RE: Slowness on Java 11 with Lucene 6

2019-07-29 Thread Uwe Schindler

We did not notice any slowdown with queries based on Java version, if the 
configuration is identical.
But Java 11 uses G1GC as default garbage collector, in contrast to Java 8 which 
uses ParallelGC as garbage collector. G1GC has no longer pause times anymore 
(so you application won't halt anymore for longer time), but in contrast it 
slows down the throughput.

If you use Solr or Elasticsearch, those applications configure the garbage 
collector for use with search, but if you just run your application with Java 8 
and default command line parameters, slowdowns due to different defaults may be 

I'd suggest to make sure that the garbage collector is configured in a defined 
way and then compare again. We also don't know on the mailing list what you 
have done (is it pure Lucene, is it Solr, or is it Elasticsearch?) and how your 
JVM is configured. So assumed the worst case (default settings with pure Lucene 


Uwe Schindler
Achterdiek 19, D-28357 Bremen

> -Original Message-
> From: GASPARD-EXT Joel 
> Sent: Monday, July 29, 2019 5:17 PM
> To:
> Subject: Slowness on Java 11 with Lucene 6
> Hello,
> We have noticed slower response times on search with Lucene 6 when
> upgrading to Java 11.
> We use the version 6.6.5 of Lucene. Our servers are on Windows, with SSD
> devices. Our index contains several millions of documents.
> When upgrading from Java 8 to Java 11, we have noticed slower response
> times in query searches : sometimes 30% slower, sometimes twice as slow,
> depending on the server capacity.
> We measure response times with 20 queries.
> We have made our tests with different JDK providers. We have noticed the
> same deviation.
> Have you encountered this problem ?
> Thanks
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Slowness on Java 11 with Lucene 6

2019-07-29 Thread GASPARD-EXT Joel

We have noticed slower response times on search with Lucene 6 when upgrading to 
Java 11.

We use the version 6.6.5 of Lucene. Our servers are on Windows, with SSD 
devices. Our index contains several millions of documents.
When upgrading from Java 8 to Java 11, we have noticed slower response times in 
query searches : sometimes 30% slower, sometimes twice as slow, depending on 
the server capacity.

We measure response times with 20 queries.
We have made our tests with different JDK providers. We have noticed the same 

Have you encountered this problem ?


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changes which may occur.

Is QueryRescoring API faster than a new search

2019-07-29 Thread Ameer Albahem
Hi all,

Given a new query (finalQuery), I am trying to rescore the top 1000
documents that match an original query using the QueryRescore API.  To my
surprise, if we run the new query using a new search such as:,1000)

then it is faster than using the rescoring API:


Is this normal or expected? if yes, then how can we make the rescoring
process faster than a new search?
