Two helicopters but one

Why was is right and legal and normal and necessary
then to chase the Red Army out of Afghanistan,
thanks to the CIA , to the Saudi Royal Family
and to the fundamentalist-Muslim-volunteers

And it is not right nor legal nor necessary
to chase out the US and UK  armies today .....
out of that same Afghanistan ???
and with the same Muslim-ffundamentalists...???

Did it  not occur to anyone  ,
that the Soviet Red Army  was also making
 a war
 the same  ,so called , " Terrorists" and
and everything -else that the West does not like ....???

The Soviet Red Army was called: the "infidels"
so what should we call the US and UK. :
" the pig-eaters " ....???? maybe ??

Something is wrong here
because it is exactly the same Afghanistan .

Something is wrong here
because the Soviet forbid the Opio n>n trade
but the US and UK could not !!!!

Something is wrong here
Moscow has
 no more a dictator , anymore
and  Washington has an elected-dictator.
while the Muslim-fundamentalists are the same !!!

Raja Chemayel
looking for the way to Bethlehem


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