Bismillah [IslamCity] Please read Eva's blog

2009-01-17 Thread Susan Howard-Azzeh
Eva Bartlett is a brave and principled young Canadian girl from Canada. She is 
volunteering in Gaza and writing eye witness accounts of what is happening 
there. Please visit her blog, inform yourself, and call upon the Canadian 
government to demand an immediate ceasefire.
Thanks, Susan.

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favourite sites. Download it now at

Bismillah [IslamCity] La ilaha illa anta subhanaka

2009-01-17 Thread syed sadath



Sayyiduna Sa’d ibn Waqas ( radi Allahu anhu ) reported:
the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) said,
“The supplication made by the Companion of the Fish
(Prophet Yunus, Alaihi Salaam) in the belly of the fish was,
‘La ilaha illa anta, subhanaka, inni kuntu minaz-zalimin'
{ There is no God but You; Glory be to You,
Truly I have been one of the wrongdoers }
  [Surah al-Anbiyah, 21: 87]  
If any Muslim supplicates in these words,
his supplication will be accepted.”
In another report Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) had said,
“I know words that will cause Allah Azza wa Jall to remove one’s distress.
These are the words (of supplication) of my brother Yunus, peace be upon him,”

[ at-Tirmidhi; an-Nisa'i in 'Amal al-yawmi wa al-layla; al-Hakim ]



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RE: Bismillah [IslamCity] Starbucks & McDonalds are donating their next 2 weeks of earned revenue to Israel Army.Plz BOYCOTT them & forward this msg to all.

2009-01-17 Thread MUHAMMAD YOUSAFI
I understand they would be doing for sure. Can we have some videos or any proof 
my colleagues Chrisitans one were arguing with me?

Thanks and Regards

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Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 22:37:03 +0530
Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] Starbucks & McDonalds are donating their next 2 
weeks of earned revenue to Israel Army.Plz BOYCOTT them & forward this msg to 

Starbucks & McDonalds are donating their next 2 weeks of earned 
revenue to Israel Army.Plz BOYCOTT them & forward this msg to all.

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Bismillah [IslamCity] Excellent statement by Hamas Politbureau Head

2009-01-17 Thread Abul Alibasa

- Forwarded Message 
From: Reihana Mohideen 
To: stopthewar.philippi n...@lists.
Sent: Thursday, January 8, 2009 10:53:30 AM
Subject: Fwd: Excellent statement by Hamas Politbureau Head

-- Forwarded message --

This brutality will never break our will to be free

For six months we in Hamas observed the ceasefire. Israel broke it
repeatedly from the start

* Khalid Mish'al 
* The Guardian,  Tuesday 6
January 2009

For 18 months my people in Gaza have been under siege, incarcerated
inside the world's biggest prison, sealed off from land, air and sea,
caged and starved, denied even medication for our sick. After the slow
death policy came the bombardment. In this most densely populated of
places, nothing has been spared Israel's warplanes, from government
buildings to homes, mosques, hospitals, schools and markets. More than
540 have been killed and thousands permanently maimed. A third are women
and children. Whole families have been massacred, some while they slept.

This river of blood is being shed under lies and false pretexts. For six
months we in Hamas observed the ceasefire. Israel broke it repeatedly
from the start. Israel was required to open crossings to Gaza, and
extend the truce to the West Bank. It proceeded to tighten its deadly
siege of Gaza, repeatedly cutting electricity and water supplies. The
collective punishment did not halt, but accelerated - as did the
assassinations and killings. Thirty Gazans were killed by Israeli fire
and hundreds of patients died as a direct effect of the siege during the
so-called ceasefire. Israel enjoyed a period of calm. Our people did

When this broken truce neared its end, we expressed our readiness for a
new comprehensive truce in return for lifting the blockade and opening
all Gaza border crossings, including Rafah. Our calls fell on deaf ears.
Yet still we would be willing to begin a new truce on these terms
following the complete withdrawal of the invading forces from Gaza.

No rockets have ever been fired from the West Bank. But 50 died and
hundreds more were injured there last year at Israel's hands, while its
expansionism proceeded relentlessly. We are meant to be content with
shrinking scraps of territory, a handful of cantons at Israel's mercy,
enclosed by it from all sides. The truth is that Israel seeks a
one-sided ceasefire, observed by my people alone, in return for siege,
starvation, bombardment, assassinations, incursions and colonial
settlement. What Israel wants is a gratuitous ceasefire.

The logic of those who demand that we stop our resistance is absurd.
They absolve the aggressor and occupier - armed with the deadliest
weapons of death and destruction - of responsibility, while blaming the
victim, prisoner and occupied. Our modest, home-made rockets are our cry
of protest to the world. Israel and its American and European sponsors
want us to be killed in silence. But die in silence we will not.

What is being visited on Gaza today was visited on Yasser Arafat before.
When he refused to bow to Israel's dictates, he was imprisoned in his
Ramallah headquarters, surrounded by tanks for two years. When this
failed to break his resolve, he was murdered by poisoning.

Gaza enters 2009 just as it did 2008: under Israeli fire. Between
January and February of last year 140 Gazans died in air strikes. And
just before it embarked on its failed military assault on Lebanon in
July 2006, Israel rained thousands of shells on Gaza, killing 240. From
Deir Yassin in 1948 to Gaza today, the list of Israel's crimes is long.
The justifications change, but the reality is the same: colonial
occupation, oppression, and never-ending injustice. If this is the "free
world" whose "values" Israel is defending, as its foreign minister Tzipi
Livni alleges, then we want nothing to do with it.

Israel's leaders remain in the grip of confusion, unable to set clear
goals for the attacks - from ousting the legitimately elected Hamas
government and destroying its infrastructure, to stopping the rockets.
As they fail to break Gaza's resistance the benchmark has been lowered.
Now they speak of weakening Hamas and limiting the resistance. But they
will achieve neither. Gaza's people are more united than ever,
determined not to be terrorised into submission. Our fighters, armed
with the justice of their cause, have already caused many casualties
among the occupation army and will fight on to defend their land and
people. Nothing can defeat our will to be free.

Once again, Washington and Europe have opted to aid and abet the jailer,
occupier and aggressor, and to condemn its victims. We hoped Barack
Obama would break with George Bush's disastrous legacy but his start is
not encouraging. While he swiftly moved to denounce the Mumbai attacks,
he remains tongue-tied after 10 days of slaughter i

Bismillah [IslamCity] Demonstrators in anti-Hamas protest

2009-01-17 Thread Arif Bhuiyan
Yesterday, we were there, outside Israeli embassy and today the Zionists are in 
Trafalgar Square, London. It is normal, human for human and Zion for Zion! 
Yesterday, Police beaten demonstrators badly and I heard a rumour and many 
believed it that Police department selected Jews Police personals who 
overreacted, feeling their job was to support and protect their holy land and 
against their enemy.
Many known non-Zion anti-Zion Jews joined the demonstration yesterday; I liked 
While returning home, a man on a train asked us, why we were supporting 
Palestine, what was the point? Adding, they got a point to support Israel, 
Israel is a Jewish State and any non-Israeli Jew can support that country, 
considering Israel as their 2nd country, why we support Palestine as we are not 
Palestinian and Palestine is not an Islamic country?
When I replied that Jewish State is forbidden by Judaism and it is a sin 
supporting Israel being a Jew, they murmured, said nothing. They knew this and 
we were able to see guilty feelings among them. Then I added, if you all 
non-Israeli Jews can believe that Israel is your 2nd country then why we all 
non-Palestinian Muslims cannot consider Palestine as our 2nd country? At that 
time train was standstill and we heard no sounds, lips remained zipped, big 
silent we observed!
Also, if you are in Britain, please TEXT the word CEASEFIRE to 81819  from any 
phone. Guardian Newspaper are running a poll on Gaza. Forward to all. Its free 
to text.
Thank you.
Here I have added a news item:
Demonstrators in anti-Hamas protest
39 mins ago
* Thousands of pro-Israeli demonstrators gathered in London's Trafalgar 
Square to "reclaim the public space" from their political opponents.
Details >>


Bismillah [IslamCity] - Obama Vows to Support Israel : NPR

2009-01-17 Thread kasgher thought you would be interested in this story: Obama Vows 
to Support Israel : NPR

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Bismillah [IslamCity] African Union (AU) Statement on Gaza

2009-01-17 Thread Ismail Kashkash

The Commission of the African Union continues to follow with great concern the 
worsening and unbearable humanitarian situation in the Occupied Palestine 
Territory particularly in the occupied Gaza Strip.
    The Commission further maintains its strong condemnation of the 
ongoing intolerable air raids and onslaughts on the Gaza Strip by Israel, which 
have resulted so far in the death of more than 1000 Palestinians, while more 
than 4000 have been injured, including innocent women and children.
    The Commission recalls the United Nations (UN) Security Council 
Resolution No. 1860, which among other important provisions, called for “an 
immediate, durable and fully respected ceasefire” and “the unimpeded provision 
and distribution throughout Gaza of humanitarian assistance, including food, 
fuel and medical treatment”.
    The Commission urges Israel to comply fully with the UN Security 
Council Resolution, cease its massive attacks against the civilian population 
in the Gaza Strip and respect the provisions of international humanitarian law, 
by lifting the siege and ending the wanton destruction of life and property. 
The Commission further calls upon the international community to exert the 
necessary efforts for an effective implementation of this Resolution aiming to 
reach an end to all military activities and to bring all parties back to the 
path of peace guided by current diplomatic efforts, including the Egyptian 
    Moreover, the Commission stresses the urgency of continued efforts 
by the international community and relevant UN organs and specialized agencies 
to effectively address the humanitarian, socio-economic and security 
ramifications of the crisis which by all accounts has exacerbated the severe 
humanitarian crisis in the Occupied Palestine Territory and undermined 
international efforts towards achieving a just and lasting peace in the region.

Addis Ababa, 15 January 2009 root/au/Conferen ces/2009/ january/pr/ 
PRESS%20STATEMEN T%20-%20% 20GAZA%2015- 01-09.doc