posted 11:55am EST Tue Jan 20 2004
submitted by J. Eric Smith 

Those wily grunts in the black helicopters are at it again. No, not
Microsoft's Secret Service Legion, the somewhat-less-fear-inducing
Federal Bureau of Investagation (FBI). According to a weblog posted by
a San Francisco resident, the Effa Bee Eye raided his domicile looking
for a treasure beyond comprehension: the stolen source code to Valve
Software's upcoming blockbuster gaming sequel, Half-Life 2.

The raidee, one Chris Toshok, was rudely awakened by the men in black,
who proceeded to search his apartment for anything relating to Valve
Software and Half-Life 2. When the federal agents left, they took with
them practically every piece of electronic gear owned by Toshok,
including 9 computers, his Xbox, and a Tivo.

Toshok proclaims his innocence, but also admits to being associated
with a group calling itself the "Hungry Programmers." The group is on
the FBI's list as a piracy organization, and has apparently been
linked to other hacking activities in the past.

You can read Toshok's blog[1] on the event if you're so inclined.

UPDATE 4:30 P.M. ET: Forgot to include the following attribution in 
the original posting. Sorry, K.! --ChiefEditor

Thanks to K. Adams for the heads-up, and the link to The Inquirer's 



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