Dear members,

Assalamu Alaikumu Alaikum.An useful article.You can form your judgement on its 

Shah Abdul Hannan
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Yaminul ISLAM 
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 9:38 AM
Subject: Muslim Responses to Freedom of Speech and 'The Jewel of Medina'

      A Critical Evaluation of Muslim Responses to Freedom of Speech and 'The 
Jewel of Medina' 
      Hamza Andreas Tzortzis 
      The Jewel of Medina is just a regurgitation of Qurayshi politics. Since 
the advent of Islam attacks verbal and physical, on the Prophet (s), his family 
and his companions, were harsh and frequent. Pick up any book on the Seerah and 
you will find many evidences pointing to this fact. Most recently, in relative 
terms anyway, the Muslim community has witnessed many attempts to slander, 
defame and dishonour the Prophet, his family and his companions. This has 
manifested itself in the publication of the Satanic Verses, the printing and 
re-printing of the Danish cartoons and this month we saw the newly published 
book "The Jewel of Medina". This book takes our sacred history and superimposes 
western liberal values on the Islamic narrative. It is obviously fiction and 
therefore full of lies. Not only has it been discredited by non-Muslim 
academics, but it has been banned in some western countries.

      There have been four types of responses by the Muslim community. The 
first response is that the Muslim community must conform and align itself with 
western notions of freedom of speech and liberal values. The second response is 
that we must do nothing in order to prevent further promotion of this book. The 
third response is that we must physically prevent the publication of this book, 
even if this means resorting to violence and aggression. The fourth response is 
that we Muslims, must understand the political reality and as a result 
challenge the ideas that this book represents, and call on the Muslim nations 
to demand sincere leadership that will follow the Qur'an and sunnah 

      I will attempt to respond and comment on each of these Muslim responses.

      You Must Accept Freedom of Speech and Western Values!

      The first response is the height of intellectual and theological 
redundancy. This response has already accepted freedom of speech and liberal 
western values as the sole reference for our actions and behaviour. It is well 
known, even amongst western philosophical discourse that freedom of speech has 
no conceptual export into the real world - it doesn't and cannot exist. Even 
the most liberal countries have pages and pages of legislation restricting 
speech. Some of these include hate speech laws, libel laws, product defamation 
laws, anti-terror laws and even public speaking laws. So in reality there is no 
free speech, it is more logically coherent to describe it as "expression within 
the context of the law and society's values".

      The questions that follows is 'are western values the way forward?' With 
the rise in violent crime, anti social behaviour, domestic violence and sexual 
assault how can anyone be confident with western liberal values? Just to add 
here, when western nations look at so called Islamic societies and they see 
some perceived negative behaviours, they are very quick to blame the Islamic 
values as the cause. However when it comes to their immense problems in western 
societies they always add more legislation and turn a blind eye to the values 
underpinning their societies. It is as if they have been divinely revealed!

      The propagated values in western society are freedom and individualism. 
How can the overemphasis of my freedoms and the notion of my individuality - 
which are being forced down our throats via the political and economic 
structures in western society - actually create a cohesive society? In reality 
these values are non-cohesive values, and according to psychologists and 
philosophers, if you propagate non-cohesive values you will get a non-cohesive 
society. Now compare this to the Islamic cohesive values of mercy, compassion 
and God consciousness; wouldn't they create a cohesive society? Now, I am not 
saying that people in the western world do no carry these values, they do. 
However the difference is that in the Islamic society, these values will be 
propagated via the political and economic structures - and they will not be in 
competition with non-cohesive values of individualism and freedom. 

      To conclude how can these Muslims who call for this type of response 
believe in Islam when they adopt alien constructs and ideas? Wasn't Islam 
revealed for our guidance for all all aspects of life - individual, social and 
political? Doesn't this show an inferiority complex and no confidence or 
conviction in Islam?
      Don't say or do anything!

      The second response is self refuting. What the advocates of this response 
say is that staying silent is the best path to take. However in order to 
promote this response the advocates will need to write or publicly state this 
position. However this would contradict their very position. To say 'do 
nothing' and yet write or promote the idea of 'do nothing' is actually 
something! In order for them to promote this idea they have to say something 
about the publication or offence, which defeats the purpose of what they are 
trying to say. Its like crying out in a crowded hall "Don't tell anyone that I 
am here!". The best way for the advocates of this response to be logically 
consistent is to keep silent and hope others learn by their example. Putting 
this aside, this response is dangerous, politically naive and is exactly what 
the western ideologues want.

      This publication is one of many publications attacking Islam. Anyone who 
types 'Islam' into Google will quickly find out how nasty and degrading some 
internet sites are regarding Islam and the Muslims. Theologically we all know 
that this is not going to stop, Allah and His Messenger have told us so. 
However the main concern with this recent publication - including the Danish 
Cartoons and the Satanic Verses - is that they are being used as a tool by the 
western ideologues to arm themselves against the ongoing attempt to secularise 
Islam. This is because this publication sits within a current political 
context. It is well known that the western ideologues have an ongoing campaign 
to secularise Islam. This is due to the the fact that all ways of life want to 
protect themsleves and part of this protection is the use of propaganda, 
misinformation and negative imagery of the ideological other. There are many 
examples to prove this in Communist, Capitalist and Liberal nations. The reason 
Islam is the new target is because it is a valid political alternative with 
solutions to existing political and social problems - it is a positive 
challenge. Additionally the global Muslim community is now seeking for this 
alternative way of life to be implemented politically in the Muslim world.

      Therefore it is only natural that these western ideologues adopt a 
strategy to prevent this challenge to the existing status quo from becoming a 
reality. One way they attempt to do this is to de-politicise Islam and the 
Muslims, thereby secularising them. Part of this secularisation is to break the 
will of the Muslim community and to de-sensitise her to the point of passive 
submission to the current status quo. They are expecting the Muslims to 
passively stand by and watch Islam relegated to Friday service, just like what 
happened to Christianity in the past.

      So, if this publication (and many others) is being used as a tool to 
secularise the Muslims, then keeping quiet will only be falling for the trap 
and it will send out the wrong messages to the global community. Furthermore, 
it will do nothing to prevent the potential "The Jewel of Medina: The Movie" or 
a western rendition of the Qur'an with Chapter Tawba taken out! This response 
of doing and saying nothing usually comes from those who care what others think 
- specifically the non-Muslims - and those who know nothing about the process 
of secularisation and current attempts to ensure that Islam is secularised.

      By any means necessary!

      Some people describe the third response as a form of jungle justice. This 
is not what Islam demands or teaches. Without going into the khilaf 
(theological difference) on this issue, reacting violently without an Islamic 
authority and courts will not solve the problem or even implement what the 
Sharia demands. It is well known that there is a Sahih Hadith demanding that 
the one who insults the Prophet must have capital punishment enforced on them. 
But where are the courts? Where is the mechanism to do this? Commanding all 
that is good and forbidding all that is evil is an Islamic obligation but if we 
do not have the power to fully implement the punishment system of Islam, what 
do we do? Well, the Prophet told us, if we can't change it with our hands then 
we change it with our tongues. Didn't the Prophet face abuse during his stuggle 
in Mecca when he had no power? Did anyone respond with aggression or violence? 
The answer is no.

      [ you can ead the book The freedom of speech in Islam , where he has 
shown that abuse of the Prophet is a heinous crine but there is no mandatory 
death penalty for that , there is not enough textual evidence for that ]

      Challenging minds and liberating society

      This comes to the last response. This response is also in line with 
classical scholarship as a Hanbali scholar, who summarised al-Ghazali's piece 
on "Commanding the Good and Forbidding the Evil", wrote that if the the 
prevention of a specific evil act caused more evil or fitna then the actions 
must be re-evaluated. What this essentially means is that sometimes speaking 
out is more powerful and more in line with the Islamic objectives then 
physically putting an end to it. In the current political context of western 
attempts to secularise Islam, challenging the western liberal values and 
secular political framework is far more powerful and effective. This is due to 
the fact that if Muslims, in the western world, are able to challenge the 
political philosophy and world view of secular nations and show that the 
Islamic model is philosophically and practically superior, wouldn't this impact 
the global Muslim community in a positive way? Wouldn't Muslims rally behind 
the call for Islam? Wouldn't they feel motivated and energised to implement 
this beautiful way of life? Additionally, providing an effective intellectual 
challenge would stir public opinion and actually show that Islam is a positive 
alternative for Muslims and non-Muslims. This in turn would be a key milestone 
in showing how degrading and awful these expressions of speech are, and most 
significantly, it will highlight that the west (and the east) need their values 
changed to the Islamic cohesive values.

      An alternative paradigm

      The Islamic model, if presented in the right way, can truly show that 
Islamic values and the mechanisms to promote them are a positive alternative. 
People, Muslims and non-Muslims, will see that Islam is not just a set of 
morals but a comprehensive system whose political framework is founded upon 
these sublime values. This model will propogate cohesive values and yet 
acknowledge the fact that, in reality, absolute freedom to say what you want, 
is detrimental to society. Additionally, truth, accountability and progress 
will be values in themselves and not the other way round. For in western 
society free speech is seen as the main value to uphold, with the blind 
assumption that only free speech can cause progress, accountability and truth. 
However, this approach does not stop people degrading and abusing others and 
has actually negated the reason freedom of speech came about in the first 
place, thus creating a paradox and a contradiction. 

      Take the following example: free speech societies were once allowed to 
propagate that all Black people were evil, thus creating a social construct and 
a social norm. In this social climate no one wanted to search for the truth 
about Black people. This is because western society relegated the idea to the 
level of a social taboo, something that should not have been investigated or 
approached; hence preventing the search for truth. It was only when certain 
values were enforced did people eventually realise that Back people are equal, 
normal human beings.
      Western history is full of these examples and freedom of speech is 
actually speechless when it comes to these realities and contradictions!

      This must agitate those responsible to evaluate this outdated idea of 
freedom of speech and seek an alternative model that can achieve what freedom 
of speech was meant to achieve minus the degradation of others and the 
contradictions apparent to us all in the western world!


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