Boycott Israel [IslamCity] How Many More Must Die?

2006-07-26 Thread saiyed shahbazi
now. How many more must die? saiyed shahbazi __._,_.___ *** {Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Islam: Religion or Ideology? By Imam Zaid Shakir

2006-08-16 Thread saiyed shahbazi
hur (Beirut: Dar Ihya’ at-Turath al-‘Arabi, 2001/1421), 4:161.[9] See Imam Abu ‘Abdullah Muhammad bin Ahmad al-Qurtubi, al-Jami’ li Ahkam al-Qur’an (Beirut: Dar al-Fikr, 1987/1407), 8:121.  saiyed shahba

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Ustadh Abdullah responds to question-Separating Men and Women: Partitions?

2006-08-30 Thread saiyed shahbazi
t to answer your question, there was no barrier or screen during the time of the Messenger (pbuh), and this practice is upheld as the Sunnah in our school. was Salam Abdullah saiyed shahbazi __._,_.___ **

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Axis of Good: Muslims Building Alliances with Other Communities of Faith

2006-08-30 Thread saiyed shahbazi
The St. Lawrence River is 1,900 miles long. Its wide mouth empties its flow into the Atlantic Ocean where buoyant whales and majestic icebergs drift throughout the summer months. The river begins more modestly where the northern and southern shores of Lake Ontario curve in towards each other, ch

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Behind terrorism lies the affinity with hopelessness

2006-09-08 Thread saiyed shahbazi
of militant Islam still burns strong. Ankon Rahman is a German-born Australian of Bangladeshi- Muslim extraction. He is a lawyer and a banker and lives in Sydney. saiyed shahbazi __._,_.___ ***

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Bismillah: Eating in the name of God

2006-09-10 Thread saiyed shahbazi
translation and adaptation of  “The dispute between animals and man;” I have made some minor changes to the translation.[3] Qur’an 2:30.[4] A number of versions of the hadith are found in the Sahih collections of Bukhari and Muslim.[5] Al-Hakim.  saiyed shahbazi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Ex-Taliban chief details Massood slaying

2006-09-11 Thread saiyed shahbazi
KABUL, Afghanistan - The beat-up video camera was delivered to Afghanistan in a box, and picked up by two clean-shaven Arabs posing as journalists. They met with Osama bin Laden before leaving on their mission — to kill mujahedeen hero Ahmad Shah Massood.   Five years after the Taliban oppone

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] How Much Muslim Are You?

2006-09-12 Thread saiyed shahbazi
re and environment (30:41).It is no wonder that the only religion/law approved by God is Islam (3:19, 85).saiyed shahbazi __._,_.___ *** {Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Is

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] God Has 99 Names

2006-10-14 Thread saiyed shahbazi
fall short of His ideal, I must always remember to ask Him for His forgiveness. And the beauty of that is: He told me He will give it to me and then give me even more. Is He not the Most Compassionate, the Most

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Moderate Europeans losing faith in Islam

2006-10-14 Thread saiyed shahbazi
he notion that Muslim immigrants had the responsibility to obey the law but could otherwise live with their traditions.  "Then someone comes and says it's different than that," said Jahjah, who opposes assimilation. "You have to dump your culture and religion. It's a different de

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Islamic world faces intellectual stagnation

2006-11-05 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Islamic world faces intellectual stagnationPublished on November 4, 2006 Is the Islamic world intellectually stagnating? One way to answer this is to ask how many world-class universities there are in Muslim countries. The 2006 rankings of the world's top 200 universities by the Times Higher E

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Should Muslims Be Allowed To Impose Islam On Others?

2006-11-26 Thread saiyed shahbazi
etween America and its Muslims. At 2:00 AM in the morning, we cannot leave you hanging in the cold waiting to go home. It would be inhuman. saiyed shahbazi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] For Those Who Are Conscious Of God

2006-11-26 Thread saiyed shahbazi
on the Ark. It is the promise of the Lord, and what better keeper of promises than the Precious Beloved, the Holy One on high? Hesham A. Hassaballa is a Chicago physician and writer. He is the co-author of "The Beliefnet Guide to Islam," published by Doubleday in 2006. His blog is at This article was first published in Illume Magazine, a California-based publication about Islam. saiyed shahbazi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Don't blame it on the scriptures

2006-12-08 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Bengalooru (Bangalore) and Chennai (Madras). More are needed if Muslims are not to fall further behind as India prospers. saiyed shahbazi - Check out the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done faster.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] On a Wing and a Prayer

2006-12-08 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Memorial Foundation, is the sister of Charles F. "Chic" Burlingame III, the pilot of American Airlines flight 77, which was crashed into the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001. URL for this article: http://online. SB11653635820264 1738.html saiyed shahbazi - Any questions? Get answers on any topic at Yahoo! Answers. Try it now.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] So That You May Know One Another

2006-12-12 Thread saiyed shahbazi
e in God. Once again, far from it. Nevertheless, as a person of faith, I am commanded by God in the Qur'an to seek out other people of faith - regardless of what that faith is - and work with them to do good on earth. That is the reason we were created. That is our responsibility as human beings, as viceroys of God on earth. That is our role in the 21st Century, and it is a major struggle: a true jihad in its very essence. But it is a jihad which no one should ever fear. saiyed shahbazi - Need a quick answer? Get one in minutes from people who know. Ask your question on Yahoo! Answers.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] About the Dhikr by Tongue and in Heart

2006-12-27 Thread saiyed shahbazi
e day, and make your tongue and everything say, “I came to You in a hurry to please You, my God, so You will accept me.” saiyed shahbazi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] What Are The Requirements To Reflect Over the Qur'an?

2007-01-02 Thread saiyed shahbazi
verse of the Qur'an. And the opinion of a scholar must never be confused for the Word of God itself. Moreover, we must make a distinction between making a legal ruling based on the Qur'an and reading and reflecting on the Qur'an, which is something God commands us to do. So, please, don't tell me that reading the Qur'an and reflecting over what the verses mean to you or me is the same as opening a medical practice after reading a medical textbook. Reading and reflecting over the Qur'an - unlike medicine - is not a profession that requires training. It is obedience to God's command: Will they not, then, ponder over this Qur'an? Or are there locks upon heir hearts? Hesham A. Hassaballa is a Chicago physician and writer. He is the co-author of "The Beliefnet Guide to Islam," published by Doubleday in 2006. His blog is at saiyed shahbazi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Between Ignorance & Extremism

2007-01-05 Thread saiyed shahbazi
and so the Prophet, even though it wasn’t the custom of his people, indicated there was nothing that he saw they were doing wrongly and so permitted them to do that. Transcription by Amina Nawaz. Edited by Karen Nooruddin. saiyed shahbazi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Rebels with a Cause

2007-01-05 Thread saiyed shahbazi
, and length of time needed for learning.” saiyed shahbazi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Dealing with Non-Muslims -- Rock and Killing Jews

2007-01-09 Thread saiyed shahbazi
mmitment to justice and all that is good. It is only when some Muslims have veered in their understanding from our tradition that we see anger, intolerance, and ugliness replacing forebearance, tolerance, and beauty, to the loss of all and the good of none. And Allah alone gives success. Faraz Rabbani saiyed shahbazi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Christmas presents to non-muslims

2007-01-10 Thread saiyed shahbazi
ema explain. And Allah alone gives success. Faraz Rabbani saiyed shahbazi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] What is thankfulness (shukr)?

2007-01-10 Thread saiyed shahbazi
ng for the best of what it was created, in the best and most beneficial of ways. And Allah alone gives success. saiyed shahbazi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] What Islamists Think - And Why It Doesn't Work

2007-01-24 Thread saiyed shahbazi
wer. That's really about all we can hope for as human beings. This may actually be what the HT brother meant by "Allahu alim" - in which case why not let's talk about the need for more Muslims who not only understand the meanings of justice, truth, mercy and excellence, but demonstrably try to use them in their every-day dealings? Surely that's what is more likely to get all of us to heaven than meaningless arguments about a new caliphate? saiyed shahbazi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Prophet's Manners

2007-01-24 Thread saiyed shahbazi
a place. - Shaykh Tosun Bayrak, On the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Appendix from Ibn 'Arabi The Tree of Being) saiyed shahbazi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Merit of one Dhikr compared to other Dhikrs

2007-01-25 Thread saiyed shahbazi
nt), except for the one who did more than him.” He, may Allah grant blessings and peace upon him, also said: “Whoever utter: Laa Ilaaha Illallaah Wahdahuu Laa Syariikalah, Lahul-Mulku Walahul-Hamdu Wahuwa ‘Ala Kulli Syai-in Qadiir, there is no deed that precedes it, and that there is no evil that would be left.” - saiyed shahbazi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] What Would You Do?

2007-01-29 Thread saiyed shahbazi
the one whom God is entrusting with this responsibility.” saiyed shahbazi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Attitude of Muslims towards Globalization

2007-02-07 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Editorial, The case for Globalization, The Economist, (23 September 2000) p19 saiyed shahbazi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Quran Comparison: Beating Wives

2007-02-20 Thread saiyed shahbazi
7;s Sunnah. Also, people should realize that a person who already thinks that beating a wife is against the Prophet Muhammad's Sunnah, is more likely to accept Bakhtiar's argument that the word does not mean beating at all. Now please, hit the big gray box at the top of the website and help us donate 1000 copies of the Asad translations to Muslim institutions, MSA's, organizations, and groups saiyed shahbazi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Interview With Fuad Nahdi

2007-02-21 Thread saiyed shahbazi
new antiterrorism laws will push the whole debate and agenda underground. And then we will not have a clue what is happening. When 7\7 [the London transport bombings of July7, 2005] happened, it just blew up in our face. Believe me, the intelligence people in the West have no clue what is going on. Q: How do you measure success? For me, the success will be when somebody sees a Muslim in the street and identifies him, not with the collapse of the twin towers, but with the beauty of the Taj Mahal; then I will know that we have succeeded. saiyed shahbazi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] interview with Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

2007-02-21 Thread saiyed shahbazi
to heal your child. And the mechanic who's fixing your car? He's not putting a bomb in your car. It's Abdullah, the guy down at the Chevron station, right? I mean it's one-fifth of the world's population for God's sake-- one out of five people is a Muslim. Muslims have been an almost entirely benevolent force in the 20th century. They did not wreak the havoc the Western powers wreaked on the world. They have not come anywhere near to the environmental degradation that we've done to the planet. So I think Muslims need to be seen in the proper light. They're mostly decent, hardworking people, people with deep family values, and they want to live in peace. My experience on this planet, almost 50 years, is that if you treat people with respect, they tend to treat you with respect. saiyed shahbazi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] American Mamlukes

2007-03-05 Thread saiyed shahbazi
. org. © M. Shahid Alam. saiyed shahbazi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Duality that Governs Our World

2007-03-18 Thread saiyed shahbazi
, and to me mine. (109:6) To each among you, We have prescribed a law and an open way. (5:48) Therefore, to remind you, for you are only a reminder. You are not a watcher over them. (88:21–22) *Najah Kadhim: Director of IFID and a Senior University Lecturer. saiyed shahbazi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Is a Greener Islam Possible?

2007-04-04 Thread saiyed shahbazi
as prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "If the Hour (Judgment Day) is about to be established and one of you is holding a palm shoot, let him take advantage of even one second before the Hour is established to plant it." M. Aurangzeb Ahmad is a doctorate student. H

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] a Prophet's dua

2007-04-11 Thread saiyed shahbazi
light beneath me. O Lord, make light grow within me and give me light and illuminate me. saiyed shahbazi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Islamic Reformation Required

2007-04-15 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Ibn Khaldun Institution for Developmental Studies, Cairo on 5–6 October 2004. saiyed shahbazi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Toward an Adamic Education:

2007-04-17 Thread saiyed shahbazi
ct of worship makes learning into a sacred event. Everything about the class is treated with a sense of reverence, dignity, and austerity;“utterly unlike the modern educational experience.” saiyed shahbazi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Ultimate Beauty Is The Inner Beauty

2007-04-22 Thread saiyed shahbazi
based final year A Level student going on to study Clinical Psychology saiyed shahbazi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] For Pakistan, there is an urgent need to reclaim Rumi and Iqbal�s message

2007-05-01 Thread saiyed shahbazi
. The article is a brief version of his paper presented at the Seminar on Contemporary Relevance of Rumi and Iqbal, held in Lahore on 16 April, 2007 saiyed shahbazi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Interview with Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

2007-05-20 Thread saiyed shahbazi
n at the Chevron station, right? I mean it's one-fifth of the world's population for God's sake-- one out of five people is a Muslim. Muslims have been an almost entirely benevolent force in the 20th century. They did not wreak the havoc the Western powers wreaked on the world. They have not come anywhere near to the environmental degradation that we've done to the planet. So I think Muslims need to be seen in the proper light. They're mostly decent, hardworking people, people with deep family values, and they want to live in peace. My experience on this planet, almost 50 years, is that if you treat people with respect, they tend to treat you with respect. saiyed shahbazi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Theology and Sociology

2007-05-21 Thread saiyed shahbazi
elmed contemporary awareness and facilitated the decline to the era of darkness and backwardness. *Ibrahim al Haidari (PhD) is a Professor and Researcher in Sociology, resident in the United Kingdom. saiyed shahbazi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Arab�s court new disasters by following the terrorists� misguided promise of �dignity�

2007-06-21 Thread saiyed shahbazi
en the Arab world to the realities of modernity? Do we have to wait until some mindless terrorist gains possession of an atomic bomb and murders millions in his misguided and insane efforts to establish Arab dignity? What are we waiting for? We need to stop terrorism now. saiyed shahbazi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Truth, Other Religions, and Mysticism

2007-07-01 Thread saiyed shahbazi
eason of works, which are of the divine mercy” (Sharh Sahih Muslim, 17:160–61). saiyed shahbazi

[IslamCity] The Intermediary of Shirk.

2006-04-20 Thread saiyed shahbazi
From the Mafaheem of Sayyid ibn Alawi   Many people falter in their understanding of the reality of intermediaries, and haphazardly rush to the judgement that any intermediary is Shirk, and that he who takes an intermediary, whatever the fashion, has associated partners with Allah, and that hi

[IslamCity] In Search of the Prophet

2006-04-20 Thread saiyed shahbazi
O Prophet of Allah, where shall I find the source of my adoration for you? I have memorized hundreds of your sayings since my youth, taught your seerah (example) to numerous students, grown a beard, used the miswaaq, sang and proudly taught others odes (qasidahs) in praise of you. But I did not

[IslamCity] The History of the Caliphate

2006-04-24 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Question:   Didn’t the Muslim caliphate or khilâfah end in 1342 AH/1924 CE, when Turkey abolished the office? Didn’t the khilâfah have a continuous existence up to that point?   Answer: These questions are two-sided, as they deal with fiqh and with history. The fiqh of the khilâfah i

[IslamCity] The Neglect of the Fiqh of Priorities Among many Muslims by Yusuf Qaradawi

2006-04-25 Thread saiyed shahbazi
e irredeemable, for with every new time there is a new duty and a new task demanded by Allah"! saiyed shahbazi *** {Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine In

[IslamCity] Are Christians Mushrik (Polytheists) or Kaafir (Rejecters)?

2006-04-25 Thread saiyed shahbazi
the above explanation, in my opinion, the Christians should not be called "Mushrik" or "Kaafir". We may say that Christians ascribe to polytheistic beliefs but should not call them polytheists, as the Qur'an  has not called them polytheists. Likewise, we can call them &qu

[IslamCity] Paying zakat from a non-Muslim's bequest

2006-04-25 Thread saiyed shahbazi
uslim thereby owns it, so if it reaches nisab [the amount upon which zakat is payable] and a year passes upon him owning it, it is obligatory for him to pay zakat on it.  saiyed shahbazi *** {Invite (mankind, O Muhammad

[IslamCity] Changing my American Birth Name to an Islamic Name

2006-04-25 Thread saiyed shahbazi
d, "Name your son 'Abdur-Rahman." [Bukhari, Volume 8, Book 73, Number 205] Whatever decision you make, it's important that it comes from your own conviction. Please see this related article on SunniPath: Should I c

[IslamCity] Going out with one's spouse to restaurants, museums, and the like

2006-04-27 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Going out with one's spouse to restaurants, museums, and the like Answered by Ustadha Zaynab Ansari      is it permissible to go and eat food at a restaurant where there is no segregation of men and women? for example, if i

[IslamCity] Seize the Moment by Sadullah Khan

2006-04-30 Thread saiyed shahbazi
ay] So, half the difficulty of a task is overcome by initiating action. The ancient ones advised, “well begun is half done”. We are commanded in the Qur’an to æÇáÊäÙÑ äÝÓ ãÇ ÞÏãÊ áÛÏ carefully consider what we are sending forth/doing for our future. So, make t

[IslamCity] Personal Integrity - The first step towards a better world -

2006-04-30 Thread saiyed shahbazi
r that fashions do change, beauty fades, wealth becomes depleted, friends and fame come and go; but of lasting value are acts that emanate from sincere hearts, acts that reflect integrity and good character. saiyed shahbazi ***

[IslamCity] Correcting others correctly(hanafi fiqh group)

2006-04-30 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Correcting others correctly: I had a fight with a Muslim girl in my classAnswered by Wajihah Gregor When my two Muslim friends and I were at school, friend #1 took out a bag of Skittles which is known to contain gelatin. She offered them to me and I refused. When friend #2 took some, I warned h

[IslamCity] "Accept Only The Truth"

2006-05-02 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Mu`âdh Bin Jabal:Companion of the Prophet "Accept Only The Truth" Idris al-Khawlâni narrated that Mu`âdh Bin Jabal Allah be pleased with him, said in one of his sermons: "Coming your way are awful trials were money will be aplenty, and the Qur'an will be read by the believer as well by the hy

[IslamCity] Our heritage at stake

2006-05-09 Thread saiyed shahbazi
written of the many problems afflicting the Islamic world. But these things need to be said out loud and often.  According to Mirza Beg, if you want to protest against the destruction of historical sites in Makkah, you can log on to the following website:

[IslamCity] A hadith

2006-05-09 Thread saiyed shahbazi
be able to harm you except with something which Allah had written for you. The pens have been lifted and the pages are dry."[at-Tirmidhi]saiyed shahbazi *** {Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e

[IslamCity] Classical education

2006-05-09 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Classical education depends on a three-part process of training the mind. The early years of school are spent in absorbing facts, systematically laying the foundations for advanced study. In the middle grades, students learn to think through arguments. In the high school years, they learn to exp

[IslamCity] Exposition of the Way in which Young Children should be Disciplined

2006-05-23 Thread saiyed shahbazi
The home town of Sahl was located in Khuzestan in south-western Iran. Cf. J. H. Kramers, art. 'Tustar', in EI, IV. 393-5. 8. Ar. faraq, a large measure of grain, variously defined. (Cf. Lane, 2385.)  saiyed shahbazi *

[IslamCity] Science says Adam & Hawa existed...

2006-05-28 Thread saiyed shahbazi
ty to "forgive and overlook and cover up their (women's) faults)" (S. 64:14) and not "treat them with harshness... on the contrary, live with them on the footing of kindness and equity" (S. 4:19). Nevertheless, these Qur'anic injunctions are not to be abuse by wo

[IslamCity] The Religious Roots of Conflict :Russia and Chechnya

2006-05-28 Thread saiyed shahbazi
chen war became as elusive as the Sufi orders themselves. In this tired battle of wills between Moscow and the Chechen Muslims, Boris Yeltsin and the Russian Federation rank as their weakest opponents yet. ---

[IslamCity] Failed State? Yes, but for other reasons.

2006-06-01 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Failed State? Yes, but for other reasons. By abid ullah jan Published: May 21, 2006   usharraf regime is feeling jittery since the American journal Foreign Policy has put Pakistan in the top ten failing states. Peter Preston called Pakistan a basket case in the Guardian

[IslamCity] Forsake religious parties

2006-06-01 Thread saiyed shahbazi
me sects." Al-Qur'an 30:30. "And be not as those who divided and differed among themselves after the clear proofs had come to them." Al-Qur'an 3:105. "And do not dispute (with one another) lest you lose courage and your strength depart." Al-Qur'an 8:46. 2. A-Qu

[IslamCity] Bangladesh Minister's wife runs fake private university

2006-06-01 Thread saiyed shahbazi
this fake university has cheated hundreds of local students by giving them fake certificates. - INS + Asian Tribune - Source URL: saiyed shahbazi *** {Invite (mankind, O M

[IslamCity] Are We Really Supposed To Hate Non-Muslims? (Part II)

2006-06-02 Thread saiyed shahbazi
As we discussed last time, those who are bent on promoting the "Doctrine of Hatred" cite verse 60:4 and the example of Prophet Abraham (pbuh). Yet, it is clear that this understanding is not valid when the verse is examined in its proper context. Thus, again, I can say truthfully that there is n

[IslamCity] Graves of Prophets and some imp islamic personalities

2006-06-06 Thread saiyed shahbazi
ukhari (r.a.)'s Tomb Abel Bin Adam (a.s.)'s Tomb (first muder victim in the world) saiyed shahbazi __._,_.___ *** {Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with th

[IslamCity] Five Futures for Muslims

2006-06-06 Thread saiyed shahbazi
ional, like father, like son. i.e., religion becomes one choice among many. 20. For an excellent articulation of this, see Johan Galtung, Globalization for Peace and Development. August 2004.(I would like to thank Bob Adams, Lewis Grow and Ivana Milojevic for extensive comments

[IslamCity] Conservative Reform In Contemporary Western Islamic Thought: Tariq Ramadan, A Case Study

2006-06-06 Thread saiyed shahbazi
iq Ramadan? Suivi d’un entretien avec Tariq Ramadan. Paris. [1] He had 8 months of private lessons in Islamic law given by Shaikh Dr. Ali Jum'a who is now Grand Mufti of Egypt,

[IslamCity] Abu Musab al-Zarqawi killed

2006-06-09 Thread saiyed shahbazi
  Iraqi PM: Abu Musab al-Zarqawi killedAP - 4 minutes ago BAGHDAD, Iraq - Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the al-Qaida-linked militant who led a bloody campaign of suicide bombings, kidnappings and hostage beheadings in Iraq, has been killed in a U.S. air raid north of Baghdad, Iraq's prime mi

[IslamCity] sunni path course

2006-06-12 Thread saiyed shahbazi
li al-Jifri's on SunniPath Courses "SunniPath has been unparalleled in its professionalism, academic qualifications, technological aptitude, and most importantly, relevance to the cultural context that characterizes the lives of the majority of Muslims in the West."Hadia Mubar

[IslamCity] What Are The Requirements To Reflect Over the Qur'an?

2006-06-12 Thread saiyed shahbazi
You know, it's funny. I have been told, several times, that I am "not qualified" to make the statements I make about various verses and passages of the Qur'an. I am "not qualified" to do so. Why? What are the qualifications to read the Qur'an? What credentials do I need to possess to make me a "

[IslamCity] Pakistan�s varsity enrolment among world�s lowest

2006-06-12 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Pakistan’s varsity enrolment among world’s lowest Monday, June 05, 2006 By Shahzad Malik ISLAMABAD: Pakistan is ranked amongst the lowest in the world in higher education enrolment, with just 2.9 percent of students enrolled in universities in 2005. According to the Economic Survey of Paki

[IslamCity] Power In Numbers

2006-06-13 Thread saiyed shahbazi
daily life. saiyed shahbazi __._,_.___ *** {Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a w

[IslamCity] What If Jews Destroyed Mosques?

2006-06-13 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Imagine if Jewish settlers in the Gaza Strip destroyed two dozen mosques. There would be mass rallies in front of Israeli embassies around the world, and in America organizations like CAIR and MPAC would issue righteous condemnations calling on the American government to restrain Israel. However

[IslamCity] Indonesia's City of Soul Mourns By Irfan Yusuf

2006-06-13 Thread saiyed shahbazi
oul.Irfan Yusuf is a lawyer and writer based in Sydney, Australia. He is also an occasional lecturer at the School of Politics at Sydney's Macquarie University. He can be contacted at [EMAIL PROTECTED]saiyed shahbazi __._,_.___ ***

[IslamCity] Is The Death Of al-Zarqawi Really Good?

2006-06-13 Thread saiyed shahbazi
To most people, the death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is a good thing. The means the US military employed, however, in terminating him should raise questions in everyone's minds - especially since it appears that six other people, including a woman and child, were killed in the attack.Although claim

[IslamCity] Mogadishu Islamists ban World Cup, spark protests

2006-06-14 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Mogadishu Islamists ban World Cup, spark protests By Mohamed Ali Bile MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Islamist militiamen shot in the air to disperse hundreds of Somalis protesting early on Saturday against moves by sharia courts to stop them watching the World Cup in the capital Mogadishu, residents sa

[IslamCity] Helping young Muslims not to hate

2006-06-15 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Helping young Muslims not to hateOne youth group teaches that all great faiths share non-violent values. By Rushworth M. Kidder CAMDEN, MAINE - The day that Ontario police foiled a bombing plot by 17 mostly young Canadians of South Asian descent, and before Al Qaeda leader Abu Musab al-Zarqa

[IslamCity] kidnapping civilians defy the Islamic code of ethics

2006-06-16 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Anyone who is familiar with the Koran and the traditions of the prophet Muhammad knows that kidnapping civilians and harming them is absolutely prohibited. Those who do kidnap civilians defy the Islamic code of ethics. This ethos applies to every kidnapped civilian, including Jill Carroll, the

[IslamCity] The Prophet Muhammad�s Sandal

2006-06-19 Thread saiyed shahbazi
The Prophet Muhammad’s Sandal There is not a civilization that has loved and celebrated its leader as Islamic civilization has loved and celebrated its Prophet, our master Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace). Love is the strongest of all human attachments, and is the greatest thi

[IslamCity] Why the Taliban appeal to Pakistani youth.

2006-06-19 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Why the Taliban appeal to Pakistani youth. The tribal system that once grounded young people no longer provides enough opportunities. PESHAWAR, PAKISTAN – Imran Gul would like to see a better future for the tribal youth of his corner of Pakistan, but most days he only sees military helicopter

[IslamCity] The Seven Lives of a Madrassah part 2

2006-06-20 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Place, Concord, CA 94521. Dr. Nazeer Ahmed is a thinker, author, writer, legislator and an academician. Professionally he is an Engineer and holds several Patents in Engineering. He is the author of several books; prominent among them is "Islam in Global History."  saiye

[IslamCity] Ten Obligations

2006-06-21 Thread saiyed shahbazi
hunya li-Talibi Tariq al-Haqq)saiyed shahbazi __._,_.___ *** {Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an

[IslamCity] As Barrier Comes Down, a Muslim Split Remains

2006-06-25 Thread saiyed shahbazi
. "Men try to justify it now by creating arguments that are ludicrous, like saying that men back then were more moral," said Mrs. Nawaz, the filmmaker, a 38-year-old mother of four. "This is completely bogus. The men were exactly the same back then when it came to being distracted. T

[IslamCity] Re: Why Music Is Not Haram (answering Aqsa)

2006-06-26 Thread saiyed shahbazi
gs and they will remain so till the Day of Resurrection." wallahu alam Aqsa   saiyed shahbazi < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote   Why Music Is Not Haram The Almighty has created man with the best physical and intellectual abilities. Desi

[IslamCity] Women caught in a more radical Indonesia

2006-07-03 Thread saiyed shahbazi
he is so poor - her husband holds a low-paying job as a gym teacher at an elementary school - that she had sold her cellphone just before her arrest to feed her two teenage children."I have done nothing wrong," she said. saiyed shahbazi __._,_.___ *

[IslamCity] The trouble with Pakistan

2006-07-09 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Delhi that came close to provoking full-scale war between Pakistan and also-nuclear India. What will happen next time?saiyed shahbazi __._,_.___ *** {Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your L

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Role of the Identity Crisis in the muslim world

2007-07-16 Thread saiyed shahbazi
for Islamic Dialogue(IFID) and a senior university Lecturer- London- England saiyed shahbazi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] From Protest To Engagement

2007-08-20 Thread saiyed shahbazi
_uacct = "UA-320819-3"; urchinTracker(); _uacct = "UA-320819-3"; urchinTracker(); saiyed shahbazi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Faith and action

2007-08-26 Thread saiyed shahbazi
hether there is a consensus over certain principles that would regulate our Islamic-based communal activities. We do not need to have consensus about what we do privately. But what we do in the name of Islam publicly, at least we should have some sort of consensus about how it should be done. saiyed shahbazi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Fundamentalism and Authenticity

2007-08-26 Thread saiyed shahbazi
the conditions or underlying assumptions of their beliefs, but many do so following a crisis, an overwhelming challenge or a serious exposure to external influences. saiyed shahbazi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Islamism & Globalisation

2007-09-04 Thread saiyed shahbazi
able to conduct debate and critically question many of the inherited dogmas. This IT-enabled global environment has led to the moderation of many of the extremist views that had been propagated by certain quarters, for transparency always results in limiting undesired actions and thoughts saiyed shahbazi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] A Change in the conception of Muslim women

2007-09-12 Thread saiyed shahbazi
give up their cultural and religious way of dressing has provided a direct challenge to the 'homogenization' process of the so called 'coca cola' culture. As Muslim women we must not only be aware of our own histories but of the historical roots of development. It is on

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Do Muslim Share an Approach on Practicing Islam in Public Life?

2007-09-27 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Angeles - USA saiyed shahbazi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Islam and the politics of humanity

2007-09-30 Thread saiyed shahbazi
paramount focus of the socio-political discourse. S Parvez Manzoor :( PhD) – Author, Writer & Researcher- Stockholm-Sweden saiyed shahbazi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] When is Laylat al-Qadr?

2007-10-06 Thread saiyed shahbazi
the 27th of Ramadan. [As in Ruhaybani’s Matalib Uli’n Nuha Sharh Ghayat al-Muntaha 2.225 in Hanbali fiqh] And Allah alone gives success. Walaikum assalam, Faraz Rabbani. saiyed shahbazi

Bismillah [IslamCity] My Islam: Freedom and Responsibility

2007-10-16 Thread saiyed shahbazi
t;On Faith" panelist and professor of Islamic Studies and Christian-Muslim Relations at Hartford Seminary. She is the first woman to be president of the Islamic Society of North America. saiyed shahbazi

Bismillah [IslamCity] Bin Laden�s new call to arms will lead only to more Muslim-on-Muslim violence

2007-11-03 Thread saiyed shahbazi
t of the victims of jihadi fighters are actually Muslims. For those of us in the Muslim world fed up of the bloody toll of bin Laden's lies, the solution is to highlight, clearly and unequivocally, who bears the brunt of his message. saiyed shahbazi

Bismillah [IslamCity] Islam and Logos

2007-11-07 Thread saiyed shahbazi
His books on spirituality, Living Presence and The Knowing Heart , have been published in at least eight languages. He has toured as Shaikh with the Whirling Dervishes of Turkey, bringing Sufi culture to more than 100,000 people. He is now co-director of an international education project in Islamic education ( saiyed shahbazi

Bismillah [IslamCity] War of words

2007-11-12 Thread saiyed shahbazi
the process - shouldn't be. Zahed Amanullah is associate editor of He is based in London, England saiyed shahbazi

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