What's next? join strip clubs to show you can blend in with kuffar society?


Young Muslim Women urged to enlist
Richard Kerbaj 
http://www.theaustr alian.news. com.au... 3-2702,00. html

YOUNG Australian Muslim women will be targeted to join the Army Reserve and 
prove they are part of the national security "solution".

The plan by Sydney Muslim leader Jamal Rifi - which has been welcomed by the 
Australian Defence Force - is designed to break down barriers between Islam and 
mainstream Australia . It also aims to revive an element of Islamic culture 
that saw men and women fighting "side by side" during the days of the prophet 

Dr Rifi, president of Lakemba Sports and Recreation Club in Sydney 's 
southwest, said he wanted "hijab-wearing" women between the ages of 17 and 26 
to become reservists and would soon begin promoting the idea to Muslim parents 
on Arabic and Islamic radio networks to urge them to let their kids join. 

"I will be encouraging Arab-speaking Australians to join overall, but I will 
concentrate mainly on the Muslim community," he told The Australian yesterday. 

"I would like to send the message to the wider Australian society that we are 
not part of the problems, we are part of the solution." 

TAFE student Hala Ayache said she was keen to join the Army Reserve so she 
could "give back" to Australia and would encourage her friends to sign up with 

"We can join the country that we were born in and, you know, we can go lose 
weight a little bit, too," said the 19-year-old from Punchbowl in Sydney 's 

University student Alaa Hashem, 20, said becoming a reservist would help dispel 
misconceptions about religious Muslim women that "we stay at home and are 

The nation's most senior female Muslim leader, Aziza Abdel-Halim, welcomed the 

"I'm all for it," she said. "If the country needs them, they are there to lend 
their support." 

Dr Rifi said a focus group discussion earlier this year found that Muslim women 
were keen on becoming reservists and that many would sign up when the 
recruitment drive took off within two months. 

He acknowledged there were cultural barriers such as Islamic dress codes that 
would discourage Muslim parents from encouraging their daughters to join. 

But Dr Rifi said he would run discussion groups for parents to learn more about 
the "benefits" of allowing their children to become involved. 

A defence force spokesman said the women would be welcomed provided they met 
entry requirements. "Defence and the ADF encourage an inclusive workplace that 
recognises and respects the significance of peoples culture and beliefs," he 

But Australian Defence Association executive director Neil James said the hijab 
might present occupational health and safety issues.


Is There an Army Cover Up of Rape and Murder of Women Soldiers?
The Department of Defense statistics are alarming - one in three women who join 
the US military will be sexually assaulted or raped by men in the military. The 
warnings to women should begin above the doors of the military recruiting 
stations, as that is where assaults on women in the military begins - before 
they are even recruited.

MORE:  http://www.commondreams.org/archive/2008/04/28/8564/

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