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A human rights crime
The world must stop standing idle while the people of Gaza are treated with 
such cruelty
By Jimmy Carter

ยท Jimmy Carter, a former president of the United States, is founder of The 
Carter Center
The world is witnessing a terrible human rights crime in Gaza, where a million 
and a half human beings are being imprisoned with almost no access to the 
outside world. An entire population is being brutally punished.
This gross mistreatment of the Palestinians in Gaza was escalated dramatically 
by Israel, with United States backing, after political candidates representing 
Hamas won a majority of seats in the Palestinian Authority parliament in 2006. 
The election was unanimously judged to be honest and fair by all international 
Israel and the US refused to accept the right of Palestinians to form a unity 
government with Hamas and Fatah and now, after internal strife, Hamas alone 
controls Gaza. Forty-one of the 43 victorious Hamas candidates who lived in the 
West Bank have been imprisoned by Israel, plus an additional 10 who assumed 
positions in the short-lived coalition cabinet.
Regardless of one's choice in the partisan struggle between Fatah and Hamas 
within occupied Palestine, we must remember that economic sanctions and 
restrictions on the supply of water, food, electricity and fuel are causing 
extreme hardship among the innocent people in Gaza, about one million of whom 
are refugees.
Israeli bombs and missiles periodically strike the area, causing high 
casualties among both militants and innocent women and children. Prior to the 
highly publicised killing of a woman and her four children last week, this 
pattern had been illustrated by a report from B'Tselem, the leading Israeli 
human rights organisation, which stated that 106 Palestinians were killed 
between February 27 and March 3. Fifty-four of them were civilians, and 25 were 
under 18 years of age.
On a recent trip through the Middle East, I attempted to gain a better 
understanding of the crisis. One of my visits was to Sderot, a community of 
about 20,000 in southern Israel that is frequently struck by rockets fired from 
nearby Gaza. I condemned these attacks as abominable acts of terrorism, since 
most of the 13 victims during the past seven years have been non-combatants.
Subsequently, I met with leaders of Hamas - a delegation from Gaza and the top 
officials in Damascus. I made the same condemnation to them, and urged that 
they declare a unilateral ceasefire or orchestrate with Israel a mutual 
agreement to terminate all military action in and around Gaza for an extended 
They responded that such action by them in the past had not been reciprocated, 
and they reminded me that Hamas had previously insisted on a ceasefire 
throughout Palestine, including Gaza and the West Bank, which Israel had 
refused. Hamas then made a public proposal of a mutual ceasefire restricted to 
Gaza, which the Israelis also rejected.
There are fervent arguments heard on both sides concerning blame for a lack of 
peace in the Holy Land. Israel has occupied and colonised the Palestinian West 
Bank, which is approximately a quarter the size of the nation of Israel as 
recognised by the international community. Some Israeli religious factions 
claim a right to the land on both sides of the Jordan river, others that their 
205 settlements of some 500,000 people are necessary for "security".
All Arab nations have agreed to recognise Israel fully if it will comply with 
key United Nations resolutions. Hamas has agreed to accept any negotiated peace 
settlement between the president of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, 
and Israel's prime minister, Ehud Olmert, provided it is approved in a 
referendum of the Palestinian people.
This holds promise of progress, but despite the brief fanfare and positive 
statements at the peace conference last November in Annapolis, the process has 
gone backwards. Nine thousand new Israeli housing units have been announced in 
Palestine; the number of roadblocks within the West Bank has increased; and the 
stranglehold on Gaza has been tightened.
It is one thing for other leaders to defer to the US in the crucial peace 
negotiations, but the world must not stand idle while innocent people are 
treated cruelly. It is time for strong voices in Europe, the US, Israel and 
elsewhere to speak out and condemn the human rights tragedy that has befallen 
the Palestinian people.
Published: Guardian, May 08, 2008

# 2
Israel: celebrating 60 years of what?
Facing the uncomfortable facts!
Is 60 years of this really something to celebrate?
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