Bismillah [IslamCity] Decoding Modi's victory and secular politics

2007-12-31 Thread Abhiyya 2006
"no matter how many elections Modi wins, it does not wash away his sins in being an alleged abettor or silent onlooker to the communal holocaust that engulfed Gujarat over five years ago, leaving a sharply polarised polity behind" Politics Sunday, December 30, 2007 Decoding Modi's vict

Bismillah [IslamCity] Condoleezza Rice & the nuclear deal - a review by A. G. Noorani

2008-01-07 Thread Abhiyya 2006
BOOKS Condoleezza Rice & the nuclear deal A.G. NOORANI A careful account that exposes Condoleeza Rice as a rank opportunist who is now stuck with George W. Bush’s politics. THIS book is about the U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, not about the India-Unit

Bismillah [IslamCity] Blame The Middle Class

2008-01-14 Thread Abhiyya 2006
One of the best article, analyzing present Gujarat situation. - Abhiyya "Recovering Gujarat from its urban middle class will not be easy. The class has found in militant religious nationalism a new self- respect and a new virtual identity as a martial community, the way Bengali

Bismillah [IslamCity] Death and Darkness in Gaza, People are dying, Help us!

2008-01-22 Thread Abhiyya 2006
Death and Darkness in Gaza, People are dying, Help us! A humanitarian crisis is underway as the Gaza Strip's only power plant began to shut down on Sunday, and the tiny coastal territory entered its third full day without shipments of vital food and fuel supplies due


2008-01-23 Thread Abhiyya 2006
"Modi must face trial for his innumerable crimes. Democratic legalism should not stand in the way of justice. He is guilty of crimes against humanity (Geneva Conventions), and crimes against the nation (Sedition, Terrorism)." MODI, THE GREATEST NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT I.K.Shukla In his M

Bismillah [IslamCity] Book Review: Yoginder Sikand on 'Tuhfat al-Mujahidin' - The Tribute to the Strugglers

2008-01-29 Thread Abhiyya 2006
"The Tuhfat is a chronicle of the stiff resistance put up by the Muslims of Malabar against the Portuguese colonialists from 1498, when Vasco Da Gama arrived in Calicut, to 1583, it describes in considerable detail events, many of which that the author had himself witnessed and lived through. T

Bismillah [IslamCity] Turkish lawmakers lift headscarf ban amid heavy protests

2008-02-13 Thread Abhiyya 2006
"Secularism, which does not mean irreligion, requires equal treatment of different religious beliefs," senior AKP lawmaker Sadullah Ergin told the NTV news channel after the vote. "We have ended the different treatment of people on grounds of their religious beliefs," he added. The package amend

Bismillah [IslamCity] Chomsky on World Ownership

2008-02-13 Thread Abhiyya 2006
"The United States has been torturing Iran, without a stop, since 1953. Overthrew the parliamentary government, installed the tyrant Shah Reza Pahlavi, and backed him through horrible torture and everything else. The minute the Shah was overthrown, the United States moved at once to try and over

Bismillah [IslamCity] Balfour�s deceit - Book Review by A. G. Noorani

2008-02-14 Thread Abhiyya 2006
"Can a state established by deceit and forcible ouster of the people of the land expect them to accept its legitimacy by mere efflux of time? What are 60 years to an ancient people, the Arabs? International recognition of Israel as a state cannot wipe out the facts of history or erase from the m

Bismillah [IslamCity] Iran�s Defense Spending Per Capita Among Lowest In Mideast

2008-02-14 Thread Abhiyya 2006
Iran’s Defense Spending Per Capita Among Lowest In Mideast By IRNA 13/01/08 -- -- LONDON (IRNA) -- Iran’s defense expenditure per capita remains among the lowest in the Middle East region despite having the second highest population behind Egypt, according to the new publication of Military

Bismillah [IslamCity] AISHA BEWELY

2008-02-14 Thread Abhiyya 2006
Salam brothers, Do anyone have informaiton about AISHA BEWELY? I mean her country of origin, educaiton, works etc. One of my friend is in need of these informations. regards Abhiyya With Regards Abi - Be a better friend, newshound, and

RE: Bismillah [IslamCity] AISHA BEWELY

2008-02-19 Thread Abhiyya 2006
Thank you brother, Jazakallahu Khair But unfortunately these links doesn't say much on her personal life. regards Abhiyya [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Please check the following Search Results: Yahoo! My Yahoo! Mail We

Bismillah [IslamCity] Vanunu: A Man Without A Country

2008-02-23 Thread Abhiyya 2006
An article on Mordechai Vanunu, the brave man who sacrificed almost two decades of his life in jail for revealing the world in 1986 (through 'The Sunday Times' with photograpic evidences) about the secret nuclear weapons plant of Israel at Dimona. - Abhiyya "

Bismillah [IslamCity] Concern over CJI�s observations

2008-03-04 Thread Abhiyya 2006
Concern over CJI’s observations Special Correspondent NEW DELHI: Intellectuals, artists and women activists have expressed deep concern over the observations of Chief Justice of India (CJI) K.G. Bal

Bismillah [IslamCity] Terror suspect was framed, says wife

2008-03-04 Thread Abhiyya 2006
"The police say the laptop they seized from my husband is loaded with information about terror plots. He doesnot even possess one and he uses only a personal computer at home. All sorts of stories are being circulated, she said" Terror suspect was framed, says wife Publishe

Bismillah [IslamCity] Suharto And The Address Unknown - Dr. Auswaf Ahsan

2008-03-04 Thread Abhiyya 2006
"I held her hand and told "please do not forget to write mails Rina", "I do not have access to internet doctor" she replied. I tried to console her by promising to send her letters. But then came the most shocking statement of Rina that I am unable to come to terms with even after three years. "

Bismillah [IslamCity] Upholding scientific principles of historical writing - interview with Prof. K. N. Panikkar

2008-03-04 Thread Abhiyya 2006
Date:25/02/2008 URL: - Back Opinion - Interviews Upholding scientific principles of historical writing C. Gouridasan Nair “NCERT textbooks are used only in 3

Bismillah [IslamCity] Anti-Zionist Jews condemn Gaza massacres

2008-03-04 Thread Abhiyya 2006
The statement affirmed that the Israeli state didn’t represent the Jewish people and religion. “They may call themselves Jews, but they are not following the Jewish religion. They are barbarians and butchers. They defile and desecrate the holiness of our religion, of our Torah.” Anti-Zio

Bismillah [IslamCity] Brazilian cartoonist Carlos Latuff artworks condemning Israeli holocaust of Gaza

2008-03-06 Thread Abhiyya 2006
Brazilian cartoonist Carlos Latuff creates artworks that call on the world to condemn Israeli holocaust of Gaza Nepos Libertas's blog WUFYS Carlos Latuff's statement: I'd like

Bismillah [IslamCity] The value of rant and rave

2008-03-11 Thread Abhiyya 2006
"One must keep the dignity of the court but a society must allow the protests of Setalvad. More, it must respect and sustain people like her as precious forms of life" Writes Mr. Shiv Visvanathan, in response to the recent remarks of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court against Teesta Setalv

Bismillah [IslamCity] Yvonne Ridley wins al-Jazeera damages

2008-03-12 Thread Abhiyya 2006
"Ridley claimed she was dismissed after complaining about the removal of stories she had published about the behaviour of US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan on al-Jazeera's English-language website." Yvonne Ridley wins al-Jazeera damages This article was first published on on Th

Bismillah [IslamCity] Memoranda of non-understanding - A. G. Noorani

2008-03-12 Thread Abhiyya 2006
"In a globalised society, respect for diversity is a moral and legal obligation. But as Wilfred Cantwell Smith, a devout Christian and scholar on Islam, wrote, “The fact is that the West has begun in only extremely incipient fashion to understand any civilisation other than its own.""

Bismillah [IslamCity] How media demonises Muslims in war on terror

2008-03-13 Thread Abhiyya 2006
"So far no proof has been unearthed to label these youths as terrorists. The media is indulging in blatant fabrication of news. What if their case too turns out to be another Dr Mohammed Haneef case? (Haneef, who worked in Australia, was mistakenly arrested by the Australian police after being

Bismillah [IslamCity] Appeal For Moratorium on Death Sentence - Enforce UN Resolution without Delay

2008-03-26 Thread Abhiyya 2006
Appeal For Moratorium on Death Sentence Enforce UN Resolution without Delay We reaffirm our commitment to abolition of death penalty on the following grounds: 1. There are chances of miscarriage or failure of justice with the probability of an innocent person getting hanged, which

Bismillah [IslamCity] Press release of Asma Jahangir , UN HumanRights Council, on her recent visit to India

2008-03-26 Thread Abhiyya 2006
"In my discussions with victims I could see their continuing fear which is exacerbated by the distress that justice continues to evade most victims and survivors. Even today there is increasing ghettoization and isolation of Muslims in certain areas. The assertion of the State Government that d

Bismillah [IslamCity] Rachel Corrie remembered

2008-03-28 Thread Abhiyya 2006
Rachel Corrie, 23, writer, artist, and a brave human rights warrior from Washington, was crushed to death by the Israeli military bulldozer near Gaza on March 16, 2003, trying to prevent the Palastinian homes being demolished by armored Israeli bulldozers. The world remembers her with tribute

Bismillah [IslamCity] Vision 2020

2008-04-01 Thread Abhiyya 2006
Here is a notable short film, of about 6 minutes, visualising our "developed" future. A striking one. Directed by Saraswati Kavula. More than worth visiting. com/watch? v=093_4lPy4AE Sukla Sen With Regards Abi - Special deal for Ya

Bismillah [IslamCity] West meets East - book review by A. G. Noorani

2008-04-01 Thread Abhiyya 2006
“The doctrine of ancient hatreds may become the post-Cold War’s most robust mystification, a way of having an enemy and knowing evil that deceives as it satisfies. The hatred is modern, and may be closer than we think.” BOOKS West meets East A.G. NOORANI http://www.frontlineonnet

Bismillah [IslamCity] Rachel�s Email from Palestine

2008-04-03 Thread Abhiyya 2006
was sent on 7th Feb. 2003, but still relevant. - Abhiyya “There is also need for constant nighttime presence at a well on the outskirts of Rafah since the Israeli army destroyed the two largest wells. According to the municipal water office the wells destroyed last week provided half of RafahÂ

Bismillah [IslamCity] Documentary film package

2008-04-03 Thread Abhiyya 2006
Friends, Other Media Communications has announced a special package for their documentary films. Please see the details. Santhosh Kumar Dear friends, SPECIAL PACKAGE OF FILMS FROM Other Media Communications. Greetings from Other Media Communications, Bangalore!

Bismillah [IslamCity] UN rejects water as basic human right

2008-04-06 Thread Abhiyya 2006
UN rejects water as basic human right Mike De Souza , Canwest News Service Published: Tuesday, March 25, 2008 OTTAWA - The Harper government can declare victory after a United Nations meet

Bismillah [IslamCity] Notes .......

2008-04-14 Thread Abhiyya 2006
Sunday, 13 April 2008Notes from the Iraqi Resistance... This post is a transcript of the interview with Dr.I.Al-Shammari,(head of the Islamic Army of Iraq/IAI) aired on Arabic, Al-Jazeerah TV on the 9th of Apri

Bismillah [IslamCity] �Islamic finance is key to solving credit crisis�

2008-04-19 Thread Abhiyya 2006
‘Islamic finance is key to solving credit crisis’ Published: Tuesday, 15 April, 2008, 01:40 AM Doha Time Business Reporter Seetharaman addresses

Bismillah [IslamCity] Vanunu's Fifth Year of Restrictions Begins and Norway Caves

2008-04-19 Thread Abhiyya 2006
"The Dimona is 46 years old; reactors last 25 to 30 years. The Dimona has never been inspected and Israel has never signed the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty but all the Arab states have...Twenty years ago when I worked there they only produced when the air was blowing towards Jordan ten miles a

Bismillah [IslamCity] A 650-year-old masjid with only three daily prayers

2008-04-20 Thread Abhiyya 2006
A 650-year-old masjid with only three daily prayers By Kashif-ul-Huda, If these rocks could talk, they will narrate a story of 650 years of this building which served as masjid, khanqa

Bismillah [IslamCity] Letter from Tihar - Parveez Ahmad

2008-04-22 Thread Abhiyya 2006
"As I have done my M. Sc (Zoology) from the University of Pune and now am seeking admission to Ph.D for which I was going to Pune. On September 12, 2006, I left home for Pune by flight (Spice Jet). Srinagar - Delhi & Delhi-Pune. On reaching Delhi, when I was approaching for Spice-Jet counter to

Bismillah [IslamCity] Gaza: The Holocaust Continues

2008-04-27 Thread Abhiyya 2006
"As 85 per cent of all transport in Gaza has come to a stand still due to shortages in fuel, and as universities and schools have shut down, the people of Gaza are bracing themselves for worse days to come. This slow-motion genocide must come to an end now before Gaza explodes" Gaza: The H

Bismillah [IslamCity] �Farewell Israel�: Myth and Reality - Alan Hart

2008-04-29 Thread Abhiyya 2006
"Israel’s military leaders and their political yes-men don’t believe, and never have believed, that Iran, if it possessed nuclear weapons, would unleash them in a first strike against the Zionist state. The real problem for its leaders is that the moment Israel ceased to be the only nuclear-a

Bismillah [IslamCity] Islamic Finance - By Loretta Napoleoni

2008-04-29 Thread Abhiyya 2006
Note: forwarded message attached. With Regards Abi - Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.--- Begin Message --- By Loretta Napoleoni: An expert on financing of terrorism, Loretta advises several governments on co

Bismillah [IslamCity] 'Untouchable' mother and baby die after high-caste Hindu doctors refuse to treat them

2008-05-01 Thread Abhiyya 2006
"The mother-to-be, Maya Devi, 28, was brought to the Kanpur Medical College hospital in northern Uttar Pradesh state by friends. She was suffering severe pain and complications that prevented her giving birth. But as she lay in a corridor outside the maternity wing, doctors - including the hos

Bismillah [IslamCity] India, Iran positive on pipeline project

2008-05-05 Thread Abhiyya 2006
"Asked by the visiting Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad whether India was keen to consummate the deal, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh replied in the affirmative, highly placed sources said" India, Iran positive on pipeline project Sandeep Dikshit

Bismillah [IslamCity] How to save the world from food crisis?

2008-05-05 Thread Abhiyya 2006
Iranian President shows the way! Wedding Of Iranian President's Son A banana, orange, apple, and a piece cake as food for the entire evening, without any dinner, is not the typical way many Iranian couples like to celebrate their special night. Iranian weddings, even those belonging t

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