[GitHub] nifi issue #2518: NIFI-4637 Added support for visibility labels to the HBase...

2018-05-11 Thread ijokarumawak
Github user ijokarumawak commented on the issue:

Forgot to mention that the NiFi Flow I used to test, is available here:


[GitHub] nifi issue #2518: NIFI-4637 Added support for visibility labels to the HBase...

2018-05-10 Thread ijokarumawak
Github user ijokarumawak commented on the issue:

@bbende Thanks for your comment. That's true, we need to rename not only 
NAR file but also component class names. I agree with staying 1.1.2 unless 
there is no necessary updates.

@MikeThomsen The latest Travis failed to build, but the reason was timeout. 
I'm going to build and test locally once again just in case now. If it looks 
fine, then I will squash commits and merge.


[GitHub] nifi issue #2518: NIFI-4637 Added support for visibility labels to the HBase...

2018-05-10 Thread bbende
Github user bbende commented on the issue:

@MikeThomsen @ijokarumawak I'd say unless there is something in the 1.2 
client that is needed to implement the visibility labels, then it might be 
safer to just stay on 1.1.2, and hopefully soon we can put out a new NAR for 
the 2.0.0 client service, and of course name it "2_x_x" or something. I wish I 
had named the current service and NAR "1_1_x" or "1_x_x" from the beginning :( 

If we renamed things now then we'd have to rename the NAR and three 
services - HBase_1_1_2_ClientService, HBase_1_1_2_RecordLookupService, and 
HBase_1_1_2_MapCacheClientService... and then anyone who has an existing flow 
with those services will have ghosted components that can no longer find those 
class names, and then have to recreate them with the new class to get it 
working again. 


[GitHub] nifi issue #2518: NIFI-4637 Added support for visibility labels to the HBase...

2018-05-10 Thread MikeThomsen
Github user MikeThomsen commented on the issue:

@ijokarumawak version reverted and building...


[GitHub] nifi issue #2518: NIFI-4637 Added support for visibility labels to the HBase...

2018-05-10 Thread MikeThomsen
Github user MikeThomsen commented on the issue:

I'll add a patch to revert the version # on the client lib. Since HDP is on 
1.1.2 and CDH 5.14 is still on 1.2, I don't think it's safe to jump up to 
anything higher than a 1.2 client anyway.


[GitHub] nifi issue #2518: NIFI-4637 Added support for visibility labels to the HBase...

2018-05-09 Thread ijokarumawak
Github user ijokarumawak commented on the issue:

@MikeThomsen Thanks for the updates. It mostly looks good. The only concern 
I have is the gap between the name of NAR and the HBase client version. One 
possible solution is to rename the NAR from `nifi-hbase_1_1_2-client-service` 
to `nifi-hbase_1_1_x-client-service` or `nifi-hbase_1_1-client-service`, to 
avoid having too specific version in it so that we can update it in the future, 
assuming NiFi can pick the right NAR for existing flow when user upgrade NiFi 
even nar name changes.

If you agree with that approach, or to keep discussion on that specific 
topic separately, would you revert the HBase dependency version back to 1.1.2 
for this PR, and submit another JIRA to do the version bump? Then we can close 
this one.

@bbende Any comment from you on this subject would be appreciated.


[GitHub] nifi issue #2518: NIFI-4637 Added support for visibility labels to the HBase...

2018-05-09 Thread MikeThomsen
Github user MikeThomsen commented on the issue:

@ijokarumawak Anything left before you're comfortable merging this?


[GitHub] nifi issue #2518: NIFI-4637 Added support for visibility labels to the HBase...

2018-04-27 Thread MikeThomsen
Github user MikeThomsen commented on the issue:

Added `additionalDetails` for `PutHBaseCell` and `PutHBaseRow`. Also fixed 
up some of the behavior of the `pickVisibilityLabel` method.


[GitHub] nifi issue #2518: NIFI-4637 Added support for visibility labels to the HBase...

2018-04-27 Thread MikeThomsen
Github user MikeThomsen commented on the issue:

@ijokarumawak forgot the documentation...


[GitHub] nifi issue #2518: NIFI-4637 Added support for visibility labels to the HBase...

2018-04-27 Thread MikeThomsen
Github user MikeThomsen commented on the issue:

@ijokarumawak I think it's all in now. I just finished the last change you 


[GitHub] nifi issue #2518: NIFI-4637 Added support for visibility labels to the HBase...

2018-04-25 Thread ijokarumawak
Github user ijokarumawak commented on the issue:

@joshelser Thanks for your prompt answer. I didn't know that different 
values can be stored with the same key but different visibility label 
expression. The explanation 'The expression also contributes to the uniqueness 
of that key, almost acting as a kind of "attribute" for the record being 
store.' makes current design more understandable for me. If that is a part of 
key for the value, then perfect matching one should be specified. I will 
experiment it later. Thanks!


[GitHub] nifi issue #2518: NIFI-4637 Added support for visibility labels to the HBase...

2018-04-25 Thread joshelser
Github user joshelser commented on the issue:

> Would you please educate me why delete operation uses expression instead 
of a comma separated labels as scan does

The general reasoning is this: you may have multiple "values" for the same 
key at different levels of visibility. Consider credit-card information:
josh-creditcard1 f:number [private] -> 123456-1234-12345678
josh-creditcard1 f:number [seller]   -> xx--5678
The visibility label for Accumulo is an expression that defines if a user 
with a collection of visibility labels is allowed to see that record. The 
expression also contributes to the uniqueness of that key, almost acting as a 
kind of "attribute" for the record being store.
Requiring the exact visibility label to delete the record is also important 
in a multi-tenant system with various levels of visibility because you may not 
know if other copies of the Key exist that you are unaware of. For example, if 
a "seller" was trying to delete my creditcard1 information, they would be 
unaware that my full creditcard number also exists there -- if we gave 
acknowledgment that it was deleted, that would be an information leak.


[GitHub] nifi issue #2518: NIFI-4637 Added support for visibility labels to the HBase...

2018-04-25 Thread ijokarumawak
Github user ijokarumawak commented on the issue:

@MikeThomsen Thanks for the quick update, I will continue reviewing.

@bbende Thanks for the info. What I was wondering about is why HBase 
requires a 'Visibility Label Expression' instead of a comma separated 
visibility label list for delete operations.

In order to understand the theme more, I installed and played with 
Accumulo, too. It turned out Accumulo and HBase both require 'Visibility Label 
Expression' for delete.
@joshelser Would you please educate me why delete operation uses expression 
instead of a comma separated labels as scan does? E.g. to delete a cell having 
`(apple&carrot)|broccoli|spinach`, I had to specify exactly the same 
expression. I expected executing a delete request by a user having all of 
authorizations would delete the cell, or the logical expression would match if 
`spinach` was specified. But it didn't behave like that, a matching expression 
was needed.

Following results are what I got executing delete operations based on the 
[Accumulo example](https://accumulo.apache.org/1.7/examples/visibility):

# Insert test data
username@instance vistest> insert row f1 q1 v1 -l A
username@instance vistest> insert row f2 q2 v2 -l A&B
username@instance vistest> insert row f3 q3 v3 -l 

# It seems users authorizations are not used for delete, and need to be 
specified explicitly
username@instance vistest> delete row f1 q1
username@instance vistest> scan
row f1:q1 [A]v1
row f2:q2 [A&B]v2
row f3:q3 [(apple&carrot)|broccoli|spinach]v3

username@instance vistest> delete row f1 q1 -l A
username@instance vistest> scan
row f2:q2 [A&B]v2
row f3:q3 [(apple&carrot)|broccoli|spinach]v3

# Specifying wrong label does not return error
username@instance vistest> delete row f3 q3 -l spina
username@instance vistest> scan
row f3:q3 [(apple&carrot)|broccoli|spinach]v3

# The visibility label expression should match exactly
username@instance vistest> delete row f3 q3 -l spinach
username@instance vistest> scan
row f3:q3 [(apple&carrot)|broccoli|spinach]v3

username@instance vistest> delete row f3 q3 -l spinach|broccoli
username@instance vistest> scan
row f3:q3 [(apple&carrot)|broccoli|spinach]v3

username@instance vistest> delete row f3 q3 -l 
username@instance vistest> scan
row f3:q3 [(apple&carrot)|broccoli|spinach]v3

username@instance vistest> delete row f3 q3 -l (apple&carrot)|broccoli
username@instance vistest> scan
row f3:q3 [(apple&carrot)|broccoli|spinach]v3

username@instance vistest> delete row f3 q3 -l 
username@instance vistest> scan
# There are no rows
username@instance vistest>


[GitHub] nifi issue #2518: NIFI-4637 Added support for visibility labels to the HBase...

2018-04-25 Thread MikeThomsen
Github user MikeThomsen commented on the issue:

@ijokarumawak pushed the documentation change you requested and switched 
PutHBaseCell/JSON to use dynamic properties.


[GitHub] nifi issue #2518: NIFI-4637 Added support for visibility labels to the HBase...

2018-04-25 Thread bbende
Github user bbende commented on the issue:

I think we are saying the same thing, the authorizations can come from 
anywhere, but I was just using end-user as an example.

In Accumulo you would issue an operation and pass in an array of labels 
like [TS, S].

Cells that have (TS), (S), (TS || S), or (TS & S) would all match.

Cells that have (TS & FOO) would not.


[GitHub] nifi issue #2518: NIFI-4637 Added support for visibility labels to the HBase...

2018-04-25 Thread ijokarumawak
Github user ijokarumawak commented on the issue:

@MikeThomsen @bbende HBase allows user to set visibility label expression 
using labels those are not associated to the user by default. There is a server 
side configuration to strict this 

I am not familiar with Accumulo behavior but there was a mention about the 
difference between Accumulo and HBase.
> The deletes happen based on pattern matching. If suppose a Cell has 
SECRET&TOPSECRET as the visibility expression then any delete coming with the 
same expression is matched for, but TOPSECRET&SECRET is also considered to be 
> A&B<=>B&A
> A|B<=>B|A.
> This is the difference between what Accumulo does in terms of delete 
where only the exact match is looked out for.



[GitHub] nifi issue #2518: NIFI-4637 Added support for visibility labels to the HBase...

2018-04-25 Thread MikeThomsen
Github user MikeThomsen commented on the issue:

@bbende that is my understanding as well.


[GitHub] nifi issue #2518: NIFI-4637 Added support for visibility labels to the HBase...

2018-04-25 Thread bbende
Github user bbende commented on the issue:

@MikeThomsen @ijokarumawak I haven't looked at how Hbase visibility labels 
work compared to Accumulo, but in Accumulo you pass in the authorizations for 
an operations which are then compared against the visibility strings on each 
cell.  The authorizations on the operation usually come from authenticating an 
end-user against LDAP and then running an operation on their behalf.

When scanning cells for the current operation, if the passed in 
authorizations don't meet the visiblity string for a given cell, then it is as 
if this cell doesn't exist. So if you were issuing a delete on behalf of an 
end-user, I would expect they can only delete cells that are visible to them 
based on their authorizations. 

Curious to hear that Josh has to say.


[GitHub] nifi issue #2518: NIFI-4637 Added support for visibility labels to the HBase...

2018-04-25 Thread MikeThomsen
Github user MikeThomsen commented on the issue:

@joshelser Quick question about Accumulo, does it require you to specify 
the visibility string in a delete mutation?


[GitHub] nifi issue #2518: NIFI-4637 Added support for visibility labels to the HBase...

2018-04-24 Thread ijokarumawak
Github user ijokarumawak commented on the issue:

@MikeThomsen Thanks for rebasing. I am now testing against my HBase 


[GitHub] nifi issue #2518: NIFI-4637 Added support for visibility labels to the HBase...

2018-04-20 Thread MikeThomsen
Github user MikeThomsen commented on the issue:

@ijokarumawak changes pushed. Ready for review.


[GitHub] nifi issue #2518: NIFI-4637 Added support for visibility labels to the HBase...

2018-04-20 Thread MikeThomsen
Github user MikeThomsen commented on the issue:

@ijokarumawak Disregard that last comment. I apparently forgot to update 
the EL support. Will get that done today.


[GitHub] nifi issue #2518: NIFI-4637 Added support for visibility labels to the HBase...

2018-04-20 Thread MikeThomsen
Github user MikeThomsen commented on the issue:

@ijokarumawak New build pushed. Sorry about the squash commit wiping out 
the existing comments, but I had to do it in order to save time and stress on 
integrating the EL changes and things like that.


[GitHub] nifi issue #2518: NIFI-4637 Added support for visibility labels to the HBase...

2018-04-19 Thread ijokarumawak
Github user ijokarumawak commented on the issue:

@MikeThomsen For upgrading HBase dependency version, I'd do create a new 
NAR. So that people have dependency with HBase 1.1.x can keep using 
HBase_1_1_2_ClientService. We do the same to support different Kafka versions.

About the naming, 'labels' or 'authorizations', I added [another comment 
above](#discussion_r182954434). Please check that out.


[GitHub] nifi issue #2518: NIFI-4637 Added support for visibility labels to the HBase...

2018-04-19 Thread MikeThomsen
Github user MikeThomsen commented on the issue:

@bbende @ijokarumawak To move that IT into the client test package, I have 
to upgrade the client's hbase-client dependency to 1.2.X from 1.1.X. Do you see 
anything wrong with doing that? At this point 1.1.2 is very old.


[GitHub] nifi issue #2518: NIFI-4637 Added support for visibility labels to the HBase...

2018-04-19 Thread MikeThomsen
Github user MikeThomsen commented on the issue:

Thanks for jumping on this @ijokarumawak I'll try to find some time today 
to resolve and push a fix.


[GitHub] nifi issue #2518: NIFI-4637 Added support for visibility labels to the HBase...

2018-04-06 Thread MikeThomsen
Github user MikeThomsen commented on the issue:

@bbende @ijokarumawak could you take a look at this once 1.6 is released? 


[GitHub] nifi issue #2518: NIFI-4637 Added support for visibility labels to the HBase...

2018-04-01 Thread joshelser
Github user joshelser commented on the issue:

> Would you be open to a code review in the future (months away at least) 
if I were to start adding Accumulo support?

Feel free to hit me up :)


[GitHub] nifi issue #2518: NIFI-4637 Added support for visibility labels to the HBase...

2018-03-30 Thread MikeThomsen
Github user MikeThomsen commented on the issue:

@joshelser Unrelated to this...

Would you be open to a code review in the future (months away at least) if 
I were to start adding Accumulo support?


[GitHub] nifi issue #2518: NIFI-4637 Added support for visibility labels to the HBase...

2018-03-19 Thread MikeThomsen
Github user MikeThomsen commented on the issue:

Had to rebase because of the commit that added `ScanHBase`. That doesn't 
have visibility labels added to it yet. That needs to be done. Keeping this 
ticket open because there's plenty that can be reviewed in the mean time if 
anyone is interested.


[GitHub] nifi issue #2518: NIFI-4637 Added support for visibility labels to the HBase...

2018-03-07 Thread MikeThomsen
Github user MikeThomsen commented on the issue:

This also adds a new processor: DeleteHBaseCells.
