You didn't come across 1.7.0, but 1.7.0-SNAPSHOT, which is a snapshot
build of the current trunk (i.e. the branch where active development
happens). The site you have seen is generated automatically by our
continuous integration tool. The download page uses a CGI script, but
since the snapshot site is not deployed to an Apache HTTPD sever, that
doesn't work. Note that this will not be fixed because the goal of
that snapshot site is merely to allow developers to get a preview of
the site and occasionally point users to documentation that has not
yet been published.


On Sun, Sep 9, 2012 at 7:31 AM, Ryon Day <> wrote:
> Hello all, I've been a happy Axis user for a few years now; my company 
> leverages a few commercial SOAP-based web services quite often, and Axis has 
> treated me quite well in my development endeavors; I find it far more 
> straightforward than CXF, and ADB nicer on the eyes than the other 
> databindings, so thanks for everything!
> I recently came across 1.7.0 quite randomly, as it's on the various Maven 
> repos, and I have a few questions around it:
> 1: 1.7.0 is not on the main Apache Axis site, and there is in fact no mention 
> of it at all. Has it not been officially released?
> 2: The download link is completely broken on the 1.7.0 site; it appears to be 
> some sort of permissions problem on the server
> 3: A presentation I found touted 1.7.0 leveraging of Lists, Generics, and 
> real Java Enum objects. However, after downloading a 1.7.0-SNAPSHOT package 
> and running wsdl2java on a few of the WSDLs we deal with, I was sad to see 
> that the ADB client still had the same old arrays and typesafe-enum pattern 
> things, even for types explicitly labeled as "enumeration" in the WSDLs. 
> XMLBeans seemingly has always had support for 1.5-type stuff. Was I 
> leveraging wsdl2java incorrectly in this case? I did not see an additional 
> command line switch for ADB to use this sweet, sweet syntactic sugar.
> Thanks a lot!
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