Worldwide Protests Planned on Iraq War Anniversary

"We will all be united in our call for the occupation to end immediately," German said.

LONDON, March 17, 2006 ( – As part of worldwide protests against the US occupation of Iraq, tens of thousands of people are planning to take to the streets of London Saturday, March 18, to denounce the US occupation on the third anniversary of the downfall of the Arab country.

"Our demonstration on Saturday is one of over 200 taking place in cities and towns all over the world, including in Basra and Baghdad in Iraq," Lindsey German, Convener of Stop the War Coalition, said in a press release e-mailed to Friday, March 17.

Acting without a UN mandate, US-led forces invaded oil-rich Iraq in March 2003, under the pretext of imminent threat posed by the country’s alleged weapons of mass destruction, none of which was ever found.

Saturday's march will set off along Victoria Street passing the Attorney General's office on its way to Piccadilly and Trafalgar Square.

"We will all be united in our call for the occupation to end immediately," German said.

A cohort of world dignitaries will address the marchers on the third anniversary of the US-led invasion.

Mayor of London Ken Livingstone, former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray and British lawmaker George Galloway are but a few of prominent speakers at the march.

Speakers will also include officials from the Muslim Association of Britain, the Islamic Iraqi party and Stop the War Coalition.

"We believe that a peaceful solution to the chaos caused by the illegal war in Iraq will only be possible when the occupying foreign armies have all been removed so that the Iraqi people will be free to decide on their own political future," German added.

The Trafalgar Square demonstration is organized by Stop the War Coalition in conjunction with the Muslim Association of Britain and Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND).


Galloway will be among prominent speakers addressing the marchers in Saturday's protest.

A letter will be signed by the marchers to the United Nations and the British Attorney General calling for bringing warmongers to account.

Three years after selling the Iraqi war to the Bush administration and American public, a number of influential neo-conservatives admitted Iraq was now more dangerous than before the invasion-turned-occupation, according to The Independent Thursday, March 9.

A number of Iraqi expatriates are also planning to address the marchers about the woes of their homeland under the US-led occupation.

"They will no doubt express their outrage at the continuing occupation of their country which has produced yet another atrocity in Samarra," the release said, referring to the ongoing US military offensive on the northern Iraqi city.

The US forces, backed by Iraqi troops, launched its largest air assault on the northern city of Samarra Thursday, March 16, on claims of clearing "a suspected insurgent operating area".


Iraqi expatriates said the planned London march will serve efforts for withdrawal of foreign forces from Iraq.

"We support the call for world-wide demonstrations on March 18, and the demand for the withdrawal of all foreign troops from Iraq, the dismantling of US bases, and an end to US domination of economic and social policies and its interference in domestic Iraqi affairs," said a statement by Iraqi expatriates.

They blamed the US invasion-turned-occupation for the spiraling insecurity in the occupied country.

"The occupation has nurtured corruption and fostered gang crime, and it bears primary responsibility for the activities of murderous sectarian terrorists and criminals."


The marchers are also planning to protest reports about potential attacks against Iran over its nuclear program.

"The global demonstrations will also be opposing all plans that the US and British governments appear to have for attacking Iran, with incalculable consequences for stability in the Middle East and security in the world generally."

The Bush administration has been spearheading a campaign against Tehran over its nuclear program, which Tehran maintains is only for generating electricity.

The International Atomic Energy Agency on Wednesday, March 8, decided to send a report on Iran's nuclear activity to the UN Security Council, clearing the way for an action against Tehran over its atomic energy drive.

The Washington Post reported on Monday, March 13, that the Bush administration, resolved on making a regime change in Iran, was holding closed-door meetings with scholars for advice, creating an Iran office in Washington and opening listening posts abroad.

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