Urgent: Please write to LiveLeak protesting airing "Fitna"

Posted by: " Md. Shaheed" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thu Mar 27, 2008 10:30 pm (PDT)

Assalaamualaikum Wa RahmatuAllah:
As many already know, Geert Wilders has finally found a hosting place for his 
film "Fitna" with LiveLeak, where, they have placed a disclaimer about 
supporting "freedom of speech".

Please take a minute and write to LiveLeak protesting their decision at the 
link below. Please pass this email to other groups and to as many people you 
know. Every single one of our efforts, even the smallest one, will inshaAllah 
count, when done with sincerety. This is the least we can do to show that we 
have Imaan left in our hearts.
http://www.liveleak .com/contact_ us

JazakumAllah Khair.

858-688-0414 (cell)

"And every one of them will come to Him (Allah SWT) alone on the day of 
resurrection (without any helper, protector, defender)"

The Quran - Surah Maryam: Ayah 95


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