Bismillah [IslamCity] =?windows-1252?Q?Does_faith_increase_and_decrease_according_to_Ahl_al-Sunnah_wa'l-Jamaa'ah??=

2009-02-02 Thread Muhammad
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9356: Does faith increase and decrease according to Ahl al-Sunnah 


What is the definition of eemaan (faith) according to Ahl al-Sunnah 
Does it increase and 



Praise be to Allaah. 

According to Ahl al-Sunnah wa'l-Jamaa'ah, eemaan (faith) is "belief in the 
heart, words on the tongue and 

actions of the body." This includes three things: 

1. Belief in the heart 

2. Words on the tongue 

3. Actions of the body 

As this is the case, then it will increase and decrease. That is because the 
degree of belief in the 

heart differs from one person to another. Believing in what someone tells you 
is not the same as 

believing something that you see with your own eyes. Believing in what one 
person tells you is not the 

same as believing what two people tell you, and so on. Hence Ibraaheem (peace 
be upon him) said: 

" `My Lord! Show me how You give life to the dead.' He (Allaah) said: `Do you 
not believe?' He [Ibraaheem 

(Abraham)] said: `Yes (I believe), but to be stronger in Faith'" 

[al-Baqarah 2:260] 

Eemaan may increase with regard to belief, contentment and tranquillity in 
the heart. A person may 

experience that in himself when he attends gatherings of dhikr where he hears 
a lesson. Remembering 

Paradise and Hell increases eemaan to the point where it as if you can see 
them with your own eyes. But 

when a person is negligent and leaves those gatherings, this certain faith 
is reduced in his heart. 

Eemaan in the sense of words may increase similarly. Whoever remembers Allaah 
a few times is not like one 

who remembers Him one hundred times. The latter is far better in eemaan. 

And the one who does an act of worship in a perfect manner will have more faith 
than one who does it in 

an imperfect manner. 

The same applies to righteous deeds. If a person does good deeds physically 
more than another, the one 

who does more will have more eemaan than the one who does less. This is stated 
in the Qur'aan and Sunnah 

_ I mean the fact that eemaan may increase and decrease. Allaah says 
of the meaning): 

"And We have fixed their number (19) only as a trial for the disbelievers, 
in order that the people of 

the Scripture (Jews and Christians) may arrive at a certainty [that this 
is the truth as it 

agrees with their Books regarding the number (19) which is written in the 
(Torah) and the Injeel 

(Gospel)] and that the believers may increase in Faith [al-Muddaththir 74:31] 

"And whenever there comes down a Soorah, some of them (hypocrites) say: "Which 
of you has had his Faith 

increased by it?" As for those who believe, it has increased their Faith, and 
they rejoice. 

But as for those in whose hearts is a disease (of doubt, disbelief and 
it will add suspicion 

and doubt to their suspicion, disbelief and doubt; and they die while they 
are disbelievers [al-Tawbah 


According to a saheeh hadeeth, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be 
upon him) said: "I have 

never seen any women lacking in reason and faith who have a more negative 
on the mind of a serious 

man than you." 

Thus eemaan increases and decreases

Visit source of material 
and 1000s of other Questions and Answers

Bismillah [IslamCity] Sahi Al-Bukhari

2009-02-02 Thread mohammed bawany
Volume 1, Book 2, Number 11: 
A man asked the Prophet , "What sort of deeds or (what qualities of) Islam are 
good?" The Prophet replied, 'To feed (the poor) and greet those whom you know 
and those Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr: whom you do not Know (See Hadith No. 

Volume 1, Book 2, Number 12: 
Narrated Anas: 
The Prophet said, "None of you will have faith till he wishes for his (Muslim) 
brother what he likes for himself." 

Volume 1, Book 2, Number 13: 
Narrated Abu Huraira: 
"Allah's Apostle said, "By Him in Whose Hands my life is, none of you will have 
faith till he loves me more than his father and his children." 


Bismillah [IslamCity] Bosnia: Living example of West's Muslim-hatred

2009-02-02 Thread Shahid
Bosnia-Hercegvina: Living example of West's Muslim-hatred
January 9, 2009 ·
On the day of Eid al-Adha, December 8, 2008, - a mosque in Fazlagicia Kula, a 
village near the town of Gacko, was set on fire and burned to ground. The 
incident reminds the Muslim Bosnian of their genocide during invasion of 
Muslim-majority Bosnia-Hercegvina by Christian Serbs and Croats in 1992-95. 
During that period more than 276 mosques were destroyed; over 176 Muslim 
scholars (mostly mosque imams) were killed - in addition to over 200,000 Muslim 
butchered; over 60,000 Muslim teenage girls and women raped and over two 
million Muslims were forced out of their homes to take refuge in neighbouring 

The western countries armed and supported Serb army and Croat army while put 
armed embargo against UN member Bosnia-Hercegvina - in case some Muslim country 
or Jihadi group tried to come to the rescue of Bosnian Muslims. NATO played its 
part of disarming band of Muslim fighters, who were protecting Muslim-majority 
towns and villages. The inhabitants were then herded into so-called 'Safe 
Heaven' that became slaughterhouses - the most notorious one being Srebrenica 
massacre in July 1995 - when more than 8,000 Muslim men, women and boys were 
butchered in cold blood. The world only knew about this western racim and 
hatred toward Muslims only when tens of thousands of women and young girls 
straggled into Tuzla after walking for tens of miles across mountain passes. 
The mass-murderer Radovan Karadzic was captured last July while living in 
disguise in Belgrade. However, the other war-criminal General Ratko Mladic is 
still at large and is believed to be protected by Serbian Army.

The western UN peacekeepers were no exception to Muslim-hatred and racism. 
General Lewis MacKenzie, Canadian head of UN peacekeeping force in 
Bosnia-Hercegvina was charged for sexually molesting four Muslim women held by 
Serbian forces in a prison camp in a Sarajevo suburb.

Western press painted Bosnian president Alija Izetbegovic (d. 2003) as "Islamic 
fundamentalist", whose aim is to establish an Islamic state within Europe and 
Iran's radical Islamic government contributed US$500,000 towards his presidency 
campaign and later supplied US$300-500 million worth of arms to 
Muslim-dominated government - shipped via Croatia.

Everything was going okey for the western world as long as the Serbs were 
capturing more and more Muslim territory - but when Bosnian forces started 
pushing them back - the West played it US card - and in late 1995, US president 
Bill Clinton dispatched some 20,000 US troops to Bosnia to stop Bosnian 
recovering their lost territory while capturing some Serbian towns and 
villages. Then came the Dayton Agreement (sponsored by Clinton administration), 
which in fact destroyed Bosnian Muslim people ever having an independent 
country of their own.

The current Republic of Bosnia-Hercegovina is a federation of three autonomous 
regions - Bosniak (34%), Serb (48%), and Croats (18%). Bosnia has a rotating 
presidency. While Bosnians are still the largest community in the federation - 
they continue to suffer attacks from fellow Christian Serbs and Croats. Bosnian 
Muslims follow Sufi school (85% Sunni and 15% Shias). The "Iranian experts" and 
"Mujahideen" has long left the country but Iranian embassy still keeps the 
largest staff among IOC countries and is involved in several reconstruction 

Servians hatred of Islam goes beyond the Battle of Kossova. Unlike most of 
Balkan Muslim communities - "Bosnian Muslims are not Turkic but natives 
belonging to a heretical Christian sect, called Bogomiles who from the 13th 
century had been exposed to the persecution of the Roman Catholics and against 
whom Popes (Honorius III in 1221, GregoryIX in 1238, Innocent IV in 1246, and 
Benedict XII in 1337) had on several occasions preached a Crusade. In 1325, 
Pope John XXII wrote a letter to King Stephen of Bosnia to exterminate his 
subjects belonging to the Bogomile community.

In the 15th century - the sufferings of Bogomiles became so intolerable that 
their priests appealed to the Muslim Turks, whose religion they found much 
closer to their beliefs than the Church - to deliver them from their unhappy 
conditions. So when Sultan Muhammad II invaded Bosnia in 1463 - the Catholic 
king found himself deserted by his subjects," - Professor T.W. Arnold in book 
'The Preaching of Islam', p.198.

After the conquest, most Bogomiles embraced Islam in large numbers willingly, 
knowing the fate of the little Muslim community of local converts that was 
rooted out of Hungary about a century ago. However, they did know that over 350 
years later (1703) on the orders of Bishop Daniel Petrovich, the Montenegrin 
Muslims, who refused to forswear Islam and embrace Christianity - were 
massacred on Christmas Eve, in cold blood (E.I. Clark quoted by T.W. Arnold in 
his book).

Bosnian nobility rapidly rose into high favour under Ott

Bismillah [IslamCity] New IMAX Film - Journey to Mecca: In the Footsteps of Ibn Battuta

2009-02-02 Thread Abhiyya
"Narrated by Oscar® award winning British actor, Ben Kingsley (Gandhi, 
Schindler’s List), Journey to Mecca stars Chems Eddine Zinoun (The Objective) 
as Ibn Battuta and Hassam Ghancy (Traitor, Rendition) as the Highwayman. This 
remarkable film will be distributed to Giant Screens worldwide by SK Films in 
association with National Geographic"
Journey to Mecca: In the Footsteps of Ibn Battuta ~ New IMAX Film
Opens February 7, 2009

Journey to Mecca tells the story of a young scholar, who leaves Tangier in 1325 
on an epic and perilous journey, travelling alone from his home in Morocco to 
reach Mecca, some 3,000 miles to the east.
lbn Battuta is besieged by countless obstacles as he makes his way across the 
North African desert to Mecca. Along the route he meets an unlikely stranger, a 
highwayman, who becomes his paid protector and eventual friend.
During his travels he is attacked by bandits, dehydrated by thirst, rescued by 
Bedouins and forced to retrace his route by a war-locked Red Sea. lbn Battuta 
finally joins the legendary Damascus Caravan with thousands of pilgrims bound 
for Mecca for the final leg of what would become his 5,000 mile, 18 month long 
journey to Mecca.
When he arrives in Mecca, he is a man transformed. We then experience the Hajj 
as he did over 700 years ago and, in recognition of its timelessness, we 
dissolve to the Hajj as it is still performed today by millions of pilgrims in 
some of the most extraordinary and moving IMAX® footage ever presented.
lbn Battuta would not return home for almost 30 years, reaching over 40 
countries and revisiting Mecca five more times to perform the Hajj. He would 
travel three times farther than Marco Polo.
His legacy is one of the greatest travel journals ever recorded. A crater on 
the moon is named in his honour.
An SK Films Release in association with National Geographic of a Cosmic Picture 

With Regards

P Please consider the environment before printing this email.


Bismillah [IslamCity] Gaza's natural gas stolen

2009-02-02 Thread Susan Howard-Azzeh
Oh, so this is part of why Israel invaded Gaza.
--- On Tue, 1/27/09, Palestinian Network  wrote:
Note: Any agreement to allow Israel control of Gaza's gas is probably illegal 
under the terms of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which prohibits agreements 
between the Occupying Power and the occupied that give up the rights of those 
occupied.  Karin

Will Gaza ever get a whiff of its own offshore gas? 

By Stuart Littlewood*

21 May 2008

Stuart Littlewood considers Tony Blair’s efforts to put Israel in control of 
Gaza’s gas fields and thus achieve "'peace in our time' by raping Palestine of 
its treasures and resources."

Isn't Gaza's gas a home-grown source of energy of which the Palestinians should 
be in charge? 

Yes, but the way things are shaping it'll probably be stolen from them just 
like their lands, their homes and their precious water.

The Gaza marine gas field lies 25 to 30 kilometres off Gaza's shore. In 1999 
the BG Group obtained licences to Israeli offshore concessions, and shortly 
afterwards was awarded the Gaza licence, for a period of 25 years. BG holds 90 
per cent equity in the licence, but this could reduce to 60 per cent if the 
Consolidated Contractors Company (its current 10 per cent partner) and the 
Palestine Investment Fund exercise their options. 

In 2005, at the time of Israel's “disengagement” from the Gaza Strip, the 
Palestinians decided to drop plans to sell gas to Israel and talked with Egypt 
instead. The position changed again when Tony Blair, Israel's ever-faithful 
dogsbody and now the Quartet's special envoy to the Middle East, personally 
intervened on Israel's behalf. No-one is saying how much Egypt's EGAS was 
offering and there is speculation that Blair was sent in to persuade the 
Palestinians to accept a weaker Israeli bid. 

After talking with Michael Barron, BG’s policy and corporate affairs manager, I 
understand negotiations are suspended because gas prices and commercial terms 
cannot be agreed. In any case, there needs to be a change in Israel's gas law 
to enable the Israeli government to act as a seller in its own market, and the 
necessary procedural steps could take some time. Overarching issues on how 
funds flow back to Palestine and how they are used, also have to be addressed.

In the meantime the feasibility of supplying the Egyptian market is still being 

The Gaza gas field is estimated to hold 1 trillion cubic feet of gas worth some 
4 billion US dollars in revenue. It would take four years to bring on stream. 
With production at economically commercial levels, it is expected to last 15 
years and generate 2 billion US dollars in profit, half of this for the 
Palestinians. Israel would take an undisclosed percentage of the product, 
certainly much more that the Palestinians' requirement.

The plan is to pipe the gas from source direct to an on-shore terminal at 
Ashkelon in Israel. A separate pipe will run from the terminal to Gaza. BG will 
be the operator, with Israel providing a raft of assurances regarding 
uninterrupted supply to Gaza and the West Bank and uninterrupted flow of 
profits to the Palestinians.

Come again? BG is going to land Palestine’s one and only natural resource on 
Israeli territory for processing and distribution? The same Israel that's 
starving Gazans into submission, blitzing them in their prison-home and 
trashing their economy? The same Israel that continues to murder and imprison 
whomsoever it wishes and steal whatever it wants? The same Israel that has no 
regard for international law and human rights? The same Israel that has blocked 
the flow of Palestinian tax and customs revenues, humanitarian aid and hospital 
supplies? The same Israel that will not recognize Palestine or its democratic 

Have Palestinian negotiators taken leave of their senses or are they being 
subjected to coercive pressure, which would be grossly improper if it comes 
from an illegal occupier and its allies?

Nobody in the Middle East believes for a single moment that any assurance or 
guarantee by Israel is worth the paper it's written on, especially in this 
case, where Israel mounted a challenge to Palestine's right to own and control 
the gas field – and failed. So what's going on here? Is this another brilliant 
idea for achieving "peace in our time" by raping Palestine of its treasures and 

It is not difficult to see what might happen: Israel siphons off the gas in 
ever-increasing quantities while keeping the Palestinians in a state of 
bankruptcy and unable to use their share. Alternatively, they'll provoke a 
“security” alert and block the pipeline anytime it suits them as a collective 

Should the Palestinians be selling their gas in the first place? Isn't every 
cubic foot needed to fuel their economic recovery? And, after 60 years of 
occupation and ruination, won't that take more than 15 years? The Palestinians 
would forgo a 1 billion US dollar profit (assuming the mone

Bismillah [IslamCity] Book Review--: Islam dan Sekulerisme (Islam and Secularism)

2009-02-02 Thread sahannan
 Respected members,
 Assalamu Alaikum.Please see this review of the above named book of
Dr Qaradawi.The review has ben done by my Indonesian student.Please
read and excuse mistakes in English
 Shah Abdul Hannan
Book Review

Book Title: Islam dan Sekulerisme (Islam and Secularism)

Author: Dr. Yusuf Al-Qardhawi

Translated into Indonesia language from the original title: Al-Islam
wal ilmaniyyah wajhan li wajhin, published by Maktabah Wahbah, Cairo,
Egypt, 1997. The seventh print.
Translator: Amirullah Kandu, LC

Editor: Drs. Maman Abd. Djaliel

Publisher: CV. Pustaka Setia, Bandung 2006. The first print.

* Maura Yasmin is a graduate of Political Science and a writer and
social activist.
By Maura   Ysmin, Indonesia *

Islam and Secularism is a book which contains  Dr. Qardhawi’s
responses on the perception and discussion on ideas h proposed by
secularist combatant, namely Dr. Fuad Zakaria, in particular and the
secularists in general. This book is detailed and in a lengthy manner
 explained that secularism in any case, can not be accepted in Islam.

This book consists of 4 parts: the first part is the Basic Concept
of Islam, the second part is The Definition of Secularism, the third
part is Secularism and Science, the fourth part is Disputing Syubhat
( doubts ) and Defamation, and the part is the closing.

In the first section, Dr Qardhawi speaks about the Basic concept of
Islam. The definition of the concept of Islam as  a religion and
revealation of  holy book of Al-Quran and the Messenger Muhammad
(PBUH), the last man along with the law on the belief, worship,
morals, customs and Muamalat. Dr Qardhawi callsto keep the sanctity
of Islam fully , straight with no irregularities, the perfection
without particularizing, sincere without dualism, avoid misuse of
those extremists, plagiarism of people who misleading and avoid
misleading interpretations from those who are foolish. Meanwhile,
supporters of the secularism want something other than there are in
the book of God (Al-Qur’an), other than that called by the Prophet
SAW and practiced by Khulafaa 'Ar-Rasyidin, other than those
described by the scholars, fuqaha (Jurisprudence expert) expert
commentary, and Hadith experts.  As stated Dr. Fuad Zakaria quote
actually the appeal to apply Syariat make many fatal mistakes when
they focus attention on Islam, as there is in the Al-Quran and
Sunnah. They do not recognize Islam as happened in the history,
meaning they make a mistake when they feel sufficient with Islam just
to the point of argumentations and they forget Islam as a reality
unquote.  Does this statement mean that when we invite people to go
to the Islamic values means we invite them to tyranny of  Al-Hajjaj
or poems of  Abu Nawas which he  read while drinking or
high-handedness of the king and the authorities?

Indeed, Islam is the concept of Allah SWT for giving instructions to
people. How will we require something to the people with something
that is not required by God? How will we call them to hang on to the
various forms of Islam with the irregularities that occur in it? How
the evil concepts which mislead can be placed on the concept of God
who gave the instructions? This is twisting act.

The first part of this book explained more about the secularist’s
denials on Islam, such as how the image of Islam that is ideal. In
addition, Dr Qardhawi also analyzed on the principles to understand
the basic concepts of Islam, the principles that have privileges with
enlightenment, fairness and consistency.

In the second part, according to Dr.Qardhawi   there is an incorrect
translation of the word secularism (English), or secularite or laique
(France). Translation secularism become al-ilmaniyah occurred because
the translator did not understand the two vocabularies that is the
Ad-dien (religious) and Al-Ilmu   (Science), except by understanding
that in accordance with the understanding of the Christians. The
correct interpretation of the word secularism is al-ladiniyah or
ad-dunyawiyah. For, not only because of as opposed to the problems of
the Hereafter but the more specific, the word secularism also does not
have any relationship with religion.

Finally, the correct interpretation of the word secularism appears
through the articulation as  published by the encyclopedia and
foreign knowledge institutions, such as the British science institute
said that the word secularism is a social movement that aims to divert
attention from the human problems of the Hereafter to be focused to
the merely temporal problems. In the dictionary Al-'alam Al-Jadid,
Loubster stated his explanation as follows: 1 the spirit of
worldliness, or temporal orientation, and other terms that are
commensurate with the specific terms, is a system among of principles
and practical that reject any form of religion and worship. 2, There
is confidence that the reli

Bismillah [IslamCity] Malaysian Boycott in action

2009-02-02 Thread Dina Khattab
> See this article on the ongoing boycott going on in
> Malaysia. Stronger than any
> Arab countries!

Bismillah [IslamCity] Barack Obama tells Muslims 'Americans are not your enemy'

2009-02-02 Thread DDN
Assalaamu `Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu
US President Barack Obama has told the Muslim world that "Americans are not 
your enemy" and renewed his pledge to travel to make an address in the capital 
of a major Muslim nation.

The President noted that he had lived in Indonesia for several years while 
growing up, and said his travels through Muslim nations had convinced him that 
regardless of faith, people had certain common hopes and dreams.

"My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that the Americans are not your 
enemy - we sometimes make mistakes - we have not been perfect,"

Read Barack Obama's interview: interview with the Al-Arabiya satellite 
television network .

Watch video


Fee Amaanillaah
K a r i m a

Bismillah [IslamCity] Think About It

2009-02-02 Thread `� . �� . �*Minahil *�� . �� . �`
Always Be the reason of someone's happiness…
Never just a part of it

Be the part of someone's sadness…..
Never the reason for it

Today before you think of saying an unkind word
Think of someone who can't speak

Before you complain about the taste of your food
Think of someone who has nothing to eat

Before you complain about your husband or wife
Think of someone who's crying out to God for a companion

Today before you complain about life
Think of someone who went too early to heaven

Before you complain about your children
Think of someone who desires children but they're barren

Before you argue about your dirty house; someone didn't clean or sweep
Think of the people who are living in the streets

And when you are tired and complain about your job
Think of the unemployed, the disabled and those who wished they had your

But before you think of pointing the finger or condemning another
Remember that not one of us are without sin and we all answer to one maker

And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down
Put a smile on your face and thank God you're alive and still around

Life is a gift...
Live it...
Enjoy it...
Celebrate it...
And fulfill it

Live well! Laugh often! Love much!


The True meaning of Life is to Plant Trees under whose shade you do not Expect 
to Sit.


Bismillah [IslamCity] All faiths must stand together against hatred

2009-02-02 Thread Arif Bhuiyan
All faiths must stand together against hatred
National Holocaust Memorial Day matters because it is not just about Jewish 
victims, but all those who are touched by atrocity
Jonathan Sacks
When the Archbishop of Canterbury and I led a mission of leaders of all the 
faiths in Britain to Auschwitz in November, we did so in the belief that the 
time has come to strengthen our sense of human solidarity. For the Holocaust 
was not just a Jewish tragedy but a human one. Nor did it happen in some remote 
corner of the globe. It happened in the heart of Europe, in the culture that 
had given the world Goethe and Beethoven, Kant and Hegel. And it can happen 
again. Not in the same place, not in the same way, but hate still stalks our 
Full Article >>

No comments from me.


Bismillah [IslamCity] Sir David's hate mail battle

2009-02-02 Thread Arif Bhuiyan
Certainly there is a God, a supreme power. It is OK for some who think there is 
no Gods, I am not with them and do not believe what they believe; let’s 
consider on behalf of them that they are right but what if there is a God? If 
the answer is yes, then what’d happen to those who do not believe in God and 
someday they will meet Him hereafter, and they cannot help themselves! In New 
and Old Testaments, and in Last Testament (Koran) God warned us to obey Him, 
therefore to believe Him or we will face punishments. Charles Darwin introduced 
a new form of Atheism, I do not know if Darwin has already met the God or not. 
We have a problem here, we cannot communicate with Darwin or cannot post an 
email to his new address, if there is any, to know his current position; 
otherwise we could pick a way of life to stick with! I am shocked to hear 
Attenborough said, evolution is not a theory; it is a fact. He is a good 
presenter and educated person but I cannot and
 do not respect him. Sending hate mails is reflection of someone’s action, good 
or bad. Attenborough can spread atheism but cannot prove it. BBC must stop him 
and such programmes. Because of so many problems among followers, priests, from 
different religions, atheists seized the situation as a good chance to spread 
this wrong idea to overturn many people’s paths and those atheists will never 
take the responsibilities of those they have spoiled, when they meet God and 
face punishments. Our society lost it respect for itself, because of this 
so-called wrong fact. Proper practise of any religion can bring peace and 
cohesion in communities, and a religious person cannot hate another religion, 
followers of another religion. All religious people must unite against these 
atheists. I do believe in God because no one can prove there is no Gods. Do you 
believe in God or can you prove there is no God? Please help.

Sir David's hate mail battle
Veteran broadcaster Sir David Attenborough has revealed he receives hate mail 
from angry viewers.
Tue Jan 27 11:54AM by TV Editor
Sir David Attenborough has revealed that he gets hate mail from viewers for not 
crediting God in his documentaries.
The veteran broadcaster, who is presenting a new series on Charles Darwin, said 
that he has received letters telling him to burn in hell because of his views 
on evolution.
He told Radio Times that he is often asked why he does not credit God when 
talking about some of the creatures featured on his shows: "They always mean 
beautiful things like hummingbirds. I always reply by saying that I think of a 
little child in east Africa with a worm burrowing through his eyeball.
"The worm cannot live in any other way, except by burrowing through eyeballs. I 
find that hard to reconcile with the notion of a divine and benevolent creator."
He also revealed that he doesn't think creationism should be taught alongside 
evolution in schools and added: "It's like saying that two and two equals four, 
but if you wish to believe it, it could also be five.
"Evolution is not a theory; it is a fact, every bit as much as the historical 
fact that William the Conqueror landed in 1066."
Are you shocked to hear that Sir David receives hate mail? What do you think of 
his views?



2009-02-02 Thread Aqsa Jihad Fisabeelillah *
Bismillah Hir Rahmaan Nir Raheem
Assalamau alaykum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatuhu
124. Abu Hurairah narrated: The Messenger of Allah said: “Anyone who is injured 
in the path of Allah – and Allah knows who is injured in His sake – will come 
on the Day of Judgment with his injury bleeding. The color is that of blood and 
the smell is that of musk!”245
Ibn Daqeeq al Eid: The presentation of injury on the Day of Judgment indicates 
two things:
1. The injury is a witness for the person.
2. It is a badge of honor for the person in front of all creation.
125. Aisha said whenever Abu Bakr would remember the day of Uhud he would say: 
“That is a day that belongs to Talhah (he means Talhah bin Ubaidillah). I was 
the first to go back to the Messenger of Allah but I found a man fighting with 
him and I said to myself: “Be Talhah” “Until he said: “Talhah had around 
seventy injuries in his body and his hand was cut off”246
126. Urwah bin al Zubair said: “Al Zubair had three scars from sword wounds. 
One was on his shoulder. It was so large I would stick my fingers in it. Two of 
them were from Badr and one in the battle of Yarmuk”
127. Anas bin Malik said: Abu al Diganah threw himself behind the walls in 
Yamamah and his leg broke. He kept on fighting with a broken leg until he was 
killed 247
128. Muadh bin Amr bin al Jamooh said: I made Abu Jahl my target on the day of 
Badr. When I found him I charged at him and hit him with my sword and cut his 
leg in two. Then his son Ikrimah hit me on my shoulder until he cut off my arm. 
It only remained hanging to my body by the skin of my side. But because 
fighting distracted me I remained dragging it behind me for most of the day. 
Dragging my arm behind me annoyed me so I placed my foot over it and pulled it 
129. During the battle of Yamamah the first one to leave the battleground
was Abu Aqeel (one of the Ansar). An arrow that hit him between his shoulder 
and his heart injured him. He was then carried to the camp. When the battle was 
turning against the Muslims he heard Ma’an bin Adi calling the Ansar to charge 
the enemy. Abdullah bin Umar said: Abu Aqeel stood up, so I asked him “What do 
you want to do?” He replied: “They are calling my name,” I said: “They are not 
calling upon the injured!” He replied: “They are calling upon the Ansar and I 
am one of them and I will respond to the call even if I have to crawl” He then 
put on his sword and went into the battle field and fought until his left arm 
was cut off from the shoulder. I said: “Abu Aqeel!” He responded with a weak 
tongue: “Yes, who won?” I said: “Rejoice, the enemy of Allah was killed” He 
raised his finger upwards and praised Allah, and then he died. I told my father 
Umar about that. He said: “May Allah have mercy on him. He persisted in
 search of martyrdom until he got it”248
130. Salim the servant of Abu Huthaifah was told that if he feared he wouldn’t 
be capable to carry the banner during the battle it could be transferred to 
someone else. He responded: “I am the worst carrier (knows Quran by heart) of 
Quran if that happened!” His right hand was chopped, and then he carried the 
banner with his left hand. His left hand was latter cut so he embraced the 
banner with what was left of his both arms reciting: “Muhammad is not but a 
messenger, other messengers have passed on before him. So if he were to die or 
be killed, would you turn back on your heels? And who turns back on his heels 
will never harm Allah at all, but Allah will reward the grateful”249 and “And 
how many a prophet fought and with him fought many religious scholars. But they 
never lost assurance due to what afflicted them in the cause of Allah, nor did 
they weaken or submit. And Allah loves the steadfast”250 When he was about to 
die he asked his
 companions: “What happened to Abu Huthaifah?” They said: “He was killed” He 
then asked them about another person. They responded that he also was killed. 
He said: “Then bury me between the two of them”251 ,252
 On the day of Uhud the Messenger of Allah sent me to look for Saad bin al 
Rabee and if I find him to deliver the salaams of the Messenger of Allah to 
him. I found him among the bodies of the dead pronouncing his last moments with 
around seventy injuries in his body. I told him: “The Messenger of Allah 
delivers his salaams to you” He said: “salaams to the Messenger of Allah and 
salaams to you. Tell the Messenger of Allah that I am now smelling the scent of 
Paradise, and tell my people the Ansar that you have no excuse if the Messenger 
of Allah is harmed while there is still an eye blinking among you” After that 
he died.253
132. Saad narrated that he passed by a man on the day of the battle of the 
bridge with his arms and legs cut off while he was crawling and reciting: “And 
whoever obeys Allah and the Messenger – those will be with the ones u

Bismillah [IslamCity] NPR report: Israeli troops killed 29 members of one Gaza family

2009-02-02 Thread yusuf.toropov
"Israel is accused of using disproportionate force in civilian areas and
failing to protect civilians — especially in the case of the Samouni family.
At least 29 members of that extended family were killed by Israeli fire

Granted. It would be much, much easier for Americans to deal with their
moral obligations here if massacres hadn't happened in Gaza in December 2008
and January 2009.

But they did happen. And Americans are paying for them, to the tune of $7
million in aid to Israel each and every day.

During this offensive, at least 1300 Palestinians died. 13 Israelis died. If
you think Israel should be able to murder children, shoot ambulance workers,
block humanitarian aid, target civilian homes, and use white phosphorus as
an antipersonnel weapon to burn off the flesh of noncombatants ... go ahead
and click "delete."

Or ... you can help stop the whitewash. Hold Israel accountable for war


Yusuf Toropov

Bismillah [IslamCity] Honesty.....impartiality and equal-treatment

2009-02-02 Thread raja chemayel
it happened before...
it may happen again !!!

How about sending
Ismail Hannyah and Ehud Olmert
to an International Criminal Court House ??

Each one will face the criminal-charges,
to be filed, by the other party:
1- one shall be charged with "Terrorism for the cause of a Liberation"
2- the second will be charged with "Genocide for the cause of  an 

And whereas this Court
shall punish each of them
for what they will be eventually found guilty of ,
irrevocably, immediately ,unconditionally
unambiguously and without appeal .

If any of the accused thinks
that he might be innocent
then he should not refuse this Court !!

Eng. Moustafa  Roosenbloom
World Association for equal-treatments



Bismillah [IslamCity] If you support Justice and Truth

2009-02-02 Thread Ahmed ALmahdy
Dear All,

   We've been watching and hearing about Israeli crimes against
Lebanese and Palestinian people (or Arabs in general) for a long time.
However, many times we miss the context in which these crimes are
(   ) is
a website that aims to highlight that context through documenting
important milestones in the Israeli history. Throughout this website,
you will have the following information available:
1. Massacres information since 1947 till 2009
2. Statistics that compare killing, destruction ...etc caused for and by
Palestinians and Israelis
3. Quotes that were said by Israel founders and leaders across history
4. Articles describing the conflict and pointing out causes and
5. Photo Gallery showing the real terrorist face of Zionism
6. Videos
and more
Please have a visit to the website, and forward its link to your friends
and let's try to learn more about this conflict.

If you like this website, you can provide help through:
1. Spreading its link in your social networks
2. Forwarding this email to whom you know
3. Link to this website in your blogs and websites
4. Send your comments and/or contributions in the Contact Us section of
the website
5. Hit the website regularly to improve its page rank in search engines
6. Put the URL of this website as your signature in your personal email


We urgently need a volunteer who can translate from (Voice Arabic to
English), contact
   for this participation, or any
other kind of participations.

Thank you for your time!

Jzakom Allah khairan,

Bismillah [IslamCity] An Israeli Internet site detailing alleged war crimes

2009-02-02 Thread yimrameez
An Israeli human rights activists have set up an Internet site 
detailing alleged war crimes committed by senior government 
officials and Israel Defense Forces officers. 

No known human rights organization is behind the site, whose 
founders refuse to give their names. 

The site,, includes "arrest orders," complete with 
pictures and personal details, for Defense Minister Ehud Barak, 
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert,Livni, Deputy Defense Minister Matan 
Vilnai, Public Security Minister Avi Dichter, National 
Infrastructure Minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer, IDF Chief of Staff 
Gabi Ashkenazi and his two predecessors, Dan Halutz and Moshe 
Ya'alon, former air force commander Eliezer Shkedy and others. 

It also explains how to inform the International Criminal Court in 
The Hague of when the "suspects" are outside Israel, and hence 
vulnerable to arrest. 

The "arrest order" for Barak, for instance, states: "On December 27, 
2008, the suspect ordered an aerial assault on all of Gaza's 
population centers. 

The assault included hundreds of sorties by fighter jets that 
dropped hundreds of tons of bombs on residential areas of Gaza, 
which led to the deaths of 1,200 people - men, women and children. 

Some 5,300 people were wounded and hundreds of thousands became 
refugees. On December 10, 2008, a formal complaint was filed against 
Ehud Barak to the International Criminal Court in The Hague, 
Holland ... on suspicion of war crimes and crimes against humanity 
because of the siege of Gaza." 

Bismillah [IslamCity] FAITH : SAHI-ALBUKHARI

2009-02-02 Thread mohammed bawany
  Volume 1, Book 2, Number 10:
Narrated Abu Musa:
Some people asked Allah's Apostle, "Whose Islam is the best? i.e. (Who is a 
very good Muslim)?" He replied, "One who avoids harming the Muslims with his 
tongue and hands."

  Volume 1, Book 2, Number 11:
Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr:
A man asked the Prophet , "What sort of deeds or (what qualities of) Islam are 
good?" The Prophet replied, 'To feed (the poor) and greet those whom you know 
and those whom you do not Know (See Hadith No. 27).

  Volume 1, Book 2, Number 12:
Narrated Anas:
The Prophet said, "None of you will have faith till he wishes for his (Muslim) 
brother what he likes for himself."


Bismillah [IslamCity] sec(5) REPENTANCE

2009-02-02 Thread mohammed bawany
when a community among them said “why do you preach to a people whom 
Allah is about to destroy or to punish with a severe torment?” (The preachers) 
said “ in order to 
free from guilt before your Lord (Allah),  & perhaps they may fear Allah 
.(Al-Araf 164)
  Say:” (O Muhammed pbuh)”:  This is my way; I invite unto Allah with  sure 
knowledge, I and whoever follows me. And Glorified and Exalted be Allah 
…….(Yusuf- 108)
Say: “O my slaves who have transgressed against themselves (by committing evil 
deeds  & Sins) despair not of the Mercy of Allah,  verily, Allah forgives all 
sins. Truly, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful – And turn in REPENTANCE and in 
OBEDIENCE with TRUE FAITH to your Lord and SUBMIT to Him …..( Az-Zumar  53/54)
Section (5)
 Scholars say that it is s a duty to repent of every wrong action. If it is 
disobedience, which occurs between a person and Allah and does not involve the 
right of another human being, repentance has three preconditions. The first is 
that one divests him of disobedience. The second is that he regrets doing it. 
The third is that he resolves not to ever return to it. If one of the three is 
lacking, then his repentance is not sound.
If it involves to another human being, repentance has four preconditions: these 
three and that he discharges his duty to the other person. If it is money or 
the like, he pays it to him. If it is a hadd-punishment because of slander and 
the like it, he give shim power over him or seeks his pardon. If it is slander, 
he undoes it, He must repent of all wrong actions. If he repents of some of 
them, the people of truth say that his repentance of them is sound, but he 
still has the rest. There is much evidence in the Book, the Sunna and the 
consensus of the Community about the obligation to repent. 
Almighty says, "Turn towards Allah, O Allah believers, every one of you, so 
that perhaps you will have success," (24:31) and the Almighty says, "Ask your 
Lord for forgiveness and then turn in repentance to Him," (11:3) and the 
Almighty says, "O you who believe! Turn in sincere repentance to Allah." (66:8)
22.. Abu Nujayd 'Imran ibn al-Husayn al-Khuza'i reported that a woman from 
Juhayna came to the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), who was pregnant as a result of 
fornication. She said, "O Messenger of Allah, I have broken a hadd, so carry 
out the punishment on me. The Prophet of Allah summoned her guardian and said, 
"Treat her well. When she gives birth, bring her back to me." He did that and 
the Prophet of Allah commanded that her garment be tied tightly about her and 
then he commanded that she be stoned. Then he prayed over her. 'Umar said to 
him, "Do you pray over her, Messenger of Allah, when she committed fornication? 
He said, "She repented with such a repentance that if it were to be divided out 
among seventy of the people of Madina, it would be enough for all of them. Can 
you think of anything better than her offering herself to Allah, the Mighty and 
Majestic?" [Muslim] 
23. Ibn 'Abbas reported that the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), said, "If the son 
of Adam possessed a valley full of gold he would want to have two valleys, yet 
his mouth will only be filled by earth. Allah turns towards those who turn in 
repentance." [Agreed upon] 


Bismillah [IslamCity] Israeli War Crimes

2009-02-02 Thread Shahid
Israel accused of war crimes over 12-hour assault on Gaza village
Sunday 18 January 2009 

White flags ignored and houses bulldozed with families inside

Israel stands accused of perpetrating a series of war crimes during a sustained 
12-hour assault on a village in southern Gaza last week in which 14 people died.

In testimony collected from residents of the village of Khuza'a by the 
Observer, it is claimed that Israeli soldiers entering the village:

 attempted to bulldoze houses with civilians inside;
 killed civilians trying to escape under the protection of white flags;
 opened fire on an ambulance attempting to reach the wounded;
 used indiscriminate force in a civilian area and fired white phosphorus shells.

If the allegations are upheld, all the incidents would constitute breaches of 
the Geneva conventions.

The denunciations over what happened in Khuza'a follow repeated claims of 
possible human rights violations from the Red Cross, the UN and human rights 

Concern over what occurred in the village of Khuza'a in the early hours of 
Tuesday was first raised by the Israeli human rights group B'Tselem. Although 
an Israeli military spokesman said he had "no information that this alleged 
incident took place", witness statements collected by the Observer are 
consistent and match testimony gathered by B'Tselem.

There is also strong visible evidence that Khuza'a came under a sustained 
attack from tanks and bulldozers that smashed some buildings to pieces.

Pictures taken by photographer Bruno Stevens in the aftermath show heavy damage 
- and still burning phosphorus. "What I can tell you is that many, many houses 
were shelled and that they used white phosphorus," said Stevens yesterday, one 
of the first western journalists to get into Gaza. "It appears to have been 
indiscriminate." Stevens added that homes near the village that had not been 
hit by shell fire had been set on fire.

The village of Khuza'a is around 500 metres from the border with Israel. 
According to B'Tselem, its field researcher in Gaza was contacted last Tuesday 
by resident Munir Shafik al-Najar, who said that Israeli bulldozers had begun 
destroying homes at 2.30am.

When Rawhiya al-Najar, aged 50, stepped out of her house waving a white flag, 
so that the rest of the family could leave the house, she was shot by Israeli 
soldiers nearby.

The second alleged incident was on Tuesday afternoon, when Israeli troops 
ordered 30 residents to leave their homes and walk to a school in the village 
centre. After traveling 20 metres, troops fired on the group, allegedly killing 

Further detailed accounts of what occurred were supplied in interviews given to 
a Palestinian researcher who has been working for the Observer, following the 
decision by Israel to ban foreign media from the Gaza Strip. Iman al-Najar, 29, 
said she watched as bulldozers started to destroy neighbours' homes and saw 
terrified villagers flee from their houses as masonry collapsed.

"By 6am the tanks and bulldozers had reached our house," Iman recalled. "We 
went on the roofs and tried to show we were civilians with white flags. 
Everyone was carrying a white flag. We told them we are civilians. We don't 
have any weapons. The soldiers started to destroy the houses even if the people 
were in them." Describing the death of Rawhiya, Iman says they were ordered by 
Israeli soldiers to move to the centre of the town. As they did, Israeli troops 
opened fire. Rawhiya was at the front of the group, says Iman.

Marwan Abu Raeda, 40, a paramedic working for the Nasser hospital in Khan 
Younis, said: "At 8am we received a phone call from Khuza'a. They told us about 
the injured woman. I went immediately. I was 60 or 70 metres away from the 
injured woman when the Israeli forces started to shoot at me." As he drove into 
another street, he came under fire again. Twelve hours later, when Rawhiya was 
finally reached, she was dead.

Iman said she ended up in an area of rubble where a large group of people had 
sought cover in a deep hole among the debris of demolished houses. It is then, 
she says, that bulldozers began to push the rubble from each side. "They wanted 
to bury us alive," she said.

Israel kept out aid for Gaza
January 19, 2009

ISRAEL deliberately blocked the United Nations from building up vital food 
supplies in Gaza that feed a million people daily before the launch of its war 
against Hamas, according to a senior UN official in Jerusalem.

In a scathing critique of Israeli actions leading up to the conflict, the UN's 
chief humanitarian co-ordinator in Israel, the former Australian diplomat 
Maxwell Gaylard, accused Israel of failing to honour its commitments to open 
its border with Gaza during several months of truce from June 19 last year.

"The Israelis would not let us facilitate a regular and sufficient flow of 
supplies into the Strip,