Bismillah [IslamCity] File - Setting in receiving email

2008-06-15 Thread islamcity

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Bismillah [IslamCity] Fw: Defense Spending: It Should Be Reduced Wherever Possible --Asia Post, Dhaka, editorial, dated 12.6.08

2008-06-15 Thread S A Hannan

Defense Spending: It Should Be Reduced Wherever Possible 


It has been reported in the press that Prime Minister of Pakistan Syed Yousuf 
Raza Gilani told the National Assembly on Monday his government would freeze 
and practically reduce defense spending in the next budget as a show of its 
desire for peace with neighbors, and voiced a belated hope of reciprocity from 
nuclear rival India, which hiked is defense budget three months ago.And, in a 
move to let parliament know more about defense expenditures, he said estimates 
for the armed forces and other defense  organizations would be presented in 
parliament under separate "major heads" rather than "one-line" allocation, in 
the budget for fiscal 2008-09 due to be unveiled on Wednesday. He made his 
first policy statement on defense matters, which was later greeted by several 
members from both sides of the political divide mainly for the slight opening 
of the defense budget for the first time in the country's history.  Gilani said 
Pakistan could not remain oblivious of its defense needs in a volatile 
environment due to its location in a "geo-strategically important but a 
turbulent region" but added that his government would continue to strive for 
"peace with honor" without compromising on national interests. 

We feel that in the sub-continent we should avoid an arms race which is so 
futile and useless. This is particularly true of India and Pakistan. Both being 
nuclear power they can try to negotiate a reduction of armed forces of both 
countries consistent with their genuine defence needs.


U S, Russia and China also increasing their defense capability. US in 
particular is generating a new arms race which will be followed by Russia. We 
can not interpret it except as an attempt to serve the corporate capitalist 
interest of defense firms .The need is reduction and then elimination of 
nuclear arms and also reduction of conventional arms and forces on a 
multilateral and bilateral basis. The saving can be used for elimination of 
poverty and disease and hunger. The politicians may  not listen but it is time 
for moral philosophers to continue to raise their voice.

Bismillah [IslamCity] What is the Punishment For Picturemakers?

2008-06-15 Thread laila sultan
What is the Punishment For Picturemakers?   Abu Hurairah (RA) narrated that 
Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said:   "Allah said: "’Who would be more unjust than 
the one who tries to create the like of my creatures? Let them create an atom, 
or let them create a grain or let them create a barley corn.’" (Al-Bukhari and 
Muslim)   They also reported from Aisha (RA) that Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said: 
  "The people who will receive the severest punishment on the Day of 
Resurrection will be those who try to make the like of Allah’s creation."   
Also reported by them from Ibn Abbas (RA) that I heard Allah’s Messenger (SAW) 
saying:   "All the picture makers would be in the fire of Hell. A soul will be 
breathed in every picture prepared by him and it shall punish him in the Hell." 
  It is additionally narrated from Ibn Abbas (RA) in a Marfu’ Hadith:   
"Whoever makes a picture in this world will be charged with putting a soul 
(life) in it and he will never be able to do it."   Muslim reports
 from Abu Haiyaj (Al-Asadi) that Ali (RA) said to him:   "Should I not despute 
you on a mission on which I was sent by Allah’s Messenger (SAW)?: Deface all 
the pictures which you come across and demolish all the high graves to the 
level of earth." 
The Ruling Concerning Picture Making   Picture making is to make a 
representation of a living, willing, moving animal, such as a human, horse, 
animal and so forth. The ruling concerning that is that such representation or 
depiction is forbidden. The evidence for that is what is found in numerous 
Hadith. In Sahih, Al-Bukhari and Muslim, it is recorded from Ibn Masud that the 
Messenger of Allah (SAW) said,   "The people with the severest punishment on 
the Day of Judgment are the picture makers."   Ibn Umar (RA) narrated that the 
Messenger of Allah (SAW) said,   "The people who make these pictures will be 
punished on the Day of Resurrection.   It will be said to them, ‘Give life to 
what you have created.’"   This was also recorded by Al-Bukhari and Muslim. 
Muslim also recorded from Ibn Abbas (RA) that the Prophet (SAW) said,   
"Whoever makes a picture in this world will be charged with putting a soul 
(life) in it and he will never be able to do it."   It is recorded by
 Muslim on the authority of Ibn Abbas (RA) that the Prophet (SAW) said:   "All 
the picture makers would be in the fire of Hell. A soul will be breathed in 
every picture prepared by him and it shall punish him in the Hell."   It is 
also recorded on the authority of Abu Talha from the Prophet (SAW) who said,   
"The angels do not enter a house wherein there is a dog or statues." (Muslim)   
These Hadith and others are general for every kind of representation, whether 
it has a shadow, like a figure, or if it does not have a shadow, which is like 
a drawing on a wall, paper, clothing and so forth. It is confirmed that the 
Prophet (SAW) entered the Ka’bah and it contained pictures and he asked for a 
pitcher of water and he began to efface them, saying,   "May Allah destroy 
those who make pictures of what they do not create." (Confirmed and Recorded by 
Al-Tayalisi and Dhiya al-Maqdisi)   An exception to this ruling during this 
time is money containing the picture of kings as well as
 passports and identification cards. Due to the need and necessity of these 
items, it is allowed to carry them according to need. And Allah (SWT) knows 
best. -Shaikh Ibn Jibreen 
Collecting Pictures for Memory's Sake   It is not allowed for any Muslim, 
male or female, to collect pictures of living creatures, human or otherwise, 
for memory’s sake. In fact, one must destroy them for it is confirmed that the 
Prophet said to Ali (RA),   "Do not leave an image but efface it and do not 
leave a grave elevated but level it."  (Recorded by Muslim)   It is also 
confirmed from him (SAW) that he forbade pictures in the House. When he (SAW) 
entered the Ka’bah after the Conquest of Makkah, he saw pictures on its curtain 
and he requested water and a cloth and he wiped them away. There is nothing 
wrong with pictures of inanimate objects, such as mountains, shrubbery and so 
forth. -Shaikh Ibn Baz (ra) 

Verily my happiness is my iman &verily my iman is in my heart & verily my heart 
does not belong to anyone but Allah (Asma bint Abu Bakr R.A) 

Bismillah [IslamCity] US Napalm Iraqi Children (Warning-Graphic)

2008-06-15 Thread MA PA

Link to full article:
US Napalm Iraqi Children (Warning-Graphic)

 Jun. 11th, 2008 at 1:19 PM

Tuesday, 10 June 2008MOSUL: Crimes committed by the Americans 
in conjunction with the Iraqi forcesThe
Iraqi Rabita -League reveals crimes committed by the American
occupation forces in conjunction with the Iraqi forces in Mosul

June 10, 2008

another round of American crimes against the people of Iraq, the
information about to be provided, will show the extent of the American
lawless hysteria and its total disregard for human lives. And will also
show the criminal complicity of those who took the Americans as
military and political allies and as friends and who provide to them
their services -- all conducted in the Green Zone.

On the eve of
Wednesday 11.7.2007, heavy fighting broke out in the Sheikh Fathi
center in the Zanjilia district from unknown armed men.American
helicopter planes rushed and some of these unknown armed men fired at
the planes.

The americans responded by using forbidden weapons and bombed the house of a 
Taha Al-Janbil, a Judge. All those who were in the house were immediately 



عدد القراء 5420

Tags: children, deaths, iraq war, napalm, photos

Link to full article:

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Bismillah [IslamCity] "Secular" Muslims..

2008-06-15 Thread Yusuf Khan
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
>From Yusuf
Assalamu Alaikum

They're not hard to find, you see them everywhere. They're greater in
numbers than any sect or school of thought. They usually mean well, but
unwillingly cause more damage to the Ummah than anyone else. Do you know who
they are? You guessed it…Secular Muslims!

And all Praise is for Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Obama promised $30 billion in military assistance for Israel

2008-06-15 Thread Qalb-e-Mehdi
Why the Oil Price Is High

By Paul Craig Roberts

How to explain the oil price? Why is it so high? Are we running out? Are 
supplies disrupted, or is the high price a reflection of oil company greed or 
OPEC greed. Are Chavez and the Saudis conspiring against us?


You Know Something's Happening

But do you know what it is, Mr. Jones?

By Joseph Danison

The progressive tries to game a rigged system to work in the people's interest. 
He's a true Sisyphus. His chance of getting that stone over the top and 
achieving a permanent state of popular political control is slim to none. The 
populist wants to fundamentally change the system, eliminate that insuperable 
mountain, that is, de-privatize it, so that it operates in the interest of the 
general Welfare.


The Greatest Purveyor of Violence On the Planet.

By Cynthia McKinney

We do not have to accept or tolerate such glaring disparities in our society. 
We do not have to accept or tolerate bloated Pentagon spending, unfair tax 
cuts, attacks on our civil liberties, and on workers' rights to unionize. We 
don't have to accept or tolerate our children dropping out of high school, 
college education unreachable because tuition is so high, or our country 
steeped in debt.


Iraq - What Happened To The $23 Billion?

The Greatest Heist In History

Must Watch BBC - Video

The US justice department has imposed gagging orders which prevent the real 
scale of the problem emerging. But Panorama's Jane Corbin has spoken to some of 
those involved - with astonishing stories to tell of who got rich and who got 


War, Inc.

By Mike Ferner

Smedley Butler learned that in war "nations acquire additional territory if 
they are victorious. They just take it." With leasing more in vogue than ever, 
getting the use of additional territory - call it property -can be more 
profitable than actually acquiring it. But the end result is the same. "This 
newly acquired territory is promptly exploited by the few," Butler explained, 
"the self-same few who wrung dollars out of blood in the war. The general 
public shoulders the bill."


In Defense of America

By Frank Silva

Can we stop already? Can we just stop arguing? America is a capitalist country. 
Capitalism is what made America great! It's what's going to keep America great! 
Anyone who disagrees with that has no concept of history, economics, or 
patriotism. Anyone who disagrees with that is clueless about what it means to 
be a proud American. And anyone who disagrees is a poor, pathetic, lazy loser 
that probably couldn't make money with an insider trading tip.


Leaders With No Conscience

By Rand Clifford

As Osama bin Laden lay dying, December of 2001...might he have imagined that 
seven years later he would be on bogeyman life-support, still officially 
issuing messages as ruling poster boy for America's mindless, force-fed terror 


Afghan officials: 31 killed in US airstrikes:

Interior Ministry spokesman Zemeri Bashary says most of the 31 people were 
foreign fighters. But Khalid Farooqi, a lawmaker from Paktika, says at least 
nine civilians were killed.


US-led raid kills Afghan civilians :

Three women and a child have been killed along with a number of Afghan fighters 
in an air raid led by US troops, the US-led forces in Afghanistan said.


20 killed in US attack Pakistani troops:

Twenty people, including 11 security personnel, were killed when a border 
check-post of paramilitary forces in Mohmand agency in tribal areas of 
Pakistan, bordering Afghanistan, was destroyed Wednesday by coalition forces


Pakistan decries 'cowardly' US raid :

The US military on Wednesday has said that the air and artillery assault was 
aimed at Taliban fighters and had been co-ordinated with Islamabad.


Pakistan Army denounces coalition forces' attack:

 The spokesman condemned this completely unprovoked and cowardly action the FC 
post and regretted the loss of precious lives of our soldiers. He also informed 
that a strong protest has been launched by the Pakistan Army and we reserve the 
right to protect our citizens and soldiers against aggression.


US defends airstrikes that angered Pakistan:

Defense Department press secretary Geoff Morrell defended the bombing Wednesday 
and said it was too early to know whether the strike killed 11 Pakistani 
paramilitary forces, as alleged by the angry Pakistani A

Bismillah [IslamCity] Perparing for The Realities of Marriage

2008-06-15 Thread khalid rahmany
Move beyond the fantasy and unrealistic expectations and realize that marriage 
is about making a consious choice to love and care for your spouse even when 
you do not feel like it.

Preparing for The Realities of Marriage

How ludicrous would it be for a person to hold a grand opening for a new 
business then leave for vacation the next day or go to a job interview without 
having read the job description? Equally absurd is the way many people get 
married each year without any knowledge of or preparation for the realities of 
marriage. Couples make elaborate wedding and honeymoon plans but none for a 
life together. Additionally, many are looking for spouses to marry without 
looking at their responsibilities in a marriage. 
Based on fairy tales spun by the media and pop culture, young women dream of 
finding their Prince Charming and living happily ever after. We think that once 
we are married, everything will just sort itself out. Some of us think that 
marriage is a solution or an escape or that our spouses will "complete us." 
Compounding this are values of mainstream society and their effect on the 
psyche of adolescents. Years of struggling with issues of dating and 
pre-marital sex in school as well as constant bombardment through films and 
television of unrealistic images of what love, sex and marriage are have 
affected our outlook on marriage and the opposite sex. So, when the time comes 
to get married, we often carry unrealistic expectations of what being married 
will be like and how our spouses will be.
Many young Muslims are not prepared for marriage and have not cultivated the 
skills to create a lasting relationship. While the general American population 
has the world's highest divorce rate, 48.6 percent, Muslims in the United 
States come in not too far behind at 33 percent. One in three Muslims marriage 
here will end in divorce- not surprising considering we are living in a 
"divorce culture" where independence and individual happiness often come first. 
When the marriage does not fulfill the individual's needs, the marriage is 
questioned. Terms such as "starter marriage" are becoming more common in the 
Muslim community as divorces among newlywed couples, after only months of being 
married, increase. Furthermore, couples in multicultural marriages are 
experiencing complex issues because of their background differences and often 
find little support from their families and communities because of certain 
cultural ideas about marriage. These couples often
 become resigned to ending the marriage. Newlyweds sometimes don't readily 
acknowledge that they must work on the marriage for it to survive. Many divorce 
when marriage is not what they expected or harder than they imagined. Divorce 
is now considered a plausible option among young Muslims, unlike the generation 
before them. Now, more than ever, we should prepare ourselves and our children 
for the realities of marriage. Preparing for marriage is as important as having 
an accurate road map before driving cross country. 
Preparing for marriage is more than searching for a spouse; it begins with 
discovering who you are as a person.
Undergo Self-Reflection
Preparing for marriage is more than searching for a spouse; it begins with 
discovering who you are as a person and what you will bring to a marriage. 
Identify what innate beliefs you hold because these are the things that are 
least likely to change about you. Your values and beliefs are your compass in 
life and will determine your lifestyle and the choices you make. Understanding 
what is important to you clarifies the type of person with whom you will be 
compatible. Reflection is a process of self-growth that can be difficult, but 
it shows maturity and a true understanding of the intensity of marriage. Ask 
yourself these questions: "What is my personal set of life values?" "What are 
my fears?" "What are my strengths?" "What are my weaknesses?" Identifying your 
flaws is equally important because it provides you with personal goals for 
self-improvement. It will also provide your future spouse insight into your 
weaknesses, as well as the things that may
 never change about you.
Establish Compatibility
Before you can determine the type of person you are compatible with, you first 
need to understand what compatibility is. It doesn't mean you will be exactly 
like your spouse, but rather, that you share many similarities and hold mutual 
respect for your differences, It is important to find someone who shares your 
core values and beliefs and whose long-term goals correspond with yours. Having 
complementary values and goals helps married couples grow closer to Allah 
because they will constantly strive in the same direction and have fewer 
disagreements in their marriage. True and realistic love will be found in the 
everydayness of marriage when sharing common interests and doing interesting 
things together. But, be careful if you find yourself making excuses 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Re: Teachings of the Qur`aan: Al-Anfaal - Aayaat 50-58

2008-06-15 Thread Dara Shayda
Salaam  and thank you for this post.

In specific the agreements with the disbelievers are those visa and
immigration/naturalization all of us have signed with the western
countries we have immigrated to.

Most Muslims have not read what they signed when they accepted the
permanent residencies and citizenships of countries like US.

In most those agreement the signer has agreed to abide by all the laws
of that country + not to take part in any activity against that
country + to defend the country against aggressors.

According to these verses and the Tafsir, if you have acquired e.g.
the green card of USA or their citizenship and you see that they are
cruelly killing the Muslims overseas in thousands, and if you are to
understand this as a clear violation of the agreement you had with
them when you became a resident or citizen, you must RETURN YOUR GREEN
CARD OR REVOKE YOUR CITIZENSHIP and seek another country where they
are not killing Muslims:

4:97 When angels take the souls of those who die in sin against their
souls, they say: "In what (plight) Were ye?" They reply: "Weak and
oppressed Were we in the earth." They say: "Was not the earth of Allah
spacious enough for you to move yourselves away (From evil)?" Such men
will find their abode in Hell,- What an evil refuge!

39:10 Say: "O ye my servants who believe! Fear your Lord, good is (the
reward) for those who do good in this world. Spacious is Allah's
earth! those who patiently persevere will truly receive a reward
without measure!"

Yes this return of your papers after a lifetime of living in such
country is painful and full of loss, but when the angels take your
soul you are not ZAALIMI ANFUSIHIM those living in sins against
themselves, thus one sure path to the Fire blocked for you.

There are gangsters amongst us in the western countries who encourage
our beloved children to take part in illegal activities against the
very nations who granted us immigration. This is evil and un-befitting
the character of a Muslim:

4:135 O ye who believe! stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to
Allah, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and
whether it be (against) rich or poor: for Allah can best protect both.
Follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest ye swerve, and if ye
distort (justice) or decline to do justice, verily Allah is well-
acquainted with all that ye do.

Let's stand firm on the side of justice and in these dark days that
very justice is FOR SURE against our own persons, against our parents,
against our immediate families, against the poor of us and the rich
us, for the evil is wide spread on this planet amongst all people.

It is befitting the Muslim to be poor and homeless and mocked by
people than to both eat from the unlawful (Haram) and busy himself
with criminal activities in a nation that gave him a refuge and a home
for his family.

Faqir (Pauper),

Dara O Shayda

--- In, "K a r i m a" wrote:
> B i s m i l l a a h i r   R a h m a a n i r   R a h e e m
> Teachings of the Qur`aan
> Al-Anfaal
> Soorah 8
> Soorah 50-58
> Ayub A. Hamid
>   ___
>   Death in the battlefield was not the only
consequence that the Makkans faced. There was much more trouble
waiting for them for their disbelief and rebellion against Allaah
Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala.
>   50 If you could only see when the angels took the
souls of those who disbelieved, striking their faces and their backs,
and saying, "Taste the punishment of burning. 51 This is for what your
own hands have sent on ahead; and the reality is that Allaah is never
even a bit unjust to His slaves."
>   When the Makkans were dying in the battlefield,
the angels of death took their souls out of their body harshly and
painfully, while striking them as well. In addition, they also gave
them the news of how they will burn in Hell. Although the treatment
they received and the punishment prepared for them may sound harsh,
their crimes were equally heinous. Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala's
justice is perfect and the punishment exactly equals the crime,
without being even a tiny bit unfair.
>   It was not the Makkans only who were being treated
that way. Every community that rejected and opposed a messenger of
Allaah was treated in that manner.
>   52 This is just like what happened to the people
of Fir'own (Pharaoh) and to those before them: they disbelieved in
Allaah's Signs, so Allaah seized them for their sins. Surely Allaah is
Strong, Severe in punishing.
>   Before destroying a nation, Allaah Subhaanahu wa
Ta'aala brings his token punishment as a warning to them and gives
them a chance to repent and reform. Just as the Egyptians faced many

Bismillah [IslamCity] Biased Foreign Policy Will Not Serve US Interests: MB Executive Bureau

2008-06-15 Thread S A Hannan
Biased Foreign Policy Will Not Serve US Interests: MB Executive 

  IkhwanWeb - Egypt

  Wednesday, June 11, 2008
  Dr. Mohamed Morsi, MB senior Executive Bureau member, said in a statement 
to Ikhwanweb that the unswerving bias of US presidential hopefuls towards 
Israeli occupation will not serve the interests of the American people.

  Seeking the support of the Jewish lobby, both republicans and democrats 
compete in conveying their commitment to the Jewish state regardless of its 
blatant violations of human rights and disrespect of international laws and 
conventions in a way which only serves the interest of the Israeli occupation, 
he said.

  This unbalanced stance, he added, will not benefit the American people 
since it only fosters Anti-American sentiments in the world, especially in the 
Middle East region and the Arab and Muslim worlds who witness daily massacres 
committed by Israeli occupation forces against innocent Palestinians besides 
occupation of their lands.

  “We do not promote violence but we believe that the US Administration is 
the source of most violence in the world because of its support of injustice 
and occupation. Its policies always trigger violent and angry reactions by 
those who fall victims to it,” he told Ikhwanweb.

  The Muslim Brotherhood addresses the American people who are responsible 
for their choice, he said. They have the power both to choose their president 
and to urge him through political and civil society movements to alter his path 
if they found it to be against their interests.

  “We call on them to start building channels of dialogue and coexistence 
with other nations in an impartial way that can bring about world balance and 
cooperation for the sake of humanity,” he added.

  The USA is acting against the human value of justice, he said. It 
violates the rights of other nations, supports Israeli assaults, backs 
authoritarian regimes in the region, and above all uses the money of US tax 
payers to buy hatred for the USA in every corner of the world.

  “This money is mismanaged because it is used to launch military attacks 
on other people and to finance the Israeli occupation leading to the growing 
hatred of the USA and also those in the US who do not oppose their 
administration’s foreign policy.”

  The Palestinian people chose Hamas but the US still refuses to 
acknowledge its legitimacy, he said. This is another episode in the 
contradiction between claims to promote democracy in the world and the fact 
that the US administration backs authoritarian regimes in the region.

  “Such discriminatory policies will further tarnish America’s image in the 
world and even threaten its national security, which is the subject of 
presidential campaigns today.”


Bismillah [IslamCity] Fw: Live Vote: Should Bush be impeached? - Politics-

2008-06-15 Thread Arif Bhuiyan
- Forwarded Message 
From: Mary Kaye
Live Vote: Should Bush be impeached? - Politics-


Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired
signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are
not fed, those who are cold and not clothed.
- Dwight D. Eisenhower
Lily Tomlin said it best. "No matter how cynical I get, I just can't keep up."

Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Email

RE: Bismillah [IslamCity] Maulana Maudoodi and Indian Muslims --a brief note by Kaukab Siddique

2008-06-15 Thread firdhous rasheed
Dear Malhar,
I do appreciate your comment on Mr Abu Ala Maoudidi. 
May I Know if who is the best scholar in the contemporary world to be followed.?

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2008 15:42:52 +0530Subject: RE: 
Bismillah [IslamCity] Maulana Maudoodi and Indian Muslims --a brief note by 
Kaukab Siddique
Abu A`la Maududi  
This is a man who reviled many of the Prophets of Allaah and the Companions of 
Allaah's Messenger as well as promoting un-Islamic revolutionary modes of 
Regarding Abul A'la Maudoodi's rejection of the Dajjaal
Who was Abul Alaa Maududi? 
A brief history of the Maududi calamity
May Allah save us from Misguidance!
-Original Message-From: "S A Hannan" [mailto:"S A 
Hannan"] Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2008 1:35 PMTo: eGroup For 
Muslims Around The WorldSubject: Bismillah [IslamCity] Maulana Maudoodi and 
Indian Muslims --a brief note by Kaukab Siddique

Dear sirs,


Assalamu alaikum.Please read this response from an erudite scholar to whom I 
referred a question posted in internet against Sayyid maududi.


Shah abdul Hannan


Maulana Maudoodi and Indian Muslimsa brief note by Kaukab Siddique  A 
distinguished Bangladeshi brother, S. A. Hannan, has asked  me to comment on 
some abusive attacks on Maulana Maudoodi [rahmatullah alaih] published on line 
on several discussion groups. Syed Abul 'Ala Maudoodi was undoubtedly among the 
greatest Islamic scholars of the 20th century  c.e. He taught the Muslims of 
India, Pakistan and Bangladesh to understand the relevance of Islam to our 
times in rational and scientific terms. His contributions to Islamic learning 
in our times are simply too many to be listed. Suffice it to say that the 
modern Islamic movement at least in South Asia would have been unthinkable 
without him. This does not mean that he should not be criticized. He wrote to 
me: "I have never considered myself above criticism." He wanted Muslims to pick 
up from where he had left and to carry on his work, and not to come to a stop 
as if he is the last word. However, criticism to be legitimate has to be 
honest. If stories are fabricated about him, or his writings are taken totally 
out of context, that cannot be considered criticism. That is abuse and 
propaganda. I am not surprised that some people have an irrational hatred of 
Maudoodi. He was not only a scholar but the leader of an organized and 
disciplined Islamic movement. Thus he was able to challenge the enemies of 
Islam on a daily basis. He was repeatedly sent to prison and the Pakistani 
media for decades would not mention the fact that he  even existed, in a futile 
effort to stop the spread of his ideas. He had well placed enemies among a 
variety of groups who opposed the emergence of an Islamic view of life. For the 
specific issue under review, remember that Maudoodi was himself an "Indian 
Muslim" though he became a leader of international dimensions. In the three 
volumes of Musalman awr Maujuda Siyasi kashmakash, he criticized the movement 
for Pakistan while he provided the idea of Pakistan and the Pakistan movement 
all its ideological tools. His contention was that the strategic issue is not 
Muslim nationalism but the emergence of a viable Islamic political state. If 
Pakistan emerges and it is not Islamically structured and does not provide 
Islamic justice, he thought, it would jeopardize not only its own existence but 
that of the Muslims of India too. He wrote that for him one square mile of land 
governed by the Law of Allah was more important than all of India. Obviously 
such writing can be taken out of context and used against him. The Pakistani 
secularists claim that he was against Pakistan. It's a ridiculous claim for one 
who knows the writings of Maudoodi and in any case becomes merely a part of 
historical polemic when one realizes that Maudoodi and Jamaate Islami fought 
for the independence and ideology of Pakistan as no other group did. Many of 
the Muslims of India cherish Maudoodi's ideological writings and those who read 
him know that he was unflinching in his support of India's Muslims even after 
he left India. Islam is not a national religion and Maudoodi was not a national 
leader. The person you have quoted is not a scholar or even a known person. He 
is quoting out of context from Dr. Israr [an intellectual pygmy as compared to 
Maulana Maudoodi]  and the Munir Report written by a bunch of secularists who 
supported the "Ahmeddi" [Qadiani] sect and wanted to sentence Maudoodi to death 
for his x-ray study of the fake Qadiani religion. The person you quote has 
evidently not studied anything written by Maudoodi and is picking up quotes 
from here and there.I had the honor of reading all his books. I then translated 
and put together a selection of his writings which I  titled Come Let Us Change 
this World. I remember strolling

Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] Democracy & Islam: A Response to Some Misgivings

2008-06-15 Thread PP A Latheef

Is it better we come under one Muslim leadership than agree the leadership
of Mushriks, Kuffars and their agenda?

JIH is working to establish "the Deen" in this world according to Qur'anic
order. Do you agree with this Aya and the need of it? And do you agree with
me the following? If any thing there to prove your word from Qur'an and
Sunna or from the opinion of Islamic scholars are welcome.

"He hath ordained for you that religion which He commended unto Noah, and
that which We inspire in thee (Muhammad), and that which We commended unto
Abraham and Moses and Jesus, saying: Establish the religion, and be not
divided therein. Dreadful for the idolaters is that unto which thou callest
them. Allah chooseth for Himself whom He will, and guideth unto Himself him
who turneth (toward Him). (42:13)

JIH believe the implementation of Allah's Law/Hukm should be in whole life
of a Muslim to be a Muslim. So it include, social, political, economical,
and spiritual aspect of a human life.

The summary of the things that may imply that ruling by other than that
which Allah has revealed is a form of shirk akbar (major shirk):

(1) Ruling by other than that which Allaah has revealed.

(2) Denying the right of Allaah and His Messenger to rule.

(3) Preferring the rule of falsehood to the rule of Allaah, whether this is
complete or only in a few matters.

(4) Regarding the rule of Allaah and the rule of falsehood as equal.

(5) Thinking that it is permissible to rule by something that contradicts
what Allaah has revealed, or believing that ruling by what Allaah has
revealed is not obligatory or is optional.

(6) Refusing to rule by what Allaah has revealed.

Because Qur'an clears:

Allaah has commanded us to refer matters to His judgement and to establish
Sharee'ah, and He has forbidden us to rule with anything else, as is clear
from a number of aayaat in the Qur'aan, such as the aayaat in Soorat
al-Maa'idah (5) which discuss ruling according to what Allaah has revealed,
and mention the following topics:

· The command to rule according to what Allaah has revealed: "And so
judge between them by what Allaah has revealed . . ." [aayah 49]

· Warning against ruling by other than what Allaah has revealed: ".
. . and follow not their vain desires . . ." [aayah 49]

· Warning against compromising on any detail of Sharee'ah, no matter
how small: ". . . but beware of them lest they turn you far away from some
of that which Allaah has sent down to you . . ." [aayah 49]

· Forbidding seeking the ruling of jaahiliyyah, as is expressed in
the rhetorical question "Do they then seek the judgement of (the Days of)
Ignorance?" [aayah 50]

· The statement that nobody is better than Allaah to judge: ". . .
and who is better in judgement than Allaah for a people who have firm
Faith?" [aayah 50]

· The statement that whoever does not judge according to what Allaah
revealed is a kaafir, a zaalim (oppressor or wrongdoer) and a faasiq
(sinner), as Allaah says: ". . . And whoever does not judge by what Allaah
has revealed, such are the kaafiroon." [aayah 44]; ". . . And whoever does
not judge by that which Allaah has revealed, such are the zaalimoon
(polytheists and wrongdoers)" [aayah 45]; ". . . And whoever does not judge
by what Allaah has revealed (then) such (people) are the faasiqoon
(rebellious or disobedient)." [aayah 47].

· The statement that it is obligatory for the Muslims to judge
according to what Allaah has revealed, even if those who seek their
judgement are not Muslim, as Allaah says: ". . . And if you judge, judge
with justice between them. . ." [aayah 42]

*Democracy & Islam:  A Response to Some Misgivings*
*Shah Abdul Hannan*

*"Islam and democracy are not contradictory to each other. Democracy is the
form of government based on the will of the people as well as run and
changed with their consent only. This is also the form of Islamic
government. But the values of western democracy are not identical with those
of Islam."*

(Selected  Speeches and Writings of Maulana Mawdudi, Vol. 2, p.198)

Democracy is the most popular and accepted political system in the modern
world. Most of the political movements have made it their goal to establish
this system in their respective countries. Yet, there exists some difference
of opinion among the Islamic groups on democracy. While democracy and human
rights have occupied very important position in the political agenda of many
of the Islamic parties, there are few groups who do not accept it based on a
"charge" that democracy speaks of "sovereignty of the people".

Islamic parties and Islamic scholars of the modern world almost invariably
think of a political system wherein government will run the country through
Parliament. They also want freedom of expression, voting right of the
people, rule of law, independent & free judiciary, free press, fundamental
human rights e

Bismillah [IslamCity] What Is The Reward For Following Religion Strictly

2008-06-15 Thread Aqsa Jihad Fisabeelillah*
*Bismillah Hir Rahmaan Nir Raheem
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatuhu*

Bukhari :: Book 1 :: Volume 2 :: Hadith 40
Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah's Apostle said,* "If any one of you improve (follows strictly) his
Islamic religion* then his good deeds will be rewarded* ten times to seven
hundred times *for each good deed and a bad deed will be recorded as it is."

Surah Isra 17 verse 80 Say: "O my Lord! let my entry be by the Gate of Truth
and Honor and likewise my exit by the Gate of Truth and Honor; and grant me
from Thy Presence an authority to aid (me)."

Transliteration :Wa qur rabbi adkhilni mudkhala sidqiw wa akhrijni mukhraja
sidqiw wa-j'al li mil ladunka sulta_nan nasira_(n).

Al-Tirmidhi HadithHadith 2482 Narrated byAbuHurayrah
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) used to say, " O Allah, grant me
benefit in what Thou hast taught me, teach me what will benefit me, and
increase my knowledge. Praise be to Allah in all circumstances. I seek
refuge in Allah from the state of those who go to Hell."
 Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah transmitted it, Tirmidhi saying this is a tradition
whose isnad is gharib.


Bismillah [IslamCity] Arabic Intensive/ Crash Course

2008-06-15 Thread Reminder!
Realize this fact now!

People are coming back ... and looking for new markets for business and jobs.


Plan now for your bright future.


Learn Arabic and get ready for it.


Learning the Arabic Language is a win-win deal because this will benefit you in 
this world and in the hereafter as well, InshaAllah.


We teach the Arabic as a real practicing language so that you learn both 
contemporary and Quranic language simultaneously. Plz attend the class to enjoy 
our methodology and explore how it is possible.

Join Now:

Arabic Intensive Course (40 Hours, Fees Rs. 1/=)

To learn  Quranic & Modern Written and Spoken Arabic Language simultaneously

Choose an appropriate program for you

·One day per week:  only Sundays, 5 – 7:30 PM

·Two days per week:Mondays & Wednesdays, 7:30-9:30 PM


  Commencing from:
  Sun 15 Jun 08, 5 - 7:30 PM


(Please bring USB drive for Audio – Video files)


Come and observe the class before you get registered.


Venue: 57, DMHS, Shaheed-e-Millat Road, Near Tariq Road Chowrangi, Karachi.

·   Also available “Twice a week” program (exclusively for ladies) on Mon & 
Wed, 3-5 PM, registration open.


Teaching Methodology

¯Learn by direct practical usage, we manage to teach this comprehensive 
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¯Precise Exercises and Audio – Video support 

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Objectives & Benefits of Learning the Arabic Language

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Waseem Usman Al-Madani – the Course Coordinator

Profile at a glance:

¨  Graduated from the Islamic University, Madinah Munawwarah, 

¨  Masters in Islamic Studies & Arabic, Karachi University and completing 
Ph.D., program in the Faculty of Arabic, Karachi University.

¨  Teaching the Arabic Language since more then 20 years at various 
renowned academic organizations and private institutes.

¨  Worked more then six years in an Arab Foreign Mission as English-Arabic 

¨  Arabicized many computer programs (softwares).

¨  Translated many Islamic, Technical & Medical Literatures in 
Urdu-English-Arabic (published in both international & national levels).

¨  Developed Arabic Language curriculum for several reputable schools.

¨  Compiler of the Arabic Workbook.


SMS your e-mail address on

0301 230 21 31

for location map.

We apologize for any inconvenience that we may have caused.

If possible, please forward this message.


RE: Bismillah [IslamCity] Maulana Maudoodi and Indian Muslims --a brief note by Kaukab Siddique

2008-06-15 Thread javed akhtar
  How easy it is to refer to other sites with the intent of denigrating 
  But the trick will not work in the court of Allah SWT, You will be accused of 
Character Assasination without offering the victim a chance to defend, 
  I suggest you spend your time in waking up your like ulemas. There 
collaborative silence on current issues has become too deafening to bear,
  Abu Maryam

"M. Malhar" wrote:
  Abu A`la Maududi  
  This is a man who reviled many of the Prophets of Allaah and the Companions 
of Allaah's Messenger as well as promoting un-Islamic revolutionary modes of 
  Regarding Abul A'la Maudoodi's rejection of the Dajjaal
  Who was Abul Alaa Maududi? 
  A brief history of the Maududi calamity
  May Allah save us from Misguidance!
  -Original Message-
From: "S A Hannan" [mailto:"S A Hannan"] 
Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2008 1:35 PM
To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World
Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] Maulana Maudoodi and Indian Muslims --a brief 
note by Kaukab Siddique
  Dear sirs,


Assalamu alaikum.Please read this response from an erudite scholar to whom 
I referred a question posted in internet against Sayyid maududi.


Shah abdul Hannan


Maulana Maudoodi and Indian Muslims
a brief note by Kaukab Siddique
 A distinguished Bangladeshi brother, S. A. Hannan, has asked  me to 
comment on some abusive attacks on Maulana Maudoodi [rahmatullah alaih] 
published on line on several discussion groups.
Syed Abul 'Ala Maudoodi was undoubtedly among the greatest Islamic scholars of 
the 20th century  c.e. He taught the Muslims of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh 
to understand the relevance of Islam to our times in rational and scientific 
terms. His contributions to Islamic learning in our times are simply too many 
to be listed. Suffice it to say that the modern Islamic movement at least in 
South Asia would have been unthinkable without him.
This does not mean that he should not be criticized. He wrote to me: "I have 
never considered myself above criticism." He wanted Muslims to pick up from 
where he had left and to carry on his work, and not to come to a stop as if he 
is the last word.
However, criticism to be legitimate has to be honest. If stories are fabricated 
about him, or his writings are taken totally out of context, that cannot be 
considered criticism. That is abuse and propaganda. I am not surprised that 
some people have an irrational hatred of Maudoodi. He was not only a scholar 
but the leader of an organized and disciplined Islamic movement. Thus he was 
able to challenge the enemies of Islam on a daily basis. He was repeatedly sent 
to prison and the Pakistani media for decades would not mention the fact that 
he  even existed, in a futile effort to stop the spread of his ideas. He had 
well placed enemies among a variety of groups who opposed the emergence of an 
Islamic view of life.
For the specific issue under review, remember that Maudoodi was himself an 
"Indian Muslim" though he became a leader of international dimensions. In the 
three volumes of Musalman awr Maujuda Siyasi kashmakash, he criticized the 
movement for Pakistan while he provided the idea of Pakistan and the Pakistan 
movement all its ideological tools. His contention was that the strategic issue 
is not Muslim nationalism but the emergence of a viable Islamic political 
state. If Pakistan emerges and it is not Islamically structured and does not 
provide Islamic justice, he thought, it would jeopardize not only its own 
existence but that of the Muslims of India too.
He wrote that for him one square mile of land governed by the Law of Allah was 
more important than all of India. Obviously such writing can be taken out of 
context and used against him. The Pakistani secularists claim that he was 
against Pakistan. It's a ridiculous claim for one who knows the writings of 
Maudoodi and in any case becomes merely a part of historical polemic when one 
realizes that Maudoodi and Jamaate Islami fought for the independence and 
ideology of Pakistan as no other group did.
Many of the Muslims of India cherish Maudoodi's ideological writings and those 
who read him know that he was unflinching in his support of India's Muslims 
even after he left India. Islam is not a national religion and Maudoodi was not 
a national leader.
The person you have quoted is not a scholar or even a known person. He is 
quoting out of context from Dr. Israr [an intellectual pygmy as compared to 
Maulana Maudoodi]  and the Munir Report written by a bunch of secularists who 
supported the "Ahmeddi" [Qadiani] sect and wanted to sentence Maudoodi to death 
for his x-ray study of the fake Qadiani religion.
The person you quote has evidently not studied anything written by Maudoodi and 
is pic

Bismillah [IslamCity] 9/11

2008-06-15 Thread PoEtEsS
New 9-11 feature-length movie too truthful to show
On 9-11, filmmaker Paul Cross was doing post-production work in
Washington DC when he heard about the "terrorist" attack on the
Pentagon. Hours later he visited the Pentagon and saw that the official
story was a lie.
"There was no passenger jet wreckage, no lawn scorching, no damage to
lamp posts and fences, and no construction materials in the path of the
alleged jet," Cross told me. "I immediately realized it was a hoax, and
that so-called attack on the World Trade Center was also a hoax."
Cross says he was in mourning for weeks. "Literally in tears for what
has become of this country."
He decided to make the feature film Severe Visibility to alert his
fellow citizens. It's a dramatization, not a documentary, because Cross
felt documentaries preach to the converted. He wants audiences to
identify with the protagonist's horror as he realizes that the Bush
regime got away with murdering 3,000 Americans.
Cross wrote, directed, and starred in the 90-minute feature, and raised
over $500,000 from friends and family. Many actors etc. wanted to
participate, and worked for very little.
Naturally, Cross can't find a distributor, and can't get the movie shown
at film festivals in the USA. The film festival people say their
corporate owners or sponsors won't permit it.
"The truth will set you free, so the powerbrokers suppress it. What is
everyone so afraid of?" Cross asks.
No one in the mainstream press will interview him. No one will review
his film. This is proof of how art and information are controlled in our
supposedly "free" society.
(Many politically sensitive movies never see the light of day. For
example, director Henry Bean was forced to show his movie, The Believer
-- about a Jewish neo-Nazi --to a rabbi and some matrons at the Simon
Wiesenthal Center in LA. The Jews made sure it never reached theaters.)
Paul Cross has received hate mail and death threats. "The truth hurts.
People can't face it."
But the film has been embraced abroad. "The media tells people the truth
in other countries."
Cross has joined the select minority of Americans who awoke on 9-11, and
became the child who says the Emperor has no clothes, surrounded by
conformists who won't believe their own eyes.
The other 9-11 movies like "Flight 93" and "World Trade Centre"
perpetuate 9-11 lies. Oliver Stone is now a mere shadow of the man who
made "Platoon."
Cross wants viewers to confront 9-11. He wants them to mourn the
innocent victims murdered by Bush and the Israelis, and mourn the demise
of freedom.
"Severe Visibility" contains a lot of information about the Pentagon
attack. For example, the 9-11 scam had been rehearsed numerous times as
a "terror exercise," which allowed Cheney to order a military stand-down
when the scam was executed. 
The only deterrent against another false flag terrorist attack, possibly
leading to martial law, is for everyone to know the truth about 9-11.

Paul Cross has a (rather crude) web site for the film


"The bitter path of life strengthens your wisdom, faith and knowledge while the 
easy path of life empties your mind and heart"…Zohra Moosa


{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy 

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I 
am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



All views expressed herein belong to the individuals concerned and do not in 
any wa

Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] Maulana Maudoodi and Indian Muslims --a brief note by Kaukab Siddique

2008-06-15 Thread S A Hannan
Dear members,

Assalamu Alaikum.These are all false propaganda.Please read his literature to 
know his views, do not depend on out of context quotes..He was a great 
scholar,Mufassir  and jurist , it is possible that he may differ from others on 
some issues which are not totally explicit in the Quran or the Sunnah.Such 
diffeerences have occured among all scholars in the past.

He did not revile any Prophet or Sahabi.

Shah Abdul Hannan
  - Original Message - 
  From: M. Malhar 
  To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World 
  Sent: Monday, June 09, 2008 3:12 AM
  Subject: RE: Bismillah [IslamCity] Maulana Maudoodi and Indian Muslims --a 
brief note by Kaukab Siddique

  Abu A`la Maududi  

  This is a man who reviled many of the Prophets of Allaah and the Companions 
of Allaah's Messenger as well as promoting un-Islamic revolutionary modes of 

  Regarding Abul A'la Maudoodi's rejection of the Dajjaal

  Who was Abul Alaa Maududi? 

  A brief history of the Maududi calamity

  May Allah save us from Misguidance!


  -Original Message-
  From: "S A Hannan" [mailto:"S A Hannan"] 
  Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2008 1:35 PM
  To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World
  Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] Maulana Maudoodi and Indian Muslims --a brief 
note by Kaukab Siddique

  Dear sirs,

  Assalamu alaikum.Please read this response from an erudite scholar to whom I 
referred a question posted in internet against Sayyid maududi.

  Shah abdul Hannan

  Maulana Maudoodi and Indian Muslims
  a brief note by Kaukab Siddique
   A distinguished Bangladeshi brother, S. A. Hannan, has asked  me to 
comment on some abusive attacks on Maulana Maudoodi [rahmatullah alaih] 
published on line on several discussion groups.
  Syed Abul 'Ala Maudoodi was undoubtedly among the greatest Islamic scholars 
of the 20th century  c.e. He taught the Muslims of India, Pakistan and 
Bangladesh to understand the relevance of Islam to our times in rational and 
scientific terms. His contributions to Islamic learning in our times are simply 
too many to be listed. Suffice it to say that the modern Islamic movement at 
least in South Asia would have been unthinkable without him.
  This does not mean that he should not be criticized. He wrote to me: "I have 
never considered myself above criticism." He wanted Muslims to pick up from 
where he had left and to carry on his work, and not to come to a stop as if he 
is the last word.
  However, criticism to be legitimate has to be honest. If stories are 
fabricated about him, or his writings are taken totally out of context, that 
cannot be considered criticism. That is abuse and propaganda. I am not 
surprised that some people have an irrational hatred of Maudoodi. He was not 
only a scholar but the leader of an organized and disciplined Islamic movement. 
Thus he was able to challenge the enemies of Islam on a daily basis. He was 
repeatedly sent to prison and the Pakistani media for decades would not mention 
the fact that he  even existed, in a futile effort to stop the spread of his 
ideas. He had well placed enemies among a variety of groups who opposed the 
emergence of an Islamic view of life.
  For the specific issue under review, remember that Maudoodi was himself an 
"Indian Muslim" though he became a leader of international dimensions. In the 
three volumes of Musalman awr Maujuda Siyasi kashmakash, he criticized the 
movement for Pakistan while he provided the idea of Pakistan and the Pakistan 
movement all its ideological tools. His contention was that the strategic issue 
is not Muslim nationalism but the emergence of a viable Islamic political 
state. If Pakistan emerges and it is not Islamically structured and does not 
provide Islamic justice, he thought, it would jeopardize not only its own 
existence but that of the Muslims of India too.
  He wrote that for him one square mile of land governed by the Law of Allah 
was more important than all of India. Obviously such writing can be taken out 
of context and used against him. The Pakistani secularists claim that he was 
against Pakistan. It's a ridiculous claim for one who knows the writings of 
Maudoodi and in any case becomes merely a part of historical polemic when one 
realizes that Maudoodi and Jamaate Islami fought for the independence and 
ideology of Pakistan as no other group did.
  Many of the Muslims of India cherish Maudoodi's ideological writings and 
those who read him know that he was unflinching in his support of India's 
Muslims even after he left India. Islam is not a national religion and Maudoodi 
was not a national leader.
  The person you have quoted is not a scholar or even a known person. He is 
quoting out of context from Dr. Israr [an intellectual pygmy as compared to 
Maulana Maudoodi]  and the Munir Report written by a bunch of s

Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] Maulana Maudoodi and Indian Muslims --a brief note by Kaukab Siddique

2008-06-15 Thread PP A Latheef
*Dear sirs,*

*Assalamu alaikum.Please read this response from an erudite scholar to whom
I referred a question posted in internet against Sayyid maududi.*

*Shah abdul Hannan*

*Maulana Maudoodi and Indian Muslims**
*a brief note by Kaukab Siddique

 A distinguished Bangladeshi brother, S. A. Hannan, has asked  me to
comment on some abusive attacks on Maulana Maudoodi [*rahmatullah alaih*]
published on line on several discussion groups.

Syed Abul 'Ala Maudoodi was undoubtedly among the greatest Islamic scholars
of the 20th century  c.e. He taught the Muslims of India, Pakistan and
Bangladesh to understand the relevance of Islam to our times in rational and
scientific terms. His contributions to Islamic learning in our times are
simply too many to be listed. Suffice it to say that the modern Islamic
movement at least in South Asia would have been unthinkable without him.

This does not mean that he should not be criticized. He wrote to me: "I have
never considered myself above criticism." He wanted Muslims to pick up from
where he had left and to carry on his work, and not to come to a stop as if
he is the last word.

However, criticism to be legitimate has to be honest. If stories are
fabricated about him, or his writings are taken totally out of context, that
cannot be considered criticism. That is abuse and propaganda. I am not
surprised that some people have an irrational hatred of Maudoodi. He was not
only a scholar but the leader of an organized and disciplined Islamic
movement. Thus he was able to challenge the enemies of Islam on a daily
basis. He was repeatedly sent to prison and the Pakistani media for decades
would not mention the fact that he  even existed, in a futile effort to stop
the spread of his ideas. He had well placed enemies among a variety of
groups who opposed the emergence of an Islamic view of life.

For the specific issue under review, remember that Maudoodi was himself an
"Indian Muslim" though he became a leader of international dimensions. In
the three volumes of *Musalman awr Maujuda Siyasi kashmakash, *he criticized
the movement for Pakistan while he provided the idea of Pakistan and the
Pakistan movement all its ideological tools. His contention was that
the strategic issue is not Muslim nationalism but the emergence of a viable
Islamic political state. If Pakistan emerges and it is not Islamically
structured and does not provide Islamic justice, he thought, it would
jeopardize not only its own existence but that of the Muslims of India too.

He wrote that for him one square mile of land governed by the Law of Allah
was more important than all of India. Obviously such writing can be taken
out of context and used against him. The Pakistani secularists claim that he
was against Pakistan. It's a ridiculous claim for one who knows the writings
of Maudoodi and in any case becomes merely a part of historical polemic when
one realizes that Maudoodi and Jamaate Islami fought for the independence
and ideology of Pakistan as no other group did.

Many of the Muslims of India cherish Maudoodi's ideological writings and
those who read him know that he was unflinching in his support of India's
Muslims even after he left India. Islam is not a national religion and
Maudoodi was not a national leader.

The person you have quoted is not a scholar or even a known person. He is
quoting out of context from Dr. Israr [an intellectual pygmy as compared to
Maulana Maudoodi]  and the Munir Report written by a bunch of secularists
who supported the "Ahmeddi" [Qadiani] sect and wanted to sentence Maudoodi
to death for his x-ray study of the fake Qadiani religion.

The person you quote has evidently not studied anything written by Maudoodi
and is picking up quotes from here and there.
I had the honor of reading all his books. I then translated and put together
a selection of his writings which I  titled *Come Let Us Change this World.
*I remember strolling with him in the little garden in front of his office
as he looked at and approved the manuscript of this book. Here is a quote
from this book which criticizes Muslims and lead him to be hated by narrow
nationalists and racists:

"The nation known as Muslim today has forgotten, and by its conduct has
led the world to forget, the fact that Islam actually is the name of a
movement which started with a purpose and some principles. And the word
'Muslim' was meant for the group which followed this movement and went
forward with it. The movement has been lost sight of. Its purpose has been
forgotten. Its principles have been broken one after the other and its name,
having lost all its significance, is now merely used to denote racial and
social allegiance. So much so that it is used even on occasions where the
very purpose of Islam is negated, where its principles are demolished and
where, instead of Islam there is all that is not Islam." [ *Muslaman awr
Mawjuda Siyasi Kashmakash*, Part II, pp. 40-41.] [p.88 of my translation]

I hope you ar