Afghanistan was invaded
  because 9 Saudis-citizens and 2 Yemenis 
  and one Lebanese
  have (allegedly) done the 911 attacks
  and non was afghanee.
  Iraq was invaded
  because Saddam Hussein should, allegedly,have had
  the Weapons of Mass Destruction, 
  which he never had .
  Iran will be invaded
  because 4 years ago, it stopped developing Nuclear power
  which many others do anyhow have.
  Lebanon might also be invaded
  because France calls the Syrians in Lebanon:
  " foreign-interference".
  Otherwise , the world is perfectly in good-hands !!
  Venezuela , 
  is lead by an alleged "dictator",
   who has held recently a free election
  and has lost it , even.
  The USA ,
  being allegedly the greatest democracy on earth
  is holding  presidential election ,which,
  without the huge money contributions
  no candidate could survive .
  being the only democracy in the Middle East
  is negotiating with its  60 years-old-non-stop-victims.
  Otherwise , this world is in good-hands.
  Sherlock Hommos
  eighth day of December 2007

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