Oh the Muslim Kings ,Princes and Heads!
Oh the Muslim Kings ,Princes and Heads!
For this world,  you are now dead and unfit.
May the shame take the shape of an  ocean,
And you worthless creation sink deep into it.
For Islam, you are a living farce and fraud,
Fear of the humans  has filled you to the hilt.
You are also the Custodian of Allah’s House,
No penitence can ever purge you of your guilt.
The American tyrant is your Supreme Lord,
You are watching, your brothers are being slit.
It  can never be a sign of the Prophet’s breed,
Muslims by name ,you have a hypocritical tilt.
Wait for the time when your  gorgeous  palaces,
Will  be lying in rubble, and you will be hit ,
By the shoes of your peoples, and dragged out,
The high minarets of your corpses will be built.
Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani
All India Muslim Forum
Lucknow, U.P.India
E:mail: sherwan...@yahoo.com

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