Young Generation:Our and Their Duties

The young generation in most of the countries in  the world are facing a more 
difficult situation than the olderr generations.They are facing very serious 
problems of gigantic proportion.First one is  the present financial 
crisis.which will affect all , old and new.This crisis has exposed the greed of 
the moneyed people, the Boards and CEOs of the companies and their  
irresponsible risk taking to the detriment of the interest of humanity.It has 
been proved that  neither one hundred percent controlled economy nor one 
hundred percent market economy are workable or sustainable in the long run.The 
solution lies in a market economy under strict supervision of the state or 
Hisba in Islamic economic term.You can call it Islamic economy or welfare 
economy or by any other name.Second crisis the world is facing  is climate 
change and envirironmental degradation of immense proportion which is the 
result of human folly because of greedy capitalists and governments who did not 
care for the environment in the process of industrialisation.We are all 
suffering now but the burnt will be mostly on the young generation and the 
future generations.

Third is moral degradation. Large sections of People have become selfish, 
un-principled, robot-like without sensivity to human suffering,hedonist always 
looking for enjoyment,sexually pervert and promiscuous. This selfishness is 
reflected in politics, international relations and business.Why so much 
disparity iamong various sections of people. The super rich individuals and 
countries  around the world have become so rich only by depriving  the labor  
(by the manufacturers ) or  giving less price to the raw-material producers by 
industrialists or importing countries with more bargaining strength .They have  
also amassed wealth by charging more price from the consumers or  importing 
countries with less bargaining power.

In this context  young generation must realise the dangers to humanity and 
fight against all these to save humanity.The believers can do it only through 
imbibing the true spirit of guidance of God.We  do not find any way for 
atheists. They can not change the world as they do not have permanent value and 
as they have no accoutiblity.

Most unfortunately the young feneration is under the grip of the moral 
degradation we have described above.They have to be prepared in a morally sound 
way with faith in heart and idealism.The parents have to realise this,they have 
to put in their heart high moral qualities.This can be done by teaching them 
from the lives of moraly sound great people in history.The teachers have to  
play a great role to save them from immorality and materialism.The education 
system should give more emphsis on moral and ethical education.The media has 
great responsibility.They should purge them from vulgarity and should promote 
decent culture and behavior , not nudity and porno type films

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