It is now known that Gaza assault and killing
of one Hamas leaders boosts
Ehud Barak in polls. Oh! What a great achievement! A good reply to those
who argue knowing everything! This is what they were after, don't they? No
doubt Hamas did some mistakes but Israel could avoid this attack
finding other ways to solve this problem. Instead they used this chance to
boost their election. One Guardian columnist said it best: Israel
has plenty of tactics for war, but none for peace. This article is also a good 
reply to those who have attacked me (not form all groups). Please read this 
article to soothe you.

These all discussions are not Hamas , Israel or Fatah related but the
ordinary people from both sides. They are dying horribly, especially people in 
Gaza . Mr. Bush also gave
a green signal for this attack, what more! Now I am bit confused (and it is
possible) if Hamas was bribed by Israel for the purpose they were
heading for! Who knows!

Because of my previous
posting/s regarding Gaza and Israel , I
received many replies from members of groups where I posted these mails. Some to
groups and most to me personally. Thanks to you all. I am sorry I have no times
to reply to everyone separately.

Here is a common reply to
all: I am not against ordinary or Hebrew Jews. The so called Promised Land was
a part of conspiracy to control the Arab world and it wealth. It is against
Judaism. Whenever I say this no one makes a sound but argues for other topics. 
from around the world were lured to live and work in Israel, most of them are 
Rulers and supporters of the Israeli authority are Zion and they are not Jew. 
They are atheists
and using a religious cover to deceive everyone including themselves! They even
hijacked the symbol of Prophet David (PBUH). Israel
must back to the border allocated by donors countries (by saying this I do not 
an Israeli State). Also, if they really want to
live in a country why not they select a place somewhere in Europe or in America 
, Hawaii !
I am not supporting Hamas, Fatah or Israel, all I am saying is for the
innocent people and whoever and wherever they are. As part of Arab, Muslims and 
monotheist Jews I feel the heat as well and it is normal my postings burn the 
souls of them who suppport Zion or part of them.

No more.

Thanks for your time and
contacts. Please find few more articles below


Robert Fisk's World: What's in a name? Quite a lot, where the military is 
Churchill objected to names of a frivolous nature and banned Operation Bunnyhug
Saturday, 3 January 2009

Please click here to read the full article


Robert Fisk: The rotten state of Egypt is too powerless and corrupt to act
There was a day when we worried about the "Arab masses" – the millions of 
"ordinary" Arabs on the streets of Cairo, Kuwait, Amman, Beirut – and their 
reaction to the constant bloodbaths in the Middle East.

Please click here to read the full article


Adrian Hamilton: Pure politics is driving this war
The bombing happened because it was in the interests of all parties concerned
Thursday, 1 January 2009

Please click here to read the full article


Donald Macintyre: Lessons of Lebanon return to haunt Israel
Livni adopts hardline stance against truce as candidates seek votes in Israeli 
Thursday, 1 January 2009

Please click here to read the full article


Anne Penketh: Tehran's links with Hamas could spark retribution
How long will it take Iran to enrich enough uranium to build a nuclear weapon?
Saturday, 3 January 2009

click here to read the full article


Hamas accuses senior Palestinian aides of spying for Israelis
Thursday, 1 January 2009
Hamas has accused senior aides of the Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, of 
spying for Israel, underscoring an intensification of Palestinian infighting 
even in the face of Israel's bombardments in the Gaza Strip.

Please click here to read the full article


Gazans face ‘humanitarian crisis’ as raids intensify
Aid agencies warn of looming disaster with supply shortage inflicting more 
suffering on families.

Please click here to read the full article


Social networking sites enter Gaza conflict
Friday, 2 January 2009

Please click here to read the full article


Protesters demand Egypt opens Gaza border
By Robert Dex, PA
Friday, 2 January 2009

Please click here to read the full article


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