Slaughtering people, blowing schools is not Islam: Qazi 
        LAHORE, Jan 30: Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan ameer Qazi Hussain Ahmad has 
said that slaughtering people and destroying girls' schools in response to 
state repression is totally unjustified and such acts are not Shariah but 
mutilation of Shariah. 

      He was delivering Friday sermon at Mansoorah Masjid, says a press release 
by JI Media Cell. Qazi sahib said Islamic system brings blessings and not 
persecution since neither the followers of Islam frighten people nor masses 
have any fears from Islam. He said Islamic shariah provides complete security 
to the lives, property and honor of the people. He said threatening barbers and 
forcing people to have beards is not Sunnah since the Holy Prophet (pbuh) never 
punished anyone for not having beard or observing purdah. In fact the Prophet 
(pbuh) motivated people towards these Islamic practices since the civilization 
is promoted with encouragement, he said.

      He said people of Swat say American hand and role of government agencies 
could not be ruled out in destruction of schools and the deterioration of the 
situation. He said those opposing the government were also encouraged by the 
elements which want to create chaos in the country. He said the need of the 
hour is to raise voice against US colonization and social evils like injustice, 
corruption, vulgarity and lawlessness. 

      He said the bombs and missiles used by US planes to kill tribal people 
are being supplied by our own government. He said rulers have plundered public 
wealth and amassed it in huge palaces in and outside the country. He said our 
rulers are agents of enemies of Islam and it is because of them our 
independence is usurped. He said a collective struggle is needed to rid the 
country of enemy agents and realize real independence. 

      Meanwhile, delivering Friday sermon at Maududi Institute, JI naib ameer 
Hafiz idris said moral superiority of Muslims is their real power since Islam 
was spread across the world only because of their character, morals and 
honesty. He said corrupt and characterless Muslim rulers are the real cause of 
Ummah's problems since they feel proud in enemy slavery and kill their own 
Muslim brothers for the sake of enemies. 


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