Certainly there is a God, a supreme power. It is OK for some who think there is 
no Gods, I am not with them and do not believe what they believe; let’s 
consider on behalf of them that they are right but what if there is a God? If 
the answer is yes, then what’d happen to those who do not believe in God and 
someday they will meet Him hereafter, and they cannot help themselves! In New 
and Old Testaments, and in Last Testament (Koran) God warned us to obey Him, 
therefore to believe Him or we will face punishments. Charles Darwin introduced 
a new form of Atheism, I do not know if Darwin has already met the God or not. 
We have a problem here, we cannot communicate with Darwin or cannot post an 
email to his new address, if there is any, to know his current position; 
otherwise we could pick a way of life to stick with! I am shocked to hear 
Attenborough said, evolution is not a theory; it is a fact. He is a good 
presenter and educated person but I cannot and
 do not respect him. Sending hate mails is reflection of someone’s action, good 
or bad. Attenborough can spread atheism but cannot prove it. BBC must stop him 
and such programmes. Because of so many problems among followers, priests, from 
different religions, atheists seized the situation as a good chance to spread 
this wrong idea to overturn many people’s paths and those atheists will never 
take the responsibilities of those they have spoiled, when they meet God and 
face punishments. Our society lost it respect for itself, because of this 
so-called wrong fact. Proper practise of any religion can bring peace and 
cohesion in communities, and a religious person cannot hate another religion, 
followers of another religion. All religious people must unite against these 
atheists. I do believe in God because no one can prove there is no Gods. Do you 
believe in God or can you prove there is no God? Please help.

Sir David's hate mail battle
Veteran broadcaster Sir David Attenborough has revealed he receives hate mail 
from angry viewers.
Tue Jan 27 11:54AM by TV Editor
Sir David Attenborough has revealed that he gets hate mail from viewers for not 
crediting God in his documentaries.
The veteran broadcaster, who is presenting a new series on Charles Darwin, said 
that he has received letters telling him to burn in hell because of his views 
on evolution.
He told Radio Times that he is often asked why he does not credit God when 
talking about some of the creatures featured on his shows: "They always mean 
beautiful things like hummingbirds. I always reply by saying that I think of a 
little child in east Africa with a worm burrowing through his eyeball.
"The worm cannot live in any other way, except by burrowing through eyeballs. I 
find that hard to reconcile with the notion of a divine and benevolent creator."
He also revealed that he doesn't think creationism should be taught alongside 
evolution in schools and added: "It's like saying that two and two equals four, 
but if you wish to believe it, it could also be five.
"Evolution is not a theory; it is a fact, every bit as much as the historical 
fact that William the Conqueror landed in 1066."
Are you shocked to hear that Sir David receives hate mail? What do you think of 
his views?


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