Al Maliki offering protection to Bush.
watch this short film!!!!!!!
President Bush visited Iraq yesterday
for the last time as President of the USA.
Bush met with a fat-Kurd , known to be called
as the President of the Green Zone ,
who happens to have killed more Kurds in his lifetime ,
than allegedly President Saddam ever did.
Bush came unannounced to Baghdad ,
then he met all his generals , secretly,
all his puppets alo secretly
and probably he visited the WC ,also
but with 2 body-guards .......
Only after leaving Baghdad , did the world Media
report of his visit to us.......
The Liberator of the Green Zone
wanted to say farewell........
which  reminds me
when Nero has had a last look at Rome
or when Genghis Khan left Baghdad 
or when Napoleon left Moscow
Anyhow history shall judge him
but as far that I could see ,
here, from out of my armchair:
only Halli-Burton,Bechtel,Blackwater
Israel and Iran shall miss this Liberator.
By the way, that short film above
resumes the whole degree of appreciation
towards that Liberator........
Sherlock Hommos
reporting from the liberated-Green-Zone


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