NO !!    This is not Gaza.........
My 14 years old son and I decided
not spend money on the fireworks this year,
we shall shall grant this money 
to any Gaza-based humanitarian-organisation.
Needles to say that no Gazzean father has the money
to buy fireworks for his children , even if they were available.
A Gaza -father must first find food and water and medicament's.
Later he must look for bread and freedom,
for water and liberation
for clothes and education
for dignity and Independence.
Abbas took away his democratic choice
Rice took away his democratic government
Olmert took away everything else.
Husny Mubarak took away his oxygen
No new-year-celebrations in Gaza, but a lot of fireworks: 
>From the Quassam rockets that takes 3 kilos of fear
towards the oppressors
and from the Israeli-rockets which bring 350 kilos
of high-explosives-death paid by the USA
and delivered by Zionism .
The Sky is lit over Gaza
the explosions are free and numerous
the fireworks are free but deadly.
While death is so cheap !!
Gazzeans do not care what year it is ,
2009 follows another rotten year .
since 60 years.
When God supposedly offered Palestine to Abraham
did God ask Abraham to bring along the Russians and Polish
and Lithuanians and the Romanians too.
Abraham was an Iraqi from Uur.......
and Simon Perez is the Devil from Poland.
 No Peace , no Justice , no Mercy in Gaza
just a lot of Fireworks !!!
Raja Chemayel
the last hours of 2008............on Planet  Injustice


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