Bismillah [IslamCity] Understanding Indian Muslims..

2008-10-13 Thread Aficionado k
Understanding the Indian Muslim

Indian Muslims: Where Have They Gone Wrong? by Rafiq Zakaria; Bharatiya Vidya 
Bhavan, Mumbai, 2004; pages 565, 

IT is difficult to write about living legends. Dr. Rafiq Zakaria combines in 
his personality what grammarians might characterise as the past perfect, the 
past imperfect and the present. His life spans two generations; his writings 
are reflective of both. He has thus done readers a favour by putting together 
in the volume under review 67 of his articles and essays on a specific theme. 
The uninitiated might consider this enough of a contribution for a lifetime; 
little would they know that this is merely the icing on a carefully baked cake 
since Zakaria has also written and published a dozen books.

The book is a welcome addition to literature on a subject that, paradoxically, 
remains inadequately explored. The subject, of course, is the "Indian Muslim 
Condition". Muslims constitute about 13 per cent of the Indian population, 
number over 130 million, and are the second largest Muslim community in the 
world. Zakaria has explored the subject in 12 aspects, pertaining to the past 
and the present. For reasons best known to him, these essays have been 
"thoroughly revised" and largely "rewritten". This robs them of time 
specificity, would disappoint a historian, and may induce some reviewer to 
allege hindsight.
M.J. Akbar, in an erudite "Foreword", has sought to portray the Indian Muslim 
through the poetry of Amir Khusro, Mirza Ghalib, Akbar Allahabadi and Mohammad 
Iqbal, and has raised a teasing question about the emergence of the Muslim 
perception of being a minority. He suggests that going wrong has everything to 
do with remembering or forgetting the Indian roots. If only one could live on a 
diet of roots!

Certain themes run across the 12 sections of the book: Muslims and Partition, 
the absence of Muslim leadership in the post-Partition period and until this 
day, Muslim identity and stereotypes, Hindu-Muslim relations, communal violence 
and search for physical security, the implications of Hindutva and the 
questions of reform and modernisation. It is a wide sweep, reflective of the 
pain and agony of personal experience; it also carries incisive judgments and 
corrective recipes. One would have liked to see more of sociological analysis 
to ascertain how different segments of Muslim society responded in the past, 
and do so today, to these situations and challenges. Such a profile of the 
Muslim community in various parts of India, as reflected in Census reports and 
the National Sample Surveys, would have provided a proper backdrop to the 
political perceptions reflected in the essays.

A PERVASIVE theme in contemporary Indian discourse, raised to its apogee by the 
proponents of Hindutva, is the question of the "Muslim responsibility" for the 
"Two Nation theory" and Partition. Interestingly enough and many years before 
Mohammad Ali Jinnah could lay claim to it, the theory of there being two 
nations in India was propounded by the father figure of what has been touted as 
"cultural nationalism". Jinnah may therefore be guilty of plagiarism, but not 

As for Muslim responsibility, many questions relating to it remain to be 
answered. Did all or even the majority of Muslims participate in the making of 
the decision? If not, how representative - and by what process - were those who 
took the decision? How did the decision come to be endorsed by other Indians? 
Was it a conscious process or an unconscious one, autonomous or externally 
induced? How, in any case, are present-day Indian Muslims responsible - morally 
or legally - for what a previous generation is alleged to have done? The whole 
business of Muslim responsibility is a classic example of what the Oxford 
philosopher Gilbert Ryle called "systematically misleading expressions" that 
misrepresent facts and falsify perceptions. This debate must be closed for the 
good of India and Indians. We should leave it to the historians to delve into 
the past and produce an authentic record. We as a nation cannot live in the 
past, contrived or otherwise.

Rafiq Zakaria has written with anguish about communal riots - they reached 
genocidal proportions in Gujarat in 2002 - and about the deprivation faced by 
Muslims in various walks of life. He quotes from the report of a high-power 
panel appointed by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in 1980. A graphic picture of 
Muslim deprivation also emerges from the studies done in recent years by the 
National Council of Applied Economic Research. The findings have been summed up 
in two sentences: "Muslims in India have a poor human development status. 
Widespread illiteracy, low income, irregular employment - implying thereby a 
high incidence of poverty is all pervasive among the Muslims."

Muslims, in the words of one analyst, "suffer double discrimination, by virtue 
of being Muslim and poor". As a result they are under-represented in the 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Media, Muslims and Mujahideen - Mubasshir Mushtaq

2008-10-13 Thread Abhiyya

India’s 160 million Muslims have a problem: fear. And nobody is willing to even 
listen to them. They are the in-betweens of India’s fight against terrorism. 
They want to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. India needs 
to integrate them. A Muslim friend put it bluntly, “Rabindranath Tagore’s poem 
‘Where the mind is without fear’ no longer adorns my wall.”
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Media, Muslims and Mujahideen
- Mubasshir Mushtaq

A bomb does not discriminate between a Hindu or a Muslim (File Photo)

Now that the Delhi Police has “cracked” the bomb blasts, I can make my own 
confessions. Suspicion is not a fundamental right enshrined in Indian 
Constitution but it is an unalienable right in a flourishing democracy. 
Suspicion is the fundamental premise on which the edifice of our intelligentsia 
stands. Therefore, intelligence agencies cannot be denied the right to suspect. 
The same right to suspect cannot be denied to ordinary Indians. Equality is the 
hallmark of a true democracy.

The journalist in me has a problem when an official declaration, a 
chronological monologue, is treated as the gospel. It is not the job of a 
journalist to arrive at conclusions. The job of a journalist is to stand 
outside the circle and communicate nuances and niceties taking place inside the 
circle. When a journalist jumps into the circle, he becomes part of the story. 
Proximity breeds bias. Bias breeds bigotry. A true journalist can be anything 
but he can never be a bigot.

Journalistic bigotry is dangerous for it plays a vital role in shaping public 
opinion. Each such story leaves an imprint on public consciousness. In each 
blast, media, the fourth estate, behaves like fourth mistake. The needle of 
suspicion automatically swings towards Muslims whether it is Mecca Masjid blast 
or Malegaon blasts in which devout Muslims were specifically targeted inside 
their mosques. Every time there is a blast, Muslims find themselves in the no 
man's land. They are caught in the crossfire between intelligence agencies and 
terrorists. Neither of them will trust Muslims. The day-today Muslim problem is 
bread and butter rather than the bomb.

Each blast is viewed from the green lens of Islam although saffron lens is 
equally making India red. One of the reasons for these blasts is to put the 
entire Muslim community in the defensive mode by systematically manipulating 
Islam. The trick is like a psychological warfare before the beginning of actual 

It is true that a minuscule minority among Muslims has become radical. It is 
equally true that a minuscule minority among Hindus has gone on the extreme. 
SIMI, RSS and Bajrang Dal, are competing identities, each one claiming to 
represent their respective community. It is competitive extremism at work which 
can be summed up in one-line: My version of extremism is better than yours! 
Media plays safe when RSS and Bajrang Dal are involved in bomb blasts while it 
indulges in triumphant journalism when SIMI comes under the scanner. The reason 
for this differential approach is commercial: No businessman would want to 
antagonize the majority Hindu readers. Media, therefore, claims to be 
nationalistic but it only practices majoritarian nationalism.

>From a journalistic point of view, I have a problem when Police changes the 
>names of ‘alleged’ (it is one adjective which we in the media have abused and 
>used at will) masterminds overnight. First it was Abdus Subhan Qureishi (alias 
>Tauqeer), now it is Atif, the “terrorist” who has been gunned down.

The journalist in me finds it hard to digest that Mufti Abul Bashar, the 
alleged mastermind of Ahmedabad blasts, is linked to Delhi blasts. If Bashar is 
really connected to Delhi blasts, the bomb blasts should never have taken place 
since he was in police custody when the blasts took place. How can Bashar, a 
poor madrasa-educated person mastermind Ahmedabad blast with such precision? 
When did Indian Madrasas start producing tech-savvy Muslims? Indian government 
would love that to happen! There won’t be any need for Central madrasa board 
for modernization then!

Police says that the educated Muslims are involved in the blasts yet they 
arrest who will not be termed ‘educated’ by worldly standards. Mufti Bashar is 
just one example. A section of the mainstream media is extremely behaving like 
the nautch girl of Indian intelligent agencies. Instead of investigating the 
police claims, media is promoting self-contradictory journalism.

The journalist in me has a problem when a TV correspondent spits out the 
intelligence feed that there was a meeting of SIMI in 2001 where 200 youth were 
recruited to wreak havoc across India. What was our intelligence agency doing 
for the last 8 years?

Muslim accused are being branded as terrorists before the proper investigation 
and filing of the chargesheet. The actual trial by a court of law is yet to 
begin but the trial by media has already passed its judgement

Bismillah [IslamCity] Terrorism and the nuclear threat

2008-10-13 Thread waheedahsan
Ahsan Waheed

At an earlier Jirga (gathering of elders) Pakistan's army Chief, 
General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, had urged the border tribes suffering 
the continuing assault of Al Qaeda inspired Taliban terrorists to 
stand by the country's security forces if they truly wanted peace and 
stability to be restored in the area. The message of needed popular 
support delivered by General Kayani apparently impacted, as locally 
raised Lashkars (tribal troops) lashed back at the insurgents 
leveling eight houses reputed to have housed militants in terrorist-
infested Bajaur Agency.

Urged on by a grand Jirga of the Mahmond tribe, the action of the 
Lashkars against the terrorists came in complement to the Pakistan 
military offensive launched over the weekend to drive out cross-
border marauders from Pakistani territory, forcing out the 
infiltrators who had from Afghanistan to aid those of fundamentalist 
leanings in their battles against Pakistan's armed forces.

The Lashkars moving in to support the Pakistan's armed forces to 
dislodge the intruding terrorists, however, drew a negative response 
from the country's main fundamentalist political party, the Jamaat-e-
Islami, with its Amir (head) Qazi Hussain Ahmed terming it "a 
conspiracy being hatched by anti-state elements" to create conditions 
that could lead to a civil war. He accused the US and India of 
funding the militant organizations to "deprive Pakistan of its 
nuclear assets".

Not so, Pakistan's somewhat controversial new president, Asif Ali 
Zardari, who in a Wall Street Journal interview is reported to have 
said, "I am not going to fall for this position that it's an 
unpopular thing to be an American friend. I am an American friend" 
and went even further in saying, "India has never been a threat to 
Pakistan. I, for one, and our democratic government, are not scared 
of Indian influence". But he would have made not a few enemies when 
he called the Islamic groups fighting for what is commonly perceived 
as the liberation of Kashmir, as "terrorists", and lost not a few 
friends in acknowledging his government had been complicit in the 
Predator missile attacks on Pakistan territory.

For all of this, however, Mr Zardari could trump all if he can pull 
of the aid package or $100 billion he has been angling for, or even 
part parcel of this, to fight terrorism. That said, the general 
concern in Pakistan (and presumably the US too) would be what 
percentage of this would be used for the purpose intended, if 
delivered in cash rather than in kind. 

Bismillah [IslamCity] An appeal to all Muslims.

2008-10-13 Thread Aficionado k

Dear brothers and sisters,

As-salam Alaikum 

As you are aware, Hindus goons with full support and encouragement of the 
central and the state governmenst have practically made it impossible for the 
Muslims to survive in Gujarat and other parts of the country as well, I request 
most humbly, in the name of Allah the Almighty, to send as much messages as you 
can to your fellow Muslims drawing their ATTENTION to our plight and also 
drawing international attention.

Not only Muslims but all Human Rights and minority rights organizations 
worldwide. In whatever capacity, you may help us in this way and can claim 
reward from Allah on the day of judgement. I particularly request my highly 
educated Muslim brethren to disseminate this appeal to every influential 
quarter they are aware of. 

We your brothers are extremely weak and helpless. Even a butcher is more 
merciful than these Hindu goons who very keenly roast our children and leave 
their decomposing corpses for us to cry. Allah has given you strength and 
power, use it. Your help might open the doors of forgiveness for you in the 
world hereafter.

That Bajrang Dal-BJP-VHP are killing Muslims like lambs in Gujarat and other 
parts of the country. 

The fact that Muslims were made the victim of preplanned carnage has now been 
verified by the international media as well as Indian media. 

An international inquiry be conducted into the events surrounding the incident 
of the torching of the train in Godhra and the systematic carnage of Muslims in 
its wake and other following incidents like framing innocent Muslims as 
Hardcore Terrorists in the name of "WAR AGAINST TERROR"

Also, an international panel be allowed to submit a report on general condition 
of minorities (Not only Muslim but others also) in India. 

All Muslim and other governments should pressurize the Indian govt to provide 
maximum security to the Indian Muslims.

By this way we would very much create the transparency for others to let them 
know about the Truth lies beneath. 

Allah Hafiz

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Bismillah [IslamCity] What Is The Worst Fitnah?

2008-10-13 Thread Aqsa Jihad Fisabeelillah*
*Bismillah Hir Rahmaan Nir Raheem*
*Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatuhu*

Hudhayfah was asked: *"What is the worst fitnah?" *

These narrations are from Hamud at-Tuwayjri's 'Ithaf al-Jama'ah':

In (1/25), he mentioned that Ibn 'Abd al-Barr reported that Hudhayfah was
asked:* "What is the worst fitnah?" So, he replied: "That you are presented
with the good and the bad, and you are confused as to which path to take."*

He also reported from Ibn Abi Shaybah in his 'Musannaf' that Khalid bin
al-Walid said: "Fitnah is that you are in a land in which sins are rampant,
and when you seek to leave it for a land in which sins are not rampant, you
are unable to find such a place."

In (2/223), he mentioned that Hudhayfah said: *"A time will come upon you
where none will be saved except those who supplicate as if they are

It was reported in the 'Musannaf' of Ibn Abi Shaybah, as well as in the
'Mustadrak' of al-Hakim, and he said: "It is authentic upon the conditions
of al-Bukhari and Muslim, and they did not report it," and adh-Dhahabi
agreed with him in his 'Talkhis.'

Ibn Abi Shaybah also reported that Abu Hurayrah said: "There will be a
fitnah such that nothing can rescue you from it except to supplicate as if
you are drowning."

*Surah Isra 17 verse 80 Say: "O my Lord! let my entry be by the Gate of
Truth and Honor and likewise my exit by the Gate of Truth and Honor; and
grant me from Thy Presence an authority to aid (me)."

Transliteration :Wa qur rabbi adkhilni mudkhala sidqiw wa akhrijni mukhraja
sidqiw wa-j'al li mil ladunka sulta_nan nasira_(n).

Al-Tirmidhi HadithHadith 2482 Narrated by AbuHurayrah  (May Allah be pleased
with him)
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) used to say, " O Allah, grant me
benefit in what Thou hast taught me, teach me what will benefit me, and
increase my knowledge. Praise be to Allah in all circumstances. I seek
refuge in Allah from the state of those who go to Hell."
Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah transmitted it, Tirmidhi saying this is a tradition
whose isnad is gharib.


Bismillah [IslamCity] China - Chinese Muslims Too Scared to Talk

2008-10-13 Thread Shahid
Chinese Muslims Too Scared to Talk

The same muttered phrase greets any curious visitor who strays into the mosques 
and bazaars dotting towns in Xinjiang province in China's remote northwest.

"We don't dare talk," members of the Uighur ethnic minority whisper, coming 
from prayers or as they head out shopping.

One or two who are braver, or more foolish, glance around to scout for 
eavesdroppers before complaining about how hard it is to find jobs, educate 
their children or practice their religion.

Xinjiang is nominally autonomous and ruled by the Uighurs - Muslims with 
Caucasian features who speak a Turkic language - and other ethnic minorities.

But since Mao's troops seized China in 1949 and took control of the region, 
Beijing has maintained a firm grip on the levers of power and made Uighurs a 
minority in their own area by encouraging millions of Han Chinese to settle 

Any incautious criticism of Chinese rule can land a Uighur in prison, exiled 
activists say.

Xinjiang strategic

Only formally incorporated into China in 1884, Xinjiang saw a brief period of 
virtual independence from 1938 when it sought aid from the Soviet Union - 
giving added impetus to a 150-year fight for an independent East Turkestan 

But the province is strategically vital to Beijing.

It sits on a third of the country's oil and 40% of its coal, accounts for 
around one-sixth of Chinese territory and gives it a border with several 
central Asian nations.

Chinese officials say that while tight control is needed to stamp out 
separatist sentiment and "terrorist ideas" imported from countries such as 
Afghanistan, the 19-million-strong
population basically lives in harmony.

"Our biggest threat to ethnic relations is Osama bin Ladin and the Taliban," 
Bai Hua, vice-mayor of the regional capital, Urumqi, told Reuters, waving away 
suggestions of domestic discontent.

Terrorism fears exploited

But with the last serious violence dating back to the late 1990s - nine died in 
riots in Yining in 1997 - some say China is exploiting international fears of 

"China very clearly wants to show the world that it too is a victim of 
terrorism, to vilify Uighurs' political activities," Dilxat Raxit, the 
Sweden-based spokesman of the World Uighur Congress, said.

He said after the 11 September 2001 attacks on the United States "the Chinese 
started arresting Uighurs anywhere and for anything ... they did it outside any 
legal framework".

Even financial success and government praise are no guarantee of immunity from 
the region's prisons.

Rebiya Kadeer, an exiled businesswoman, was on a consultative body to China's 

But she was detained in 1999 and charged with providing state secrets to 
foreign institutions after sending newspaper clippings about separatist groups 
to her husband in the United States.

A network of informants also sows distrust, Uighurs say.


In the border town of Horgas, officials said they rely on their whole 
population to prevent a repeat of the riots.

"Ordinary people are very vigilant. As soon as they discover some kind of 
problem, they go straight to the government or public security bureau to report 
it," Jia Yisheng, a senior party official, told visiting journalists.

But experts say that if Uighurs were allowed to control and enjoy their own 
culture there would be far less support for secession and Beijing's heavy hand 
might not be necessary.

"Many Uighurs are more moderate, and would be content with a more autonomous 
state within China," said one Western diplomat.

China believes an ambitious campaign to develop poorer western regions is 
bringing Xinjiang the kind of prosperity that countries in Central Asia can 
only envy. Uighurs say the programme offers little for them.

The influx of Han Chinese - often better educated, better connected and with 
the language skills to tap into government subsidies - makes it hard for 
Uighurs to compete.

"The Han work a lot, we just pray a lot," said one man filing out of a run-down 
small-town mosque.

Mosque, education ban

Most Uighurs are also effectively barred from joining the Communist Party - 
often a route to improvement in poorer areas of China - by a rule that members 
must be atheist.

Even for those who do not want to join the party, just observing their faith 
can be difficult, as the government uses religion to target Uighurs, said 
Nicolas Becquelin at Human Rights Watch in Hong Kong.

"It is Uighur Islam that is targeted. Through ... control of religion the 
authorities are trying to quell ethno-nationalist sentiment. Islam is not the 
real target in this, it is seen as the vehicle for expressing dissent," 
Becquelin said.

Teaching religion is complicated because children under 18 are banned from 
attending mosques or receiving religious education, and imams must renew their 
licence every year and are expected to show patriotism as well as devotion, 
Becquelin said.

"The mosques look free 

Bismillah [IslamCity] financial tsunami - youtube

2008-10-13 Thread Shahid
Max Keiser - The Original Death of the Dollar

dollar, gold, oil, coming financial tsunami!!!
Dollar tsunami on the way or more invasions like Iraq.. check it out why??? 
dollar oil monopoly!!! and idiotic leaders, and our ignorant ummah???

world bank, imf and dollar collapse

welcome to the new financial tsunami. The whole truth about control, power and 

ask yourself what is federal reserve? A consortium of private banks, like 
rothchilds, jp morgan, goldman-sachs, lehman bros...yes its true find it 

what is IMF? world bank?? IMF is a consortium of bank of england..

and world bank all the same...

private bankers controlling national economy 

Bismillah [IslamCity] A TIME TO PONDER AND ACT

2008-10-13 Thread Zaras Kitchen
 visit the site

*"Destruction of Historical Sites in Mecca & Medina - Cradle of Islam"*
*Yet Muslim Ummah Remain Silent!  Q. WHY?*

The Saudis are now set on unprecedented onslaught of demolishing the
birthplace of Prophet Muhammad and other historical structures in the heart
of Mecca and Medina, the cradle of Islam, revered by the world's 1.5 billion
Muslims. Over the last two decades most of Makkah's 1000-year-old historic
sites have been bulldozed and replaced by hotels and other concrete jungles.
Failure to protect them from destruction is the biggest tragedy for the
Islamic architectural heritage. The Saudi royal family claims to be
guardians of the holy places of Islam, and profit hugely from the centuries
by visiting believers to Makkah and Medina for pilgrimage. And yet, they are
party to this barbaric desecration of the holiest sites in the Islamic

Today, the religious zealots in Saudi Arabia are not alone. Commercial
developers such as Bin Laden Group have joined hands with them and are
making hundreds of millions in profits as they build ugly, but lucrative
high-rises that are shadowing the Grand Mosque know as the Kaaba. Today
Saudi petrodollars have the ability to silence even its most vocal critics,
but when all is said and done, history will render a harsh judgment on those
who try to wipe out its footprints and steal the heritage of all humanity.

The problem is the Saudi's interpretation of Islam; they are opposed to the
preservation of the old historic structures due to belief that some Muslims
in their ignorance would be overcome with love and awe that historic sites
may invoke, leading to idolatrous thoughts. Destruction of the most precious
sites in Islam for fear of idolatry by some is like killing a child for fear
that he may grow up to be less than pious. In effect, behind the obsessive
fear of idolatry lies a complete lack of understanding and total fanaticism
of radical Islam, unable even to appreciate its own past.

What is the reason for this silence: "Is it because Muslims nations have
become so overwhelmed by the power of the Saudi denial of Visas for
Pilgrimage (Hajj), that we have lost all courage and self-respect? Or is it
because we feel a need to cover up Muslim-on-Muslim violence;
Muslim-on-Muslim terror; Muslim-on-Muslim oppression?

We Muslims constantly rail against any wrongs inflicted on fellow-Muslims by
non-believers, but hold our silence when Muslims kill, exploit and terrorize
other Muslims. Thus, when the Americans kill Iraqis, or the Russians
persecute Chechens; we are rightly offended and resentful. But when Saddam
Hussein massacred Kurds and Shias for years, Muslims around the world
maintained a discreet silence. So why this conspiracy of silence? Thousands
demonstrated against the desecration of the Holy Book Quran at Guantanam and
thousand complained at the remark by Congressman Tom Tancredo of Colorado,
referring to Makkah and Medina said "If there is another 9/11 we should take
out their holy places," Where are those zealots now? Why aren't preachers at
mosques demanding that the Saudi government halt their destructive plans?
Alas, these double standards are what now define the Muslim Community. We
have become completely neutered when it comes to criticizing other Muslims.
This is not of washing our dirty linen in public but this is the time to
self-analyze and self-criticize and these things need to be said out loud,
clear and often.

*Saudi Arabia, in which Wahhabism is the state form of Islam, has a long
history of vandalizing and demolishing historical monuments. Cultural
devastation of Islamic heritage sites is not a new phenomenon. In 1801 the
Saudis-Wahabbis waged a campaign against the Shia Muslim destroying and
defacing the sacred tomb of the Imam Hussein in Karbala, Iraq. Then in early
1920 Saudi rulers Aal-e-Sa'ud bulldozed and levelled a graveyard in Medina -
Cemetery of Al-Baqee -and Jannatul Moualla - in the holy city of Makkah that
housed the shrines of the holy Prophet Muhammad, his family and his
companions. This anniversary falls Oct 9th, (8th Shawal 1426) and is Know as

*The Saudis followed their conquest of Mecca and Medina in the mid-1920s
with an orgy of destruction. They levelled the "Jannat al-Baqi" or "Heavenly
Orchard" at Medina that included graves of the Prophet Muhammad's son
Abraham, as well as numerous of the Prophet's relatives and  companions.
They also looted the Prophet's Shrine in Medina and demolished the cemetery
in Mecca that included the graves of Muhammad's mother and grandfather. They
completely destroyed mausoleums, mosques, and other honoured sites,
including Muhammad's own house. It was even said that they wished to uproot
the grave of Muhammad himself and tear down the Kaaba, the stone temple at
the centre of Mecca. They were prevented from this last act by pressure from
Muslims around the world. Wahabism vandalism continues today, by levelling
of five of seve

Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] Vacancies from the Gulf, 28th September 2008

2008-10-13 Thread J MK
Does anyone have any teaching jobs for the Gulf?  I know that it is late in the 
season but I am still searching for a teaching job (in English).  I would 
prefer not to teach in the US anymore.  I want to feel less apologetic about 
wearing my hijab, Inshaallah (my own feelings and not a reflection of anyone 
else's life experiences).
P.S.  I will consider anything in editorial/writing (as long as it pays me on 
the scale of what I did or will receive teaching), Inshaallah.


--- On Sun, 9/28/08, Shakeel [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

From: Shakeel [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] Vacancies from the Gulf, 28th September 2008
To: "eGroup For Muslims Around The World" 
Date: Sunday, September 28, 2008, 2:11 AM

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calculation and ordering control.
• With excellent leadership skills and must have the ability work without 
constant supervision.
• Should be between 30 to 35 years of age.

• University Degree in Accounting 

• 3-5 years in a supervisory position in trading business of heavy equipment or 
auto motive.



Heavy Equipment Division


Admin Assistants 


3200-4100 NEG.

• Will be reporting to Assistant Manager - Admin & Accounts.
• Responsible for setting up and maintenance of filing system.
• Responsible for a preparing quotations and document transmittal form as 
required by sales.
• Upkeep of the document register of all customers who have been sent 

• With good command of English and Arabic a plus.
• Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
• Proficient in Microsoft Office applications.
• With background on selling procedure, invoicing, cost calculation and 
ordering control.
• Must have the ability to work with minimum supervision.
• Should be between 22 to 28 years of age.

University Degree in Accounting or any b

Bismillah [IslamCity] Rulings on Fasting Six days of Shawwal

2008-10-13 Thread Muhammad Salman Faheem

Bismillah hir Rehman nir Rahim


The virtue of fasting
six days of Shawwaal



Question #7859: What is the
ruling on fasting six days of Shawwaal? Is it waajib (obligatory)?


Answer :  Praise be
to Allaah.


Fasting six days of Shawwaal after the obligatory fast of
Ramadaan is Sunnah Mustahabbah, not waajib. It is
recommended for the Muslim to fast six days of Shawwaal, and in this there is
great virtue and an immense reward.


Whoever fasts these six days will have recorded for him a
reward as if he had fasted a whole year, as was reported in a saheeh hadeeth
from the Prophet  (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).


Abu Ayyoob (may Allaah be pleased with him) reported that
the Messenger of Allaah  (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
“Whoever fasts Ramadaan and follows it with six days of Shawwaal, it will be as
if he fasted for a lifetime.” (Narrated by Muslim, Abu Dawood,
al-Tirmidhi, al-Nisaa’i and Ibn Maajah).


The Prophet  (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon
him) explained this when he said: “Whoever fasts for six days after (Eid)
al-Fitr has completed the year: (whoever does a good deed (hasanah) will have
ten hasanah like it).”


According to another report: “Allaah has made for each
hasanah ten like it, so a month is like fasting ten months, and fasting six
days completes the year.” (al-Nisaa’i and Ibn Maajah. See also Saheeh 
wa’l-Tarheeb, 1/421).


It was also narrated by Ibn Khuzaymah with the wording: “Fasting
for the month of Ramadaan brings the reward of ten like it, and fasting for six
days brings the reward of two months, and that is the fasting of the whole


The Hanbali and Shaafa’i fuqaha’ explained that fasting
six days of Shawwaal after fasting Ramadaan makes it as if one has fasted for
an entire year of obligatory fasts, because the multiplication of the
reward applies even to naafil fasts, because each hasanah brings the reward of
ten like it. [ Ramadan is equivalent to ten months of fasting, and
the clincher, six days, is equal to two months, (6x10=`).Thus completes the
year's twelve



Another of the important benefits of fasting
six days of Shawwaal is that is makes up for any shortfall in a person's
obligatory Ramadaan fasts, because no one is free of
shortcomings or sins that have a negative effect on his fasting. On the Day of
Resurrection, some of his naafil deeds will be taken to make up the
shortcomings in his obligatory deeds, as the Prophet  (peace and blessings
of Allaah be upon him) said:


“The first thing for which people will be brought to
account on the Day of Resurrection will be their salaah (prayer). Our Lord, may
He be glorified and exalted, will say to His angels – although He knows best –
‘Look at the salaah of My slave, whether it is complete or incomplete.’ If it
is perfect, it will be recorded as perfect, and if something is lacking, He
will say, ‘Look and see whether My slave did any voluntary (naafil) prayers.’
If he did some voluntary prayers, [Allaah] will say, Complete the obligatory
actions of My slave from his voluntary actions.’ Then all his actions will
be dealt with in a similar manner.” (Narrated by Abu Dawood).


And Allaah knows best.


Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid (



Fatawas related to Fasting Six Days in


Its Not Makrooh or Bid`ah to Fast Six Days of Shawwal as some Scholar say


It is NOT Valid to Combine Making up Missed Ramadaan Fasts with Fasting
Six Days of Shawwaal with ONE intention


It is permissible to Fast on the Second Day of Shawwaal as Eid al-Fitr
lasts for just ONE Day


Its not necessary to Fast six days of Shawwal immediately after Eid


Its NOT Must to Fast Six Days Consecutively in Shawwaal


Missed Fasts (Obligatory) should be completed First Before Nafil Shawwaal


Should he start with the six days of Shawwaal before making up missed
fasts, if there are not enough days left?


Its SIN to Delay making up missed Ramadaan Fasts until the next Ramadaan


Want to Make up Missed Fasts but don’t know how many she owes


Combining three of the six days of Shawwaal with the Ayyaam al-Beed


Does one have to fast six days of Shawwaal every year?


Days on which it is prescribed to observe naafil (supererogatory) fasts



Bismillah [IslamCity] Fatah: Eject the traitors from your ranks

2008-10-13 Thread Khalid Amayreh

Fatah: Eject the traitors from your ranks

By Khalid Amayreh in Occupied Jerusalem

7 October, 2008

The recent revelations by an Israeli journalist about a secret meeting between 
high-ranking Palestinian  security chiefs and the commanders of the Israeli 
occupation army, which reportedly  took place at the Jewish colony of Bait El 
near Ramallah in  September, has shocked the Palestinian community here.


Bismillah [IslamCity] Syrian Pastries "Sweeten" Sudan `Eid by Isma'il Kushkush

2008-10-13 Thread Ismail Kashkash

Syrian Pastries "Sweeten" Sudan `Eid

By  Ismail Kamal Kushkush, IOL Correspondent

"I bought baklava and ka’k for Eid," said Ahmad. (IOL photo)
KHARTOUM — As sweet and cookies top the menu during `Eid Al-Fitr, Syrian 
pastries are becoming the most favorite in Sudan during the Muslim festivity.
"I like Syrian pastries; they are very good," Ghada Faysa, a 38-year-old 
housewife, told on Friday, October 3.
Like many across the region, Sudanese families serve pastries, sweet and 
cookies to guests during `Eid Al-Fitr, which marks the end of the fasting month 
of Ramadan.
While many families home-bake their pastries, others buy ready-made items from 
stores, with Syrian pastries coming atop the list.
The most favorite Syrian pastries for Sudanese in `Eid include ka’k (cookies), 
kunafa and baklava, which Sudanese call basta.
Sudan celebrated the first day of `Eid on Tuesday, September 29.
`Eid Al-Fitr is one of the two most important Islamic celebrations, together 
with `Eid Al-Adha.
After special prayers to mark the day, festivities and merriment start with 
visits to the homes of friends and relatives.
Traditionally, everyone wears new clothes for `Eid, and the children look 
forward to gifts.


"We make our pastries sweeter than traditional Syrian ones, but maintain Syrian 
quality," said Munjid. (IOL photo) 
One of the most famous stores selling Syrian pastries in the capital Khartoum 
is the "Syrian House".
"The Syrian House is one of the best places to buy pastries in Khartoum," said 
civil servant ‘Alam al-Din Ahmad, 34.
"I bought baklava and ka’k for Eid."
The House was opened in 1991.
"The store has developed to be one of the most famous pastry shops in 
Khartoum," said executive manager Dr. Ahmad Munjid.
"It's a family business," added Munjid, who teaches bio-medical laboratory 
sciences at the University of Khartoum.
"Taste is important. We use quality ingredients like pure ghee, Sudanese sugar, 
German glucose and desiccated Sri Lankan coconuts. My father directly 
supervises production."
The Syrian House is having a major challenge of meeting local Sudanese tastes.
"Sudanese have a sweet-tooth," Munjid said with a smile.
"So we make our pastries sweeter than traditional Syrian ones, but maintain 
Syrian quality."
Local ingredients are also used as substitutes for commonly used Syrian ones.
"We fill our baklava with crushed peanuts instead of pistachio nuts," said 
"That way we keep Syrian traditions and meet Sudanese tastes."
* Isma’il Kamal Kushkush is a Sudanese-American freelance writer currently 
based in Khartoum, Sudan.


Bismillah [IslamCity] usa: Playboy looks for bare market on Wall Street

2008-10-13 Thread Shahid
They offer the women little money while making millions themselves. 

Taking advantage of women in crisis? or opportunities for the dissolute women? 
maybe both!

Playboy looks for bare market on Wall Street 
By Robert MacMillan Thu Oct 2, 2:04 PM ET 

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Playboy magazine is offering a new way to lose your shirt 
on Wall Street. 

The adult entertainment magazine, long famous for its photo spreads of nude 
women and lessons in living the urbane life of the well-heeled bachelor, is 
launching a search for models to pose for its upcoming feature, "Women of Wall 
Playboy came up with the idea for the feature after the onset of the global 
financial crisis, which has vaporized fortunes and left Wall Street reeling. It 
is planned for the February 2009 edition of the monthly magazine and on its 

"When the news gets bad, then maybe that's a chance to make people smile by 
coming up with something that puts a different twist on it," said Gary Cole, 
Playboy's photo editor.

Playboy and frequently run specials such as "Girls of Olive Garden" 
and "Women of Home Depot," but in the past it has garnered attention for big 
business news themes.

It published "Women of Enron" and "Women of WorldCom" after the companies' 
spectacular failures. The magazine ran a "Women of Wall Street" feature nearly 
20 years ago.

Playboy is seeking current and former employees of the financial world, and is 
especially interested in those with more senior job experience.

"It would be more interesting to have someone who's a financial analyst," said 

Models must work for a financial institution or have recently worked for one, 
and prove that they are at least 18 years old.

"How many attractive women do you ... think there are working on Wall Street 
and the affiliated companies?" Cole said when asked how much success he thought 
Playboy would have in finding candidates. "There has to be thousands and 

Playboy likely will photograph about 20 women, he said, adding that 
compensation would depend partly on how many women apply.

"Whether you offer them $500 or $1,000 or $2,000 a piece, that's probably not 
going to change anybody's mind," he said. "The reason they do this is because 
they want the attention, the opportunity, the experience of doing it. It's not 
really for the money."

Playboy is soliciting applications at

Bismillah [IslamCity] Emailed Photos Promoting 'MIRACLES' of Islam

2008-10-13 Thread Yusuf Ibrahim
*Emailed Photos**


*Adil Salahi | Arab News*



*Some people circulate through e-mail some photos which they say support the
truth of Islam. Recently I received a photo of the moon which shows a clear
line in the middle. It is said to confirm the Qur'anic statement that the
moon was split during the lifetime of the Prophet. Do these photos prove
anything of the truth of Islam? Should we circulate them to all people,
particularly non-Muslims as a proof of the truth of Islam?*


God gave prophets and messengers He sent prior to the message of Islam
different miracles as signs they showed to their people in support of what
they preached. He gave Moses nine of these signs, such as the way his stick
was turned into a quick moving snake which swallowed the objects of sorcery
used by Pharaoh's sorcerers. He gave Jesus the ability to cure the blind and
the albino and to bring the dead back to life. He, however, did not
associate the message of Islam with any such miracle or sign.

*The proof of Islam as a message from God is there within the message. It
only needs to be studied and carefully examined for its truth to be clearly
seen by all. The Qur'an is there for all people to read. It is a book of
truth that admits no falsehood. Human progress and increased knowledge
always show the truth of every Qur'anic statement. Besides, it lays down a
code of living that can be easily adapted to any society, community and
generation, bringing out the best in all people. *

*There were numerous signs and 'miraculous' events that took place during
the lifetime of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and by his actions, such as
a small amount of food being served to an army of people, each eating his
fill with the food left at the end being more than it was at the start; a
small quantity of water turning into a spring at which a large army
replenishes its full stock; a man whose eye was dislocated by an enemy shows
it to the Prophet who puts it back in place; and many similar events.
However, none of these is taken as an ultimate proof of the message of
Islam. We say that they serve to confirm that the Prophet was certainly
God's messenger, but he never suggested that these were his proofs. The real
proof is in the message itself; in the Qur'an. We need no other proof.*

*Those people who circulate this photo showing a line in the middle of the
moon claim that it supports the Qur'anic statement that the moon was split
during the Prophet's lifetime. To start with, the photo does not prove
anything. Nowadays, it is very easy to produce any photo one wishes, using
some computer software like Photoshop. If you have a fine picture of the
moon, like the ones captured by spacecraft, you can easily introduce a line
in it or superimpose something else to prove what you wish. So, if you hold
such a photo to a non-Muslim and tell him that it proves the Qur'anic
statement in the first verse of Surah 54, he only needs to look at other
photos of the moon that do not show that line to realize that it was
superimposed. He will then think that you are resorting to deception. This
does not serve Islam. *

*Some years back, a photo was circulated showing two lines of trees, claimed
to be in the middle of a forest in Germany, with the inscription of the
first article of the Islamic faith clearly seen on them. People celebrated
this as if it was all that was needed to convince the world population of
the truth of Islam. However, they realized that this was not the case.
Sometime later, it transpired that it was all fake. The question that
escaped almost all people was that why would such trees in a German forest
bear an inscription in Arabic, when few Arabs would see it, if it was meant
to deliver a message to the German people or to the world at large. *

*God says in the Qur'an: "Never have We sent a messenger otherwise than
speaking the language of his own people, so that he might make (the truth)
clear to them." (14:4) Would it not have served a better purpose if the
inscription on those trees was in German, so that every passerby would read
and understand it? Similar photos of vegetables, fish and animals were
circulated bearing a similar message. They are all fake and serve no
purpose. *

*The way to preach Islam is to abide by its truth and explain it to people
clearly, in the way they understand. We do not need to resort to deception
because it will certainly harm our cause.*

*Preaching Islam After the Prophet &** Practice of Ablution*

*Adil Salahi, Arab News*



*Some people claim that 100,000 companions of the Prophet (peace be upon
him) left the **Middle East** after the Prophet's death and traveled
throughout the world to preach Islam. Could you please shed light on this
and whether they left their women and children back home? *


After the Prophet (peace be upon h

Bismillah [IslamCity] Islamic Youth Awakening (Sahwah) Campaign - The Mongols of our time

2008-10-13 Thread Dr. Adel Elsaie
Islamic Youth Awakening (Sahwah) Campaign - The Mongols of our time
Please look at the above link to see the map of the Mongol Empire

Dr. Adel Elsaie

When I see the younger Muslim generation confused about the definition of a
Muslim and rejecting acceptable Mazhabs, I get scared.

When I see the younger Muslim generation impressed by the western culture,
neglecting the Islamic culture, and ignoring Islamic education, I get

When I see the younger Muslim generation has little or no respect to parents
and elders, and ignoring the the strong commands of Allah to  be kind and
merciful to parents and elders, I get scared.

When I see the younger Muslim generation adopting the western culture of (I
want, I want, I spend I spend, I enjoy I enjoy), and neglecting the Islamic
traditions, I get scared.

When I see the younger Muslim generation guards their mobile phone more than
the Quran, I get scared.

When I see the younger Muslim generation using drugs that is rampant in the
western culture, I get scared.

When I see the younger Muslim generation confused about simple Islamic
teachings, I get scared.

When I see the younger Muslim generation belonging to feuding tribes, and
killing each other, I get scared.

When I see the younger Muslim generation killing innocent people, I get

When I see the younger Muslim generation  following questionable "sects" of
Islam and questionable "Imams", I get scared.

When I see the younger Muslim generation are not aware what is happening in
Palestine, Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan, Somalia, Lebanon, and don't
at least  feel sorry for their Muslim Ummah,  I get scared.

When I see Muslim girls convert FROM Islam,  I get scared. I know 8 Muslim
Girls who converted FROM Islam:


   An Arab father, who is very confused about the basics of Islam:  His 2
   girls were also confused. Their father told them not to marry a Muslim, but
   marry a Jew, because Jews are good business people. They converted FROM
   Islam when they graduated from College.

   A Pakistani father, came to USA, impressed by the Western "Freedom",
   married to an American lady who is still Christian, He doesn't pray and has
   visible alcohol in his house. His 2 girls are confused,  they converted FROM
   Islam when they graduated from College.

   A very loose Arabic Family, didn't pray, the mother colored her hair
   blond, and didn't wear Islamic dress. The daughter was brain washed by a
   college friend to Convert FROM Islam.

   Parents who  have a girl that graduated from Islamic school. They thought
   the school was enough. When the girl went to college, she loved a
   non-Muslim, and converted FROM Islam.

   An Arab father sent his daughter alone to USA to establish a business and
   become rich. She knew many Christians, and married a Christian business
   associate, and converted FROM Islam.

   An Arab father sent his daughter to study in USA. She lived the American
   pop culture, married a Jew, and converted FROM Islam

And this is not all. There are many other scary things happening in our
Ummah. They are the new Mongols who are far worse than the first ones.  This
new Mongols destroys the Islamic Identity of the Muslim Youth.

And when I see all this, I think to myself: "What do I say to Allah on the
Day of Judgment?".

Should we get despair? Absolutely NOT. Islam is a religion of optimism and

In the present time, the Islamic Identity may be shaken, but NEVER defeated.

During the whole history of Islam, we have seen great achievements and great
calamities. Probably, the worst disaster faced the Islamic Ummah, was the
Mongolian destruction of most of the Islamic world.

Victory was achieved over the Mongol Empire by faithful Muslims. Similar
victory was accomplished during the Caliphate of Umar in 636 A.D. over both
the Romans and the Persians during a span of only 7 months. The Byzantines
made strong preparations to attack the Muslims, and concentrated a very
large army at Yermuk. Muslims won an astounding victory in 6 days at the
Battle of Yermuk in May 636 A.D. Jerusalem surrendered without a fight. In
November of the same year, Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas marched to Qadisiyya.
Persian army collapsed in 4 days.

The Mongol Empire was the largest contiguous empire in human history. The
13th and 14th century, when the empire came to power, is often called the
"Age of the Mongols". They controlled 22% of earth. The Mongol armies during
that time were extremely well organized. The death toll (by battle,
massacre, flooding, and famine) of the Mongol wars of conquest is placed at
about 40 million according to some sources. Mongols through a series of
slaughtering attacks controlled lands from Korea up to Poland and Hungary,
and from the Indian ocean up to Russian cities, including Moscow and Kiev.

Mongol invasion of the Middle East consists of the destruction of Iraq,

Bismillah [IslamCity] MUSLIM ALERT!

2008-10-13 Thread Nashid Abdul-Khaaliq
early September the Jewish state… announced it was sponsoring an upcoming 
festival… Entitled “Facing Jihad: A Lawmaker’s Summit” , the 
meeting isto be held at (where else?) the Knesset… the purpose 
of the conference is “the formation of a new Judeo-Christian alliance to 
confront the spread 
of Islam and the violence that inevitably follows in its 
in the neighborhood of 30 million DVDs of the documentary “Obsession: 
Radical Islam’s War Against the West” were inserted into 70 of the 
largest newspapers circulating in America and distributed throughout the 
country… No one should be surprised to hear that the film and its mass 
distribution are the handiwork of Israeli partisans and Mossad assets. The film 
written and produced by Israel’s own Rabbi Raphael Shore in 2006 under the 
auspices of his Mossad-connected group The Clarion 

'Obsession' with 
Christian/Islamic Conflict
Qur’an says:
8:30 Remember how 
the Unbelievers plotted against thee, to keep thee in bonds, or slay thee, or 
get thee out (of thy home). They plot and plan, and Allah too plans; but the 
Best of Planners is 
Strongest among men in enmity to the believers wilt thou find the Jews 
and Pagans; 
and nearest among them in love to the believers wilt thou find those who say, 
"We are Christians": because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men 
who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant.
The Qur’an is not a temporary book but it is truth for all times.  The Qur’an 
identifies Jews and 
Pagans as the worst enemies of Muslims. It is amazing to see that after 1400 
years the Qur’an is still true.  Imam WDM has spoken extensively 
about the Jahcubites identifying them not as all Jews but as elites amongst 
the Jews bent on world rule and domination.  The deliberate 
effort being brazenly made to demonize Al-Islam and to war against Al-Islam and 
Muslims is being made by these same people who Allah has identified as 
“strongest in enmity to the Believers”.  Today the 
Jahcubites plan is openly in full force but as Allah revealed in Qur’an “They 
plot and plan, and Allah too plans; but the Best of Planners is 
As Muslims we need to not 
go to sleep but be very aware of this. We need to continue practicing the best 
of Al-Islam and building interfaith relationships, friendships, etc with other 
righteous people. But at the same time we need to be very aware of Jewish plots 
against Al-Islam and do what we can to expose them.  We cannot 
ignore what Imam WDM taught so extensively and laboriously about the 
Jahcubites because according to the Qur’an and further elucidated by the 
illustrious leader, these elite Jews are our worst enemies!!! They are boldly 
and brazenly operating on the world stage to stop the spread of Al-Islam, 
demonize ALL Muslims and spread chaos and destruction in the Muslim world. 
American Muslims should not feel that somehow we are exempt. Their target is 
ALL Muslims.  We need to be alert to their plans and 
ready to fight against them.

"Strive as in a race to achieve the
 goal of excellence in all that you do."

For real insights visit:



Bismillah [IslamCity] Fasting banned in China?

2008-10-13 Thread adil naveed

source: The New York Times: http://www.nytimes. com/2008/ 09/09/world/ 
asia/09china. html?hp

The following article is from The New York Times.
Basically, Communist Chinese governments are cracking down on Muslims 
practicing Ramadan. The following things have been put in place:

1. A ban on teaching Islam or Koran.
2. No students may fast.
3. No teachers may fast.
4. No Hijabs.
5. No Beards.
6. No out of town guests in Muslim homes.
7. No closure of restaurants for prayer or for fasting purposes.
8. No visits to Muslim gravesites.
9. Muslim school students are 'educated' not to fast.
10. Muslim government employees are forced to 'sign' an agreement not to pray, 
fast, or visit Mosques.

Ramadan Curbs Imposed in China
http://www.nytimes. com/2008/ 09/09/world/ asia/09china. html?hp
Published: September 8, 2008
BEIJING - Local governments in a Muslim desert region in western China have 
imposed strict limits on religious practices during the traditional Muslim 
fasting month of Ramadan , which began last week, according to the Web sites of 
four of those governments.

The rules include prohibiting women from wearing veils and men from growing 
beards, as well as barring government officials from observing Ramadan. One 
town, Yingmaili, requires that local officials check up on mosques at least 
twice a week during Ramadan.

The local governments administer areas in the western part of Xinjiang, a vast 
autonomous region that is home to the Uighurs , a Muslim Turkic people who 
often chafe under rule by the ethnic Han Chinese. In August, a wave of attacks 
swept through Xinjiang, the largest surge of violence in the region in years. 
Some local officials blamed the instability on separatist groups, and the 
central government dispatched security forces to the area.

The limits on religious practices put in place by local governments appear to 
be part of the broader security crackdown. The areas affected by the new rules 
are near Kuqa, a town struck by multiple bombings on Aug. 10.
It was unclear whether the rules would be relaxed after Ramadan, a holiday that 
some Islamic extremists have used elsewhere as a symbolic backdrop for attacks 
on their perceived enemies. It was also unclear how the Chinese authorities 
intended to enforce the rules, which appeared to run the risk of antagonizing 
devout Muslims who present no obvious security threat.

The Web site of the town of Yingmaili lists nine rules put in place to 
'maintain stability during Ramadan.'

They include barring teachers and students from observing Ramadan, prohibiting 
retired government officials from entering mosques and requiring men to shave 
off beards and women to doff veils. Mosques cannot let people from outside of 
town stay overnight and restaurants must maintain normal hours of business. 
Many restaurants close in daytime hours during Ramadan because of the 
sunrise-to-sunset fasting.
In nearby Xinhe County , the government has decreed that Communist Party 
members, civil servants and retired officials must not observe Ramadan, enter 
mosques or take part in any religious activities during the month. Worshippers 
cannot make pilgrimages to tombs, so as to 'to avoid any group event that might 
harm social stability,' according to the Xinhe government's Web site.
Also Watch:
Fasting banned in China com/watch? v=6EU0EQlmfDY

With Regards



Bismillah [IslamCity] Surah Az-Zalzalah(what is Qayama )

2008-10-13 Thread muslimah muslimah
1 When the earth is shaken with its (final) earthquake.
2 And when the earth throws out its burdens,
3 And man will say: "What is the matter with it?"
4 That Day it will declare its information (about all what happened over it of 
good or evil).
5 Because your Lord has inspired it.
6 That Day mankind will proceed in scattered groups that they may be shown 
their deeds.
7 So whosoever does good equal to the weight of an atom (or a small ant), shall 
see it.
8 And whosoever does evil equal to the weight of an atom (or a small ant), 
shall see it


Bismillah [IslamCity] Benazir's Palace in Dubai

2008-10-13 Thread Hafiz Ayaz Ali Qureshi


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