Dedicated to

Dr. I. Alloush
Faress el Arab !!

The end of the year 2008, is getting closer
and equally the end of Bush , as President.

I shall not repeat what I think of G.W.Bush
but shall only remind you that the USA
has voted for him twice.

They tried him out the first 4 years ...........and then
they did not mind having him another 4 more years.

One says, that Democracy is ,among other things,  :
the accountability of the elected- Leaders
I say that Democracy is also :
the accountability of the electors , themselves !!

The population of Iraq was not to be held responsible
for having President Saddam Hussein  ,one could argue that,
in a Western way of political-logic.......
and yet the Iraqi were bombed , starved, invaded and occupied
because their leader was President
 Saddam Hussein .

And then , what should be the punishment
 for the US-citizens
for having chosen and voted for a monster called G.W.Bush ???...twice !!

Voltaire once said :
The ideal ruler would be a humane-Tyrant........unquote

I say :
G.W.Bush was not at all humane nor does he qualify ,
theoretically , to be called Tyrant  .

Conclusion :
Monsieur Voltaire and myself , do not agree to  G.W.Bush
and both of us would, rather, have a President
like President Saddam Hussein....instead of Bush
if and when we are allowed to choose our leaders .

17Th of December 2008


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