Hi Team,

now that Lucene 2.2 is out (I also announced it today on freshmeat.net
and the Apache announce mailinglist) I would like to say a few words
about the release process.

It was the first time that I did something like release management, so I
was a bit nervous before. But I must say that thanks to the great
community it went very smooth. Besides the cool new features, bug fixes
and other code improvements we achieved much more: we fixed a lot of
build and release problems, improved the maven artifacts significantly
and, thanks to Grant's good idea, also made very good and useful
additions to the documentation.
We will probably appreciate this work even more when we'll be doing the
next release and we hopefully face much less problems.

Remarkably is that so many people, even from other Apache projects,
helped with testing and with the maven patch.

A big "thank you" to everyone who made this happen - impressive
teamwork! Being a part of this great team makes me very proud.


- Michael

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