I've got the following problem with maven 3.0 and artifactory 2.2.3 (2.2.1 
won't let maven 3.0 deploy without legacy-mode flag --> metadata problem).
Project A depends on Project B. I created a new class in Project B and 
installed it into my local repository so I can use the class in project A. 
After importing the new class I'd like to install Project A into my local repo 
(without -U) but it fails because the compiler cannot find the new created 
class in Project B. A quick look in the maven output shows that at the 
beginning of the build maven downloads an old, already deployed version of 
Project B into the local repo and overrides in the process the version of 
project B with the new class installed --> so build fails!
Maven also reports he cannot found maven-metadata.xml in the local repo. The 
scenario mentioned above it's not easy to reproduce.

Why is it downloading at all? and why is my up to date artifact beeing 
overriden by an out of date version in the repo?
I guess it's an artifactory problem, please help.

Greez Chris

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