An hour ago , I was watching Olmert
announcing his unilateral cease fire.

I shall not give you my opinion on Olmert
nor on his regime nor on his ideology
but........this man said
 tonight :
" Gazzeans are not our enemies.....
and we have nothing against Gazza ".....unquote

1257 Dead out of which are 540 children
5147 Wounded............
according Mr. Regev , the Israeli Gov. spokesman
must also be attributed to Hamas' negligence
or ammunition exploding everywhere...

So , tonight before I go to sleep , I found out  :
1- Olmert does not hate Gaza
2- The dead and wounded are because of Hamas
3- Olmert thanked Ehud Barrack and Hosny Mubarak
    equally and simultaneously "they both made a wonderful Job"
    Olmert said
4- Mubarak and Sarkozy agreed
5- Tony Blair and Mubarak agreed
6- Condolisa Rice and Livny agreed
7- Italy , France, Germany and others agreed to come Sunday
    to visit Hosny Mubarak's hide out in Sharm el Sheikh

but nobody asked Hamas' opinion !!!
it is like a wedding but without the bride !!

Good night humanity....I going to sleep

23.10 hrs on 17Th of Jan 2009


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