El volumen 13 (2009) de la revista electrónica Cybermetrics tiene ya tres artículos que pueden ser de vuestro interés:

Evolution of the formal quality indicators of the Web spaces of University Libraries in Spain José Antonio González-Lucio, Cristina Faba-Pérez, Felix de Moya Anegón, Purificación Moscoso-Castro

The need to measure and assess the electronic information made available by the Web has given rise to the development of indicators that can be used to evaluate the final quality of this information. Web spaces of the informational units, which include virtual university libraries, are prime candidates for such a process of assessment. The present study has a look at the quality of the informational services supplied by virtual university libraries in Spain, adopting as the variable of analysis the evolution that certain quality indicators of a formal character have exhibited over an exemplary period of six months. The interpretation of our results makes manifest an overall satisfactory evolution, though the breakdown by regions or Autonomous Communities of Spain reveals deficiencies in some cases.

Handling self-citations using Google Scholar
    Francisco M. Couto, Catia Pesquita, Tiago Grego, and Paulo Verissimo

The increasing use of citation impact indexes for evaluation and comparison not only of individual researchers but also of institutions, universities and even countries has prompted the development of new citation metrics. Currently, the number of publications and citations is widely accepted as an easy and balanced way to compare scientists. Calculation of such statistics depends on the availability of a comprehensive database of publications and their citations. Google Scholar aims at providing such a service and is currently the most widely used freely available search engine for scientific and academic literature. However, the citations generally used to calculate citation statistics include self-citations, which deviates from the intention of using citations as a reflection of research impact. To the best of our knowledge, there are no available tools for calculating citation statistics that account for self-citations. We present a web-based service CIDS (Citation Impact Discerning Self-citations), that takes into account self-citations. An assessment of CIDS in a research team has shown that both the number of citations and the h-index is sensitive to self-citations at the individual level, the h-index increasing 24% on average when considering them. However, self-citation is highly variable among individuals and its contribution highly variable. We conclude that at the individual and research unit level, self-citations are not dismissible when calculating citation statistics. Even the h-index is influenced by self-citation and comparing individuals without taking them in account can produce misleading results.
CIDS is available at: http://xldb.fc.ul.pt/tools/cids/.

The h-i index: A proposed new metric of individual scientific output
    David Navon

It is proposed that since scientific output of individual researchers is not unidimensional, its popular measure, /h/-index, should be augmented with a measure of the average impact of the /h/ top cited publications, /i/, that is basically independent of /h/. It is argued that the two metrics, /h/ and /i/, reflect two separate facets of scientific output, the latter being little affected by seniority.

Vuestro turno,

Isidro F. Aguillo, HonPhD
Cybermetrics Lab
Albasanz, 26-28, 3C1. 28037 Madrid. Spain

Ph. 91-602 2890. Fax: 91-602 2971

isidro.aguillo @ cchs.csic.es
www. webometrics.info

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