[IslamCity] Islamic Etiquette of Visiting Sick People

2005-01-05 Thread Karim A G
Islamic Etiquette of Visiting Sick People When the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) would see a pimple on his body he would seek refuge in and humble himself to Allah. He would be asked: 'Does it matter, O Messenger of Allah?' He would say that 'If God wanted to turn a minor concern into a

[IslamCity] The Knowledge of Imam Jafar ibn Mohammad as-Sadiq (as)

2005-01-13 Thread Karim A G
The Knowledge of Imam Jafar ibn Mohammad as-Sadiq (as) The Holy Imam openly criticized Ptolemic Theory at age eleven, which was the theory of the sun moving around the earth. He also firmly stated that the Earth rotates on its own axis. Great scholars such as Galileo, Brache, Kepler,

[IslamCity] The 24th of Zil-Hajj marks the anniversary of the auspicious occassion of Eid-e-Mubahila

2005-02-04 Thread Karim A G
The 24th of Zil-Hajj marks the anniversary of the auspicious occassion of Eid-e-Mubahila. This is the day of victory of Muslims over Christians. The event of Mubahila occured in the 10th of Hijrah. Historical perspective of Eid-e-Mubahila

[IslamCity] Sistani list leads in key Sunni province

2005-02-09 Thread Karim A G
http://uk.news.yahoo.com/050207/323/fby76.html Monday February 7, 03:14 PM Sistani list leads in key Sunni province BAGHDAD (AFP) - Iraq's main Shiite coalition was a surprise leader in the general election count for the Sunni-majority province of Salaheddin, the electoral

[IslamCity] The Islamic Republic of Iraq

2005-02-11 Thread Karim A G
http://progressivetrail.org/articles/050208Cole.shtml The Islamic Republic of Iraq by Juan Cole published by Informed Comment The Islamic Republic of Iraq The Republican Party spin machine was bouncing around the airwaves like an overloaded washing machine on Sunday attempting

[IslamCity] Quotations from Sahi Bukhari

2005-02-16 Thread Karim A G
BISMILLAHIR RAHMANIR RAHEEM ALLAHUMMA S'ALLE A'LAA MUHAMMAD WA AALE MUHAMMAD Show us the straight way, The path of those whom Thou hast favoured; Not the (path)of those who earn Thine anger nor of those who go astray. (AL-FATIHA (THE OPENING) verses 6-7) O ye who believe!

[IslamCity] (Malik's Muwatta Book 1, Number 1.1.6)

2005-02-18 Thread Karim A G
Yahya related to me from Malik from Nafi from the mawla of Abdullah ibn Umar that Umar ibn al-Khattab wrote to his governors, saying, The most important of your affairs in my view is the prayer. Whoever protects it and observes it carefully is protecting his deen, while whoever is

[IslamCity] (Sahih Bukhari Vol 1, Book 10, Hadith no.524)

2005-02-21 Thread Karim A G
Narrated Abu Bakr bin Uthman bin Sahl bin Hunaif: that he heard Abu Umama saying: We prayed the Zuhr prayer with 'Umar bin Abdul Aziz and then went to Anas bin Malik and found him offering the Asr prayer. I asked him, O uncle! Which prayer have you offered? He said 'The Asr and this is

[IslamCity] Sahih Bukahri Volume 2, Book 13, Number 58

2005-02-22 Thread Karim A G
Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah: While we were praying (Jumua Khutba prayer) with the prophet (p.b.u.h), some camels loaded with food, arrived (from Sham.) The people diverted their attention towards the camels (and left the mosque), and only twelve persons remained with the Prophet. So

[IslamCity] Blair's Illegal Rush to War Revealed

2005-02-25 Thread Karim A G
http://www.commondreams.org/headlines05/0223-03.htm Published on Wednesday, February 23, 2005 by the Guardian/UK Revealed: The Rush to War by Richard Norton-Taylor The attorney general, Lord Goldsmith, warned less than two

[IslamCity] Buying bread reveals Iraq's multiple dangers

2005-02-26 Thread Karim A G
http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/BAK437492.htm Buying bread reveals Iraq's multiple dangers 24 Feb 2005 14:38:27 GMT Source: Reuters By Luke Baker BAGHDAD, Feb 24 (Reuters) - Sometimes just buying bread in Baghdad can be deadly. Two weeks ago, masked gunmen

[IslamCity] Christians back Sistani for Nobel

2005-03-13 Thread Karim A G
http://www.gulf-daily-news.com/Story.asp?Article=106084Sn=WORLIssueID=27352 Christians back Sistani for Nobel BAGHDAD: A group of exiled Iraqi Christians in the United States have launched an online petition nominating Iraq's top Shi'ite Muslim cleric for

[IslamCity] Eating Manners

2005-03-17 Thread Karim A G
Eating Manners 2645. There are certain Mustahab {recommended acts} rules to be observed while taking a meal; they are as follows: Washing both the hands before taking a meal. After taking a meal, one should wash one's hands, and dry them with a dry cloth. The

[IslamCity] Imam Ali Ibn e Abi Talib [a.s] says,

2005-03-30 Thread Karim A G
Imam Ali Ibn e Abi Talib [a.s] says, Praise is due to Allah from Whose mercy no one loses hope, from Whose bounty no one is deprived, from Whose forgiveness no one is disappointed and for Whose worship no one is too high. His mercy never ceases and His bounty is never missed. This

[IslamCity] US memo shows Iraq jail methods

2005-04-01 Thread Karim A G
The so called liberators and champions of Democracy!! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/4392519.stm US memo shows Iraq jail methods The top US general in Iraq authorised interrogation techniques including the use of dogs, stress positions and disorientation, a memo has


2005-04-03 Thread Karim A G
TARAWEEH AND BIDAH Assalam aleikum, I am a Sunni Muslim of the Shaffii madhab. I have read your booklet, A brief illustrated guide to Islam. You have mentioned therein that questions can be referred to you. I have approached several learned people here in my homeland regarding the


2005-04-05 Thread Karim A G
JEHAD WITH THE SELF 1) Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq (pbuh) said that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) dispatched his soldiers to battle to fight the enemy and, upon their triumphant return, said: 'Greetings on those who have successfully carried out the 'Minor Combat' (jihad al-asghar), but have not

[IslamCity] Who can tell, when Prophet Muhammad was dying and about his burial

2005-04-06 Thread Karim A G
Salaams. Masha-Allah, well said!!! I hope we get some answers for your thought-provoking points!! Shafiq Hudda --- Sh Devi wrote: Hi, We find that Pope John Paul II's lover and follower could not sleep when they heard their Pope was dying. About 70,000 people gathered to pray

[IslamCity] Muslims let down once again with the scrapping of the Anti-Religious Hatred Law

2005-04-07 Thread Karim A G
Muslims let down once again with the scrapping of the Anti-Religious Hatred Law Following the Governments decision to scrap its proposed Anti-Religious Hatred law, British Muslims would be excused for feeling utterly betrayed all over again. Whilst the Government fought

[IslamCity] Participate in The Muslim News election survey

2005-04-11 Thread Karim A G
8 April 2005 Assalamu 'Alaykum Participate in The Muslim News Election survey * The forthcoming general elections next month are going to be very important. A lot has happened in the last few years that has affected the Muslim community, both in the UK and internationally.

[IslamCity] Afghanistan facing health disaster worse than Tsunmai

2005-04-13 Thread Karim A G
This is the Human Rights in the eyes Mr B http://www.kashar.net/compleat.asp?id=1995 Afghanistan facing health disaster worse than Tsunmai KABUL, April 8 (SANA): As Afghanistan marked World Health Day, the country's health minister, Dr Sayed Mohammad Amin Fatimi, said it was

[IslamCity] Britain: opposition to Iraq war led to Labour vote-rigging in 2004 elections

2005-04-14 Thread Karim A G
 http://www.wsws.org/articles/2005/apr2005/labo-a11.shtml Britain: opposition to Iraq war led to Labour vote-rigging in 2004 elections By Robert Stevens 11 April 2005 On April 4, Richard Mawrey QC, acting as an election commissioner, issued a judgement in a civil hearing quashing

[IslamCity] Can bridges be built between Jews and Muslims?

2005-04-16 Thread Karim A G
http://www.ny002.urj.net/clergy/rabnathan.htm Rabbi's column Can bridges be built between Jews and Muslims? As Jews, there are many times when we find ourselves out of our comfort zone. And though for most of us, living here in New York, our daily lives are not predicated on

[IslamCity] Look at What THEY Did to US

2005-04-17 Thread Karim A G
http://www.aljazeerah.info/Opinion%20editorials/2005%20Opinion%20Editorials/April/13o/Look%20at%20What%20THEY%20Did%20to%20US%20By%20Sam%20Hamod.htm Look at What THEY Did to US By Sam Hamod Al-Jazeerah, April 13, 2005 If I hear the phrase, We had a right to attack Iraq because

[IslamCity] Consequences of Sins

2005-04-23 Thread Karim A G
Consequences of Sins Imam Zainul Abideen (as) said the following concerning the consequences of sins. Those sins which destroy blessings are: Sins committed by a man who knows God, rebellion against people, and ridiculing them. Those sins which repels mans enjoyment of Gods

[IslamCity] The Obscenity of the UK General Election

2005-05-07 Thread Karim A G
The Obscenity of the UK General Election Can anyone explain how an individual can join the party of a mass murderer then have the audacity to claim it was done in the interest of the victims? The claim becomes even more absurd when the individual is a member of the same community

[IslamCity] Thought of the week

2005-05-24 Thread Karim A G
Thought of the week Imam Ali (AS) has said, How often it becomes apparent that the rich person is actually poorer than the poorest person! These words of wisdom from the Commander of the Faithful have been interpreted in many ways. However, the most important meaning which can be drawn

[IslamCity] Peak Of Eloquence

2005-05-25 Thread Karim A G
Imam Ali Ibn e Abi Talib [a.s] says, Praise is due to Allah from Whose mercy no one loses hope, from Whose bounty no one is deprived, from Whose forgiveness no one is disappointed and for Whose worship no one is too high. His mercy never ceases and His bounty is never missed. This

[IslamCity] Thought of the week

2005-05-28 Thread Karim A G
Thought of the week Imam Ali (AS) has said, How often it becomes apparent that the rich person is actually poorer than the poorest person! These words of wisdom from the Commander of the Faithful have been interpreted in many ways. However, the most important meaning which can be drawn

[IslamCity] Thought of the week

2005-06-11 Thread Karim A G
Thought of the week Imam Ali (AS) has said, How often it becomes apparent that the rich person is actually poorer than the poorest person! These words of wisdom from the Commander of the Faithful have been interpreted in many ways. However, the most important meaning which can be

[IslamCity] The Garden of Self-healing

2005-06-25 Thread Karim A G
The Garden of Self-healing One day our great master, Ali ibn Abi Talib (A.S.), was passing through the streets of Basra when he saw a large circle of men around a dignified hakim, sitting on a chair, dispensing cures for the ills of the people who had gathered around him. The Imam


2005-06-30 Thread Karim A G
SALMAN THE PERSIAN (Salman Farsi) By Dwight M. Donaldson Salman Farsi was a real character, the facts of whose life have been almost lost to history in the maze of legend that has sprung about him. He was the only one of the immediate Companions of Prophet Muhammed who was a Persian.

[IslamCity] Description of this world by Imam Ali (as)

2005-07-14 Thread Karim A G
Description of this world by Imam Ali (as) A letter to Salman al-Farsi This world is like serpent - so soft to touch yet so lethal in its bite. Therefore, try to avoid those things of this place which please you or allure you because this world will be with you for a very short time

[IslamCity] Never Leave The Mind Vacant

2005-07-21 Thread Karim A G
Ten Commandments for Peace of Mind Commandment 9 Never Leave The Mind Vacant An empty mind is the devil's workshop. All evil actions start in the vacant mind. Keep your mind occupied in something positive, something worthwhile. Actively follow a hobby. Do something that


2005-07-24 Thread Karim A G
ISLAMIC WEDDING by Moulana M. Saleem Dhorat WEDDING OF FAATIMAH (RADHIYALLAAHU ANHA) Faatimah (Radhiallaahu Anha) is the youngest daughter of our beloved Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam). Out of all the children, he was the most beloved to him. He said, 'The Queen of the ladies in

[IslamCity] About the Oneness of Allah. This sermon contains principles of knowledge, which no other sermon contains.

2005-09-17 Thread Karim A G
About the Oneness of Allah. This sermon contains principles of knowledge, which no other sermon contains. He who assigns to Him [different] conditions does not believe in His oneness, nor does he who likens Him grasp His reality. He who illustrates Him does not signify Him. He who

[IslamCity] The Wisdom of Hazrat Ali a.s.

2005-09-18 Thread Karim A G
The Wisdom of Hazrat Ali a.s. Hazrat Ali (may Allah be pleased with him), and the fourth Caliph of Islam, was a very wise man. It is said that two gentlemen were travelling together. They carried their lunch with them. One of them had five loaves and the other had three. After some time