Yesterday, we were there, outside Israeli embassy and today the Zionists are in 
Trafalgar Square, London. It is normal, human for human and Zion for Zion! 
Yesterday, Police beaten demonstrators badly and I heard a rumour and many 
believed it that Police department selected Jews Police personals who 
overreacted, feeling their job was to support and protect their holy land and 
against their enemy.
Many known non-Zion anti-Zion Jews joined the demonstration yesterday; I liked 
While returning home, a man on a train asked us, why we were supporting 
Palestine, what was the point? Adding, they got a point to support Israel, 
Israel is a Jewish State and any non-Israeli Jew can support that country, 
considering Israel as their 2nd country, why we support Palestine as we are not 
Palestinian and Palestine is not an Islamic country?
When I replied that Jewish State is forbidden by Judaism and it is a sin 
supporting Israel being a Jew, they murmured, said nothing. They knew this and 
we were able to see guilty feelings among them. Then I added, if you all 
non-Israeli Jews can believe that Israel is your 2nd country then why we all 
non-Palestinian Muslims cannot consider Palestine as our 2nd country? At that 
time train was standstill and we heard no sounds, lips remained zipped, big 
silent we observed!
Also, if you are in Britain, please TEXT the word CEASEFIRE to 81819  from any 
phone. Guardian Newspaper are running a poll on Gaza. Forward to all. Its free 
to text.
Thank you.
Here I have added a news item:
Demonstrators in anti-Hamas protest
39 mins ago
        * Thousands of pro-Israeli demonstrators gathered in London's Trafalgar 
Square to "reclaim the public space" from their political opponents.
Details >>


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