
this is the normal way to do this: use a filter or constant score query to do the matcing and use disjunctive scoring as a long chain of "should" clauses.


Am 21.07.2023 um 02:35 schrieb Marc D'Mello:
Hi all,

I'm an engineer on Amazon Product Search and I've recently come upon a
situation where I've required conjunctive matching but disjunctive scoring.
As a concrete example, let's say I have a query like this:

(+title:"a" +title:"b" +title:"c") (product_id:1)

This is saying I want to conjunctively match on the title OR I want to
match a specific product document where the product_id is 1.

Let's say the document where product_id = 1 has a title of "a b", so it
doesn't match the title query. In this case, the score for the title clause
will be 0 since to my understanding, Lucene doesn't count scores for
non-matching clauses. However for my use case, I would like to take into
account that several keywords did in fact match, so as I stated earlier,
disjunctive scoring even though I still want to match conjunctively,

My way of working around this right now is to reconstruct the query as the
following (forgive my made-up Lucene query syntax, hopefully it's still

+(ConstantScoreQuery: 0 ((+title:"a" +title:"b" +title:"c")
(product_id:1))) (title:"a" title:"b" title:"c")

Pretty much, I separate this into a matching query that is wrapped by a
ConstantScore query so it has no score and a scoring query that will
provide a disjunctive score.

My approach feels a bit convoluted, so I was wondering if there were any
cleaner ways to do this? And if not, are there any drawbacks to my
workaround performance wise?

Marc D'Mello

Uwe Schindler
Achterdiek 19, D-28357 Bremen
eMail: u...@thetaphi.de

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