
Devin Jia updated HAWQ-1117:
after i upgrade hawq to 2.0.1 and build, the hawq cluster can't start.
1.configure and build:
./configure --prefix=/opt/hawq-build --enable-depend --enable-cassert 
make && make install

2. start error:
[gpadmin@hmaster pg_log]$ more 
2016-10-20 13:30:56.549712 
CST,"gpadmin","template1",p3279,th-266811104,"[local]",,2016-10-20 13:30:56 
CST,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","57P03","the database system is in recovery 
2016-10-20 13:30:56.556630 
CST,,,p3280,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","database system 
was interrupted at 2016-10-20 13:22:51 CST",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",6229,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.558414 
CST,,,p3280,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","checkpoint record 
is at 0/857ED8",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",6306,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.558464 
CST,,,p3280,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","redo record is at 
0/857ED8; undo record is at 0/0; shutdown TRUE",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",6340,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.558495 
CST,,,p3280,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","next transaction 
ID: 0/963; next OID: 10896",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",6344,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.558522 
CST,,,p3280,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","next MultiXactId: 
1; next MultiXactOffset: 0",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",6347,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.558559 
CST,,,p3280,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","database system 
was not properly shut down; automatic recovery in 
2016-10-20 13:30:56.563303 
CST,,,p3280,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","record with zero 
length at 0/857F28",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",4110,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.563348 
CST,,,p3280,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","no record for redo 
after checkpoint, skip redo and proceed for recovery 
2016-10-20 13:30:56.563411 
CST,,,p3280,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","end of transaction 
log location is 0/857F28",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",6584,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.568795 
CST,,,p3280,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","Finished startup 
pass 1.  Proceeding to startup crash recovery passes 2 and 
2016-10-20 13:30:56.580641 
CST,,,p3281,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","Finished startup 
crash recovery pass 2",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",6989,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.595325 
CST,,,p3282,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","recovery restart 
point at 0/857ED8",,,,,"xlog redo checkpoint: redo 0/857ED8; undo 0/0; tli 1; 
xid 0/
963; oid 10896; multi 1; offset 0; shutdown
REDO PASS 3 @ 0/857ED8; LSN 0/857F28: prev 0/857E88; xid 0: XLOG - checkpoint: 
redo 0/857ED8; undo 0/0; tli 1; xid 0/963; oid 10896; multi 1; offset 0; 
2016-10-20 13:30:56.595390 
CST,,,p3282,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","record with zero 
length at 0/857F28",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",4110,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.595477 
CST,,,p3282,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","Oldest active 
transaction from prepared transactions 963",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",5998,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.603266 
CST,,,p3282,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","database system is 
2016-10-20 13:30:56.603314 
CST,,,p3282,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","PostgreSQL 8.2.15 
(Greenplum Database 4.2.0 build 1) (HAWQ build dev) on 
-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 4.8.2 20140120 (Red Hat 4.8.2-15) compiled on 
Oct 20 2016 12:27:04 (with assert checking)",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",6034,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.607520 
CST,,,p3282,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","Finished startup 
crash recovery pass 3",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",7133,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.632316 
CST,,,p3283,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","Finished startup 
integrity checking",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",7161,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.645485 
manager starts accepting resource request. Listening normal socket port 5437. 
Total list
ened 1 FDs.",,,,,,,0,,"resourcemanager.c",2495,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.645622 
CST,,,p3277,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","Wait for HAWQ RM 
2016-10-20 13:30:56.645632 
CST,,,p3277,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","HAWQ :: Received 
signal notification that HAWQ RM works now.",,,,,,,0,,"resourcemanager.c",429,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.645645 
CST,,,p3277,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","PostgreSQL 8.2.15 
(Greenplum Database 4.2.0 build 1) (HAWQ build dev) on 
-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 4.8.2 20140120 (Red Hat 4.8.2-15) compiled on 
Oct 20 2016 12:27:47 (with assert checking)",,,,,,,0,,"postmaster.c",3694,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.645654 
CST,,,p3277,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","database system is 
ready to accept connections","PostgreSQL 8.2.15 (Greenplum Database 4.2.0 build 
 (HAWQ build dev) on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc 
(GCC) 4.8.2 20140120 (Red Hat 4.8.2-15) compiled on Oct 20 2016 12:27:47 (with 
assert checking)",,,,,,0,,"postmast
2016-10-20 13:30:56.647413 
CST,"gpadmin","template1",p3291,th-266811104,"[local]",,2016-10-20 13:30:56 
CST,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","42601","invalid command-line arguments for 
server proce
ss",,"Try ""postgres --help"" for more information.",,,,,0,,"postgres.c",4326,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.647501 
CST,,,p3290,th-266811104,,,,0,con4,,seg-10000,,,,,"WARNING","01000","Fail to 
connect database when cleanup segment configuration catalog table, error code: 
1, FAT
AL:  invalid command-line arguments for server process","HINT:  Try ""postgres 
--help"" for more information.",,,,,,0,,"resourcepool.c",418,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.648990 
CST,"gpadmin","template1",p3292,th-266811104,"[local]",,2016-10-20 13:30:56 
CST,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","42601","invalid command-line arguments for 
server proce
ss",,"Try ""postgres --help"" for more information.",,,,,0,,"postgres.c",4326,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.650024 
CST,,,p3290,th-266811104,,,,0,con4,,seg-10000,,,,,"WARNING","01000","Fail to 
connect database when cleanup segment history catalog table, error code: 1, 
nvalid command-line arguments for server process","HINT:  Try ""postgres 
--help"" for more information.",,,,,,0,,"resourcepool.c",486,
{color:red}2016-10-20 13:30:56.651081 
CST,"gpadmin","template1",p3293,th-266811104,"[local]",,2016-10-20 13:30:56 
CST,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","42601","invalid command-line arguments for 
server proce
ss",,"Try ""postgres --help"" for more information.",,,,,0,,"postgres.c",4326,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.651301 
CST,,,p3290,th-266811104,,,,0,con4,,seg-10000,,,,,"WARNING","01000","Fail to 
connect database when add a new row into segment configuration catalog table, 
error c
ode: 1, FATAL:  invalid command-line arguments for server process","HINT:  Try 
""postgres --help"" for more information.",,,,,,0,,"resourcepool.c",821,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.652237 
CST,"gpadmin","template1",p3294,th-266811104,"[local]",,2016-10-20 13:30:56 
CST,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","42601","invalid command-line arguments for 
server proce
ss",,"Try ""postgres --help"" for more information.",,,,,0,,"postgres.c",4326,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.652626 
manager failed to connect database when loadingrole specifications from 
pg_authid, e
rror code 1, reason: FATAL:  invalid command-line arguments for server 
process","HINT:  Try ""postgres --help"" for more 
2016-10-20 13:30:56.652642 
CST,,,p3290,th-266811104,,,,0,con4,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","Fail to load 
queue and user definition.",,,,,,,0,,"resourcemanager.c",1130,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.740128 
CST,,,p3290,th-266811104,,,,0,con4,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","XX000","Fail to load 
queue and user definition. (resourcemanager.c:496)",,"Process 3290 will wait 
for g
p_debug_linger=120 seconds before termination.
Note that its locks and other resources will not be released until 
then.",,,,,0,,"resourcemanager.c",496,"Stack trace:
1    0x9bf143 postgres errstart + 0x39f
2    0x9c16e4 postgres elog_finish + 0x119
3    0xa7c91c postgres ResManagerMainServer2ndPhase + 0x1c1
4    0xa7c436 postgres ResManagerMain + 0x567
5    0xa7c63e postgres ResManagerProcessStartup + 0x162
6    0x8834a3 postgres <symbol not found> + 0x8834a3
7    0x883e9c postgres <symbol not found> + 0x883e9c
8    0x8802a5 postgres <symbol not found> + 0x8802a5
9    0x87f35f postgres PostmasterMain + 0xf50
10   0x79ccab postgres main + 0x367
11   0x3b7781ed5d libc.so.6 __libc_start_main + 0xfd
12   0x4bcb59 postgres <symbol not found> + 0x4bcb59
2016-10-20 13:30:57.556199 
CST,"gpadmin","template1",p3297,th-266811104,"[local]",,2016-10-20 13:30:57 
CST,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","42601","invalid command-line arguments for 
server proce
ss",,"Try ""postgres --help"" for more information.",,,,,0,,"postgres.c",4326,
2016-10-20 13:30:58.562193 
CST,"gpadmin","template1",p3298,th-266811104,"[local]",,2016-10-20 13:30:58 
CST,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","42601","invalid command-line arguments for 
server proce
ss",,"Try ""postgres --help"" for more information.",,,,,0,,"postgres.c",4326,
2016-10-20 13:30:59.569291 
CST,"gpadmin","template1",p3299,th-266811104,"[local]",,2016-10-20 13:30:59 
CST,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","42601","invalid command-line arguments for 
server proce
ss",,"Try ""postgres --help"" for more information.",,,,,0,,"postgres.c",4326,
2016-10-20 13:31:00.575481 
CST,"gpadmin","template1",p3300,th-266811104,"[local]",,2016-10-20 13:31:00 
CST,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","42601","invalid command-line arguments for 
server proce
ss",,"Try ""postgres --help"" for more information.",,,,,0,,"postgres.c",4326,
2016-10-20 13:31:01.581725 
CST,"gpadmin","template1",p3301,th-266811104,"[local]",,2016-10-20 13:31:01 
CST,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","42601","invalid command-line arguments for 
server proce
ss",,"Try ""postgres --help"" for more information.",,,,,0,,"postgres.c",4326,
2016-10-20 13:31:02.592724 
CST,"gpadmin","template1",p3302,th-266811104,"[local]",,2016-10-20 13:31:02 
CST,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","42601","invalid command-line arguments for 
server proce
ss",,"Try ""postgres --help"" for more information.",,,,,0,,"postgres.c",4326,
2016-10-20 13:31:03.599184 
CST,"gpadmin","template1",p3303,th-266811104,"[local]",,2016-10-20 13:31:03 
CST,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","42601","invalid command-line arguments for 
server proce
ss",,"Try ""postgres --help"" for more information.",,,,,0,,"postgres.c",4326,

3.the os process list

[gpadmin@hmaster pg_log]$ ps -ef|grep postgres
gpadmin    3277      1  0 13:30 ?        00:00:01 /opt/hawq-build/bin/postgres 
-D /home/gpadmin/hawq-data-directory/masterdd -i -M master -p 5432 
gpadmin    3278   3277  0 13:30 ?        00:00:00 postgres: port  5432, master 
logger process                                                                  
gpadmin    3284   3277  0 13:30 ?        00:00:00 postgres: port  5432, stats 
collector process                                                               
gpadmin    3285   3277  0 13:30 ?        00:00:00 postgres: port  5432, writer 
gpadmin    3286   3277  0 13:30 ?        00:00:00 postgres: port  5432, 
checkpoint process                                                              
gpadmin    3287   3277  0 13:30 ?        00:00:00 postgres: port  5432, 
seqserver process                                                               
gpadmin    3288   3277  0 13:30 ?        00:00:00 postgres: port  5432, WAL 
Send Server process                                                             
gpadmin    3289   3277  0 13:30 ?        00:00:00 postgres: port  5432, DFS 
Metadata Cache process                                                          
{color:red}gpadmin    3797   3277  0 13:38 ?        00:00:00 postgres: port  
5432, master resource manager        con8 error exit in 0m 25s                  
gpadmin    3905   3215  0 13:40 pts/0    00:00:00 grep postgres

after i upgrade hawq to 2.0.1 and build, the hawq cluster can't start.
1.configure and build:
./configure --prefix=/opt/hawq-build --enable-depend --enable-cassert 
make && make install

2. start error:
[gpadmin@hmaster pg_log]$ more 
2016-10-20 13:30:56.549712 
CST,"gpadmin","template1",p3279,th-266811104,"[local]",,2016-10-20 13:30:56 
CST,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","57P03","the database system is in recovery 
2016-10-20 13:30:56.556630 
CST,,,p3280,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","database system 
was interrupted at 2016-10-20 13:22:51 CST",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",6229,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.558414 
CST,,,p3280,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","checkpoint record 
is at 0/857ED8",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",6306,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.558464 
CST,,,p3280,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","redo record is at 
0/857ED8; undo record is at 0/0; shutdown TRUE",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",6340,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.558495 
CST,,,p3280,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","next transaction 
ID: 0/963; next OID: 10896",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",6344,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.558522 
CST,,,p3280,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","next MultiXactId: 
1; next MultiXactOffset: 0",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",6347,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.558559 
CST,,,p3280,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","database system 
was not properly shut down; automatic recovery in 
2016-10-20 13:30:56.563303 
CST,,,p3280,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","record with zero 
length at 0/857F28",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",4110,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.563348 
CST,,,p3280,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","no record for redo 
after checkpoint, skip redo and proceed for recovery 
2016-10-20 13:30:56.563411 
CST,,,p3280,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","end of transaction 
log location is 0/857F28",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",6584,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.568795 
CST,,,p3280,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","Finished startup 
pass 1.  Proceeding to startup crash recovery passes 2 and 
2016-10-20 13:30:56.580641 
CST,,,p3281,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","Finished startup 
crash recovery pass 2",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",6989,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.595325 
CST,,,p3282,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","recovery restart 
point at 0/857ED8",,,,,"xlog redo checkpoint: redo 0/857ED8; undo 0/0; tli 1; 
xid 0/
963; oid 10896; multi 1; offset 0; shutdown
REDO PASS 3 @ 0/857ED8; LSN 0/857F28: prev 0/857E88; xid 0: XLOG - checkpoint: 
redo 0/857ED8; undo 0/0; tli 1; xid 0/963; oid 10896; multi 1; offset 0; 
2016-10-20 13:30:56.595390 
CST,,,p3282,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","record with zero 
length at 0/857F28",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",4110,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.595477 
CST,,,p3282,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","Oldest active 
transaction from prepared transactions 963",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",5998,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.603266 
CST,,,p3282,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","database system is 
2016-10-20 13:30:56.603314 
CST,,,p3282,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","PostgreSQL 8.2.15 
(Greenplum Database 4.2.0 build 1) (HAWQ build dev) on 
-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 4.8.2 20140120 (Red Hat 4.8.2-15) compiled on 
Oct 20 2016 12:27:04 (with assert checking)",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",6034,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.607520 
CST,,,p3282,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","Finished startup 
crash recovery pass 3",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",7133,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.632316 
CST,,,p3283,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","Finished startup 
integrity checking",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",7161,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.645485 
manager starts accepting resource request. Listening normal socket port 5437. 
Total list
ened 1 FDs.",,,,,,,0,,"resourcemanager.c",2495,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.645622 
CST,,,p3277,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","Wait for HAWQ RM 
2016-10-20 13:30:56.645632 
CST,,,p3277,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","HAWQ :: Received 
signal notification that HAWQ RM works now.",,,,,,,0,,"resourcemanager.c",429,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.645645 
CST,,,p3277,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","PostgreSQL 8.2.15 
(Greenplum Database 4.2.0 build 1) (HAWQ build dev) on 
-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 4.8.2 20140120 (Red Hat 4.8.2-15) compiled on 
Oct 20 2016 12:27:47 (with assert checking)",,,,,,,0,,"postmaster.c",3694,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.645654 
CST,,,p3277,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","database system is 
ready to accept connections","PostgreSQL 8.2.15 (Greenplum Database 4.2.0 build 
 (HAWQ build dev) on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc 
(GCC) 4.8.2 20140120 (Red Hat 4.8.2-15) compiled on Oct 20 2016 12:27:47 (with 
assert checking)",,,,,,0,,"postmast
2016-10-20 13:30:56.647413 
CST,"gpadmin","template1",p3291,th-266811104,"[local]",,2016-10-20 13:30:56 
CST,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","42601","invalid command-line arguments for 
server proce
ss",,"Try ""postgres --help"" for more information.",,,,,0,,"postgres.c",4326,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.647501 
CST,,,p3290,th-266811104,,,,0,con4,,seg-10000,,,,,"WARNING","01000","Fail to 
connect database when cleanup segment configuration catalog table, error code: 
1, FAT
AL:  invalid command-line arguments for server process","HINT:  Try ""postgres 
--help"" for more information.",,,,,,0,,"resourcepool.c",418,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.648990 
CST,"gpadmin","template1",p3292,th-266811104,"[local]",,2016-10-20 13:30:56 
CST,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","42601","invalid command-line arguments for 
server proce
ss",,"Try ""postgres --help"" for more information.",,,,,0,,"postgres.c",4326,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.650024 
CST,,,p3290,th-266811104,,,,0,con4,,seg-10000,,,,,"WARNING","01000","Fail to 
connect database when cleanup segment history catalog table, error code: 1, 
nvalid command-line arguments for server process","HINT:  Try ""postgres 
--help"" for more information.",,,,,,0,,"resourcepool.c",486,
{color:red}2016-10-20 13:30:56.651081 
CST,"gpadmin","template1",p3293,th-266811104,"[local]",,2016-10-20 13:30:56 
CST,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","42601","invalid command-line arguments for 
server proce
ss",,"Try ""postgres --help"" for more information.",,,,,0,,"postgres.c",4326,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.651301 
CST,,,p3290,th-266811104,,,,0,con4,,seg-10000,,,,,"WARNING","01000","Fail to 
connect database when add a new row into segment configuration catalog table, 
error c
ode: 1, FATAL:  invalid command-line arguments for server process","HINT:  Try 
""postgres --help"" for more information.",,,,,,0,,"resourcepool.c",821,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.652237 
CST,"gpadmin","template1",p3294,th-266811104,"[local]",,2016-10-20 13:30:56 
CST,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","42601","invalid command-line arguments for 
server proce
ss",,"Try ""postgres --help"" for more information.",,,,,0,,"postgres.c",4326,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.652626 
manager failed to connect database when loadingrole specifications from 
pg_authid, e
rror code 1, reason: FATAL:  invalid command-line arguments for server 
process","HINT:  Try ""postgres --help"" for more 
2016-10-20 13:30:56.652642 
CST,,,p3290,th-266811104,,,,0,con4,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","Fail to load 
queue and user definition.",,,,,,,0,,"resourcemanager.c",1130,
2016-10-20 13:30:56.740128 
CST,,,p3290,th-266811104,,,,0,con4,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","XX000","Fail to load 
queue and user definition. (resourcemanager.c:496)",,"Process 3290 will wait 
for g
p_debug_linger=120 seconds before termination.
Note that its locks and other resources will not be released until 
then.",,,,,0,,"resourcemanager.c",496,"Stack trace:
1    0x9bf143 postgres errstart + 0x39f
2    0x9c16e4 postgres elog_finish + 0x119
3    0xa7c91c postgres ResManagerMainServer2ndPhase + 0x1c1
4    0xa7c436 postgres ResManagerMain + 0x567
5    0xa7c63e postgres ResManagerProcessStartup + 0x162
6    0x8834a3 postgres <symbol not found> + 0x8834a3
7    0x883e9c postgres <symbol not found> + 0x883e9c
8    0x8802a5 postgres <symbol not found> + 0x8802a5
9    0x87f35f postgres PostmasterMain + 0xf50
10   0x79ccab postgres main + 0x367
11   0x3b7781ed5d libc.so.6 __libc_start_main + 0xfd
12   0x4bcb59 postgres <symbol not found> + 0x4bcb59
2016-10-20 13:30:57.556199 
CST,"gpadmin","template1",p3297,th-266811104,"[local]",,2016-10-20 13:30:57 
CST,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","42601","invalid command-line arguments for 
server proce
ss",,"Try ""postgres --help"" for more information.",,,,,0,,"postgres.c",4326,
2016-10-20 13:30:58.562193 
CST,"gpadmin","template1",p3298,th-266811104,"[local]",,2016-10-20 13:30:58 
CST,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","42601","invalid command-line arguments for 
server proce
ss",,"Try ""postgres --help"" for more information.",,,,,0,,"postgres.c",4326,
2016-10-20 13:30:59.569291 
CST,"gpadmin","template1",p3299,th-266811104,"[local]",,2016-10-20 13:30:59 
CST,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","42601","invalid command-line arguments for 
server proce
ss",,"Try ""postgres --help"" for more information.",,,,,0,,"postgres.c",4326,
2016-10-20 13:31:00.575481 
CST,"gpadmin","template1",p3300,th-266811104,"[local]",,2016-10-20 13:31:00 
CST,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","42601","invalid command-line arguments for 
server proce
ss",,"Try ""postgres --help"" for more information.",,,,,0,,"postgres.c",4326,
2016-10-20 13:31:01.581725 
CST,"gpadmin","template1",p3301,th-266811104,"[local]",,2016-10-20 13:31:01 
CST,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","42601","invalid command-line arguments for 
server proce
ss",,"Try ""postgres --help"" for more information.",,,,,0,,"postgres.c",4326,
2016-10-20 13:31:02.592724 
CST,"gpadmin","template1",p3302,th-266811104,"[local]",,2016-10-20 13:31:02 
CST,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","42601","invalid command-line arguments for 
server proce
ss",,"Try ""postgres --help"" for more information.",,,,,0,,"postgres.c",4326,
2016-10-20 13:31:03.599184 
CST,"gpadmin","template1",p3303,th-266811104,"[local]",,2016-10-20 13:31:03 
CST,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","42601","invalid command-line arguments for 
server proce
ss",,"Try ""postgres --help"" for more information.",,,,,0,,"postgres.c",4326,

3.the os process list

[gpadmin@hmaster pg_log]$ ps -ef|grep postgres
gpadmin    3277      1  0 13:30 ?        00:00:01 /opt/hawq-build/bin/postgres 
-D /home/gpadmin/hawq-data-directory/masterdd -i -M master -p 5432 
gpadmin    3278   3277  0 13:30 ?        00:00:00 postgres: port  5432, master 
logger process                                                                  
gpadmin    3284   3277  0 13:30 ?        00:00:00 postgres: port  5432, stats 
collector process                                                               
gpadmin    3285   3277  0 13:30 ?        00:00:00 postgres: port  5432, writer 
gpadmin    3286   3277  0 13:30 ?        00:00:00 postgres: port  5432, 
checkpoint process                                                              
gpadmin    3287   3277  0 13:30 ?        00:00:00 postgres: port  5432, 
seqserver process                                                               
gpadmin    3288   3277  0 13:30 ?        00:00:00 postgres: port  5432, WAL 
Send Server process                                                             
gpadmin    3289   3277  0 13:30 ?        00:00:00 postgres: port  5432, DFS 
Metadata Cache process                                                          
gpadmin    3797   3277  0 13:38 ?        00:00:00 postgres: port  5432, master 
resource manager        con8 error exit in 0m 25s                               
gpadmin    3905   3215  0 13:40 pts/0    00:00:00 grep postgres

> can't start hawq  cluster
> -------------------------
>                 Key: HAWQ-1117
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HAWQ-1117
>             Project: Apache HAWQ
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Core
>            Reporter: Devin Jia
>            Assignee: Lei Chang
> after i upgrade hawq to 2.0.1 and build, the hawq cluster can't start.
> 1.configure and build:
> {quote}
> ./configure --prefix=/opt/hawq-build --enable-depend --enable-cassert 
> --enable-debug
> make && make install
> {quote}
> 2. start error:
> {quote}
> [gpadmin@hmaster pg_log]$ more 
> /home/gpadmin/hawq-data-directory/masterdd/pg_log/hawq-2016-10-20_133056.csv 
> 2016-10-20 13:30:56.549712 
> CST,"gpadmin","template1",p3279,th-266811104,"[local]",,2016-10-20 13:30:56 
> CST,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","57P03","the database system is in recovery 
> mode",,,,,,,
> 0,,"postmaster.c",2656,
> 2016-10-20 13:30:56.556630 
> CST,,,p3280,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","database system 
> was interrupted at 2016-10-20 13:22:51 CST",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",6229,
> 2016-10-20 13:30:56.558414 
> CST,,,p3280,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","checkpoint 
> record is at 0/857ED8",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",6306,
> 2016-10-20 13:30:56.558464 
> CST,,,p3280,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","redo record is 
> at 0/857ED8; undo record is at 0/0; shutdown TRUE",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",6340,
> 2016-10-20 13:30:56.558495 
> CST,,,p3280,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","next transaction 
> ID: 0/963; next OID: 10896",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",6344,
> 2016-10-20 13:30:56.558522 
> CST,,,p3280,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","next 
> MultiXactId: 1; next MultiXactOffset: 0",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",6347,
> 2016-10-20 13:30:56.558559 
> CST,,,p3280,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","database system 
> was not properly shut down; automatic recovery in 
> progress",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",6436,
> 2016-10-20 13:30:56.563303 
> CST,,,p3280,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","record with zero 
> length at 0/857F28",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",4110,
> 2016-10-20 13:30:56.563348 
> CST,,,p3280,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","no record for 
> redo after checkpoint, skip redo and proceed for recovery 
> pass",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",6500,
> 2016-10-20 13:30:56.563411 
> CST,,,p3280,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","end of 
> transaction log location is 0/857F28",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",6584,
> 2016-10-20 13:30:56.568795 
> CST,,,p3280,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","Finished startup 
> pass 1.  Proceeding to startup crash recovery passes 2 and 
> 3.",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",681
> 8,
> 2016-10-20 13:30:56.580641 
> CST,,,p3281,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","Finished startup 
> crash recovery pass 2",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",6989,
> 2016-10-20 13:30:56.595325 
> CST,,,p3282,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","recovery restart 
> point at 0/857ED8",,,,,"xlog redo checkpoint: redo 0/857ED8; undo 0/0; tli 1; 
> xid 0/
> 963; oid 10896; multi 1; offset 0; shutdown
> REDO PASS 3 @ 0/857ED8; LSN 0/857F28: prev 0/857E88; xid 0: XLOG - 
> checkpoint: redo 0/857ED8; undo 0/0; tli 1; xid 0/963; oid 10896; multi 1; 
> offset 0; shutdown",,0,,"xlog.c",8331,
> 2016-10-20 13:30:56.595390 
> CST,,,p3282,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","record with zero 
> length at 0/857F28",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",4110,
> 2016-10-20 13:30:56.595477 
> CST,,,p3282,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","Oldest active 
> transaction from prepared transactions 963",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",5998,
> 2016-10-20 13:30:56.603266 
> CST,,,p3282,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","database system 
> is ready",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",6024,
> 2016-10-20 13:30:56.603314 
> CST,,,p3282,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","PostgreSQL 
> 8.2.15 (Greenplum Database 4.2.0 build 1) (HAWQ build dev) on 
> x86_64-unknown-linux
> -gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 4.8.2 20140120 (Red Hat 4.8.2-15) compiled on 
> Oct 20 2016 12:27:04 (with assert checking)",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",6034,
> 2016-10-20 13:30:56.607520 
> CST,,,p3282,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","Finished startup 
> crash recovery pass 3",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",7133,
> 2016-10-20 13:30:56.632316 
> CST,,,p3283,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","Finished startup 
> integrity checking",,,,,,,0,,"xlog.c",7161,
> 2016-10-20 13:30:56.645485 
> CST,,,p3290,th-266811104,,,,0,con4,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","Resource 
> manager starts accepting resource request. Listening normal socket port 5437. 
> Total list
> ened 1 FDs.",,,,,,,0,,"resourcemanager.c",2495,
> 2016-10-20 13:30:56.645622 
> CST,,,p3277,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","Wait for HAWQ RM 
> -1",,,,,,,0,,"resourcemanager.c",421,
> 2016-10-20 13:30:56.645632 
> CST,,,p3277,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","HAWQ :: Received 
> signal notification that HAWQ RM works now.",,,,,,,0,,"resourcemanager.c",429,
> 2016-10-20 13:30:56.645645 
> CST,,,p3277,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","PostgreSQL 
> 8.2.15 (Greenplum Database 4.2.0 build 1) (HAWQ build dev) on 
> x86_64-unknown-linux
> -gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 4.8.2 20140120 (Red Hat 4.8.2-15) compiled on 
> Oct 20 2016 12:27:47 (with assert checking)",,,,,,,0,,"postmaster.c",3694,
> 2016-10-20 13:30:56.645654 
> CST,,,p3277,th-266811104,,,,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","database system 
> is ready to accept connections","PostgreSQL 8.2.15 (Greenplum Database 4.2.0 
> build 1)
>  (HAWQ build dev) on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc 
> (GCC) 4.8.2 20140120 (Red Hat 4.8.2-15) compiled on Oct 20 2016 12:27:47 
> (with assert checking)",,,,,,0,,"postmast
> er.c",3701,
> 2016-10-20 13:30:56.647413 
> CST,"gpadmin","template1",p3291,th-266811104,"[local]",,2016-10-20 13:30:56 
> CST,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","42601","invalid command-line arguments for 
> server proce
> ss",,"Try ""postgres --help"" for more information.",,,,,0,,"postgres.c",4326,
> 2016-10-20 13:30:56.647501 
> CST,,,p3290,th-266811104,,,,0,con4,,seg-10000,,,,,"WARNING","01000","Fail to 
> connect database when cleanup segment configuration catalog table, error 
> code: 1, FAT
> AL:  invalid command-line arguments for server process","HINT:  Try 
> ""postgres --help"" for more information.",,,,,,0,,"resourcepool.c",418,
> 2016-10-20 13:30:56.648990 
> CST,"gpadmin","template1",p3292,th-266811104,"[local]",,2016-10-20 13:30:56 
> CST,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","42601","invalid command-line arguments for 
> server proce
> ss",,"Try ""postgres --help"" for more information.",,,,,0,,"postgres.c",4326,
> 2016-10-20 13:30:56.650024 
> CST,,,p3290,th-266811104,,,,0,con4,,seg-10000,,,,,"WARNING","01000","Fail to 
> connect database when cleanup segment history catalog table, error code: 1, 
> FATAL:  i
> nvalid command-line arguments for server process","HINT:  Try ""postgres 
> --help"" for more information.",,,,,,0,,"resourcepool.c",486,
> {color:red}2016-10-20 13:30:56.651081 
> CST,"gpadmin","template1",p3293,th-266811104,"[local]",,2016-10-20 13:30:56 
> CST,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","42601","invalid command-line arguments for 
> server proce
> ss",,"Try ""postgres --help"" for more information.",,,,,0,,"postgres.c",4326,
> {color}
> 2016-10-20 13:30:56.651301 
> CST,,,p3290,th-266811104,,,,0,con4,,seg-10000,,,,,"WARNING","01000","Fail to 
> connect database when add a new row into segment configuration catalog table, 
> error c
> ode: 1, FATAL:  invalid command-line arguments for server process","HINT:  
> Try ""postgres --help"" for more information.",,,,,,0,,"resourcepool.c",821,
> 2016-10-20 13:30:56.652237 
> CST,"gpadmin","template1",p3294,th-266811104,"[local]",,2016-10-20 13:30:56 
> CST,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","42601","invalid command-line arguments for 
> server proce
> ss",,"Try ""postgres --help"" for more information.",,,,,0,,"postgres.c",4326,
> 2016-10-20 13:30:56.652626 
> CST,,,p3290,th-266811104,,,,0,con4,,seg-10000,,,,,"WARNING","01000","Resource 
> manager failed to connect database when loadingrole specifications from 
> pg_authid, e
> rror code 1, reason: FATAL:  invalid command-line arguments for server 
> process","HINT:  Try ""postgres --help"" for more 
> information.",,,,,,0,,"resourcemanager.c",1168,
> 2016-10-20 13:30:56.652642 
> CST,,,p3290,th-266811104,,,,0,con4,,seg-10000,,,,,"LOG","00000","Fail to load 
> queue and user definition.",,,,,,,0,,"resourcemanager.c",1130,
> 2016-10-20 13:30:56.740128 
> CST,,,p3290,th-266811104,,,,0,con4,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","XX000","Fail to 
> load queue and user definition. (resourcemanager.c:496)",,"Process 3290 will 
> wait for g
> p_debug_linger=120 seconds before termination.
> Note that its locks and other resources will not be released until 
> then.",,,,,0,,"resourcemanager.c",496,"Stack trace:
> 1    0x9bf143 postgres errstart + 0x39f
> 2    0x9c16e4 postgres elog_finish + 0x119
> 3    0xa7c91c postgres ResManagerMainServer2ndPhase + 0x1c1
> 4    0xa7c436 postgres ResManagerMain + 0x567
> 5    0xa7c63e postgres ResManagerProcessStartup + 0x162
> 6    0x8834a3 postgres <symbol not found> + 0x8834a3
> 7    0x883e9c postgres <symbol not found> + 0x883e9c
> 8    0x8802a5 postgres <symbol not found> + 0x8802a5
> 9    0x87f35f postgres PostmasterMain + 0xf50
> 10   0x79ccab postgres main + 0x367
> 11   0x3b7781ed5d libc.so.6 __libc_start_main + 0xfd
> 12   0x4bcb59 postgres <symbol not found> + 0x4bcb59
> "
> 2016-10-20 13:30:57.556199 
> CST,"gpadmin","template1",p3297,th-266811104,"[local]",,2016-10-20 13:30:57 
> CST,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","42601","invalid command-line arguments for 
> server proce
> ss",,"Try ""postgres --help"" for more information.",,,,,0,,"postgres.c",4326,
> 2016-10-20 13:30:58.562193 
> CST,"gpadmin","template1",p3298,th-266811104,"[local]",,2016-10-20 13:30:58 
> CST,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","42601","invalid command-line arguments for 
> server proce
> ss",,"Try ""postgres --help"" for more information.",,,,,0,,"postgres.c",4326,
> 2016-10-20 13:30:59.569291 
> CST,"gpadmin","template1",p3299,th-266811104,"[local]",,2016-10-20 13:30:59 
> CST,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","42601","invalid command-line arguments for 
> server proce
> ss",,"Try ""postgres --help"" for more information.",,,,,0,,"postgres.c",4326,
> 2016-10-20 13:31:00.575481 
> CST,"gpadmin","template1",p3300,th-266811104,"[local]",,2016-10-20 13:31:00 
> CST,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","42601","invalid command-line arguments for 
> server proce
> ss",,"Try ""postgres --help"" for more information.",,,,,0,,"postgres.c",4326,
> 2016-10-20 13:31:01.581725 
> CST,"gpadmin","template1",p3301,th-266811104,"[local]",,2016-10-20 13:31:01 
> CST,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","42601","invalid command-line arguments for 
> server proce
> ss",,"Try ""postgres --help"" for more information.",,,,,0,,"postgres.c",4326,
> 2016-10-20 13:31:02.592724 
> CST,"gpadmin","template1",p3302,th-266811104,"[local]",,2016-10-20 13:31:02 
> CST,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","42601","invalid command-line arguments for 
> server proce
> ss",,"Try ""postgres --help"" for more information.",,,,,0,,"postgres.c",4326,
> 2016-10-20 13:31:03.599184 
> CST,"gpadmin","template1",p3303,th-266811104,"[local]",,2016-10-20 13:31:03 
> CST,0,,,seg-10000,,,,,"FATAL","42601","invalid command-line arguments for 
> server proce
> ss",,"Try ""postgres --help"" for more information.",,,,,0,,"postgres.c",4326,
> --More--(7%)
> {quote}
> 3.the os process list
> {quote}
> [gpadmin@hmaster pg_log]$ ps -ef|grep postgres
> gpadmin    3277      1  0 13:30 ?        00:00:01 
> /opt/hawq-build/bin/postgres -D /home/gpadmin/hawq-data-directory/masterdd -i 
> -M master -p 5432 --silent-mode=true
> gpadmin    3278   3277  0 13:30 ?        00:00:00 postgres: port  5432, 
> master logger process                                                         
> gpadmin    3284   3277  0 13:30 ?        00:00:00 postgres: port  5432, stats 
> collector process                                                             
> gpadmin    3285   3277  0 13:30 ?        00:00:00 postgres: port  5432, 
> writer process                                                                
> gpadmin    3286   3277  0 13:30 ?        00:00:00 postgres: port  5432, 
> checkpoint process                                                            
> gpadmin    3287   3277  0 13:30 ?        00:00:00 postgres: port  5432, 
> seqserver process                                                             
> gpadmin    3288   3277  0 13:30 ?        00:00:00 postgres: port  5432, WAL 
> Send Server process                                                           
> gpadmin    3289   3277  0 13:30 ?        00:00:00 postgres: port  5432, DFS 
> Metadata Cache process                                                        
> {color:red}gpadmin    3797   3277  0 13:38 ?        00:00:00 postgres: port  
> 5432, master resource manager        con8 error exit in 0m 25s                
>                     {color}
> gpadmin    3905   3215  0 13:40 pts/0    00:00:00 grep postgres
> {quote}

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