications of "Islamophobic actions," such as the film and the cartoons. 
  He called such forms of expression a "widespread insult to the sentiment of 
Muslims of the world," adding that the movie was "a reprehensible act of 
incitement and intolerance against peaceful inter-religious and inter-communal 
cohabitation that challenges the global agenda for peace and development."
  Angered reactions did not only come from within Saudi Arabia but also other 
Islamic countries, including Jordan, which has recently began a national 
campaign to push for taking Wilders to court.
  Furthermore, just last week, Former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamed urged 
Malaysia and the Muslim world to launch a boycott of Dutch products, saying 
that the impact of such consumer actions by the world's 1.3 billion Muslims 
would lead to the Netherlands having to "close shop" and added that a boycott 
would be a productive way of putting pressure on the Dutch government to ban 
the screening of the film altogether.
  Arab News tried for several days to speak to Ambassador Nicholaas Beets at 
the Embassy of the Netherlands in Riyadh to get an official reaction on the 
film and to inquire about the course of action that would be taken if Saudi 
Arabia decides to go ahead with a boycott but was met with no comment.
  However a reliable source from within the embassy spoke to Arab News saying, 
"The ambassador has been attending meetings with top embassy officials to come 
to an agreement and a course of action before releasing a formal statement," 
the source said.
  Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who leads the world's largest 
Muslim country, which also allows freedom of religion, said he had forbidden 
the entry of the anti-Islamic film into his country because the film would 
destroy the harmonious relations among people of different backgrounds. "I have 
banned the entry and distribution of the film and have asked the Dutch prime 
minister to withdraw the film from all distribution channels," Yudhoyono told 
thousands attending a service to mark the Prophet's birthday. He also said 
Wilders would be banned from entering Indonesia .
  Iranian Parliament Speaker Gholam Ali Hadded Adel was quoted by Iranian press 
TV as saying that the Muslim world should boycott trade with any country that 
allows insults to Islam and that sacrilege of Islamic sanctities is the worst 
kind of cultural onslaught and violation of human rights.
  Last week, Iran also summoned Dutch Ambassador Radinck van Vollenhoven to 
protest at the film which, for his part voiced sorrow over the film's release 
stating that it had been condemned by the Dutch government.
  Still others expressing outrage over the film include the Muslim nations of 
Syria, Pakistan, and Bangladesh as well as top officials such as United Nations 
Secretary General Ban Ki-moon who said that the film was "offensively 
anti-Islamic" while adding that there is "no justification for hateful speech 
or incitement to violence."
  But what do the Dutch really think about the film despite the government's 
efforts to distance themselves from Wilders? According to a poll of 1,200 
persons, conducted in the Netherlands by well-known pollster Maurice de Hond, 
one-third of the Dutch population had seen the film in its entirety or in part 
a day after the film was posted on the Internet. 
  The poll found that 20 percent thought it was good that Wilders made and 
released the film while 25 percent said they thought it would have been better 
that Wilders did not make and release the film. The same poll found 48 percent 
of the Dutch were indifferent regarding the subject.
  Bernard Wientjes, head of the Netherlands Employer's Organization, has 
suggested that Dutch businessmen sue Wilders for financial damages should the 
film result in monetary losses due to any boycotting. The BBC also reported 
that Kurt Westergaard, the artist who painted the controversial cartoon, is 
suing W

Bismillah [IslamCity] update - Importance and power of boycott - Dutch Businesses to Sue Wilders

2008-04-17 Thread Shahid
updated links include the right videos and the wrong links removed.

- Forwarded message --
  Fitna - Schism (The Bible version of Fitna) 
  Fitna the movie (what about the bible)  
  The Bible version of Fitna: 

Dutch Businesses to Sue Wilders 
THE HAGUE - Fearing a Muslim boycott, major Dutch businesses are threatening to 
sue far-right lawmaker Geert Wilders over his documentary portraying the Noble 
Qur'an as inciting violence. 

"If they (Muslims) decide to boycott Dutch businesses, it will harm Dutch 
exports," Bernard Wientjes, the chairman of the Dutch employers' organization 
VNO-NCW, told the newspaper Het Financieel Dagblad, reported Agence 
France-Presse (AFP).

"Companies like Shell, Philips and Unilever are easily recognizable as Dutch 

Wilders, the leader of the far-right Freedom Party, released his anti-Qur'an 
film on a video-sharing website on Thursday, March 27.

The film intersperses images of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United 
States and the Madrid train bombings in 2004 with verses from the Qur'an.

The documentary also featured a Danish cartoon of a man said to be Prophet 
Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) with a bomb protruding from his 

"I don't know if Wilders is rich, or well-insured, but in the case of a 
boycott, we would look to see if we could make him bear responsibility," said 
Wientjes. Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard has already threatened legal 
action against the far-right politician for using the cartoon in his film 
without permission.

Dutch-Moroccan rapper Salah Edin has also vowed to sue Wilders for using his 
picture to portray the killer of Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh over his 
anti-Islam film "Submission".


The anti-Qur'an film has already sparked mounting calls in the Muslim world for 
boycotting Dutch products.

"If Muslims unite, it will be easy to take action," said former Malaysian prime 
minister Mahathir Mohamad. "If we boycott Dutch products, they will have to 
close down their businesses.

"If the world's 1.3 billion Muslims unite and say they won't buy, then it (the 
boycott) will be effective," he said.

Nearly 30 Jordanian newspapers, radio stations and websites have launched a bid 
for boycotting Dutch businesses.

Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende has warned it could be "months" 
before the consequences of the film were known.

Muslims worldwide boycotted Danish products during the 2005 Prophet cartoon 
crisis, causing Danish companies nearly $1.5 million a day in losses.

Denmark's leading dairy company Arla Foods, one of the hardest hit, issued at 
the time a strong condemnation of the cartoon and appealed to Arabs and Muslims 
to end their boycott of its products.