Bismillah [IslamCity] 16-year-old Iraqi immigrant in central Sweden tackles centuries old math problem

2009-06-01 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec


Gregory Waleed Kavalec
And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among
 -- Quran 30:21

Bismillah [IslamCity] Why Was the Quran Revealed in Arabic?

2009-06-01 Thread Dina Khattab
Quran (41:44)

"If we made it a non-Arabic Quran they would have said, "Why did it come
down in that language?" Whether it is Arabic or non-Arabic, say, "For those
who believe, it is a guide and healing. As for
those who disbelieve, they will be deaf and blind to it, as if they are
being addressed from faraway."

We learn from 41:44 that the sincere believers have access to the Quran,
regardless of their mother tongue. The disbelievers, on the other hand, are
not permitted access to the Quran, even if they are
professors of the Arabic language (17:45, 18:57, 41:44, & 56:79).

Arabic is the most efficient language in the world, especially when it comes
to the precise statement of laws. Since the Quran is a Statute Book, it was
crucial that such laws must be clearly stated. God chose
Arabic for His Final Testament because of the obvious reason that it is the
most suitable language for that purpose. Arabic is unique in its efficiency
and accuracy. For example, the word "they" in English
does not tell you if "they" are males or females. In Arabic there is a
"they" for the males, "HUM," and a "they" for the females, "HUNNA."
For two females, instead of "these" or "those" there is "HAATAAN" and for
the two males "HAATHAN." This feature does not exist in any other language
in the world. I came to appreciate this efficiency
of the Arabic language when I translated, for example, 2:228.
This verse enjoins the divorcee to give up her own wishes to divorce her
husband, if she discovers that she is pregnant, and the husband wishes to
reconcile - the welfare of the child takes a priority. The efficiency of the
Arabic language was extremely helpful in stating this law. Any other
language would have made it almost impossible to point out whose wishes are
to be superseded, at least not in such a few words as we see in 2:228.

The word "Qaalataa" of 28:23, for example, translates into four English
words: "the two women said." Such is the efficiency of the Arabic language.

Another possible reason for choosing Arabic is the fact that "He" and "She"
do not necessarily imply natural gender. Thus, when God is referred to as
"He," this does not imply gender at all. God be
glorified; He is neither male, nor female. The usage of "He" to refer to God
in the English language, for example, has contributed to a false image of
God. This was not helped by such distorted expressions
as "Father" when referring to God. You never find such a reference to God in
the Quran.

Praise be to God, Lord of the Universe.
Quran (41:44)

"If we made it a non-Arabic Quran they would have said, "Why did it come
down in that language?" Whether it is Arabic or non-Arabic, say, "For those
who believe, it is a guide and healing. As for
those who disbelieve, they will be deaf and blind to it, as if they are
being addressed from faraway."

We learn from 41:44 that the sincere believers have access to the Quran,
regardless of their mother tongue. The disbelievers, on the other hand, are
not permitted access to the Quran, even if they are
professors of the Arabic language (17:45, 18:57, 41:44, & 56:79).

Arabic is the most efficient language in the world, especially when it comes
to the precise statement of laws. Since the Quran is a Statute Book, it was
crucial that such laws must be clearly stated. God chose
Arabic for His Final Testament because of the obvious reason that it is the
most suitable language for that purpose. Arabic is unique in its efficiency
and accuracy. For example, the word "they" in English
does not tell you if "they" are males or females. In Arabic there is a
"they" for the males, "HUM," and a "they" for the females, "HUNNA."
For two females, instead of "these" or "those" there is "HAATAAN" and for
the two males "HAATHAN." This feature does not exist in any other language
in the world. I came to appreciate this efficiency
of the Arabic language when I translated, for example, 2:228.
This verse enjoins the divorcee to give up her own wishes to divorce her
husband, if she discovers that she is pregnant, and the husband wishes to
reconcile - the welfare of the child takes a priority. The efficiency of the
Arabic language was extremely helpful in stating this law. Any other
language would have made it almost impossible to point out whose wishes are
to be superseded, at least not in such a few words as we see in 2:228.

The word "Qaalataa" of 28:23, for example, translates into four English
words: "the two women said." Such is the efficiency of the Arabic language.

Another possible reason for choosing Arabic is the fact that "He" and "She"
do not necessarily imply natural gender. Thus, when God is referred to as
"He," this does not imply gender at all. God be
glorified; He is neither male, nor female. The usage of "He" to refer to God
in the English language, for example, has contributed to a false image of
God. This was not helped by such distorted expressions
as "Father" when referring to God. You never find such a reference to God in

Bismillah [IslamCity] hadith: A child of zina (adultery, fornication)

2009-06-01 Thread Shahid
Fornication (unmarried people)

Narrated by Ahmad, Abu Dawood and Ibn Maajah from 'Amr ibn Shu'ayb from his 
father from his grandfather who said: 

  "The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) ruled that whoever 
is born to a slave woman who was not owned by his father, or (was born to) a 
free woman with whom (the father) committed zina, then he cannot be attributed 
to him nor can he inherit, even if the one to whom he is attributed claims him 
as a son. He is the child of fornication whether his mother was a free woman or 
a slave."  

   Ahmad (7002), Abu Dawood (2265) and Ibn Maajah (2746) 

Adultery (married people)

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, 

  "The child is to be attributed to the husband and the adulterer deserves 

  Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 2053; Muslim, 1457 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Part 3: Who are the scholars and from whom should knowledge be taken?

2009-06-01 Thread Albaseerah.Org

*Who are the scholars and from whom should knowledge be taken?*
by *Shaykh Ahmed Muhammed Al-Munayee حفظه الله*
on Sunday, June 18, 2006

*Mujtahid al-Muqayyid* – Those restricted in their *ijtihaad*.
We have the second group which is below the first. It is the level of
the *mujtahid
al-muqayyid* i.e. one who is *limited* in his *ijtihaad*. He benefits from
the different opinions that we have, and also perhaps from his madhab, from
the principles of Islaamic Jurisprudence and the discussions in the other
branches of learning. He uses these to draw analogies to help him deal with
different circumstances. He does not necessarily have a lot of evidences and
he is not just blindly-following an individual. His ability is limited. This
person normally invites to *his* madhab (words unclear) and they are of
different levels.
For this reason the madhaahib (schools of thought) that we have legally,
although they have different deductions in terms of law, they are all taken
from the Sunnah of the Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم and also there is the
ijmaa’ of the People of Knowledge which is used in terms of evidences.

*Mujtahid *
There is a third level – the *mujtahid* who is actually *following a
specific imaam*. At this level the individual usually takes from a
particular scholar and normally does not go beyond the imaam that he takes

*Other than them*
We have another level and this is for those individuals who attribute
themselves to knowledge generally, but they have not attained a level of
those previously discussed. They are *Students of Knowledge* they go out and
they seek knowledge but their status or the level that they have attained,
is not the level of *ijtihaad*.
Then there is another level – those taking from different aspects of
learning. There are some students of knowledge who are seasoned in their
development of Islaamic learning. There are those who are intermediate and
those who are beginners. Those are two different levels also. There are also
some of the People of Knowledge who specialize in one area of learning as
opposed to another area of Islaamic learning e.g. hadith, tafsir or *Fiqh*.

*Characteristics of the Scholars*

The scholars that *should be followed* have certain qualities and
characteristics that *set them apart* from others. These qualities are as

   - Memorization of the Qur’aan – from the heart.

   - Memorization of the pure Sunnah of the Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم -
   They have knowledge and understanding from the *Fiqh* of the companions
   of the Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم and the textual evidences from the Book
   and the Sunnah. They have knowledge of the understanding of the Sahaabah
   which the Sahaabah took from the Qur’aan and the Sunnah.

   - In spite of these scholars having understanding of the Qur’aan and the
   Sunnah they take the *Fiqh* of the Sahaabah and utilize it.

   - They honour the knowledge of the Qur’aan and the Sunnah of the Prophet
   صلى الله عليه و سلم, holding it in high esteem. They also honour the
   Sahaabah and recognize their station; and they honour those that preceded
   them in knowledge from amongst the Salaf and considered their opinion also.

   - They stop wherever the evidence stops. Once there is evidence they
   leave aside their own opinions and statements and they adhere to the truth,
   whatever it may be. Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah رحمه الله points out:
   *“This group is stationery wherever the daleel (evidence) is stationery
   and they move with the daleel wherever the daleel moves. Once there is
   evidence they adhere to it and take it and they go to it collectively and
   individually.” *
   The textual evidences are more magnificent in their hearts than the
   statements of anyone else. They do not put any analogy or opinion before the
   textual evidence.

Masjid Ahlul-Quraan wa As-Sunnah of New york

Bismillah [IslamCity] Islam means ?

2009-06-01 Thread ***hajikhan***

Sayyiduna Umar (RadhiAllaho anho) narrates
that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said:
Islam means that you bear witness that
there is none worthy of worship except Allah
and Muhammad is His Messenger,
and to establish Salat,
and pay Zakat,
and fast in the month of Ramadan,
and to perform Hajj to the House of Allah
if you are able to do so.
{ Muslim }



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Bismillah [IslamCity] Boycott Israel campaign starts to bite

2009-06-01 Thread Shahid
Boycott Israel campaign starts to bite
9 May 2009

Motorola, Caterpillar, Veolia, the Tesco supermarket chain, and other companies 
across the world that do business with Israel are suffering losses due to a 
global boycott in support of Palestinian rights. 

On May 4, protesters greeted Motorola shareholders, already disgruntled by the 
company's losses, as they arrived for their annual meeting at the Rosemont 
Theater in Chicago. 

The protest, organised by the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, is 
part of a drive to "Hang Up On Motorola" until it ends sales of communications 
and other products that support Israel's military occupation of Palestinian 

Inside the meeting, the Presbyterian, United Methodist and other churches urged 
shareholders to support their resolution, which calls for corporate standards 
grounded in international law. Doing the right thing could also reduce the risk 
of "consumer boycotts, divestment campaigns and lawsuits". 

Although Motorola executives deny it, such risks must have played a part in 
their decision to sell the department making bomb fuses shortly after Human 
Rights Watch teams found shrapnel with Motorola serial numbers at some of the 
civilian sites bombed by Israel in its December-January assault on Gaza. 

The US protests are part of a growing global movement that has taken 
international law into its own hands because governments have not. And, 
especially since the attacks on Gaza, the boycotts have been biting. 

There are three reasons why. 

First, boycotts enable ordinary citizens to take direct action. For instance, 
the New York group Adalah decided to target diamond merchant Lev Leviev, whose 
profits are plowed into colonising the West Bank. 

During the Christmas season, they sing carols with the words creatively altered 
to urge shoppers to boycott his Madison Avenue store. 

The British group Architects and Planners for Justice in Palestine teamed up 
with Adalah and others to exert public pressure on the British government 
regarding Leviev. The British Embassy in Tel Aviv recently cancelled plans to 
rent premises from Leviev's company Africa-Israel. 

There are other results. Activists in Britain have targeted the supermarket 
chain Tesco to stop the sales of Israeli goods produced in settlements. 

In a video of one action - over 38,000 YouTube views to date - Welsh activists 
load up a trolley with settlement products and push it out of the shop without 

All the while, they calmly explain to the camera just what they are doing and 
why, as they pour red paint over the produce - and as British Bobbies quietly 
lead them away to a police van. 

The result of such consumer boycotts? A fifth of Israeli producers have 
reported a drop in demand since the assault on Gaza, particularly in Britain 
and Scandinavia. 

The second reason boycotts are effective is the visible role of Jewish human 
rights advocates, making it harder for Israel to argue that these actions are 

For example, British architect Abe Hayeem, an Iraqi Jew, describes in a 
passionate column in the British Guardian exactly how Leviev tramples on 
Palestinian rights, and warns Israeli architects involved in settlements that 
they will be held to account by their international peers. 

In the US, Jewish Voice for Peace has led an ongoing campaign to stop 
Caterpillar from selling bulldozers to Israel, which militarises them and uses 
them in home demolitions and building the separation wall. 

The third, key, reason for the growing success of this global movement is the 
determined leadership of Palestinian civil society. The spark was lit at the 
world conference against racism in Durban in 2001. In 2004, Palestinian civil 
society launched an academic and cultural boycott that is having an impact. 

In 2005, over 170 Palestinian civil society coalitions, organisations, and 
unions from the occupied territories, within Israel, and in exile issued a 
formal call for an international campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions 
(BDS) until Israel abides by international law. 

The call sets out clear goals for the movement and provides a framework for 

In November 2008, Palestinian NGOs helped convene an international BDS 
conference in Bilbao, Spain, to adopt common actions. This launched a "Derail 
Veolia" campaign. The French multinational corporation, together with another 
French company, Alstom, is building a light railway linking East Jerusalem to 
illegal settlements. 

The light rail project was cited by the Swedish national pension fund in its 
decision to exclude Alstom from its US$15 billion portfolio, and by the 
Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council in its decision not to further consider 
Veolia's bid for a $1.9 billion waste improvement plan. There were active 
grassroots campaigns in both areas. 

Other hits: Veolia lost the contract to operate the city of Stockholm subway 
and an urban network in Bordeaux. Althou

Bismillah [IslamCity] Somalia: Foregin Fighters in Somalia Are 'International Criminals', President Shekh Sharif Ahmed

2009-06-01 Thread Labbayk YaMahdi
Somalia: Foreign Fighters in Somalia Are 'International Criminals' - President
25 May 2009

The president of Somalia's interim government, Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, told a 
Monday press conference in the capital Mogadishu that foreign fighters in the 
Horn of Africa country are 'international criminals,' Radio Garowe reports.
"Somalia has been invaded by foreign fighters, who are using Somali factions 
and their objective is to keep the country in chaos and to hide international 
criminals," President Sheikh Sharif told reporters at the Villa Somalia 
presidential compound.
He called on the Somali public to stand by the government in order "to defend 
the freedom, honor and nationhood of Somalia," adding: "I do not see any reason 
to continue fighting except to oppose peace."
The Somali leader said the interim government has adopted Islamic law 
[Shari'ah] as national legislation and has accepted a reconciliation process 
promoted by Muslim scholars and traditional elders, "but the opposition has 
rejected reconciliation."
He condemned the foreign fighters, suggesting that these foreign fighters have 
fought in countries such as Afghanistan and Iraq, "which are still burning."
Conflicting reports have placed the actual number of 'foreign fighters' present 
in Somalia from a handful to over 300 fighters.
"The [Somali] government has decided to defend the honor of the country and the 
people...we will fight those who oppose governance and those who promote 
chaos," President Sheikh Sharif said, in some of his most heated comments since 
being elected in January.
African peacekeepers
The Somali President said the ongoing violence in Mogadishu and parts of 
central Somalia is part of a "liberation war" against anti-peace elements.
He specifically addressed a recent decision by the Inter-Governmental Authority 
on Development (IGAD) to place sanctions on Eritrea, which is often accused 
arming Somali insurgents.
"It was the correct decision and the world must support it," said President 
Sheikh Sharif, who fled to Eritrea in 2007 after Ethiopian troops intervened in 
south-central Somalia to oust the Islamic Courts Union (ICU) movement, led by 
Sheikh Sharif at the time.
Speaking about the 4,000-strong African Union peacekeeping force (AMISOM), the 
President said: "AMISOM is here [in Mogadishu] legally and they will leave when 
they ensure the safety of the Somali people."
He noted that African peacekeepers are serving in Somalia "to help a fellow 
African country," while underscoring that AMISOM peacekeepers will defend the 
Somali government if attacked.
President Sheikh Sharif did not specifically name anti-government insurgent 
groups, namely Al Shabaab hardliners and Hizbul Islam faction, which is led by 
his former ally, Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys.
Al Shabaab and Hizbul Islam factions have waged a violent campaign in Mogadishu 
and the central regions aiming to overthrow President Sheikh Sharif's interim 
government, which has support from ICU fighters and Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamee'a 
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Bismillah [IslamCity] How To Erase Sins & Raise Your Status

2009-06-01 Thread Mohammed A
The Prophet (saw) asked: Shall I not tell you of something by means of which 
Allah erases sins and raises you in status? They (the Companions) replied: Yes, 
O Messenger of Allah. He (saw) said: Doing ablution (wudhu) well even when it 
is difficult, taking many steps to the Mosque and waiting for the (next) prayer 
after the (last) prayer. This is equivalent to guarding/defending the frontiers 
(of Islam). (Muslim) 


Bismillah [IslamCity] Do Barbers Exist?

2009-06-01 Thread Ahumanb
Do Barbers Exist?
A man went to a barbershop to have his hair cut and his beard trimmed. As the 
barber began to work, they began to have a good conversation.

They talked about so many things and various subjects. When they eventually 
touched on the subject of God, the barber said: "I don't believe that God 

"Why do you say that?" asked the customer.
"Well, you just have to go out in the street to realize that God doesn't 
exist. If God exists, there would be neither suffering nor pain. I can't 
imagine a loving God who would allow all of these things."
The customer thought for a moment, but didn't respond because he didn't want to 
start an argument.

The barber finished his job and the customer left the shop.

Just after he left the barbershop, he saw a man in the street with long, 
stringy, dirty hair and an untrimmed beard. He looked dirty and unkempt.

The customer turned back and entered the barber shop again and he said to the 
barber: "You know what? Barbers do not exist!"

"How can you say that?" asked the surprised barber. "I am here, and I am a 
barber. And I just worked on you!"

"No!" the customer exclaimed. "Barbers don't exist because if they did, there 
would be no people with dirty long hair and untrimmed beards, like that man 

"Ah, but barbers do exist! That's what happens when people do not come to me."
"Exactly!" affirmed the customer. "That's the point! God, too, does exist! 
That's what happens when people do not go to Him and don't look to him for 
help. That's why there's so much pain and suffering in the world."


My Bangla Blog on Theism-Atheism and Religion:


Bismillah [IslamCity] ruling: To whom does the child of Zina belong

2009-06-01 Thread Shahid
  Question # 33591: An illegitimate daughter is asking, Whose daughter am 


I'm an illegitimate child. I was conceived before my mother became Muslim. She 
became Muslim a few days before my birth. My parents married when I was 10 
months old. My parents got divorced 2 years ago, after I disclosed sexual abuse 
by him. I have used my father's name since I was born and he has always 
accepted paternity of me. Do I need to change my name to my mother's name? I am 
14 year old and have five siblings, all with my father's name. I read the 
answers on this site and all seemed to say that I should, but one answer by 
Shaykh 'Abd-Allah ibn Jibreen seemed to say the opposite. (Question Reference 
Number 5967) He stated that if the father accepts paternity, it is permissible 
to retain his name. Please clarify this issue for me. 


Praise be to Allaah.   
Firstly: we confirm that the illegitimate child has nothing to do with his 
parents' crime, and that he has all the same rights as any other Muslim, male 
or female. He must also fear Allaah so that he may become one of the people of 
Paradise with whom Allaah is pleased. 

Secondly: the scholars differed as to whether or not the child may be 
attributed to his adulterous father, if the woman was not married. 

What that means is: if the woman was married and had a child six months after 
being married, then the child should be attributed to the father, and he cannot 
deny the child unless he divorces his wife by means of li'aan. If a man claims 
that he committed zina with this woman and that this is his illegitimate child, 
no attention should be paid to him, according to scholarly consensus, because 
the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, "The child is to 
be attributed to the husband and the adulterer deserves nothing." Narrated by 
al-Bukhaari, 2053; Muslim, 1457. 

Ibn Qudaamah said: "The scholars were unanimously agreed that if a child is 
born to one man's wife, and another man claims it is his child, the child is 
not to be attributed to the latter. The difference of opinion arises when a 
child is born outside of marriage." 

If the woman is not married, and she has a child as a result of zina, and the 
zaani (adulterer, man who committed zina) claims it is his child, should the 
child be attributed to him or not? 

The majority of scholars are of the view that the child should not be 
attributed to him. 

It was narrated from al-Hasan, Ibn Sireen, 'Urwah, al-Nakha'i, Ishaaq and 
Sulaymaan ibn Yassaar that the child should be attributed to him. 

This was also the view favoured by Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah 
have mercy on him). 

Ibn Qudaamah also narrated this view from Abu Haneefah. He said: " 'Ali ibn 
'Aasim narrated that Abu Haneefah said: If a man commits zina with a woman and 
she gets pregnant from him, I do not see anything wrong with him marrying her 
even though she is pregnant, so as to conceal her (sin), and the child will be 
his child." (al-Mughni, 9/122). 

Ibn Muflih (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: Our shaykh [Ibn Taymiyah] 
favoured the view that a man may attribute to himself a child who is the result 
of zina with an unmarried woman.  al-Furoo', 6/625 

Ibn Qudaamah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: The illegitimate child should 
not be attributed to the zaani according to the majority of scholars, but 
al-Hasan and Ibn Sireen said: he may be attributed to the zaani if the hadd 
punishment has been carried out on him, and he may inherit from him. Ibraaheem 
said: He may be attributed to him if the hadd punishment of flogging has been 
carried out, or if he becomes the owner of the woman with whom he had 
intercourse. Ishaaq said: He may be attributed to him, and he quoted something 
similar from 'Urwah and Sulaymaan ibn Yassaar. 

Shaykh al-Islam (Ibn Taymiyah) said: There are also two views among the 
scholars concerning the zaani claiming the child as his if the woman is not 
married. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The 
child is to be attributed to the husband and the adulterer deserves nothing." 
So he said that the child belongs to the husband, not the zaani. But if the 
woman is not married then this hadeeth is not applicable. 'Umar attributed 
children born in the jaahiliyyah to their fathers, but this is not the place to 
discuss this issue in detail. 

Al-Fataawa al-Kubra, 3/178 

The majority of scholars quoted as evidence that the illegitimate child should 
not be attributed to the zaani the hadeeth narrated by Ahmad (7002), Abu Dawood 
(2265) and Ibn Maajah (2746) from 'Amr ibn Shu'ayb from his father from his 
grandfather who said: "The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) 
ruled that whoever is born to a slave woman who was not owned by his father, or 
(was born to) a free woman with whom (the father) committed zina, then he 
cannot be attributed to him nor can he inherit, even if the one to whom he is 

Bismillah [IslamCity] New Muslim Cool

2009-06-01 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal


--- On Tue, 26/5/09, Guidance Salvation  wrote:

From: Guidance Salvation 
Date: Tuesday, 26 May, 2009, 8:14 PM


B i s m i l l a a h i r   R a h m a a n i r    R a h e e m

O you who believe!
Whoever from among you turns back from his religion(Islam) ,
Allah will bring a people whom He will love and they will love Him.
Quran 5:54

A former gang member!

And drug dealer!


Politically Outspoken hip-hop artist,

Anti drug counselor,

Community Activist,

Family Man!

Reason behind this DRAMATIC change!
Is the beauty...

And light of...


American Puerto Rican rapper Hamza Pérez ended his life as a drug dealer 12 
years ago,and started down a new path as a young Muslim!

Now he's moved to Pittsburgh's tough North Side to start a new religious 
community with other American Muslims,rebuild his shattered family,and take his 
message of faith to other young people!


Raising his two kids as a single dad and longing for
companionship, Hamza finds love,and enters
a new mariage,and expanded interracial family!

Post 9/11 he finds both his Pittsburgh Masjid and his job as a religious 
speaker in the country jail subject to surveillance and challenges by 
suspicious federal authorities.


So when the FBI raids his mosque,
Hamza had to confront the realities of
the post-9/11 world,and challenge himself! 

>From behind the headlines on inner-city crime,clashing civilizations and the 
>war on terror comes filmmaker Jennifer Maytorena Taylor's illuminating 
>portrait of American-Puerto Rican Muslim Hamza Pérez,

New Muslim Cool offers an intimate vantage on a new generation of Latino and 
African American Muslims, youth in many cases drawn by the example of Malcolm X 


NEW MUSLIM COOL takes viewers on Hamza's ride through the streets,projects and 
jail cells of urban America,following his spiritual journey to some surprising 
places-where we can all see ourselves reflected in a world that never stops 



Best Regards to our brother Sunny ( Hindu ),
who joined us in the Friday prayer(Jummah) ! 

As for the few MuZlims who have forgotten,,
 the way to the Masjid even on Jummah.!!

Well No More Comment!!

It is He Who has sent His Messenger
with Guidance and the Religion of Truth,
to proclaim it over all religion:
and enough is Allah for a Witness.
Quran 48:28


NEW MUSLIM COOL: Struggle Bagel Ramadan


Bismillah [IslamCity] good story

2009-06-01 Thread aasia shahana



A churchly choir converted into a caller to Allah 



At the beginning of his speech about the story of his proselytizing to Islam, 
he talked about the omnipotence of the creator in the universe. He said:" every 
craft has its craftsman, and every matter has a wise director and this universe 
is unique in its making with the wisdom of Allah, Glory be to Him, who has 
created it by His omnipotence and every action in life has a reason so that 
matters can go on naturally. So, it has become a must for every one in this 
life to believe in Allah, Glory be to Him, and to know that Allah is the only 
creator Who has created the universe with all livings and inanimate beings with 
no help of any other creature. It is the true believer who believes that these 
creatures need care and protection from earthquake, collapsing, and vanishing 
and Allah is of infinite bounty, the owner of the world, the most Gracious and 
merciful, and Who never has a son or wife. He is the Ever-living, the Eternal 
and the Dominant of that world. And say: praise be to Allah, Who has no partner 
in sovereignty, nor has He any protecting friend through dependence. And 
magnify Him with all magnificence.  

The guided was an acolyte in a church. 

Muhammad Somawy is from Philipine, he was a Christian and adherent to 
Christianity to the extent that he was punctual at the times of prayers and 
hymns hold in the church. He also was a religious choir like his parents who 
were adherent to their religion.

 My story with proselytizing.

Muhammad Somawy says:" my story with proselytizing began in 1990 during the 
Iraqi invasion against Kuwait and how these actions were a reason for my 
proselytizing. The base of my doctrine was to believe in Allah. When I was 
Christian, many questions came to me. I was punctual in attending the Christian 
religious occasions. In addition, I was a religious choir as a vocalist for the 
sake of Allah who is, as the Christians think, the Christ; the son of Allah 
(exalted be Allah above all that) This was the principle of my previous worship 
and religion, it was that the Christ, Jesus is a God and the son of Allah as I 
studied and learned from the cradle. But, many question came to me, I was not 
convinced of what we used to do. And all what I wished from doing this was just 
to live with them as a catholic Christian.

My previous work.

I was working as a welder in making the iron windows and doors; in addition to 
a driver to transport the passengers in return for a little money. It did not 
come to my mind in any day to go outside Philippine or to Kuwait to work there. 
I thought that my work would not enable me to work abroad.

My sister's travel. For something Allah willed, my sister traveled to Kuwait to 
work there before the Iraqi invasion. The invasion occurred during her 
existence and it lasted for seven months. We did not know any thing about her 
and we became more worried about her, she is the only sister among us and she 
got a great deal of my parents' love. at that time sadness prevailed all family 
and my parents became more worried. As a result of the events, we lost the hope 
that she was alive. I am the oldest brother, so I shoulder the responsibility 
of searching for her. Was she dead or alive? The matter was not easy and 
requires asking every one about her. More than this, what could we do if she 
was dead? And where she was if she was alive? The whole matter belonged to 
Allah, Glory be to Him. I had to pave the way for my parents if any bad thing 
happened to my sister. What I did was to calm them and dry up their tears that 
made me very sad. The most important thing is that we lost the hope that she 
would come back. 

The surprise.

Nine months after she had traveled - this period is equal to the period of 
pregnancy- and after the invasion of Iraq had ended, I received a letter, we 
considered it to be my sister's new birth and her new birth in Islam. On this 
letter, I found my sister's name before and after adopting Islam. She embraced 
Islam in that period, what is important is that we became so happy . It was a 
surprise, what a wonderful surprise! My sister was still alive. My mother wept 
out of happiness, she thanked Allah Who protected my sister. My sister told us 
that she was safe, embraced Islam and got married Kuwaiti. But, this matter was 
not as important as the matter of her being alive.

My travel to Kuwait.

Two months later, we received another letter from my sister in which she told 
us that she urgently needed me to travel to Kuwait and to be beside her. Somawy 
laughed saying that it seems that she desired me to embrace Islam by summoning 
me to go to her. finally what we got from the message was that she needed me to 
be beside her. I was ready to stand beside her, I missed her, she was; as I 
said, my only sister and I have to relieve my worry about her as long as it is 
available to me.

Allah's decree was 

Bismillah [IslamCity] FW: report (attached ) on how to teach economica and finance to the students of Madrasas [1 Attachment]

2009-06-01 Thread S A Hannan
Dear sirs,
Assalamu Alaikum.Please see this report (attached ) on how to teach
economica and finance to the students  of Madrasas It is very useful
Shah Abdul Hannan
-Original Message-
From: Totonji Al Hajj [] 
Sent: Monday, May 25, 2009 11:41 PM
To: undisclosed recipients:

أرجو فتح المرفق

Bismillah [IslamCity] Phillip Hitti in 'Short History of the Arabs."

2009-06-01 Thread PoEtEsS
Phillip Hitti in 'Short History of the Arabs." 
During all the first part of the Middle Ages, no other people made as important 
a contribution to human progress as did the Arabs, if we take this term to mean 
all those whose mother-tongue was Arabic, and not merely those living in the 
Arabian peninsula. For centuries, Arabic was the language of learning, culture 
and intellectual progress for the whole of the civilized world with the 
exception of the Far East. From the IXth to the XIIth century there were more 
philosophical, medical, historical, religious, astronomical and geographical 
works written in Arabic than in any other human tongue." 


"Prayer, wisdom, knowledge and faith are the best gifts that I have……"Zohra 
Moosa (Deaf Poet)


{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy 

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I 
am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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Bismillah [IslamCity] Job openings in Gulf and Africa [Al Taiyaba Management Consultancy]

2009-06-01 Thread Shakeel Ahmad
Assalamo Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahe Wa Barakatahu
-- Forwarded message --
From: Al Taiyaba Management Consultancy 


*Requirement for MEP Contracting Companies in Qatar:*

* *

*1. Project Director (MEP Background)-(Position Code-QPD-MEP)-*Mech or Elect
Engineer with over 25 yrs  experience, out of which minimum 10 yrs in Gulf
as Senior Project Manager or Project Director and handling several large MEP
projects independently of over 150 million AED/QR each. Salary offered is
25K to 30K QR + Annual Benefits.

*2. Senior Project Manager (MEP Background)-(Position Code-QSRPM-MEP)-*Mech
or Elect Engineer with 20 to 25 yrs  experience, out of which minimum 8 yrs
in Gulf as Project Manager and handling large MEP project independently of
over 150 million AED/QR. Salary offered is 20K to 25K QR + Annual Benefits.

*3. Project Manager (MEP Background)-(Position Code-QPM-MEP)-*Mech or Elect
Engineer with 15 to 20 yrs  experience, out of which minimum 5 yrs in Gulf
as Project Manager and handling the MEP project independently. Salary
offered is 15K to 18K QR + Annual Benefits.

*4. Project Engineers(HVAC/Plumbing/Electricals)-(Position Code-QPE-MEP)-*Mech
or Elect Engineer with 8 to 10 yrs  experience, out of which minimum 3 yrs
in Gulf as Project/Site Engineer and handling the MEP project in any one or
more field of HVAC/Plumbing/Electricals. Salary offered is 8K to 12K QR +
Annual Benefits.

*5.Planning Engineer- (MEP Background)-(Position Code-QPln-MEP)-*Mech or
Elect Engineer with minimum 5 years experience as planning Engineer using
Primavera for MEP projects in Gulf. Salary offered is 8K to 10K QR+Annual

*6.Quantity Surveyor-(MEP Background)-(Position Code-QQS-MEP)-*Mech or Elect
Engineer with minimum 5 years experience as Quantity Surveyor in MEP
Companies. Salary offered is 10K to 13K QR+Annual Benefits.

*7. QA/QC Manager (MEP Background)-(Position Code-QQCM-MEP)-*Mech or Elect
Engineer with 15 yrs QA/QC experience, out of which minimum 5 yrs in Gulf.
Salary offered is 15K to 18K QR + Annual Benefits.

*8. QA/QC Engineers(HVAC/Plumbing/Electricals)-(Position Code-QQCE-MEP)-*Mech
or Elect Engineer with min. 8 yrs QA/QC experience, out of which minimum 3
yrs in Gulf. Salary offered is 8K to 10K QR + Annual Benefits.

*9.MEP Draughtsmen- (HVAC/Plumbing/Electricals)-(Position Code-QDM-MEP)-*Mech
or Elect Draughtsmen with minimum 8 years experience as autocad draughtsman
on any MEP projects in Gulf. Salary offered is 4K to 8K QR+Annual Benefits.

*10. Procurement Manager (MEP Contracting co. Background)-(Position
Code-QProc-M-MEP)-*Mech or Elect Engineer with 15 yrs Procurement
experience, out of which minimum 5 yrs in Gulf as purchase/procurement
manager for Electrical, HVAC, Plumbing and fire fighting items. Salary
offered is 14K to 16K QR + Annual Benefits.

*11. Procurement Engineer (MEP Contracting co. Background)-(Position
Code-QProc-En-MEP)-*Mech or Elect Engineer with 6 to 8 yrs Procurement
experience, out of which minimum 2 to 3 yrs in Gulf as purchase/procurement
Engineer/Officer for Electrical, HVAC, Plumbing and fire fighting items.
Salary offered is 7K to 8K QR + Annual Benefits.

*12. Store Officer and Store Keeper (MEP Contracting co.
Background)-(Position Code-QSK/QSO-MEP)-*Any graduate and computer literate
with 6 to 8 yrs stores/materials experience, out of which minimum 2 to 3 yrs
in Gulf as Store Officer /Store Keeper MEP Contracting Companies. Salary
offered is 3k to 5K for store keeper and 7K to 8K QR for store officer+
Annual Benefits.

*13. Document Controller (MEP Contracting co. Background)-(Position
Code-QDC-MEP)-*Any graduate and computer literate with 6 to 8 yrs experience
as document controller in any MEP contracting companies, out of which
minimum 2 to 3 yrs in Gulf. Salary offered is 4k to 5K+ Annual Benefits.

*We have following requirements for our Client,who are Group of Companies
envolved in Constructions of Buildings, Roads and Infrastructure in **Saudi

*14. Microtunnelling Operator-(Indian Preferred) -(Position Code-Pur M-KSA)-
*Graduate in any discipline with minimum 5 years experience as operator for
microtunnelling machine in the Gulf. Salary range-6500 to 7500 SAR+3 months
salary as accommodation allowance+ Transport+ Annual benefits.

* *

*We have following requirements for our Client, who are Trading Company for
Engineering Products based in **UAE:*

*15. Procurement and Logistic Manager-(Position Code-Proc+Logistic
Mgr-Trading-UAE)-*Any Engineering Graduate with 15 to 18 yrs  experience as
Sales or Purchase experience for engineering products. Preference will be
given to the person having oil and gas field experience in procurement with
negotiation skills and administrative skills. Any Contracting or Trading
Company, experience will have edge over others. Salary offered is 15K to
18K AED+Annual Benefits.