Q: What is the  wisdom behind this prohibition of the one who wants to offer a 
sacrifice from cutting his hair etc.??????
he may resemble those in ihraam in some aspects of the rituals performed, and 
so that he may draw closer to Allaah by offering the sacrifice. So he leaves 
his hair and nails alone until the time when he has offered his sacrifice, in 
the hope that Allaah will save him in his entirety from the Fire. And Allaah 
knows best.
what does Tamattu means?
he performs ‘Umrah, comes out of ihraam and enters ihraam anew for Hajj called 
as TAmattu.
how many psalms sent down?
according to a hadith narrated by Abu Dhar. Abu Dhar narrated that Prophet 
Muhammad (pbuh) said: "Allah sent down one hundred and four psalms, of which 
fifty were sent down to Seth." (Sahih al Bukhari)
 After Adam's death, who took over the responsibilities of prophethood?
After Adam's death, his soth Seth (Shiith) took over the responsibilities of 


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