--- On Thu, 3/7/08, Palestine Think Tank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: Palestine Think Tank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Palestine Think Tank Digest
Date: Thursday, 3 July, 2008, 3:35 PM

Palestine Think Tank

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Palestine Think Tank Digest

Thinking quote

Posted: 03 Jul 2008 02:48 AM CDT
Not all citizens, even when they can do so and have access to digital devices, 
record disasters or human rights abuses - especially when their own security 
could be compromised for having done so. Governments can also clamp down hard 
on citizen journalism. The French Constitutional Council approved a law in 
early 2007 that criminalizes the filming or broadcasting of acts of violence by 
people other than professional journalists. The law could lead to the 
imprisonment of eyewitnesses who film acts of police violence, or operators of 
Web sites publishing the images.

Nalaka Gunawardene, journalist

Falastin quote

Posted: 03 Jul 2008 02:42 AM CDT
I believe that the Palestinians in general are a people who want democracy. The 
Palestinians are among the most educated in the Arab world and they have been 
exposed both to the Israeli democratic system and to the Western democratic 
system. Unlike many of the Arab countries, there is an open debate today in 
Palestinian society. I believe democracy might happen, but not in the near 
future. As long as you have armed gangs in the streets and as long as the 
Palestinian security forces are not real security forces and as long as there 
is no rule of law, you can’t have democracy.

Khaled Abu Toameh, Journalist

I Shall Visit Israel, by Paul Grenville

Posted: 03 Jul 2008 02:27 AM CDT
I shall visit Israel
I shall visit Israel when the olive trees  are in blossom
I shall visit Israel when an Arab can marry  a Jew
I shall visit Israel when Torah Jews are no  longer beaten up in the streets of 

for reminding their countrymen  of the commandments of Moses
I shall visit Israel when the speaking of  Arabic in certain neighbourhoods no 
longer causes heads to  turn
I shall visit Israel when the learning of  Arabic is mandatory in Israeli 
I shall visit Israel when Arab and Jewish  children mingle freely in one system 
of state education
I shall visit Israel when the 7 million  refugees from the land of Palestine 
can choose  between a country they can call  their own,  or compensation for 
what they lost
I shall visit Israel when the invaders make  peace with the invaded (not the 
other way about)
I shall visit Israel when there is a public  apology for the war crimes of 1948
and compensation for the families of the  victims
I shall visit Israel when West Bank settlers  on stolen land no longer shoot to 
kill the natives and get off scot  free
I shall visit Israel when her soldiers no  longer shoot down unarmed children 
in cold blood and call it a  mistake
I shall visit Israel when the Wall is  demolished by Israelis and Palestinians 
I shall visit Israel when the house  demolitions stop
I shall visit Israel when 600 West Bank  checkpoints are taken down and the 
bullying, humiliation, beating and rape of  Palestinian citizens stops
I shall visit Israel when to be born  Palestinian is not a reason to be hunted 
and spied upon
I shall visit Israel when Jews stop arriving  from far away and calling it 
their land
I shall visit Israel when Gaza is no longer  the cruel laboratory experiment in 
slow genocide that it is  today
I shall visit Israel when her planes stop  bombing and strafing towns in Gaza
and terrifying the people at night with  sonic booms
I shall visit Israel when the Lebanon and  Gaza are no longer grisly testing 
grounds for new weapons
I shall visit Israel when Israel ceases to  invade her neighbours on the 
slightest of pretexts and cause  devastation
I shall visit Israel when 10,000 Palestinian  prisoners are released from jail 
and pardoned for acts of resistance
against a state that took their country by  force of arms and terror
I shall visit Israel when the routine  practice of torture in Israeli prisons 
I shall visit Israel when a Romanian fascist  is no longer part of the 
I shall visit Israel when the illegal  villages are made legal
I shall visit Israel when the Bedouin of the  Negev are no longer persecuted
I shall visit Israel when Arab towns and  villages have the same status and 
funding as Jewish ones
I shall visit Israel when the land is shared  by all Semites - Arabs and Jews
I shall visit Israel when the Jewish state  is an unhappy memory
I shall visit Israel when Nazi war crimes  against the Jews are used to justify 
imaginable cruelty in a land where they are  still the uninvited guest…
I shall visit Israel when the name of Israel  is no longer another excuse to 
hate the Jews
Paul Grenville 1st July 2008

75 children and 23 women killed, the harvest of Israel’s terrorism in the first 
6 months of 2008

Posted: 02 Jul 2008 10:34 AM CDT
The Israeli occupying forces have killed 75 children and 23 Palestinian women 
during the first half of this year, says a report published yesterday by the 
National and International Relations Department of the PLO in Ramallah.
The report informs us that the Israeli military occupation authorities 
continued their violations of the rights of the Palestinians, showing no 
respect to international protests and Palestinian efforts to secure peace in 
the region, and to end the conflict.
The report highlighted the main violations against the Palestinian people 
during the first half of 2008, most important of all the violation of the right 
of living … The report pointed out that the occupation army killed 466 
Palestinian citizens during military operations carried out in the Palestinian 
territories during the first half of this year, including 75 children under the 
age of 18 and 23 women.
131 Palestinians have died as a result of the unjust siege imposed on Gaza, 
preventing Palestinians from leaving to receive adequate treatment abroad, 
bringing the number of martyrs as a result of the siege to 200.
In addition to the deaths, 1,740 Palestinians were wounded by the occupation 
bullets which left dozens permanently disabled.
During these attacks a Palestinian journalist was killed while on duty when an 
Israeli tank rocket was fired at his car in Gaza, besides killing two disabled 
At the same time the report confirmed that the occupation authorities continue 
to arrest Palestinian people, bringing the total of detained Palestinians 
during the last six months to 2,776 people, raising the number of Palestinian 
prisoners in occupation jails to almost 11,000 prisoners, almost 1,000 of them 
are ill.
32 patients reside permanently in the prison hospital in Ramle, not receiving 
adequate medical treatment.
Meanwhile, 80 Palestinian women are kept in Israeli prisons, 29 of them are 
mothers of 76 children. Five of the female prisoners are minors, and 29 are 
sick. All of them experience humiliation and abuse by the Israeli prison 
Iqbal Tamimi / Palestinian journalist - UK

Cartoon of the day

Posted: 02 Jul 2008 10:11 AM CDT

Khalid Amayreh - Behavior Unbecoming of a Palestinian

Posted: 02 Jul 2008 09:42 AM CDT
Mahmoud Abbas, also known as Abu Mazen, holds a number of key portfolios of 
immense significance and symbolism.
He is the Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), President of 
the Palestinian ‘national’ Authority (PA) and Chief of the Fatah organization.
As such, he ought to strive to represent his tormented people in the best 
possible manner. He should also make every possible effort to eloquently and 
effectively communicate to the world at large the Palestinian people’s pains 
and grievances as well as their hopes for freedom and liberation from the 
manifestly criminal Israeli occupation.
More to the point, Abbas should carefully shun any behavior that would harm his 
people’s dignity, image and national interests.
Indeed, these are the most elementary tasks a leader, let alone a leader of a 
people languishing under a sinister foreign military occupation, is expected to 
However, Abbas’s diplomatic behavior doesn’t suggest that he is the best and 
most effective representative of the Palestinian people and cause. In fact, the 
opposite seems to be true.
This week, while attending the 23rd congress of the Socialist International at 
the Lagonissi Grand Resort in Greece, Abbas was audacious enough to introduce 
Iraqi President Jalal Talabani to Israeli war minister Ehud Barak.
Talabani and Barak shook hands rather cordially as a visibly satisfied Abbas 
was looking on.  The Palestinian leader behaved as if the arranged handshake 
between the certified Israeli war criminal was merely part of the diplomatic 
niceties expected in such circumstances.
Well, since when have Palestinian leaders assumed the role of encouraging and 
expediting normalization between  Arab states and Israel which continues to 
rape Palestine and savage its people?
Have we lost our sense of dignity as individuals and as a people?
The shameless encounter in Greece, though symbolic, did carry a horrible 
message. It showed that Israel and Arab regimes can normalize relations, even 
publicly, while the Zionist regime continues to torment the Palestinian people 
and steal the remainder of their homeland.
What is particularly scandalous though is that all of this obscenity occurs 
with Palestinian blessing and encouragement. This is more than outrageous.
I don’t know what was going on in Abbas’s mind when he decided to do what he 
did. Perhaps he thought, out of sheer naiveté, that the vacuous gesture would 
prompt Israel to display more flexibility in the moribund ‘peace talks’ with 
the PA.
Or perhaps he thought that he as  ‘President of Palestine’ ought to show 
courtesy, civility and even cordiality to Israeli leaders regardless of their 
murderous, cruel and humiliating treatment of his people.
But in both cases, Abbas can’t be given the benefit of the doubt, for many 
Abbas, as a long-time PLO leader, should be fully aware of the brutal ugliness 
of the Israeli mentality and the fact that no amount of ‘normalization’ and 
courtesy by the Arabs and Muslims would make the racist entity come to terms 
with Palestinian rights or even mitigate its terror and ethnic cleansing 
against the Palestinian people.
Israel has succeeded in establishing diplomatic and economic relations with a 
large number of Arab states, including Egypt, Jordan, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, 
Tunisia, Morocco and Mauritania.
However, far from showing good will toward these states, Israel stepped up its 
genocidal drive throughout the occupied territories, continued stealing Arab 
land and building Jewish colonies at the expense of the native Palestinians.
In addition, Abbas’s behavior in Greece reflected a great deal of national 
irresponsibility. As President of the PA, Abbas should have understood that 
socializing with Israeli leaders and embracing them warmly before TV cameras 
would create the wrong impression and send the wrong message to people around 
the world, especially friends and supporters of the Palestinian cause.
One doesn’t have to be a great expert in PR to realize that the scenes of Abbas 
and other PA leaders exchanging kisses with Israeli leaders give the erroneous 
impression that all is well between Israel and the Palestinians and that only 
minor psychological problems stand in the way of peace between the two sides.
In the final analysis, Israel and the US, our tormentors, would hector the 
Arabs to normalize relations with Israel by arguing that “you can’t be more 
Palestinian than the Palestinians themselves.”
Some Palestinians may argue that Abbas has to behave somewhat sycophantically 
toward the Israelis in order to safeguard his people’s interests.
However, it is amply obvious that this reasoning is faulty since the damage 
done to the Palestinian cause, and especially to the Palestinian national 
dignity, exceeds by far whatever short term ‘benefits’ Abbas and his regime 
might stand to reap from appeasing the Zionist leadership.
Besides, should Abbas realize that arranging  ‘Arab-Israeli encounters’ serves 
only to divert attention from wanton Israeli crimes, such as the unmitigated 
obliteration of the Arab identity of East Jerusalem and ongoing efforts to 
destroy the al-Aqsa mosque.
Interestingly, while Abbas has shown no remorse or regret or even embarrassment 
for arranging the Talabani –Barak handshake, the office of the Iraqi president 
has issued a ‘clarification’ tacitly blaming Abbas for presenting Ehud Barak to 
shake hands with  Talabani ‘who responded to President Abbas’ request.’
The statement said Talabani shook hands with Barak “not as President of Iraq, 
but rather in his capacity as President of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan 
(PUK) and the Vice President of the Socialist International (IS).”
Despite its flimsiness, the statement showed that Arab leaders are still 
apprehensive about appearing in public with Israeli officials.
This trend ought to be encouraged and enforced even further as there should be 
no normalization between Zionist criminals and their Palestinian victims at 
least until the victims recover their rights, including the right to return to 
their homeland from which they were uprooted by force at the hands of 
diabolical Zionism.
It is really sad that until recently Palestinians left no stone unturned in 
order to stop any form of normalization between Israel and the Arab and Muslim 
Now, however, it is lamentable that some Palestinian leaders have become the 
bridge through which Israel is normalizing relations with the Arab world.
Have we become our own worst enemies?

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