Dnia 2010-01-23, sob o godzinie 15:18 -0900, Mr. James W. Laferriere
>       I've an old install of 2.0s11 with a just few accounts on .
>       It's on a server that I'd very much like to upgrade jabber2d on ,  But 
> looking at the 'Upgrade' document looks like a months long ordeal than a 
> decent 
> upgrade path for me .  Thus the question of the subject matter .

If you have just a few accounts on the server, I think the better way is
to dump your database as field inserts
INSERT INTO table (field, field, field) VALUES (val, val, val);
reinstall and reconfigure server and load the dump.
Missing field values will be filled with defaults and you may trim the
SQL with sed/vim for the rest of the problems arising.
Just load the dump in transaction (after BEGIN;) to easily back up when
something is wrong. Using this method it is also possible to change
database backend.

The UPGRADE document is for the ones using the latest jabberd release.
It would be very complicated to prepare upgrade procedure for every
combination of from-version to-version of every jabberd ever released.

Tomasz Sterna
Instant Messaging & EDI Consultant
Open Source Developer
http://tomasz.sterna.tv/  http://www.xiaoka.com/

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