HALAL AND HARAM (lawful and unlawful things)   (Source: Ihya-Ulum-Id-Din by 
Imam Ghazzali (r.a.) Revival of Religious Learnings- 
English Translation by Fazlul Karim  Publisher Darul-Ishaat Karachi Pakistan)   
 Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said : It is compulsory on every 
Muslim to seek lawful earnings. He termed this compulsory subject as a thing of 
wisdom for a wise man out of other compulsory things. Lawful things are clear 
and unlawful things are also clear. between these two , there are doubtful 
things which are not clear and difficult to know. All things are limited within 
In Holy Quran Allah says: 
   Eat of the good things and do good deeds- 2:168.   
   Allah ordered for eating good things before doing good deeds. The object of 
this order is eating of lawful things.   
   Don't eat properties of one another unjustly-2:188.   
   O believers, fear Allah and give up what remains of interest (usury) if you 
are believes-2.278.   
    If you do not do it, then be prepared to fight with Allah and His 
   Then He says : If you repent, then for you is the capital. Then He said: 
Those who turn away from that are the inmates of Hell. They will abide therein. 
At first, eating of interest (usury) , then call for fight with Allah and His 
Apostle and last of all residing in Hell have been mentioned. There are 
innumerable verses regarding lawful and unlawful things. 

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