Language and history
        * Editorial
        * The Guardian, Saturday 7 February 2009
Distinguishing between anti-Zionism and antisemitism has become a growth 
industry for every university department of cultural criticism. It is time the 
debate came out into the open, away from the classrooms and the academic 
journals. On average, there is an antisemitic attack of some kind every single 
day in the UK: graffiti, vandalism, arson and occasionally actual physical 
assault. Jewish schools have been granted extra protection. The Community 
Security Trust, which monitors incidents, issues frequent advice and warnings. 
According to the Trust the number of such incidents has risen again since 
Christmas, and the assault on Gaza. The government acknowledges that there is a 
growing problem. Responding to a two-year investigation by an all-party 
committee, it was decided that from this April, every police force will be 
required to keep a record of antisemitic offences.
This is not because - as some extremists on the right and possibly the left 
might claim - the government is in the pocket of a "Jewish lobby". There is no 
"Jewish lobby" in the conspiratorial sense that the slur implies, and to assert 
that there is can only be the result of the kind of racism that has scarred 
Europe from tsarist Russia to the fascists and Stalinists of the 1930s through 
to the jihadists now. To present all Jewish people as conterminous with Israel 
and its supporters is a mistake with potentially terrible consequences. It 
aligns ethnicity with a political perspective, and it is simply racist.
The government has also recognised that there are "specific indications that, 
unlike other forms of racism, antisemitism is being accepted within parts of 
society instead of being condemned." The left fought a long and honourable 
battle for racial equality, but some within its ranks now risk sloppily 
allowing their horror of Israeli actions to blind them to antisemitism. There 
is an ill-considered tendency to reach for the language of Nazism in order to 
excoriate Israel, regardless of its impact on the climate of tolerance. Last 
month, a rally in defence of the people of Gaza that included verbal attacks on 
the so-called "Nazi tendencies" of Israel was followed by actual attacks on 
Jewish targets in north London. That is not, of course, to say we should not 
criticise Israel and judge it by the same criteria as any other state.
It is chilling to see "kill Arabs" graffitied on homes in Gaza. But the style 
in which that is condemned must not create the climate that allows scrawling 
"kill Jews" on synagogues in Manchester. For that is what is at stake: what 
might merely be insensitivity can, cumulatively, erode the conditions that 
foster racial tolerance. For they depend not only on the laws, but on a respect 
for all people's sensitivities.


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