Today a report comes out in Israel
blaming Ehud Olmert for Israel's defeat in the Lebanon

in 1983 a similar report came out in Israel
blaming Ariel Sharon of slaughtering Palestinian-civilian-refugees.
It happened that the same Ariel Sharon became a Prime Minister
twenty years later after that scandalous report .
When Ariel did his carnage he was only the Minister of Defence.

Today Ehud Olmert is already a Prime Minister of Israel
and this means that 20 years from now Olmert 
will be promoted to Emperor of Israel......

Those Israeli reports  about their own butchers , 
always bring a promotion along......

Ariel jumped from Minister to Prime Minister
and Ehud will jump even much higher.....

Eng. Moustafa   Roosenbloom
reports editor, and promoter of genociders

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