XMPP connections

2013-11-26 Thread Haider Ali
Hi Everyone Can anyone let me know that how XMPP handle so many connections. Since we know that we can only open 2 ^ 16 = 65536 ports ( connections ) with a single machine. But i came to know that single xmpp server can handle more connections than 65536.


2013-07-26 Thread Haider Ali

multi-user chat

2013-07-13 Thread Haider Ali
Please let me know that does multi-user chat is responsibility of jabberd2 server or is it responsibility of client ( pidgin , gajim , psi ) thanks

session management

2013-07-11 Thread Haider Ali
Please let me know that can i check session of particular user ( having it's jid ) thanks

Re: presence module

2013-07-10 Thread Haider Ali
sorry couldn't shoot question clearly by online / offline users means which JID is Available / offline at the moment

presence module

2013-07-10 Thread Haider Ali
Please let me know that which module of jabberd2 is keeping track of offline / online users thanks thanks

Presence/Status Information

2013-07-09 Thread Haider Ali
Hi, Can anybody please let me know how jabberd2 keeps track of the presence of roster items for a user (online/offline status)? Is it some polling mechanism or client is responsible to keep the server updated of its connectivity with jabberd2 server. Any idea of which module is responsible for thi

struct definitions

2013-07-08 Thread Haider Ali
can any one help me in finding definitions of following struts os_t os_object_t is there any specific file for definition of structs


2013-07-08 Thread Haider Ali
What are to, from, ask fields in roster-items table thanks

Re: roster item

2013-07-08 Thread Haider Ali
thanks a lot to both of you guyz Tomasz and shay

Re: roster item

2013-07-08 Thread Haider Ali
or can anyone tell me that where the roster item module is thanks

roster item

2013-07-08 Thread Haider Ali
can anyone help me locating that portion of code where jabberd2 server is loading roster items list from database thanks

login as a anonymous user in jabberd2

2013-07-04 Thread Haider Ali
is there any way that we can login as anonymous user in jabberd2. thanks

Re: jabberd2 storage component

2013-07-02 Thread Haider Ali
can you please explain me role of these files in mysql storage component authreg_mysql.c storage_mysql.c storage.c and 2nd problem i am having is that i need to recompile all the source code if i change any of above mention file. is there any alternative for this thanks

jabberd2 storage component

2013-07-01 Thread Haider Ali
i want to write my own storage component for jabberd2.can anyone help me in this regard (any tutorial , link book or documentation ) thanks

external storage and authentication packages

2013-06-28 Thread Haider Ali
need some help for external storage and authentication packages integration with jabberd2. looking to write redis database a external storage and authentication packages with jabbered2 any comment will be hightly appreciate thanks

files as a data storage in jabberd2 server

2013-06-28 Thread Haider Ali
hi is there any way that i can use files (simple file , no mysql or other database) for jabered2 server thanks

custom storage support for jabberd2

2013-06-28 Thread Haider Ali
hi everyone i have configured and use jabberd2 server, i need to integrate jabbered2 server with my application which is using redis database. is there anyway that i can expose/ use redis database with jabbered2. can i write my own storage component for jabered2 which can support redis database th