[ISN] Alleged 'SpyEye' Botmaster Ends Up in America, Handcuffs

2013-05-06 Thread InfoSec News
http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2013/05/spyeye-zeus-botmaster-indicted/ By Kim Zetter Threat Level Wired.com 05.03.13 A 24-year-old Algerian man landed in Atlanta, Georgia on Thursday to face federal charges that he hijacked customer accounts at more than 200 banks and financial

[ISN] Defense White Paper Outlines French Cyberwarfare Priorities

2013-05-06 Thread InfoSec News
http://defense-update.com/20130504_france_livre_blanc_cybersecurity.html Defense Update May 4, 2013 France has recently published a white paper on defense, the ‘Livre Blanc’ outlines the priorities planned for the next five years, in the areas of national defense – land, air, maritime and

[ISN] Pentagon Approves Use of Samsung Android and New BlackBerry Devices

2013-05-06 Thread InfoSec News
http://www.nextgov.com/mobile/2013/05/pentagon-approves-use-samsung-android-and-new-blackberry-devices/62951/ By Bob Brewin Nextgov.com May 2, 2013 The Defense Department has approved the Android Knox smartphone made by Samsung and new BlackBerry smartphones and tablets running Enterprise

[ISN] Taiwan needs to speed up work on cyberattack defense

2013-05-06 Thread InfoSec News
http://www.chinapost.com.tw/editorial/taiwan-issues/2013/05/05/377754/Taiwan-needs.htm The China Post news staff May 5, 2013 In an ever-growing virtual world, cyberwarfare is likely to overshadow ground wars in the near future. A recent example of the growing importance of cyberwar is seen in

[ISN] Internet Explorer zero-day exploit targets nuclear weapons researchers (Updated)

2013-05-06 Thread InfoSec News
http://arstechnica.com/security/2013/05/internet-explorer-zero-day-exploit-targets-nuclear-weapons-researchers/ By Dan Goodin Ars Technica May 3 2013 Attackers exploited a previously unknown and currently unpatched security bug in Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser to surreptitiously

[ISN] Metasploit Module Released For IE Zero-Day Flaw Used In Labor Attack

2013-05-06 Thread InfoSec News
http://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/metasploit-module-released-for-ie-zero-d/240154190 By Kelly Jackson Higgins Dark Reading May 06, 2013 A targeted attack discovered last week serving up malware from the U.S. Department of Labor's (DOL) website employed a previously unknown

[ISN] Syrian Hackers Strike

2013-05-06 Thread InfoSec News
http://freebeacon.com/syrian-hackers-strike/ By Adam Kredo Washington Free Beacon May 6, 2013 A hacker group known as the Syrian Electronic Army (SEA) claims to have “penetrated” one of Israel’s central Internet infrastructure systems in Haifa in response to an Israeli attack over the weekend

[ISN] U.S. Says China's Government, Military Used Cyberespionage

2013-05-06 Thread InfoSec News
http://online.wsj.com/article_email/SB10001424127887323687604578467442670389684-lMyQjAxMTAzMDAwNjEwNDYyWj.html By Julian E. Barnes The Wall Street Journal May 6, 2013 WASHINGTON - The Chinese government has targeted U.S. government computer systems for intrusion, the Pentagon said Monday in a

[ISN] Amid a barrage of password breaches, honeywords to the rescue

2013-05-06 Thread InfoSec News
http://arstechnica.com/security/2013/05/amid-a-barrage-of-password-breaches-honeywords-to-the-rescue/ By Dan Goodin Ars Technica May 6 2013 Security experts have proposed a simple way for websites to better secure highly sensitive databases used to store user passwords: the creation of false

[ISN] Ruxcon 2013 Call For Papers

2013-05-06 Thread InfoSec News
Forwarded from: cfp (at) ruxcon.org.au Ruxcon 2013 Call For Presentations Melbourne, Australia, October 26th-27th CQ Function Centre http://www.ruxcon.org.au/call-for-papers/ The Ruxcon team is pleased to announce the Call For Presentations for Ruxcon 2013. This year the conference will